Monday, May 07, 2007

56 Hours Come and Gone

I did a lot better than I thought I would. The 56 hours were not so bad. We had a really, really great time and most of the enjoyable things we did would not have been possible with a toddler in tow. That five course meal? Two courses. The graduation ceremony? Yeah right. Sleeping until 9:30? Funny stuff. Watching season three of The O.C. with my sister until all hours of the night? Well, maybe.

I did miss my little boy though. My eyes scouted every room for a baby to admire. I'm sure a lot of moms thought I was staring. And I was. I imagined myself helping the moms on the airplane who had their babies with them. And then I asked myself why I would want to take on that burden when that is the number one reason why I didn't bring The Monkey. To help the other babies would mean betraying The Monkey. So I enjoyed my Newsweek and People Magazines. Yes, I fell off the wagon and got a People. But please remember that after it ate holes in my brain I filled them back in with Newsweek.

We went to my sister's graduation dinner with all 6 of the girls in her program and their families. There was one young man there who leaned over the table and began to ask my mom some questions. I unfortunately misunderstood them to be confrontational questions. (FYI, if you ever have a confrontational question about my mom, please don't ask me or ask it in front of me. Thanks!) So I started looking for the exits and wondering how I could escape this very uncomfortable situation. Rather than make a scene, I flipped open my camera phone and scrolled through pictures of my baby. And I may have kissed the screen a couple of times.

We had a great reunion in the airport. Jackson came in his pajamas and there is just nothing sweeter to me. On the way home he and Curtis demonstrated his new ability to mimic a sneeze. He even does the head motion! It's so funny. We put him to bed and he woke up at about 11:00 p.m. crying his eyes out. I think he just wanted to know if I was really home or if he'd dreamed it. Mommy is home, my love! Mommy is home.


  1. Reunions are super sweet. Kisses on the camera phone...too funny.

  2. I understand how you feel about your mom. But if you have ever done one of Beth's study you start to become a little protective yourself. Whenever I introduce a new girl to one of her studies it is like introducing someone to your best friend. You watch their expressions and see if they "see" what you have seen. And then if they react the right way--then you open up and share your love for your girl.
    She is safe with me and my girls.
    Glad you had a good reunion with your boys!

  3. Awwww. Isn't that the best part about going away? Coming back home! :) I'm so glad you had a great time, but even gladder (haha) that you're home now.

    Love, Michelle

  4. So glad he woke up...I know you wanted to hold him once more! Does it feel wonderful to be missed by your very own child??

    I have attended a few conferences with Sisters and missed my crew so much, but I soaked up just being "Holly" for awhile and realizing that I could actually still hold an adult conversation (and not offer to wipe heir noses!).

    Your Mom has blessed me so much that I would only say for you to hug her, hug her, hug her, for me! Four of those conferences were hers or GH Retreat...bless her for ministering to Moms!

    Bless you too, Amanda! You are a treasure...I know your sister was so glad to have you to herself.

  5. Hehehe. Kissing the camera screen. Bless you girl. I'm sure I would feel the same way. Glad it wasn't confrontational though.

    And mimicking a sneeze!? He must win your heart over all day long!

  6. There is nothing sweeter than seeing your baby after an absence. It even makes the tantrums worthwhile, for about a minute.

  7. "betraying the monkey" I love it!

    The only time I allow myself to buy a People magazine is when I fly. I hate to fly and it helps take my mind off of it because it has so many pictures!
    You'll get no judgement from me on that one- but dump it as soon as you exit the plane! :)

  8. Sounds like great sister time! :) And slepping in...ahh, must have been wonderful.

    I laughed out loud at the image of kissing the camera phone. That is very funny.

    What a sweet reunion with your boys. After being gone just for an evening away from my boy, I don't mind him waking up at night just so I can give him one more snuggle.

  9. I fell off the wagon this week too...but honestly, I was falling asleep reading People the other night and haven't picked it up since...not bad because I admit it, I am a pop culture junkie!

    So glad Jacks got to meet you at the airport! I love coming HOME!

  10. Hey, Amanda! I have commented on your blog a few times and read it almost every day. You are so much fun to read and I laugh out loud every time I read. This is where you're gonna think I'm crazy!! I came to your blog today and was scrolling through the pictures and to my absolute shock--there she was---Beth Moore. I had no idea!! I stopped right in the middle of your post to run tell my husband! You have made my day. You are so blessed to have such a talented, insightful mother....and how blessed she is to have such a funny, amazing daughter. I knew there was something special about your blog. You have been raised by one of ther most spirit filled women I have ever known. At least I feel like I know her!! Glad you are safe and snuggled with The Monkey tonight!

  11. I'm loving the bonding you got to have with your sister this weekend! It makes me miss mine dearly and wish for one of those giggley nights that involved the O.C. or something! :) Glad you had a blessed weekend with your Moore family and a warm "sneezey" welcome from your Jones' boyz! :)

  12. I don't blame Mr. Jackson for double-checking that you are home at all! He missed his mama!

  13. What is this "sleeping in" you speak of???

    I'm glad you survived the 56 hours. Sometimes the homecoming is the best part! I promise it won't be long before you're eager to take another 56 hour break. We love these little people, but these breaks remind us that, well, we love our breaks too! :)

  14. awww, how sweet...mommy IS home!

    My son is 16 and still can mimic a sneeze that makes me laugh till I cry!

  15. so blessed that you had a great time and even more blessed that Jackson missed you! I know you did great being away...there's nothing better than coming home!

  16. That is SO sweet.
    I tell ya, as the mother to 3 preschool little girls (ages 5, 3, &2), I think often of how much I need a break! But as soon as they are gone I miss them like crazy!
    I sit and wonder what am I to do with myself.....
    BUT OH - it just makes the reunion that much sweeter and reminds me of what a gift God has given me!
    In HIM -

  17. Love how People magazine ate holes in your brain that Newsweek was able to fill back in. That made me laugh.

    And watch out today. I bet Jackson doesn't let you leave his side! And why would you?

  18. Sweet. Nothing cuter than a sleepy boy in his pajamas glad to see his momma. And as for your momma, you just let us know when someone gets confrontational. We'll put up a wall of love around her! Welcome home!

  19. Anonymous12:03 PM

    How sweet! When I went away for the first time my little girl clung to me at bedtime, too!

    But, hey, sleeping till 9:30 was probably worth it, right?

  20. I always look forward to a little vacation but then I too scan the room for kiddos. But of course they're never as sweet as getting home and snuggling with the real thing.

    Glad you resisted the urge to 'help' out. Breaks are needed!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Amanda, My husband bought some of your mother's dvd's and we made an agreement that we would ONLY watch them together. I travel quite a bit for work, so he would have to wait for me to come home for our "times with Beth." Once I came back from a trip and discovered one IN THE DVD PLAYER that I hadn't seen. I said, "Dear... have you been watching Beth without me?" Now THAT was confrontational! He swears he wasn't, but I'll never know because he will watch her teach over and over again.

  23. I'm glad you made it :)

    And I love seeing you protective of your mama--very sweet!

  24. amanda. there were a couple times this weekend that i thought of you getting to be with melissa and i got super excited for yoU! and then i would get so proud of melissa for working so was funny. But we are glad you are back...hopefully enjoying some tea. see you tonight.

  25. oh yes, I remember the first time I left my son over night. It was more of an excersize in my ability to let go for a bit than it was for him to be "on his own" for the night. Add one more notch to your mommy-belt sister!

    ps - love the comment about people-vs-newsweek. :)
