Monday, November 03, 2008

Train of Thought

-For moms of little kids, time changes are the devil.
-It feels like bedtime is getting close but it's only 4:15.
-I wonder if I will have enough time to vote between dropping Jackson off at MDO at 9 and picking him up at 2:30. Surely I'll be done by lunch. Please, Lord.
-If I faint from hunger or back pain while waiting in line, will they let Pregnant Girl go up to the front?
-They really should have a separate line for the aged and the pregnant.
-I hope I'm never aged and pregnant.
-Why can't Jackson poop in the potty?
-Jackson's bathroom needs to be treated by HazMat.
-Maybe I'll let him wear his costume to my mom's tonight since she didn't get to see it on Friday.
-Maybe I should have warned Curt's parents that there would be a lot of reproductive parts on display at the museum's BodyWorlds exhibit.
-I can't believe Deanna and Jesse broke up.
-When is The Bachelor gonna give up the ghost?
-Curtis and I need a weekend away but I don't know where we should go.
-I can think of a ton of things to do, but not many that would be fun while pregnant.
-Debra was so cute today taking our LPM staff Christmas pics!
-I'm so glad I only had to drive a few minutes to get there instead of coming in from out of town.
-This is the third out of four years that I will be pregnant in our picture. One year they photoshopped my formerly pregnant self into the picture. I kind of wanted to wear that same sweater today but thought better of it.
-I like my new Gap long and lean maternity jeans but the way they fit on my tummy makes me need to pee.
-My husband is coming home in 39 minutes.

(Doorbell rings)
It was a package from my soul mate Angela Cottrell. What could it be?!?! A sweet, encouraging note, a book about the spiritual meanings of names, a Cars backpack for Jackson with new race cars and Thomas the Train socks, and a princess bag for Baby Girl filled with hair accessories and a pink polka dot blanket. Oh my goodness! And there's some really good candy in there that I'm hoarding for myself! Wow, what a fun surprise today! Angela, you're the best! Thank you!


  1. I read all of that, I promise, but...DEANNA AND JESSE BROKE UP???? I am oddly heartbroken. I must google them now.

  2. Deanna and Jesse broke up?? Oh...I am sad. I was really into that season.

  3. In TN, they have a sign saying if you are obviously pregnant that you can go to the front of the line. A little hint, just don't make eye contact with the people standing in line as you pass them. It makes it easier. :)

  4. Time change is the devil even for me!
    I bet you walk in, vote, and walk out.
    I CAN'T WAIT to fit in my long and lean maternity jeans. Thanks for the note about peeing...I'll keep that in mind. :)

  5. Hotel. Heavenly bed. Room service. In-house spa. Stack of books. A few Us magazines for good measure. Great restaurants nearby.

    There's your getaway, sister.

    You're welcome.


  6. WHAT? Deanna and Jesse broke up? I leave the country for a week and this happens?

  7. I love your random train of thought! :o)

  8. What a great friend and encourager Angela is to you! I long (and am praying) for a Godly friend like that.

  9. Ditto on Deanna and Jesse!

    By the way... my sister is visibly pregnant and went to vote the other day.... a super nice police officer let her come in and sit down until it was her turn! How SWEET! :) Have a great one, Jackson looks adorable in his batman costume!

  10. I am so with you on the time change! Brea has been up at 5:30 in the morning both yesterday and today...then she still won't take a nap!
    Didn't know about "the breakup"...she should have gone with Jason.
    I agree with the "pregnancy voting line" and heaven help us all if we are ever aged and pregnant.
    Only 3 more weeks and I am a TX girl once again!
    See you soon.

  11. i feel like a nerd because i came to comment on the time change and it being awful for moms of little ones...and everyone is gasping over Deanna and Jesse and I have no earthly idea who that is....i will google it right now....i am a dork. But about the time change thing...i was really hopeing that Titus would be sleeping longer since he is older now...and i FINALLY got him to sleep until 7:10-7:30 on a regular basis (this is a first for him). But it looks like we are back at square Tomorrow I am putting a clock in his room and telling him he cant get up until the first number is 7. YAY for knowing our numbers! We will see if it works.
    Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

  12. Amanda, you're stream of consciousness is so real-Little Momma thoughts, family thoughts, and pregnant girl thoughts. Thanks for keeping it real.


  13. Amazing that some of those same thoughts went through my head today. Minus the pregnant ones of course.

  14. There's something about boys and pottys. My guys were over 3 before they would choose to go in the potty. Boys are tough. Mine could not have cared less if they were wet or dirty.

    My daughter is just over 2. She's practically training herself! Yippee for me!!!

  15. Time change is the pits!!!
    Pregnancy should be a move to the front of any line law!
    Weekends away are great now matter where they are-because they are free of kids!
    Costume wearing anytime for kids under 10 is such fun!
    Hoarding candy is a right to any woman who has endured children under the influence of candy!
    Luv ya girl

  16. My boy won't do that in the potty either; he'll be 3 in 2 weeks. I just read the Potty Training in a Day book and refuse to pay $50 for Scotty Potty. Baby Alive is in my cart but I'm still debating whether I want to pay $25-I mean, I can save her for our youngest, but then I could go to the dollar store for a $1 baby doll and just drill a hole ... Anyway, I'll let you know if it works (the method, not the drilling). I'm skeptical, but a friend with 2 boys swears by it.

  17. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Amanda, you are darling, I love you so much!

    I can't believe they broke up! I heard it here first. EEEK. Oh well. Love you guys. Tiff

  18. I really really tried to play the pregnancy card once when I was waiting in line at the tax collector's office for almost two hours to get a sticker for my car! It didn't work and I got to the front only to find out it was the wrong place!!

  19. That's awesome about the gift - perfect timing!

  20. I hear you on the time change, adding to the pain is that my 4 year old keeps waking at 6am instead of 7! I just voted ant it wasn't that bad I hope your line moves quickly.

  21. girls are now waking up at 6:30am, I hate time changes...and more importantly, Deanna and Jesse broke up????

  22. I'm lovin' the randomness of this post...and by the way, I feel you on the time change thing! It's a bear for these babies!

  23. I'm laughing at your list. I think I'm both aged and pregnant right now - and it's something else. ha!
    Can't believe Deanna and Jesse broke up. The Bachelor is a train wreck that I can't quit watching.

  24. I've been thinking about how there should be way more parking for parents with small children and pregnant ladies. If you want me to buy your stuff at least let me waddle the least amount of distance to buy it!

    And, I'll admit to not knowing who Deanna and Jesse are either.

  25. I love that Debra took y'alls picture! I bet she was just stinkin' darling. Love her!

    I did see the pic on her blog and it is precious!

  26. So much to say...but can't wait to see the LPM Christmas pic. Debra is fab!

    And Deanna and Jesse broke up? How did I miss that? What happened? Besides the foundation of their relationship being built on a TV show?

  27. I am right there with you about the time change. It doesn't matter what time we put Audrey to bed her internal alarm clock is still going off an hour earlier. Ughh!
