Thursday, June 28, 2007

Party Foul

The day began with Sunni, Ava, Jackson, and I loading into the 'burban and heading out to The Shops at Willow Bend. We met Lauren, Simri, Natalie, and their little ones for a playdate. We all have random connections, but we mostly know each other through Blog-ville. What neat women! We really enjoyed getting to visit with them and watch our kiddos play. Jackson was not as outgoing as he can be, but he got a kick out of watching the big kids. He wants to be one so bad.

And the mall? Why have I lived up here for almost three years and not visited until now? It had so many good stores - Baby Style, Anthropologie, Janie and Jack, Forever 21, to name a few. I have been too stuck on the Galleria to drive 6 miles past it and expand my horizons. Dallas kind of has this aura of wealth, beauty, and extravagance. When we go places in Dallas I'm always saying, This is where the beautiful people This mall is definitely where the beautiful mommies go! I've never seen so many women with strollers in my life.

While we were eating lunch I was very shocked to see that my son was not interested in eating. He is not one to skip meals. So what's up? He just lounged in his stroller like a little bachelor. I can't explain it - you just have to see how he sits. He's such a little man. Suddenly I smelled something horrible. It was my son and his little tummy was sick. Party foul #1: diaper blowout. His shorts were done for, but I had to wipe down the messy parts of his onesie and continue to let him wear it. I even had poo on my shirt. G-l-a-m-o-r-o-u-s.

This evening Sunni and I loaded the babies in her car and headed to an evening playdate at Janelle's with Ella, Joshua, and Laney. All of our husbands had things to do tonight, so it was perfect. No get-together at Janelle's would be complete without something crazy happening, like two separate surprise pregnancy announcements in one night or someone catching their child's poop in their hand. I'm not sure why we didn't make some predictions on the way there. We had some yummy pizza and then the babies swam in Ella's pool. You know how they say not to swim right after a meal? It turns out there's a reason for that. Party foul #2: Jackson swallowed a mouthful of water and then blew major chunks in the pool. Luckily there was only one other baby in the water - poor Ava - and she was promptly removed. That was the end of the swimming. I hosed Jackson down but apparently I should have had someone hose me down, too. Two changes of clothes later and the smells of the day are still l-i-n-g-e-r-i-n-g.


  1. oh my! I remember those days. It seems like my child would do things like his head would spin around and he would spew forth whatever was for lunch so forcefully it rivaled Linda Blair's best acting ability in that horrible movie (I don't even want to say the name!)

    Bless your heart! That's all I can say!

  2. Ahhhh...the good old days. How the memories come flooding back. Taking our oldest, who was 6 months old at the time, to the mall and he had a major blowout, right as lunch was served to our table. Yes...I wore it well. He was sitting on my lap at the time. Thanks for bringing back to my mind all of the "good times". Now at 17, 16 and 11...I LOVE to tell our children these true, but slightly-improved-for-impact-I'm-sure, stories!

  3. hilarious! it always seems like it all happens in one day, amen? well, i'm so glad that you laughed about it! hope today is less eventful!

  4. So, who was the first pregnancy announcement? :)
    It definately sounds like a wild ride when you all get together - it's the most blessed thing having such incredible friends though.

  5. You know it's been a good day when you find yourself cleaning up messes from both ends of your child.

  6. awww, no way! poor mom...and of course, poor jackson.

    we'll meet you guys at the greatness of Willow Bend anytime! Have a great (hopefully rainfree) weekend.

  7. Oh, Amanda...the glories of The Shops at Willow Bend! I'm so glad you were able to experience it. We used to live in walking distance from it before we moved to Tarrant Co. But I still drive up there on a regular basis--it's the "mall play area" of choice for us.

    And just wait till's almost not any busier or more crowded than a weekday!! Bliss...

  8. Diaper blowouts--oh the memories that phrase brings to mind.
    Why is it that they most often happen when you are not at home?
    The worst was when we were in an office for an interview and I realized what was happening in my lap. Oh the memories... and oh the embarrassment!

  9. This sounds just like my life :) I posted recently about sitting downstairs listening to a praise and worship cd and i got up to turn the cd off to step in a surprise. Rod had been watching morgan that night and poo must have fallen out. It was awful!! Anyway, I thought surely it was a fudge round or cookie or something...then to my horror human dung!! Oh the joys...

  10. I was telling Xavi the story of last night, and I said "and Jackson blew chunks in the pool." And he said, "Jackson threw up?" And I said, "No, man, Jackson BLEW CHUNKS. BLeeewwww chuuuuunnnkkks."

  11. Ohhh, I'm so sorry! I have certainly been there and done that and bought the extra shirt :)

    Have a wonderful (and foul-less) weekend!

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Oh no! That sounds horrible!

    But the mall sounds intriguing!

  13. I don't use text-ese often but seriously...LOL! I thought I saw you inspecting Jackson's shorts and tucking them away quickly!! I was trying to read lips and body language from my end of the table :) Ha! So good to spend time with the blogging mommies!

  14. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Now that you are well versed in the "party foul," let me give you an airline tip I learned the hard way: NEVER give your baby apple juice to drink during take off instead of milk. The only reason I gave my baby-at-the time, Jackson, apple juice was because there was no milk to be found in all of Logan Airport in Boston. We were flying to Texas for Easter with family and had a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old AND I had just found out I was 9 weeks pregnant. Happiness, happiness. UNTIL, that is, the apple juice gave Jackson HORRENDOUS diarrhea. We were at the front of coach, and the sweet flight attendant with obviously NO SENSE OF SMELL insisted we use the bathroom in first class. It was about this time I started to cramp and bleed. So there I was, in the tiny first class bathroom, trying desperately to clean up what was continually coming out of my baby while figuring out what to do for myself to because I had no pads.
    I'm sure the sweet flight attendant desperately regretted sending what seemed like a healthy, well-dressed mother and child up to that bathroom.

    Sadly, I lost that precious baby, but within the following couple of months, was pregnant again (God was SO, SO good to me at that time in my life), and that baby is 5-years-old and named Anna Grace, because of God's incredible grace during that time. AND, because God has a sense of humor, I am pregnant AGAIN (we thought we were SO DONE and I was planning on teaching again in the fall--guess God said NO to that!). So, mid-October, we'll have our new addition, Adelyn Rose, or Addie Rose, which is what we'll call her.

  15. Oh, how I remember the poopy accidents. For the first few seconds, I am in shock, and sometimes feel like crying.. But, I pull myself together, and start the long process of cleaning and disinfecting my child. It is good when it happens at home (you have all the right tools), but not so good when you are out (or traveling in a car on vacation-that was one of our worst poop experiences).. Blessings to you as you experience all the joys and mishaps of motherhood. Kim

  16. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Some days are just like that. So sorry about all the changes of clothes

  17. At the time, the events are awful and yet somehow after the fact the stories about the events are absolutely hilarious!

    About your Compassion'd appreciate my post for Friday. I just read yours, but think you'd agree with my stand on this one.

  18. Sometimes it's disgusting to be a parent....:)
    Wanted to let you know that I am hosting the Sizzlin' Summer Swap over at my blog. I think it's going to be fun-come and take a look!

  19. sounds like so much fun...

  20. It's amazing how we Mommies become completely desensitized to body excrement. I mean, it happens and we just move on with our day like it's nobody's business...LOLOLOL! Been there done that, a gazillion times! :)

  21. Guess at party foul # 1 you were wearing a poolo shirt. OK, I will stop...

  22. Amanda,
    I think it has been only the last year that I have gotten the smell of poopy and throw up out of my nose. It just does seem to linger!!
    It truly is never a dull moment when one is a parent :)

    BTW: I am dying to know what PHAT COWs means...
    Much love,

  23. hey amanda!

    got something for you at my blog when you have a chance to stop by...

    and you don't even have to wear clean clothes to get it..:))


  24. Poor Jackson! Blowouts are always worse when away from home. I am finally learning to pack that extra set of clothes.

  25. Oh my word, between this post and the one right before it I am laughing so hard that my children just asked me if I was laughing or crying!!! We could always tell a good day when EVERYBODY has to change clothes multiple times. Motherhood is definitely not for the fainthearted, is it? Love your blog!

  26. ha ha! you must have been very discreet or i was totally off in my own that i think about it i do remember seeing his shorts in the stroller....oh well, if it hadn't have been jackson, it would have been lily, i'm sure.

    really enjoyed hanging out the other day. hope we can do it again soon.

  27. hey amanda,
    i've commented maybe once before, but after reading the scholarly effects post i've decided to post comments when i have something to say, even if i don't know the person all that well. i just wanted to say that this post was h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s...there it is. it had to come out. thank you for humoring me. :)
    love your blog,
