Monday, September 08, 2008

Hope for Haiti

*UPDATE* YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Thank you for being so generous! My latest count is at 38. We are so close! Can we make it to 50?

You may know that Haiti has just been paid an awful visit by Hurricane Ike. Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere, so it's not like they were in great shape before that. Two of my long-time blogging friends, Jamie and Debra, are adopting children from the Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center there. The work done at this rescue center is the real deal. Sometimes it is overwhelming to think about how you can personally help a country like Haiti, but supporting this organization is a direct way to care for orphaned and severely malnourished children.

The town where the rescue center is located, Cazalle, was badly damaged by the hurricane. Their bridge was washed away, people were killed, and houses were destroyed. Thank God, the rescue center itself was not damaged and all the children were safe. Actually, one child died there that night because of how malnourished he was by the time he ever made it to the clinic. I'm telling you, these workers are in the trenches. They are in serious need of clean water and food to continue their ministry to the children and the village. With the town's bridge having been washed away, they are having to pay dearly for access to what they need. Another need they have beyond water and food is to be able to help their neighbors and workers replace things that were lost in the storm.

If the Lord should impress this on your heart, please consider donating to the Rescue Center. There's a button on the top right hand corner of their blog that says "Real Hope for Haiti - Donate." You can do it through PayPal. And I want you to know that I would never ask you to do something I am not doing myself. You can also find a "donate" button on Jamie's blog (at the bottom of the post I'm linking to). Jamie is challenging people to donate at least $40, which is roughly how much it will cost to have enough clean water brought to the rescue center and filtered each day until the town recovers. Thanks, y'all!

******Blame it on my pregnancy hormones, but I might just be crazy enough to think that we could drum up 50 donations from this blog. What do y'all think? Am I nuts? If you donate any amount, leave me a comment (anon. if you prefer)! Let's see what the Lord will do!

LOOK! I've got the button now!


  1. Thanks so much for telling people about this.

    They will appreciate all the gifts that are brought in during this time.

    This money will actually provide clean drinking water and food to the people in that village.

    Aaron also has a link on his blog for the paypal for RHFH -

    Amanda - thanks!


  2. Hi Amanda, I just donated.

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    $50.00 donation going now. God bless Haiti

  4. hi amanda- i too just donated for the day's worth of water. can't even imagine what it is like there...thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  5. Honored to take part in this, Honey. Like most of us, I'm often so overwhelmed by all the international needs that I feel paralyzed. One opportunity at a time, however, is something you can wrap your mind around. Count mine in.

  6. Thank You, Thank You.

  7. I sponsor a child through Compassion in Haiti. I'll have to go visit the site and make sure she is okay.

  8. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Thank you Amanda and Jamie for bring this need to our attention. He will do mighty things! I just donated.

  9. I can't be in Cuba or give to them, but I can do a tiny bit for these Hatians. I also had a good friend in Jr. High from there. Thanks for letting us know about the organization, and keep Cuba in your prayers!

  10. Anonymous10:04 PM


  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I just donated $100. I've been meaning to make a donation for awhile now, so THANK YOU for the call to action!

  12. Amanda, thanks for the information. Just donated. Beth

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I cant think of a better way to donate....50.00 has been sent...

    Its not your pregnancy hormones, its just you being kind and thoughtful....


  14. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Thanks Amanda, $50.00

  15. Hey Little Momma,

    I want to donate; I'm going to run this by my man, see how much he would like to give...I saw that the storm was coming, and I am glad it weakened somewhat. Still, Haiti is a poor country to start out with. Praying for the gulf coast and you all to be safe from the storm...


  16. Done!

    Our donation was in honor of Panda-Mom, Panda-Pop and Panda-Girl from Pandapalooza, who are also adopting a beautiful son from Haiti.

    Thanks Amanda-

    Mommy Firecracker
    A fellow adoptive mother

  17. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Thank you! Tomorrow is my 35th birthday and I think this is a MUCH Better birthday present than the books, shoes, or whatever I would have bought myself so I just bought water for a day. I really appreciate the opportunity to give a thank you to the ONE who gave me life! I will keep Haiti in my prayers too.

  18. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Thanks Amanda! I have been so concerned for Hispanola. My compassion child is in the Dominican Republic. I just donated to the clean drinking water project.
    Doesn't it feel great to know that in some small way you can help a child in desperate circumstances! Thank you, Lord, for giving us the example of compassion.

  19. Amanda, Thanks for making this opportunity available. Count me in for $100.

  20. Anonymous11:02 AM

    $100.00 donated. Good job Amanda!

  21. Thank you for sharing this with us. I just gladly gave. Thanks for the links too. I was able to show my 9 y/o son how blessed he is, and encourage him to pray for these children. He has been watching the weather and asking a lot of questions about the hurricanes. Now he sees the destruction left behind.

  22. I'm in. As I was hearing about Ike this morning, I have been praying for the people who have been battered by storm after storm. I appreciate you letting me know how I can help!

  23. Just last week a sweet woman from our church passed away unexpectedly due to a stroke and left behind her husband and children. Their family has such a heart for Haiti and two of their children were adopted from there. Our pastor told us this past Sunday that amongst her last words was a request for all of us to pray for those in Haiti that have been devastated by this storm. Amanda, I feel the Lord is opening a door for my husband and I to honor her request beyond just praying. Thank you for giving us this opportunity! We are more than happy to donate to this cause.

  24. I have a sweet little boy, Mikenson, in Haiti and a little girl, Sosiris, in the DR, through Compassion Canada. I don't have the extra to give right now, but I can pray for the Haitians effected by this, and especially for "my" two kids in those areas.

    Thanks for bringing this reminder to us.

    God bless.

  25. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Done and Done! $40!

  26. So glad to give and to pray...

    Love those children...crying for the one malnourished. He came hungry to Jesus, I'm thinkin' and Jesus saitsfied that little one. Yes, He did!

  27. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Count me in too. :) Dori in NC

  28. Anonymous4:38 PM

    thank you amanda for showing such a great way to help.. it is hard to know how/where sometimes to best help.. count me in

  29. Thanks for posting this. The Lord led us to adopt our son from Haiti and we started the process this past summer. My mind has never thought of the help Haiti needs when hurricanes tear through, but now that part of my heart is down there in the middle of it, my knees hit the floor asking Him for protection of the country.

    FYI: Met your playgroup friend with Laney at IKEA on Labor Day! So fun! ; )

  30. Anonymous8:59 PM

    DONATED!!!! Thanks for the blog!

  31. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I donated too - we are in the midst of an Ethiopian adoption, so these needs are close to my heart. Thanks for getting the message out there!

  32. Donated. And good to see you tonight.

    Amanda, this may be wierd to you, but I just wanted to let you know that you have the sweetest spirit to you. So calm and genuine. Just thought I'd let you know!


  33. Anonymous10:43 PM

    This is so great! God had put it in my heart to donate something to Haiti after the storm and I did not know a trustworthy place to do that. Thye have been hit by 2 storms back to back and they need our help so much. Thank you for making me aware of this. I have to talk to my wonderful DH to see how much but we will donate at least two days water

  34. Amanda, We will keep Haiti in our prayers as well as you and your family now that Ike is on it's way to your neck of the woods. Be safe.

  35. Anonymous7:47 AM

    My husband left a little while ago to help evacuate special needs patients from Corpus and Harlingen to bring them back to San Antonio. Please keep these efforts in our prayers.

  36. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Count me in as well! Thank you for doing this-God bless the people of Haiti!

  37. oOoOoOo they took paypal! score!

  38. Thanks for making us aware of this need. My home church has partnered in missions with the D.R. and Haiti. Just donated $40.00 through your blog.

  39. Thanks for drawing my attention to this and for sharing the challenge from Jamie. It is/was a blessing to be able to donate!

  40. Thank you Amanda! I just donated.

    My compassion child lives in Haiti- I have been worried about her!

    My heart goes out to them! Praying for all the hurricane victims!


  41. Done. This is awesome. Thank you for letting us know about it. Prayers are going up for anyone in the path of these hurricanes, daily. You, included, as Ike is headed near Houston.

  42. Thank you so much for brining this to our attention. I too have a Compassion International Child in Haiti. Although I know this isn't going directly to her, it is a small way of helping her country. $40 donated

  43. Anonymous6:06 PM


  44. Anonymous7:46 PM

    We'll send something.
    Thank you for the heads up on them.

    My husband left today to come help everyone in Ike's path on the Texas coastline. He's commanding the aviation Guard units (from 9 states) that are coming with their blackhawks and chinooks.

    I'm praying for everyone who lives out there to weather the storm safely, and for these soldiers who've left us behind to be safe and have the wisdom of Solomon in everything they'll be doing in the coming week. When he left today, I watched him walk to the car in his uniform, his huge pack on his shoulder with all of his clothes and equipment, heading off to the unknown to help people who don't even know they'll need help yet... I was so proud and a little sad all at the same time. Praying for their safe return.

    and remembering that scripture to
    "be anxious for nothing"...

  45. Amanda, I am not in a position to donate, but prayers are definately being said. My husband and I really enjoyed listening to Curtis tonight. When he was talking about God holding back the waves and getting no thanks for it, I thought of my 4 year old and his prayers. Everyone likes to pray before dinner, but my 4 year old really gets into it. We are all sitting there famished with nice hot food and he starts off, "Dear God, thank you for cats. Thank you for making cats. Thank you for dogs. Thank you for making dogs. Thank you for trees. Thank you for sun so trees grow. Thank you for making buildings..." He can and does go on and on even after we each try to insert our own amens. Sometimes WE need to have the prayers of a 4 year old. Since we were sitting at the same table, I wanted to mention that, but we had to go pick up said 4 year old, plus his siblings and get home.

  46. Amanda, are you all evacuating? I'll keep praying for you. Maybe you should get inland if you feel any inclination to at all. I just read that Ike has strengthened and some are evacuating in Houston.


  47. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Donated $40 for Haiti. God bless these dear workers and thanks, Amanda for bringing this need to our attention.

  48. done - praying for 50!! thanks!! leigh

  49. Donated. Thanks!

  50. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Thanks for making us aware of this opportunity! I just donated. :)

  51. Thanks Amanda for letting us know about the great need in Haiti. I just now was getting a chance to catch up on your blog entries after being on vacation, and donated right away. I love Paypal - so easy! I enjoyed your day at the beach entry since I too had some wonderful beach time (I highly recommend Cape May, New Jersey!!). It did my little land-locked Albuquerque soul so much good. :) I'm so glad you and your family and your houses are all okay, and I'm continuing to pray for recovery in your area.
