Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday Morning Madness

This morning I decided that for me, the hardest part of being a minister's wife is getting myself and my child ready for church without the help of my husband. He leaves well over an hour early to start his Sunday morning duties, such as praying with other men of the church in our pastor's office. There's no telling what is accomplished in the heavenlies through that time of prayer. But this morning I was so frustrated that all I could think over and over again was, "I'll tell you who needs prayer! Their wives!" Awful, I know. Curtis going early is an important part of his job and his ministry, but sometimes...pretty much every's just hard.

There's fixing and eating breakfast, changing an atomic diaper, having a quiet time, ironing, bathing the kid, chasing him down as he runs throughout the house screaming "No! No! No!" because he hates getting dressed, actually getting the clothes, socks and shoes on his person, and finally sitting him in his crib with books to "read" before I ever do a thing to get myself ready. (Someone out there wants to advise me to do my ironing and bathe the child the night before. Yes, that's wonderful when I actually do it!)

I had not even bathed yet this morning when I looked at the clock and saw that to be on-time (which for college class leaders is 10 minutes before Sunday school starts) I would need to leave in 5 minutes. My child looked and smelled great, but I'd neither brushed my hair nor my teeth and I was still in pajamas. Then I recalled something I said to my sweet friend Lauren when she was expecting her beautiful baby girl. "Lauren, there will be some mornings before church when you will have to pick who gets a bath - you or your baby. And you will come to church unbathed." Can I get an amen? Already having an unclean attitude, I decided I really needed a bath and we would just get there at the normal-on-time, rather than the early-on-time.

I had my rollers in my hair and was applying my mascara as fast as I could without making a mess when someone knocked on the door. Oh, Lord, you've brought Curtis home to help me! Knock knock. Lord, why doesn't he just use his key? I'm already so late! Knock knock. It was my neighbor bringing me some homegrown tomatoes. How sweet of you! I'm so sorry about the rollers. Thank you so much! Back to getting ready.

We rushed out the door in a whirlwind. I pushed the stroller at warp speed, my hair in a ponytail because if I take one hand off the stroller to get it out of my face, it will veer into someone's yard. And then I will growl Stupid friggin stroller! on the way to church. That's not really preferable.

Half-way there, I looked down at my precious little boy, who was grinning and holding out a foot for me to see. A bare foot. The other foot was not bare, but this one...this one had no shoe or sock. Lord, help me! I could have sent him to Sunday school in socks, just as I did every week until his first birthday. (It always took less time for him to remove the shoe than it did for me to put it on.) But without socks? I could not do it. We went back home and fished the sock and shoe out of his crib. Our final arrival time at church was 15 minutes late. Actual-late, not early-late. Even the parking lot greeters were inside. Wonderful.

Once we were there, it was all good. Curt's second Sunday school lesson on dating was excellent. I really wish he had recorded it. The sermon was a blessing, our college section was overflowing, and we even had a few students join. We got to worship the Lord and have meaningful interactions with His people. It was a great day.

However, I woke up from my afternoon nap in a very stressed out state. Apparently the morning madness had really gotten to me. I dreamed that I was meeting my friend Elizabeth for dinner at her house, but I got hopelessly lost and ended up far away from where I should have been. I found myself at a park where I tried unsuccessfully to look up mapquest on a payphone. Then Michelle and Kay showed up to pick out dresses for a Presidential Ball. Then my car, which was parked inside a school, set off an alarm and put me in trouble with the police. After that, I was on a rooftop where a large plane swooped down and kidnapped me, taking me even farther from where I should have been.

Would anyone like to analyze my dream? Here's my take. I am frustrated with a hundred things getting in my way and going wrong when I'm trying to get somewhere. Church just happens to be where I'm going most of the time! From now on, when I see a mother simply show up at church with her children, I will give God profuse praise and thanksgiving, because it is truly His handiwork that such a thing can be accomplished.


  1. Do you think any of that might have to do with PMS? I mean it seems like I get like that right before, and not to mention to vivid dreaming...

    Anyway, I hope the rest of your day went better...

    God doesn't want us to stress girl...He is the BIG man of all peace...

    So, my best friend Kat called me today, to wish me a happy bday, and she tells me in a panic how sorry she was for not contacting me until this morning, and I was like, " Its fine, you didnt miss it lol."

    Anyway, she told me her son who is Jackson's age, got bit in the face by her dog of like 14yrs, and she had to get him plastic the poor girl had an excuse...I felt so bad.

    She needs prayer though, because the SPCA wants to put the dog down, but it was an accident.

    Hope all is better for you.


  2. Girl. I cannot agree more with you about Sunday morning's for minister's wives.
    I have 3 girls. Hubs is the pastor and he leaves for work on Sunday's at about 7:00 am.....
    Getting them and me fed and ready alone really is a nightmare.....
    Some days I go to church feeling just terrible about how our day has gone already....

  3. Hi Amanda! I so feel your pain. My husband isn't a pastor, but he just started back on the praise team Sunday mornings (since our twins were born 3 1/2 years ago)because I couldn't get everyone ready and out the door on my own. This was my first Sunday on my own. I'm always the last to get dressed anyway and usually don't get a shower and sport a pony tail to church. Everyone else in the fam is looking really good though. That is unless my girls decide to roll around on the floor after I've done their hair and we show up with bows ascew and hair sticking out everywhere. What can I say though, I try! Oh how I try!


  4. I get myself ready first. Then my son. I give him a bath every night so that is already taken care of. We eat breakfast together and then I get my shower (my husband is home to help) and we get dressed. Then whoever is done first gets the baby dressed then we pack his diaper back and walk out the door. I find doing him last is easier than re-dressing him before we leave. Usually we only have to put shoes and socks back on before exiting the car.
    Dreams are weird,but could be helpful. Maybe you need to reconsider your routine for Sunday's. Sacrificing a few minutes on Saturday to make Sunday morning pleasant is worth it in my book! And Satan will be busy on the other side of the world with those who are getting ready for church there and can't bother you.

  5. "And then I will growl Stupid friggin stroller! on the way to church. That's not really preferable."

    That might have been my favorite part of the story!!

    For those of us with kids, we can all completely relate! I really am sorry though the morning was that stressful. I hate to say, but this won't be the last time. If there was complete honesty, wouldn't it be funny to hear the things that have actually come out of our mouths in those moments of complete craziness?!!

    I hope Monday is a wonderful, care free day.

    Blessings momma!

  6. I think Satan works extra hard to frustrate and irritate us on Sundays.
    I know what you mean about valuing your husbands help though. Although my girls are older (8 and 10), I profusely lean on my husband on Sundays to help wake them up, brush hair, and move them along.
    Hang in there, Amanda.

  7. HEhehehehe I remember growing up and that was our mornings. As a single adult female. (one who does not primp except on Sundays) I get up at 7am while listening to Dr. Stanley. Grab a quick shower and stle my hair. Groom the cats, quickly before there is a fight. Who has heard of cats fighting over which one gets brushed first? Then to the closet to grab something to wear. Right before Dr. Stanley goes off the air I am searching for those eternally lost shoes. Grab my keys and drive two blocks down my street turn left go one block then turn into my church parking lot. Drive back orginal two blocks park and run into the church. The choir is singing its first song. It is now 8am. Oh the joys of being single

    The dream part sounds like my dreams. Where is Joseph and Daniel whenwe need them?

  8. It doesn't matter where you are getting to dressed to go getting ready to go to church with children is by far the hardest for some reason.

  9. Oh Amanda, I've had too many dreams like that.

  10. Since my Dad has been a senior pastor now for 30+ years, I know my Mom struggled with this when she had little ones. STRUGGLED! And she had four kids to get wrangle every Sunday morning. I can't imagine how the woman didn't go insane.

    Although it probably explains why we were never -- and I mean NEVER -- on time to church.

    Bless your heart, Amanda. What a way to start a Sunday.

  11. I have no dream interpretation gifting, but I usually had bizarre dreams like that when I was pregnant . . . I'm just sayin' . . . : )

  12. must have been in the air this morning...I had a TIME getting sara and I ready, my hubby doesn't go to church so he blissfully sleeps while there is panic mode going on trying to get me and her dressed. Today she decided she was wearing her Princess pajamas and pink feather slippers to church- it took some screaming, laughing (that would be me-and purely out of stress) and shoving on of clothes to get her dressed. I kept her in the bathroom w/ me while I got dressed b/c I just KNEW she'd go change clothes quicker than I could ever get ready. OH the joys of 2 yr olds.

    I usually get there a few mins early to save some seats together for me and the others I sit with..I had to call and tell them to save me a seat- I was 10 mins late to service.

    I will be saying a prayer for you on Sundays as I am getting ready from now on. :)

  13. Amen! Thank you for this. I hate being not being early or on time, but lately with my hubby deployed (and a son Jackson's age), I am late more often than I am on time. Which tends to make me frazzled, which often brings me further from where I need to be with God. Thanks for the gentle pat on the back and sharing this, it honestly made my day! And on a side note, I have to chuckle every time I read that Jackson doesn't like to get dressed, I often wish I would have taken wrestling in school to be better equipped with the dressing and diaper changing sagas!

  14. This made me giggle A LOT! We just started attending a new church and are in the membership class which is and hour and a half BEFORE church. And we live 45 minutes away.

    Oh the self control patience takes on Sunday mornings:)

  15. I am with you sister, high praises to Jesus for the parent left at home to ready the children!! Mine happens to be, gasp, my husband. I have to be at church early early for worship team rehearsal, and he just has to be there regular early for pastoral stuff. He truly is incredible at although it does get easier when they are a little bit older!

  16. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Oh, yes. I can relate. Our church meets in a school. EVERYTHING has to be unloaded from a trailer, carried into the school, then set up. Once church is over, all that has to be torn down, carried out of the school, and loaded onto said trailer. So my husband is gone for 6 hours. I get to get our three boys and myself ready and there. No easy feat. I dream of a church building where we can all arrive a few minutes or an hour before service. Oh, how I dream of the day. . . (He's been doing this for 7.5 years! Our oldest son and the church are both 7.5 yrs old.)

    I once heard a minister's wife say that she thinks the reason her husband added an early service was so that he would not have to help with their four kids. :)

  17. Amen!! I feel your pain. Thank you for putting it into words. I suddenly feel a sense of accomplishment for all the crazy mornings I've gotten us to church. :-)

  18. Well, you saw what my child looked like at church this morning.

    But I'm with you, socks are a must in the church nursery.

  19. I was working on a post similar to this. Your post sums it all up so nicely though.

    It's a miracle I can get anywhere without looking like a crazy lady!

    I did learn a time saver from you, though... I must purchase some rollers.


  20. Amen and Amen and Amen. My husband has to leave 2 hours before we do and I HATE THE PROCESS OF GETTING OUT THE DOOR ON SUNDAY MORNING. Our students meet off campus in a movie theater and we also were running late this morning so I did not have any time to take my 13 month to the nursey. Thankfully, we have an adult couple that hangs out in the theater incase someone comes late so they know where to go so they kept her for me! In the process of trying to get out the door....I left my lesson sitting on the kitchen counter so I did it from memory but I did remember the candy!

  21. 'Not even gonna try to analyze that dream! Ahhh, some days are hard, sister. And sometimes we need your Mom's "Please More Spirit," even when there is no PMS.

    You are a great Mama, a wonderful wife and a tender-hearted BLESSING to many.

    Praying for you Dear One.


    PS We have a huge life-change coming this week, will you pray for discernment for the Smith family?

  22. Oh, dear Amanda, I think it is just an integral part of motherhood. I'd like to tell you that it gets better but that wouldn't be truthful. Why just this last Friday night I was trying to get my 14, 9 and 7 year olds gathered up to go back to grandma's house. It was a bit like herding cats. My brother was laughing at me and shaking his head. I said, "It's a wonder we can ever get out the door!"
    I think as Moms we have to cut ourselves some slack. If we're a little late, at least we got there. If our hair and wardrobe, or child's hair and wardrobe aren't perfect, it's least we got there. And God sees our hearts not our wardrobes anyway. I have to remind myself time and again that I am going to church to serve and worship Him, not to impress anyone with my "put togetherness". Also, I think we are prime targets for the enemy on Sunday mornings...he wants nothing more than to steal our peace and focus by getting us completely frazzled and frustrated before we even hit the door. Hang in there...I'll be praying for you!

  23. After I have a really wacked out dream and I wake up I think about this verse (the first part):
    Ecclesiastes 5:3
    3 As a dream comes when there are many cares,
    so the speech of a fool when there are many words.

    I seem to hurt sometimes after I wake up my dreams get so stressful!! :) I guess we have many cares girl!!
    And I feel you on toting a toddler by yourself and trying to get ready. It can be insane!

  24. Oh my gosh, from one pastor's wife to another, you so have my amen! I feel your pain every week and not to mention putting them in childcare. It takes an extra 10 minutes to pry Park off my neck, regardless of the fact he has been going to church since the womb. And then I pick him up and he doesn't want to leave. Go figure.

    BTW-bathing is overated:)

    Thanks for the lingering laughter since this post will have me cracking up for many weekends to come.

  25. I can so relate to this as the wife to a pastor and the mommy to 3 kids, 5 and under!! Sunday mornings can be such a stressor! It reminds me to send up lots of prayers to single moms! I usually get ready while my youngest is watching tv in the high chair. Not the best, but hey, it works!
    Never think you are alone on Sunday mornings! We can all relate.

  26. I feel your pain! We call it spiritual warfare around our house. I swear, anytime Daddy is nowhere around, my 2 girls go buck wild! This am, Daddy was up at a D-Now at his buddy's church so I was all alone. We had 2 TO's, 3 screaming matches, 3 tantrums...and that just the first 30 minutes of the morning. We did make it to church on time (only by the grace of God and Mama's lead foot) and then the SS teachers were running late. *sigh* All that rushing for nothing!

    Plus, it doesn't help that they get so stressed out when we're stressed out. They can sense it! Little stinkers!

  27. you=awesome.
    (i am a pk myself and i remember my brother and i creating havoc for my mom on sunday mornings..)
    now i have enough trouble getting out of bed on any given morning...much less getting ready second in line to a little one...

    i will think of you from now on when i am getting ready and even THINK about complaining because i don't feel like washing my hair...i'm sure some days that would be a God-send (double portion) for a mom just to have a RELAXED shower and take her time getting ready...bless you, girl...and you other mamas too! :)

  28. I feel your pain! Hubs is a children's pastor. He leaves at...are you ready for this...4 a.m. on Sundays to get ready for the 8 a.m. service of Kidzchurch. I have a 2 yr old and a 4 yr old and I MUST MUST MUST get to church on time because 20 5th/6th grade hormones in tennis shoes are waiting for me in a crowded classroom. It's a ritualistic NIGHTMARE! Every week! And try as I may, the whole bathing then at nighttime thing doesn't work for me. I don't want my kids to go to church smelling like overnight wetness if you know what I mean! It is a major feat getting to church with all my marbles intact, in a praising prayerful attitude.

  29. All I can say is, Amen! I'm not a preacher's wife but I've fought the good Sunday morning fight on my own now and again and it is no fun. Now that we have two, we each take one and 5 mins late is early for us these days:)

  30. Anonymous7:35 AM

    oh lands. A couple of Sundays ago, I saw our minister's wife and six year old child running on the outside perameter's of the building to make it to the service on time. It happens.

    Bottomline, if you do not have some struggles and challenges, you will never, ever, EVER be able to minister to others. People that roll along with seemingly perfect lives telling other's "I will pray for you" the most sincerely ,arrogant way... turn people off. Give me a real honest person struggling like the rest of us. Then you have some meat to your walk.

  31. I'll let you in on a secret...our children are 17, 16 & 11. Yesterday morning (Sunday), I left the two youngest at home to walk the 1.5 miles to church because they weren't ready to leave on time (the 15 minutes late to Sunday School on time) and I hadn't showered because everyone else was showering. My point is NOT to say "it gets worse" but to say that it was still one of the best Sunday's we ever had. A neighbor had to go back home pick up her daughter who couldn't get ready on time. She heard MY story coming in from the parking lot and (without telling me) phoned my house and told my kids she was on her way and to be ready! God blesses us either way, Amanda...bathed for Sunday morning or not!

  32. Multiply that times 4 kids and all I can say is A-stinkin'-men...

    I live in the back yard of the church and am 5 minutes late whether I iron on Saturdays or wake up 30 minutes before church starts. Us pastor's wives have to set the bar high, ya know.

    Know what I've started doing on Sunday mornings instead of cussing my husband under my breath? Praying for single moms who never have any relief. It's the only way I can get through the morning without having to rededicate as soon as I get to church. :)

    Hope you get to stay in your pj's til lunch today....


  33. Anonymous8:34 AM


    To interpret your dream..."you have been weighed in the balance and found to be a normal and wonderful mother/preacher's wife with a lot of balancing to do." And you are not alone. As a pastor's wife with 3 kids, I can so sympathize with you and laugh with you at the same time. I have a million stories (and dreams) of my own to share. I will say that the preacher's wife thing does complicate things on Sundays especially. I always have to keep reminding myself that it is my man's workday and that makes it harder on me. BUT I wouldn't trade it for the world.Hang in there, girl. Our God and our men are so worth the sacrifice.

  34. Let's add in a little bit of morning sickness to the screaming, hungry child who just threw up breakfast on their church clothes as you walk out the door with wet hair. Dads just don't understand!

  35. You get a LOUD, RESOUNDING AMEN from me! Funny you wrote on this today, because after my Sunday afternoon nap, I gave my husband a gift. That gift was letting him know IN ADVANCE that when our second child is born in May, that I will need him to stay at home with me on Sunday mornings for several months to help us get ready. I think he was a little shocked. (He's also a college minister and leaves a good hour or more before we do). But, really, is there another option? I can do it right now with just one child, but two, there's no way. Although it requires getting up earlier than any other day of the week, I make sure I am showered and fed before I get my daughter up on Sundays. Most of the time our morning includes some rushing, but we are both bathed, fed, and dressed, so I count it a success.

  36. AMEN!!!!

    I'm glad you MADE it to church!

    We didn't.

    We had a knock-down-drag-out fight with our 5 year old over what she was wearing, that lasted for almost ONE HOUR! We still attempted to go, but then got stuck in crazy traffic, and realized that we were only half way there, and we were already 20 minutes late.

    Sometimes I wonder why God doesn't bless us with easier mornings on Sunday, so we can GO to church...but then again, maybe it's to teach us about planning ahead better!

  37. AMEN!!! I am a prayer partner (and mother of 14, 11 AND 3) and Girl and boy don't have a problem getting ready, well sometimes my 11yo boy (you will understand when Jackson is older)but my 3 year old?? MY goodness you'd think we're preparing for battle (which in a way we are, getting him ready for church). Anyway, I never make it at 10.30 (service at 11 to pray with my prayer team, when I finally do make it get this they PRAY FOR ME!!! How lovely is that, and belive you me, I DON"T take it for granted, I greatly appreciate it but it always makes me smile ;) oh and they understand why I occassionaly don't make it (or make it ;>)

  38. I can so relate with you about Sun. AM. I am pastor's wife as well and receive no help on Sundays. Being a SAHM you don't have too much of a scedule during the week, but on Sunday it is carefully timed out and don't mess with it.

    I have 2 girls and I had to surrender freshly washed and dried hair on Sunday to doing it on Saturday nights. One trick I used when the girls were younger - take showers together. Also the breakfast of champions - poptarts and chocolate every sunday.

    My worst part of no help with hubby on Sunday is when it would rain and I had to deal with a toddler and a baby in car seat in the rain.

    Hang in there, Jackson will be able to dress himself before you know it.

  39. Oh girl. I can so relate. My husband is not a minister, but 90% of the time he has to work on Sunday mornings which leaves me to get our Sunday morning "angels" ready for church. When he schedule first started getting hectic, it was a mad house here on Sunday mornings. I left the house feeling horribly defeated and exhausted, and that was BEFORE church ever started! The Holy Spirit had to work some serious overtime several weeks to get my mood lifted even a bit. I finally realized that was no way to worship my God. I had to put myself on a strict and tight Saturday night schedule. Starting at 5:00 I get everyone's bags ready with the appropriate things. Bibles, pens, notepads, 'homework', etc. Then I get clothes for church ironed and set out. Dinner is at 6:00, bathtime at 7:30, and bedtime by 8:00 for the kids. Then I get my own clothes ready, shower, and set out bowls and cereal for breakfast. It took me a while to get it all done, but man has it made a difference! We can get up relaxed and not rushed, and get off to church on time. Don't get me wrong, some weeks I'll forget something or we'll just simply get behind, but for the majority I get to church relaxed and ready to fellowship and learn. It does take a little extra effort to get everything ready Saturday night, but it's well worth it! I will be praying for you this week that God will bless you with a relaxed baby whose more than willing to put on and keep on both shoesies and sockies! :)

  40. but you made it! With a baby in tow and ready to worship....thankful for the little things, thank ful for the little things....that's my mantra!

  41. I agree with you 100% and then some. All I can say is I have been there and done that etc... I have never been a pastor's wife but my best friend is and I truly know how it is for minster's wives and I do have a heart, a burden for you all. Especially minister's wives with small children. 15 minutes isn't bad. When I taught my Sunday school class I had a lot of young moms and class started at 9:30 but I would take prayer requests and start teaching by 10 to allow the young moms to get there "on time". I haven't changed a diaper in many years and I feel for you and all moms with small children. I know you mentioned it but the best way I have found to get everyone ready and everything ironed is to do it the night before. It makes for a calm Sunday. I also get up an hour before anyone in the house. Keep in mind I do not do this every Sunday. As for minister's wives, I will pray extra hard for you all because no one sees all that you all face in a given day and I feel you are not appreciated as you all should be.
    Have a peaceful Monday and may God bless you with a special delight today!

  42. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Although I am not a mom, I have experienced my nephews and/or niece spending a Saturday nite and then getting them ready for church the next morning.

    Yes it is a chore and alot of work - and I had the luxury of returning them back to their parents.

    But I do think how much harder it is for single parents who have no choice but to do it on their own.

    Also if you a get a chance on the TLC channel is a show called "Jon and Kate plus 8" I love watching it. They are Christians and feel so blessed to have 8 kids (6 under 3 years of age)! Kate is amazing!

    Check it out I think you would really enjoy watching it.

    Despite your Sunday Morning Madness - HE is Good and Faithful - HE got (and gets) you there in HIS timing!

  43. AMEN SISTER!! Kevin is not a minister, but he has to be at church at 6:45am for the band. When he leaves I think it is still in the middle of the night. I struggle every Sunday to get Jude and myself ready...and then arrive in a good emotional state!! So, I too agree...

  44. I think our minds were thinking the same yesterday morning. I just have to remember that people really do it with MORE than one child....I don't see how, but they do! I like Jackson's new coat and shoes by the way. :-)

  45. Bless you. I'm a P.K. So I get this. There are 3 kids in our family. One Sunday morning we were making the 30 minute drive to the church and everyone one was "touching" each other. (We didn't have a mini-van yet and were all confined to a bench seat) Dad turned around and said " I NEED PEACE!! I CAN'T PREACH ON PEACE THIS MORNING IF YOU 3 DON'T CUT THIS OUT." This was 5 mintues before we drove into a hail storm. It was really quite scary and everyone finally chilled out.

    When we pulled into the church parking lot, Daddy turned around and said "well, I can honestly say we went through hail to get here this morning."

    All of burst into laughter and he preached harder than I've ever heard him. We still laugh about it.

    Praying your Monday was restful and that your Thanksgiving is WONDERFUL!!!!!


  46. I can't tell you how your story touched my heart. I am a very new mommy to a 2 and 3 year old. My husband and I are adopting and Sunday mornings are CRAZY! It means so much to hear that other mommies have crazy Sunday mornings too. Sometimes I think that my mornings are crazy because we've only been parents for about 5 months but our kids are older. It's so good to hear that even the "veteren" moms have wild days too!

  47. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I can certainly relate to your frustration! I can not get out the door on time no matter how hard I try! Something always happens... The lost shoe, messy diaper, sudden need for the potty (older two), clothes issues and if I have all that taken care of and we're on schedule then it's the missing keys! You're NOT alone :) I've had dreams like that, usually when I've been stressed about getting somewhere.

  48. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Sounds like you have been watching 24! :)

  49. I had 3 kids in 3 years so it was like triplets, sort of...and boy do I ever remember Sunday mornings being a preacher's wife...27 years of running late...I guess that was why I was 15 minutes late for my own birthday luncheon today. Not good. Too much practice. Selfish sin on my part--ouch. The hardest thing I remember was getting all 3 of them buckled in the car seats without one running away---and I think car seats weighed more than too. Whew! I made my oldest the "seat belt captain" as soon as I could. And then showing up with all their time we showed up with the 3-year-old baby girl with no panties on---oh dear! She went potty before we left home and left them there---check for underwear when potty trained. One time I even showed up with tights on my baby boy...uh oh. Meant to put them on the baby girl. I think I'll pray for you on Sunday mornings...and as far as dreams go---I always dream I am taking a test at school that I never studied for...and I dream about being late and trapped...I liked Jenny's comment on that Eccl. verse...I just wish I wouldn't keep trying to "add one more thing" before I get out the door but be content with whatever. I must decrease...

  50. Well, your thoughts about your husband aren't that bad. Yesterday Brad tripped and rolled his ankle. As he was laying on our driveway in pain. I actually thought "Better you than me" Yes, so if I get struck by lightening tommorrow you know why! But, in my defense he does get to sit down all day while I spend my days leaping over play pens and chasing the twins.

  51. I have three under the age of 5 to get ready and get somewhere - I am with you on the frustration - but oh what a great idea you have - PRAISE HIM when I see another mommy get there with hers! Because it is HIM - His provision of sanity and energy to accomplish this!

  52. Hi Amanda,

    I just want to tell you thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You don't know me, as you probably don't know many of the people who write comments - but I found your blog as a link on my sister in laws blog. I have my own blog

    I'm also sure you've recieved LOTS and LOTs of advice, but here is the most important lesson I'm learning as a mom. Take care of yourself first, you deserve it. I have to get my kids ready every morning except Sunday alone. The days I'm dressed and up before the kids it's such a blessing to the family because I'm no longer thinking about me but am now able to think about their needs. It also helps that on Sunday's my church has breakfast. It's easy - hard boiled eggs and toast - but at least I don't have to clean the dishes.

