Friday, March 26, 2010


Bed head? Check.

Christmas pajamas in March? Check.

Face bruise from toddling? Check.

Nose so gunky a cheerio can stick to it? Check!

And because it would be unthinkable to not also include these...


Melissa said...

oh my word. my sweet little niece!!!! i love her so much. shame on you for posting that cheerio picture, noog. but you did provide the redemption. this is just too much.

Leslie Maddox said...

Oh my goodness, those pants are just too precious. We just found out that my SIL is having a little girl, so now I can't wait to shop baby girl clothes!

And I love it when my little one gets puffs stuck on his face, hands, jammies. But I don't love it so much when they get stuck on my socks. Motherhood is messy.

Angela said...

Laughing! Ava still wears her Christmas jammies too! ha

I love her outfit, where did you get it? She is always dressed so cute!

Have a great weekend!

Tabaitha said...

Her outfit in the last picture is adorable. Don't feel bad about the Christmas PJ's in March. My son, Mason, still asks to wear his. You gotta pick your battles.

Holly said...

I was in Cracker Barrel yesterday and thought of what you said about the cute stuff they had...when all of a sudden, I saw a picture frame they were selling with a picture of a little girl that looked just like your Annabeth!!

The cheerio picture is so funny! I can't wait til Easter pics at the Jones' house!!

Anonymous said...

Aweeee, those are sooo, sooo sweet! I am lovin those cheerios, but the poses at the end are the best too!

Sometimes it pays to be bored.

katiegfromtennessee said...

Oh funny!:) too funny!!:) Makes me laugh out loud:):)

Bobbie said...

She's way over adorable in ALL the pictures! She MAY not want you to bring out the cheerio pics when she's 16!!!!!!! Just saying!!

What a cutie!!

Colleen said...

Crack me up the wall! At least she has a little hole to breathe through!

R said...

my rule is if it still fits, my kids are still wearing it. especially pajamas! no shame in that. :0)

Rhonda said...

She is growing getting too big!

Exum Family said...

Oh my goodness! Isn't she just precious! And my heavens, she looks so much like you in that first "redemption" picture. Her eyes are your eyes. And her smile looks just like your smile. I couldn't believe how much she looked like you. From your photos - I know we've never met - I always thought she looked so much like Jackson (who I think looks like Curtis), but these photos made her look so different. What a beauty! And my kids are still wearing Christmas jammies. Hey, whatever fits!

Susy said...

love the boogery nose- that girly cleans up nice!

Patty said...

Annabeth is just to cute! The cheerio cracked me up and I love the pictures at the end. Too precious for words! :)

Sarah said...

So cute--all of them! Love that smile at the end, standing up so proud of herself (and what a cute outfit!) :) Thanks for sharing!

Sister Lynn said...

Sweet as ever - cheerio nose and all!


She is just so cute and so sweet even if she has cheerios stuck on her face. Love her the pictures at the end to adorable.
Have a great weekend
Love you all Carol

Mary said...

Too cute!! She is so adorable!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Oh. My. Stinkin. Word.

The Cheerio stuck to the face is CLASSIC. It's says "toddler" in one picture.

And your final pictures prove that girls can redeem themselves from almost anything with cute pants and a pink shirt.

ocean mommy said...

Precious! LOVE the bed head. :)


Dionna said...

Aww!She's gonna hate those pictures some day! I have cute video of my oldest daughter with cheerios in her hair.

And those flared pants are to die-for.

Michelle said...

So adorable! My son is currently wearing Thanksgiving pajamas, so the Christmas ones are more timely than that!!!

lisa said...

i had to show my husband the pics of the cheerio hanging off of annabeth's nose. we are 4 days overdue, waiting for our first kiddo to make his/her appearance. he says to me ... honey, i can't look at that while i'm eating.

oh what we are in for!

Kristen Love said...

Ha ha...those cheerio pictures are the cutest pics I have ever seen of her.
Those shots totally capture her age! You will cherish those pics someday when she is a big girl :-)

O Mom said...

She is getting sooooooo big!

Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Hee Hee! Way to keep it real! Though of course I always have to redeem myself with a more presentable photo or two by the end of a post, too! Looks like I'm not the only one, ha! :)

Just Call Me Grammy said...

I predict the Cheerio pics will make the wedding picture montage one day--too cute!

Debbie said...

Oh, she's so sweet! And so big!!! What a little beauty :-)

Big Mama said...

Every single picture made me so happy. Love it!

Toknowhim said...

These pictures are great... I love the cheerio pic :)

Also, in these pictures I think Annabeth looks a lot like you...I see your face in her sweet little face :)

You are doing such a great job of documenting your children's lives...they will be so happy one day to have this information...


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Almost makes me miss the snot nose days.

Lindsee said...

What's better than a cheerio up your nose is ants IN your cheerios like I had this morning. It was a special moment between me and them!

Seriously hilarious, though. She looks 10 feet tall in that last pic! Adorable.

Spicy Magnolia said...

Love, love, LOVE them!!

The Schmidt Family said...

I am amazed at how much she looks like Jackson!! Thought the first few pics were old pics of him! Miss you sister!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, in the picture of her by the door, she looks just like you. Spitting Image!!!
Love seeing you today

C:M:W said...

amanda, I just left a comment but didn't realize Andys brothers wife was signed in and not me...... I signed it XOXOX!!!!!!

Sylvia's Song said...

Thank you for sharing the challenges as well as the joys of your precious AnnaBeth. Her eyes convey tremendous insight and understanding that only God could create in this precious angel of yours.

You indeed are the right mother for Annabeth as Beth is the right mother for you.

LynnOnTheNet said...

Soooo adorable! Tickles me how many things we find cute in toddlers could be sad if captured for posterity at age 20. ;-)


Ashley McWhorter said...


lavonda said...

That cheerio on the nose is the funniest thing ever. It made me smile!

Faran said...

I haven't laughed out loud that hard at a blog post in a long time. The cheerio nose is hilarious, even if it comes back to haunt you in her teen years when she finds out you posted it for all the world to see!

She's precious!

Deirdre said...

of COURSE she is still wearing Christmas PJs....cause they still FIT and it would be wasteful to just toss them out. Besides...they are cute.

Alana said...

Glad to know Mac isn't the only one still wearing Christmas PJs!

Molly said...

Really sweet - I personally appreciated the cheerio pic and her complete obliviousness to it all!

Molly said...

Oh and the little 1970's style pants! TOO MUCH!

Kelli said...

OH I love the cheerio picture!

That last outfit is too cute! Is that a Noodles and Milk creation?

We still wear Christmas PJ's... wear them till they don't fit is our motto! HA!

Heather said...

This made me laugh out loud. I'm so glad you posted this.