Tuesday, August 21, 2012


*Comments are now closed. I'm taking my kid on one last summer adventure today and if I'm not entirely wiped out tonight, I will determine and announce the winners then. I've loved reading your stories. You guys are great!

We put a pool in our backyard earlier this summer. My kids and I love nothing more than swimming together and it has been great for family bonding. Our golden retriever, Beckham, is so happy we're in the backyard with him, he doesn't know what to do. I love seeing him jump in like he's a rescue dog, but unfortunately the water makes him greek, as Jackson says. (Reek, if you were wondering.)

There's a strange phenomenon that happens to Annabeth every time we get in the pool. Within 5 minutes she has to go. I wish I were talking about the kind of go you can deal with by having your kid  find a grassy patch around the corner of the house (don't hate), but noooooo. It's the kind you have to dry off and go inside for. Since you painstakingly waited 15 minutes for your carefully applied scunscreen to soak into your skin, you just blot yourself and your kid with a towel and then the floor gets soaked. Fun times. 

It happens like clockwork. I've done everything in my power to try to persuade my daughter to go before getting in the pool, but no. I don't want to! I don't need to! I can't! I don't like it! I feel certain that I will see a flock of feathered pigs soaring over the backyard on the day she finally cooperates.  Early in the summer I made the risky move of telling Annabeth that since she refused go before, I would spank her if she made us have to get out because she needed to go. Five minutes later I could tell she needed to, but she was fighting it because she didn't want a spanking. Ugh! Trying to control a preschooler's bodily functions is simply maddening! I had to take back my threat so that we didn't have a problem in the pool. 

This scenario made me come unhinged a few of times, but Annabeth pulled the stunt so frequently that I had to learn how to deal with my frustration in a wise way. 

It's oh-so-fitting that our pool was the setting in which I devoured Lysa TerKeurst's new book, Unglued. I was tested many, many times while reading about our human tendency to come emotionally unglued. At one point I couldn't find my book and Annabeth told me she had thrown it down under the lounge chair. It was resting in a small puddle of water. Jackson was playing with a water gun, and that's probably all I need to say because you can guess how that went down. 

Coming unglued is something I have struggled with for a long time. Lysa says raw emotions can make you come unglued in two extremes - by exploding or by stuffing. I can easily recognize that I do both of those things. I tend to explode in my home or with my family and I tend to stuff in public or with those I'm not related to. I've been through three bouts of Christian counseling in my adult life and two of them were because of this issue. The first time was for exploding and the last time was for stuffing. 

So Unglued pretty much made me feel like Lysa had been reading my mail. But she is such a woman of grace (and humor) that I didn't mind too much. I could relate to just about every story she told on herself. And oh, if I had the time to share all of mine! Help me, Lord! 

I sent Lysa a text message the other day saying, "I'm loving Unglued!" Except I typed it wrong and it read, "I'm living Unglued!" Eek! With Christ's help, not anymore. Thank You, Lord, for giving this message to the Church so that we can learn not to live unglued.

As a participant of the blog tour for Unglued, Zondervan gave me a free copy of the book for myself and two to give away to my blog readers. Yay! If you'd like to win one of the books, just leave me a comment and make sure I'll be able to contact you. If you want to share an unglued story, I'd love it. 


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ann said...

My mom often reminds me that she could just dip me into the pool, my nose would turn red, and that was it. Sorry you guys are going through this. Your pool is beautiful!

Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I don't think I have any glue at all. :-) (I'm thankful for the ways God has helped me learn to control my emotions, but I still have a loooonnnnnng way to go.)

Lori at JOY Unspeakable said...

Oh my. I need this book!!

Pick me, pick me! :)


Cindy said...

I tend to come unglued when I am all alone. I rant and rave in the car, in the shower and all over my house. I am a smiling stuffer when I am around people though. I am so getting this book! By the way, I have a pool too and don't you just love it???!!

RPGilliam said...

Amanda, I love your blog so much. I'm about halfway through my first pregnancy, and I love reading about your parenting successes, and I love that you admit when things don't turn out as you had hoped. I think there is a little unglued in us all — I know pregnancy has certainly brought it out in me! Someone asked my husband what we were going to do over the weekend and he said, "Try to keep my wife out of jail." Yikes! Gotta reign in those hormones, for sure! Anyway, love the blog, love reading about your family and love your willingness to share. I write a newspaper column every week, and it is a hard balancing act between being real and over-sharing. It seems like you accomplish that nicely.

Judy J said...

I am encouraged by your authenticity and grateful we can be real in the body of Christ. "Unglued" sounds like a book I need to read. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

Terah722 said...

Uh oh, this sounds like a Must Read for me!! Thanks for the give-away! Terah722@aol.com

RN and OSHP said...

I'm about to come unglued as I read with an extra whiny 3 year old and an 18 month old fighting for my personal space as I attempt to drink coffee and wake up. I try and beat them up to no avail! They are like mini spies who hear me get up and immediately wake......#comingunglued!!

Megan said...

I'd love to read this book!

Emily said...

From what I hear about this book, I not only WANT to read it, but NEED to read it! I would love a copy!!! Thanks for the opportunity...

Kim said...

I have been waiting to purchase "Unglued" for myself, since my book budget is now spent keeping my children in books. I'd love to win a copy! I have use the term "unglued" to describe how I feel for years, so I know this book has been written for me!

Angie said...

Would love one of Lysa's books "Unglued".


Amanda said...

RPGilliam, I am laughing so hard about what your husband said you were doing for the weekend.

Elizabeth said...

I struggle with blowing up at my family and then struggle again to make amends abd apologize to them. Such a vicious cycle! I want to be calm, rational, and kind, but sometimes it's SO hard.

JazzerMomma said...

Wow! This hit home for me this morning. I just got my son off to his first day of intermediate school. He came unglued with nerves yesterday. I failed to recognize it was stress driving his breakdown and came unglued myself. Another one of those Mother of the Year - NOT moments! I could use this book! Thanks!!
Susan in Indiana

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I know I need this book (my husband and sons would agree;). So whether I win it through a giveaway or not, it will be mine soon!

Mrs. Everything said...

Wow! I need to read this book! I struggle with becoming unglued....

Unknown said...

Would love to win this book!

Sitesx6 said...

Me me me! I need encouragement in this area- I had a mom who became unglued often- so I grew up learning that behavior. I have grown a lot in this area- but need to work on things even more. I maintain control for a long time- and then it all explodes.


Tara G. said...

Just one story?! We were winding down our time in Ukraine; moving is hard, and overseas moves are more challenging as the transition time stretches out. At our final meeting for the small group we led, my husband glanced through the haze of campfire smoke and said, "I haven't talked this over with Tara (RED FLAG, honey!!!!!), but we have another month and we can keep meeting at our place.". In my mind I had a calendar for four separate packs/shipping events, final events related to work, etc. Unglued seems so mild for how I felt and responded. Looking forward to reading this title, and thanks for your testimony!

Unknown said...

I always struggle with coming Unglued. Most recently, the kids were supposed to be getting ready for school and I found them playing Legos with no thought to the bus or my asking if they were ready to go. I ran to the bathroom for some Tylenol since it was going to be one of those days, and my husband had rearranged the medicine cabinet that' hangs over the toilet so a slew of medications fell into the toilet (where my son had forgotten to flush). Yep, it's a struggle every day.


Brittney said...

I would love to read this! brittneydeanne@gmail.com

Dr. Nichole Huff said...

I struggle with this very issue too. As a family therapist and parent educator myself (I know, the irony!), I constantly find that I "stuff" all day only to come "unglued" at the least little thing at home with my kids or husband. I know God is growing me in this area -- maybe the book could help!


HellenCrescenti said...

I could really use this book! Nearly all of my unglued moments are stuffed in...and it is a heavy burden.

Would be a blessing to be picked.


Darlene R. said...

I would love to read this book! Thank you so much for sharing today!


Jana said...

I can't wait to get my hands on this book! I am a stuffer!! If I don't win, I will be buying!!


Jen said...

Unfortunately I come unglued all too often.

I have been wanting to read this book when it came out.


Alyssa said...

I would love this book! Actually, I NEED this book :)


Shannon said...

I'm encouraged just by seeing how many other women are unglued! It's not just me...

Sally said...

I'm wired like that too. Sometimes it helps me if I can anticipate an "ungluing" situation ahead of time, and prepare for it. Would it make it easier to line the path from the pool to the bathroom with old towels so that you won't have to dry off, and just expect that this is always part of the pool routine?

Erin said...

I am familiar with this "unglued" issue. :) But, thankfully, God has been doing a lot of "making new" and not just repairing broken places in the last few years...so that there is less and less glue to become "un'ed".

Lauren said...

With 2 children under 2 I am definitely relating to this at my current life stage! I would love to win this book!


Lisa Johnson said...

I hope I can get this on my Nook. I need it now! (school is starting and I can't count how many times I come unglued in the morning!). :)

Mindy said...

I would love this book! I'm receiving the email devotions and am loving them so I know I will love the book, too!

Meggie said...

I can totally relate... I need this book!!

Kellie Mooney said...

I would love to read this book. I have been seeing it float around the bloggie world

Jennifer said...

Yikes it sounds too much like I need this book. I come unglued with my children too often and stuff in public or with others.

Melissa F. said...

I have 4kids, 7 and under. 1 girl 3 1/2 yrs old. We walk a 1/4 mile thru a wooded path to get to our pool. Lotioned, food packed, swim diapers on the baby and toys in tow. After we ck in and unload my daughter would dip her feet in and say..."I gotta go poop!" this happened several times and I had no one to watch the other 3 as we hiked it up to the restroom. It was all I could do not to let her jump the fence and hide in the bushes.
Thanks for sharing. Your entire post made me feel normal.


Linds said...

As a mom of two kids 3 and under, Unglued is something I deal with daily. I'd love this book!

Mama said...

Oh my goodness, this post could not have come at a better time! I am going to buy this book for sure! My husband will thank you!

Mamasnonsense at gmail com

Amber C said...

I tend to come unglued with my husband. And it always seems to happen around "that time of the month", so I tend to blame things on that. Luckily, I married the most forgiving man on the face of the earth so you know, I got that going for me.

Stephanie said...

I would love a copy of this book. stephanie.thain@gamil.com

Tania said...

Like you, I also tend to explode in my home or with my family and I tend to stuff in public or with those I'm not related to. I would love to read this book. Thanks for sharing with us.

ashleyalden said...

"I tend to explode in my home or with my family and I tend to stuff in public or with those I'm not related to." ...ok, fine...so YOU'VE been readying mMYmail! :)

I certainly struggle with this...especially with the exploding part, and sadly that's usually with the ones I love the most. I may have also been known to blame this ugly behavior on being raised in the home with a "yeller"...but let's be honest, that's no good excuse. I frequently find myself apologizing to my children for yelling. Realizing that "After, 'I love you,' the words 'I’m sorry' might be the most important ones we say to our kids" {gut shot for anyone else?} (-http://lisajobaker.com/) I hate that I resort to that and find it's a battle I am frequently engaged in. I know Christ can beat it, but clearly {alone} Ashley can't.

I'd LOVE a copy of Unglued! Prayerfully, {if I'm chosen} your gift + Lysa's words + the Lords grace...this will be an issue of the past! My email address is ashleyalden622@hotmail.com and I also follow you on Twitter @ashleyalden622. {...and if I'm not,} I'm feeling a tugging that Lifeway will be a soon stop for me!

Thank you for being open & honest. Here's to all of the Mommies who can admit to becoming Unglued every now & then...and to the perfect Father that promises to forgive and get us through these weaknesses!

Anonymous said...

Oh the potty... if it makes you feel better, in the spring I hauled a little potty to my 6 year old's soccer games. (Not for her, for my toddler. lol.) The port-a-potties were just too far of a walk from J's field... and who wants to use those anyway. So if little man had to go, we dropped it right there on the sideline :-p.

Unglued... I come unglued when my daughter comes unglued... which probably isn't setting the best example. She is over-the-top emotional. (She comes by it honest... from a long line of easy-to-cry women in both sides of the family). Last week after her dental cleaning they asked if I wanted her permanent teeth sealed. I said yes. There were 4 to do. It doesn't hurt, but apparently it tastes terrible. She threw such a hysterical fit simply over something tasting bad that I could hear her all the way out in the waiting room and they could only get 1 tooth done. It was that dramatic. Needless to say as discipline she had to dump all of the marbles out of her responsibility jar (she earns a special reward when it is full) and couldn't have any screen time for the next 3 days: 1 day for each tooth that she prevented them from sealing. And I may have lectured something like "If you don't stop throwing a fit when you're mildly uncomfortable, you will be having screaming fits until you are 99!"

I was able to hold myself together and not yell at her for being so ridiculous at the top of my lungs, but when we got in the car I actually cried. That's how I deal with frustration. No matter how old I get, I just can't seem to get over the crying thing... moreso if I'm angry than if I'm actually sad.(At which point I try to explain to my daughter it's not bad that she FEELS a certain way, but if she can't help crying then she should do it politely and not with full on weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth...LITERALLY.)


Anonymous said...

Would love the book. :)

Elaine Johnson

Nathan and Megan said...

I would love a copy of this book! I have a friend that is dealing with MAJOR medical issues with one of her twin daughters. The unknown & the emotions are eating her alive. I would love to bless her with a copy!

Christine said...

Your A sounds just like my daughter! :)
I would love to win a copy of this book, sounds like just what I need!

Teresa said...

What a relief! I'm not the only one who comes unglued! Thank you for your honesty, Amanda. My husband and I need this book too. We have a 3 year old and a 9 month old. I find myself yelling at my 3 year old more than I would like to admit. Actually, she has started reacting by yelling at her brother, father and me. I cringe and feel like I've failed as a parent every time she reacts in that manner. I must get it under control! My parents were yellers and my husband's parents were yellers. This is not an attribute I want to pass on.


Becky Kiser said...

Oh girl, I am a professional "stuffer." Please enter me to the drawing!!! :)

Sara Laverty said...

I've been hearing so much about this book but didnt know what it was about until I read your post. Oh gosh, I need to read this book.


Rhonda P said...

I find that once my three kiddos start back to school my "Unglued" moments increase daily. Trying to get my boys to just eat breakfast (2nd and 3rd grade) is in itself an olympic sport at times. All three of my children have food allergies; therefore, while trying to be a referee I am packing three lunches each morning while also being asked tons of questions, which in turn completely break my concentration. I really want to be the cool, calm and collected mom, but it seems so far out of reach at times. I REALLY NEED THIS BOOK!! I also feel your pain regarding the pool. There is nothing like going in our bathroom and there is a puddle on the floor (hoping it is pool water!!) and when you sit down the toilet set has water on it as well. YUCK!! Another unglued moment!! Oh my, do I ever need to read this book!!

Elizabeth said...

I fight becoming unglued almost every day. I've wanted to read this book since I first heard about it. Thanks for hosting this giveaway. I totally understand your frustration with your daughter and the pool. Been there and done that and have become unglued because of it! ugh.

Brandon and Zanna said...

I'm a middle school teacher...I am basically a professional at coming unglued. Ha!!


Teresa said...

What a relief! I'm not the only one who comes unglued! Thank you for your honesty, Amanda. My husband and I need this book too. We have a 3 year old and a 9 month old. I find myself yelling at my 3 year old more than I would like to admit. Actually, she has started reacting by yelling at her brother, father and me. I cringe and feel like I've failed as a parent every time she reacts in that manner. I must get it under control! My parents were yellers and my husband's parents were yellers. This is not an attribute I want to pass on.


Anonymous said...

I would live a copy of this book. I seem to be coming unglued more frequently these days.

Gretchen said...

Ever been a teeny bit mad at yourself for teaching your children the Gospel? Ahem, me neither...except when my daughter looks at me & says (with those big eyes & that face), "Seventy times seven, Mom?"

Sigh. Yes, Sweetie, I forgive you.

I'd love a chance to win.

The Swan's said...

I would love this book! Angswan@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I too feel unglued at times. My family and I have lived in our current home for 4 years now and for the entire 4 years we have been slowly renovating. Which means, my house is never in order like I want it to be. It's very cluttered at times. I asked my husband just a couple of days ago is we would ever live in a clutter free, renovation free home and you know what he told me. 'No.' Oh how I'm just going to have to see this is as our normal somehow.
Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to read this book!


Pam said...

I appreciate your honesty so much. I have a temper that I am constantly battling and am really trying to get it under control before my son gets old enough to realize that mommy gets angry way too easily. =/

Missy June said...

I would love to read Unglued! My emotions are too often on the edge and as a single mama, there is no break from being "on." It sounds like there are some practical ways to deal ... thank you!

Jana said...

Thank you for this post. It is such an encouragement to know that there are other moms coming "unglued" out there! I am a mom to 2 girls and a third girl due in December. We recently moved to begin church planting and unglued seems to be the norm for me lately! I'd love a chance to win this book!

Diane said...

Done a bit of therapy myself. Everyone should! Thanks for a great honest post.


Kendra said...

I have 3 boys that are loud, active, crazy, rowdy, did I mention loud? I came unglued already this morning because of all the noise. I need to be more patient with them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Amanda, I am signing in under my husband's google account just so I can comment. I am excited to read this book. My kids are older than yours (3 teenagers!) so I am sorry to say I have had a lot of experience coming "unglued" with them. :( Some of my most recent unglued moments have involved my 15 year-old son and a water gun! Ha!
thank you for your sweet honesty. You are blessing.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win this book! I'd love to read it! My friend is reading it now and LOVING it!

theglenns556 said...

I'm a stuffer! Big time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for offering this giveaway! I try my hardest to stay glued together.....I have two teenagers, and it's not easy. Love that you share real life with us. @SKBowers

Susan Larson said...

I am reading this book on kindle right now and I can so relate! I am a pastor's wife and have 4 kids the younger two being 2 and 6 weeks and the Lord is testing me on this right now! I tend to explode at home when things seem out of my control (messy house, sick kids, whiny 2 year old, screaming baby) and tend to stuff everywhere else (being a pastor's wife, I get to hear a lot of things that make me "stuff"). :-) I love this book - the Lord is teaching me so much through it!

Amanda said...

I need this book. I need to learn better ways not to stuff or explode. mlrowan@gmail.com.

Deeny said...

He he. Unglued, yep. And why is it that the smallest things are the ones that tend to make it happen.

dmfitzpatrick16 @ rangers.nwosu.edu

Kelly said...

This makes me feel better about stuffing all day around my coworkers and then exploding at home - and more importantly, it encourages me to keep fighting the good fight as other moms are!

I come unglued when I'm hungry or trying to get out the door to go somewhere. Meal prep and going anywhere are awful triggers, because they happen multiple times a day, everyday! Ack!

Emily said...

I have been putting off getting this book, but I would love to read it! Lately, exploding has been my method of choice (apparently) when coming unglued.

Unknown said...

I am commenting under my husband's account. I am sad to say that I have many, MANY unglued moments that I could share with you! I have three teenagers growing up in a pastor's home. Enough said I guess. Some of my recent unglued moments have involved my 15-year old son and his friends eating all of our groceries :), a water gun incident at church, and my 13-year old's emerging hormones and inability to deal with her brothers. Yes, I surely do need this book!
Thank you for your sweet honesty. You are a blessing. I have been praying for your new church.

Stacey said...

Hello! I would love a copy of this book. I mean what momma doesn't need to learn how to control their emotions in a healthy way? I could use some help in this department. Btw, I am a friend of Kristy Steffens, if that helps in the "book give away!" ha, ha!

cell 203-809-1003

Nancy said...

Oh, if Unglued is even half as good (and all up in my bidness) as Made to Crave was, then we all need to read it.

ryandylanmom said...

Love your heart and humility! I have 2 boys ages 13 and 9. My unglued moments are usually in the car on the way to school when my oldest suddenly forgets his glasses or when my youngest will taunt the oldest to get him in trouble. I work in ministry and juggle the responsibility of being a mom and being everything for everybody. I struggle with stuffing my emotions also. Please consider me for the book giveaway and if you can pray for me with my struggles that would mean more than anything.


Deedee said...

I totally need that book - it seems like every little thing makes me come unglued these days.

Starr Deas said...

Wow, this book sounds like just what I need to read. sdeas@fa.ua.edu

ryandylanmom said...

I am a mom to a 13 year old and 9 year old boy. My unglued moments are usually on the way to school when my oldest has forgotten his glasses or the younger one decides to tease the oldest and then we have an angry time on the way to school.
I work in ministry and struggle with the pressure of being everything for everyone at times. This results in stuffing my emotions. I would live to receive this book but most importantly please pray for me in this journey of my unglued season! ❤

Amy said...

Love that this book has come out as school is starting and we are trying to stick together in getting back into the routine of it all! Thanks for sharing!

Rissa said...

Thank you for sharing about this book!! Dealing & handling my emotions the way the LORD would want me to has been a big thing on my list lately.. Maybe because I've allowed myself to stuff things in where no one really knows what I'm feeling.. I've found myself doing this more often since my recent divorce from a abusive man and tend to come unglued in private where I can rant & rave & then talk to the LORD emotions... But trust me GOD is working with me on it!!

Would love to get this book!! Thanks for sharing & for doing the giveaway!


Rissa :)

Anne N. said...

Oh I REALLY need this! THanks for your insight.

kim said...

Loved this post. Sometimes it's just encouraging to read other "Mommy blogs" and know I'm not in the trenches alone! It was an Unglued morning here as we started day 5 of 1st grade for my 6yr old. Who knew matching your new pink PE shoes with your outfit could Be. So. Difficult. !!!!

Always enjoy your posts that keep me laughing but also encouraged!

lizz5990 said...

I'd love to read this! I work with two year olds and then have a two and a half year old of my own so I would sure love to read this.

TN Girl said...


This is something I totally struggle with too.

My 15 year old just got his learner's permit yesterday. Talk about having to stuff in order to not come unglued!

I tend to be more the exploder especially when everyone needs something from me and I'm all given out.

I love reading your blog. I have a good friend with kids about the same age as yours and it so helps me remember to minister to her.


Gindi said...

I have three two year olds and a full time job my life is constantly coming unglued - this weekend is was that every single triplet in potty training needed to spend some serious potty time RIGHT before leaving for church, you can not rush a two year old's bathroom time, but I'm embarrassed to admit I lost my cool, I'm sure it won't be the last time.......

Deidre said...

I have wanted to read this book. I saw it the other day and decided it may have my picture inside so I decided against. Ha!

By the way ... I loved seeing an update from you!

Katie said...

I have two boys who are the same age as your kids. 6 and 4. We recently took a leap of faith and sold our 3600 sq ft house to move into a 2 bedroom tiny apartment. Our hope with God's help is to be able to adopt and pay in cash. This summer in this tiny apartment has been the longest summer EVER and I have come unglued more times the I can count…just yesterday. Unfortunately our schools do not start until after Labor day…so our summer continues. I need the book unglued like my boys need a rubber room and I need ear plugs. I hope I win! My email is impatientlypraying (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you for your honesty!

Steph said...

Would LOVE to read this book! I feel unglued when I let the stress pile up without asking Him to give me strength to handle it. Also, when I start playing the comparing game. That game never ends well.

Katy said...

Ooo! I would love a copy of this book. I am a mother of three who struggles too!
I think the hot Texas weather contributes some b/c I have been a little calmer, less explosive since the cooler air is slowly hitting east Texas. :) hows that for putting the blame on something other than myself.

Kristina said...

My husband and I both have a tough time reigning in our raw emotions. As you can probably imagine, that causes problems in our home more frequently than I'd like to admit!

Anonymous said...

This is a must for my future. And completely relate to the Annabeth issues...my Anika was the same way.


Honeycutt Family said...

Thank you for your honesty, Amanda--I love it!
I can relate to your talk of exploding and/or stuffing, for sure. And, why is it that we explode more with those we love the most?!?
I have been hearing a lot about this book and would love to read it!

Skubaliscious said...

I have three daughters - twins and their baby sister. I think 'I live unglued' may be the theme of at least 3 of the females in our house! I am adding this to my goodreads to-read list - hopefully it will help me so I can help my girlies too!

Susan said...

Ahh, I feel Unglued all the time! I'd love a copy. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

Another PW who is a stuffer in public and an exploder at home. I have three kids. 8, 5, and 2. I was so able to relate to this post! Would love a copy of her book!

Summerfield News said...

Love your story! My ungluded moments seem to come from the frustrations of being a single mom. I struggle with patience and remembering that she is only 10. I soooo could use this book. I love Lysa's books; it is like she is speaking right to me!!!
Please please select me for the book. I am joinging the online bible study for Ungluded so I so need the book!

sarah f. said...

I would love a copy of the book! Farish1@illinois.edu. Thank you for your vulnerability :) it's encouraging and refreshing!

Corrie said...

Maybe that's my problem!


Victoria said...

Oh how that so describes me perfectly as well. That is actually one of my daily prayers to God...help me to not come unglued!
I love Lysa's books and would love to read this one.
Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

I would love, love, love this book. My stuggle with coming unglued is several times daily. I think the Lord gave me 5 kids to make me learn patience!


Melanie said...

I'd love to read this book! Thanks for your authenticity in your post.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing about the text you sent to the author of the book! I have done that a hundred times on my iPhone!
Unglued...it gives me a pit in my stomach to even think about it. I totally get the part of being unglued on the inside and the outside...depends where I am and who I am with.
Love your blog...first time posting.

michele said...

I am a stuffer. People tell me often, "You're so peaceful." Oh, if they only knew the raving fit I am having on the inside. I definitely think Unglued will be a timely word in my life. I would very much like to approach life's daily struggles in a much more sane way.

Whitney Walker Alexander said...

I just downloaded and starting reading the free sample on my Kindle yesterday! It's so good. Would love to have the whole book!


michele said...

I am a stuffer. People often tell me, "You're so peaceful." Oh, if they only knew the raving fit I am having on the inside! I can't wait to get my hands on Unglued. I am ready to get off this emotional rollercoaster.

Whitney Walker Alexander said...

Just downloaded the sample on my kindle yesterday. It's so good! Would love to have the whole book!!

D and R said...

I would love to win this book. I am a mom to an unglued little boy so this book could help him and me as well.

Thanks for a wonderful blog!


Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda, I remember those toddler days so well.
My kids are grown up (college & HS) now.
They each do an impression of me coming UNGLUED on the way to school. In my sleepy little town there is only one road to all the schools, so we sit in ridiculous traffic (and I only live around the corner from our school).
By the time I get to my parking space I'm frazzled.

No matter what time I leave.

I need Lysa's book! ;)

adminwoman said...

i'll take whatever help i can get!


Ben, Laura, Ted & Sophie said...

I will always take whatever help i can get!


Kristen said...

I think I will have to recommend this book to my bible study next!! or just to read!! I love this.

jill w said...

i would love to have this book !!! thanks for the opportunity to win one..

jill in wichita

Bourg Family said...

I didn't read all of the comments before so I apologize if this is something someone already covered. I also don't mean to sound all "quit being mean to your kid" because I totally get it. Anyway, to the point....My almost 2 year old has such a hard time "going" that he is on daily medication. EVERY time we spend time in a pool he has absolutely NO issues. In fact he goes so easily & so much that I have seriously considered asking our health insurance company to cover the cost of a pool. ;-) All that to say maybe she really doesn't have to go before & then when she gets in the pool it just hits. Like I said, I'm only saying this because of the way Connor's body reacts to being in the water. If that's the case, then although it is still frustrating to have to get out & go in at least you'll know she's not just being difficult. ;-)
Oh & by the way, my unglued moment comes when I ask numerous times if a certain 4 year old needs to potty before we leave the house & she absolutely does NOT. Then, 5 minutes into a 30 minute drive guess what she has to do so badly that she's going to die?!?!

kSk said...

I soooo come unglued when it comes to my child. The least amount of anger I have sometimes comes out on him. My husband just looks at me shocked. Help!

beckyjomama said...

Blowing up at home and stuffing in public ... that is soooooooooo me!

I need this book!

Katrina said...

I just love reading your blog and your being so transparent. Thank you for being real and sharing how Christ is transforming you into a person more like him! I would love to get a copy of the book Unglued. I have had manu Unglued experiences too! my email is stikeleather5@earthlink.net

Sarah said...

Beautiful pool!

"exploding and stuffing" - yep, that would describe me, too. I feel like my tendency to explode has gotten better in the past 6 months and even more-so the last 8 weeks (hallelujah and amen for my husband's sabbatical from work). Would definitely love to read this book! Thanks for the chance to win!

Rebecca said...

After reading several of the comments, I think lots of women are in need of this book. How thankful are we to Lysa for writing it! I am a mom to four little ones age 7 and under. God has been so good to me but many days I an "living the unglued life". I would love to be entered into the drawing. :)
Thank you for writing,



Kelli said...

I have this problem too! Would love (need) to read this book! My poor husband has to deal with my unglued moments.


Tara22 said...

Great giveaway Amanada:) I would love to read this! Thank you so much for sharing!
Tara C

Kelli said...

I would love(need) to read this book! My poor husband gets the best of my unglued moments.

amybhill said...

Um, this book sounds like it was written for me. If I don't win, I'm definitely going to have to order a copy for myself. Okay, so, I don't know if this counts specifically as an unglued story, but here it goes: I was watching Beauty and the Beast with my then 3 year old (now 4), and was straight-up convicted when the Beast was screaming at Belle, "You must come down for dinner- that's not a request!" I was like, oh my goodness, I'm the Beast! So I start telling this story to everyone: my family, my friends, the lady in the grocery store line, whoever. I'm getting laughs everywhere I go - moms totally relating and cracking up with me over our Beast-like tendencies. All the while, my 3 year old is listening to me tell this story. About a week later, my husband came back from a business trip, and he brought back little Belle and Beast figurines for my daughter. Within maybe an hour of him being home (pathetic, I know), I am totally going off on him for something. (As a side-note, we usually have a fight when he gets home from a trip. I wonder what is up with that?! Anyway-) So my three year old runs into the other room, and comes back quietly singing, "Mommy is somebody. Yes, she is. Mommy is somebody." I look down and the Beast figurine is in her hand and there is a little smirk on her face. Happily, that completely deflated the argument and my husband and I both started cracking up. So anyway, as you can see, I need this book :)

Lindsay said...

I would love to read this book!!

Karen said...

I have previously read Made to Crave by Lisa and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have many unglued moments but am discerning that they are related to my insecurities (also reading So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore). Thank you for your post and for the book giveaway.

Karen Tee

Lindsey T said...

Thanks for always being so transparent in what you're learning, Amanda. I have actually thought of you often as we have just started a new church! Prayers (and advice) are appreciated!!!

Would love a copy of this book!

Rebecca said...

Thanks so much for writing this. I think sometimes we as Christian women feel like we have to be "perfect" all the time. And to be honest, there are many days when I feel discouraged because I know there are so many times than not that I come "unglued", especially with my family. I am currently mothering 4 small children under the age of 7 years! Whew! Thanks for entering me into the drawing.

Kristen said...

Sounds like such an awesome book!!! Need to read it! :)

Beth @ Hope And Coffee said...

This sounds like a very helpful book and I'm excited to get a copy, whether I win one or just purchase it myself! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'll definitely be adding this book to my reading list. Thanks for your recommendation! Coming unglued is a huge temptation for me- especially when I don't start my day with a quiet time. Lord help!

Kristen said...

Raising 4 kids under 7years- this title pretty much sums up how i feel most days!

Karen E said...

It's a fine line between stuffing and exploding for me, and it's so hard to find that balance. This sounds like a great book to read, please!

Amanda -- your honesty, love and grace are so refreshing. Thanks for sharing life!

Rebecca Shaw said...

Unfortunately, my hormones seem to hate me lately, so I have spent quite a bit of time ungued. I need to read this book!

Kristi said...

Wonderful blog! It is so refreshing to have other mothers share their real-life experiences. It is heartening to discover that we are not alone on this journey. I have always enjoyed what Lysa and you have had to share about motherhood. I hate myself when I blow up. It takes a lot of strength for me to maintain calm. I know it helps for me to identify what sets me off and then find helpful solutions.
In fact, my son just got bummed when I told him he could not join some older neighbor boys on a bike ride to Timbuktu. Without thinking I responded to his reaction with a very sarcastic, "Yeah! Your life is just so terrible." *cringe* I apologized but wished I hadn't said it in the first place. Thank you God for grace.

aubrey said...

I know all about coming unglued. Wish I didn't, but it's true. Would love to read this book. Thanks for sharing your story a bit. I can't totally relate with attempts of trying to control toddler bodily functions. IMPOSSIBLE!!

sfretwell said...

This book is on my list of "must haves" and I can't wait to read it!! I would love to win a copy!

Melody said...

I would love to have this book . . . something tells me I will recognize myself on almost every page :(

Holly said...

my small group girls were just discussing how this might be our fall book that we want to read together an then I read your blog review today:) Thanks!


Melissa said...

I'd love to win. This book is on my list of things to read.

teri-free2bme said...

yes... sounds like my way of dealing with stuff, too~ exploding with my family and stuffing it with others.

Sounds like "Unglued" would be a great read and very life application. I love Lysa's writing... am reading "Made to Crave" right now.

Funny story about Annabeth and her phenomenon. Hang in there, Amanda :)

Teri in Corpus

Tabaitha said...

I must get a copy of this book. I really need it. Both of my kids have done the same thing to me this summer, except it usually happen when we are at a neighborhood splash pad with no bathrooms in site. I used to get so mad, and then a friend pointed out that they probably have to go because their bodies are running around and it gets their bowels moving. I never thought of it that way, and have learned not to get so frustrated.

Didi said...

I just saw that another blogger was reading this book as well. Looks like it is for me! Would love to win a copy!

Nichole said...

Oh my, do I ever need to read this. The whole time I was reading your post all I could think was "that's just like me!" I have a 3-year old and a 1-year old and I have been praying recently over my patience and ability to parent and discipline without losing it...they (especially my 3-year old!) know exactly how to push my buttons. It's been humbling for me since that's not how I want them to remember their years at home with Mommy. Looks like I have my next book lined up...

John said...

Sounds like a book for me!

teri-free2bme said...

[I just wrote a comment (first), then signed in to my google acct. (second) and my comment seemded to poof... totally gone... weird... but I'll try not to get unglued over it]

I'm also one to explode with family (mostly the kids) and stuff with my friends. This book sounds like a great read and very life application. Thanks for mentioning it on your blog and offering a couple giveaways!

Your story about Annabeth's "strange phenomenon" is funny... you will look back on it someday and laugh. For now, hang in there, Amanda! :)

Teri in Corpus

Anonymous said...

If I don't win this book I will go and buy it. I am already a fan, because it sounds like this author knows what it is like when the enemy says, "you know, you're the ONLY ONE who experiences this sort of thing..." so yes, it's a book I need. Are you old enough/young enough to remember the Sesame Street sketch with Cookie Monster pressing the librarian's buttons by asking for cookies in the library when he was told a thousand times that they don't have cookies in the library! ONLY BOOKS! And then the librarian totally loses his stuff. I showed my kids that on YouTube yesterday and cried I laughed so hard. Yes, sister, you are not alone.

Meg Ebba
New Hampshire

poole party said...

I would LOVE a copy of this book! With a clingy toddler, and a husband who just started his residency, I really am LIVING unglued!

Katy said...

thank you for your realness. i love it! your pool is beautiful & it beats the public pools. enjoy it!

The Buster Bunch said...

Wow, it sounds like me! Since having kids I've become unglued almost every day and I HATE it! I'm not very good with non fiction books, but I've got to read that!

Skoots1moM said...

being surgically-hormoneless gives me myriads of reasons to read this book to help cope with this
"new-old" body...
surely would like to win one!
Thanks for putting them up as giveaways ;)

Emily said...

Sounds like a great book! Would love to read it for myself and to help me teach/model to my kids how to manage emotions! Emilydirks@gmail.com

Lauren said...

I would love/need to read this book! Having a 3 year old gives me reason to fight becoming unglued everyday! Ha!


Mary B said...

Seriously that pool looks delightful!
And also... I'm pretty sure I need to read that book :)

Jayne Stark said...

A book for me for sure! I am a wife, mother of three, homeschool those three and work part time outside the home. I come unplugged more than I'd like to say. Outbursts and stuffing are all me!

Kate Williams said...

I would love to read this book, sounds like something I need to read.


Erin said...

I can't wait to read this book! I've had many an unglued mommy moment! Thanks for sharing yours.

erinb1 at aol dot com

stephanie said...

This sounds like just the book I need to read... I've spent far too much time unglued this summer...

Jodi Brown said...

Would love to win this book! I love Lysa. She's amazing!


Kris said...

Sounds like a must read! :)

Geni said...

Amanda, I promise you (though I remember those days well) coming unglued is not reserved for the young mother with toddlers and preschoolers. Try being retired and in the house with your sweet hubby who is your polar opposite! Conversations can go from what's for lunch to what's for dinner in less than 5 minutes and you don't even have the dang dishes done from breakfast! Then there's the come sit and watch "The Wheel" with me. Now I like The Wheel of Fortune--but every night!?! Really? I could go on but you get my drift--coming unglued has no age limits!
Geni Hulsey
Houston, TX

Abbey said...

This sounds like a book I need. My husband is currently deployed and I have three children under 7. Unglued is basically my word of the day, every day. :)
I love your blog by the way, been a long time reader/lurker. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

I turn 40 tomorrow and am finding it harder and harder to control my emotions as I age! I am really wanting to read Unglued.

Amy S

Colleen said...

My, my. 48, and I just became unglued when visiting my father. You'd think I were 7.
Jesus, send me a Word!
Yes, yes, I'd love this book.

Unknown said...

I will become a SAHM at the end of this week...I am hoping that I will stay glued more often than not, but my track record isnt good!
I would love this book (and would love to be able to read it with my playgroup at church!) Glad I heard about it!

Chelsea said...

I just heard about this book today and then read about it again on your blog! I totally need to read this. I've been having some unglued moments with my 2 daughters lately.... :(

Kirstjen said...

That's totally me! I'm excited to read this book! And I need it!

Stephanie said...

I, like you, explode with my family and stuff with the outside world.

flip_flop_stamper said...

I am a big fan of Lysa's and of course you, Melissa and your Mom, too! I could really use this book. Thanks!

katie said...

I would LOVE a copy of this book!! I NEED this! I will be reading it either way, but it would be nice to be free :)

Thank you, Amanda!

Anonymous said...

I think there's never a day when I don't get unglued with parenting stress and frustration. It's still a learning curve for me on how to respond positively.

Alyssa said...

Sounds like a book I need to read! Alymc1230@windstream.net

Kim said...

I love everything you write. Even though I am at a much different stage of life, you bless me everytime.


Unknown said...

I've had some unglued moments with my upcoming wedding! Who knew that such a wonderful time in my life can bring out the crazies!

selah said...

I think I need this book...I do pretty well but come unglued almost every month at a specific time. You know the one. My physical affects my emotional & I don't know how to keep control.

Unknown said...

I've had a few unglued moments with my upcoming wedding..who knew that the happiest time could bring out the crazies!

Melissa said...

Was just praying about this today!!! I'm a homeschooling Mom to 4 and coming "unglued" is certainly one of my weaknesses!!

Marian said...

I have a family legacy of someone close to me coming unglued, and I have had my own shameful moments as well.

labride said...

I so need this book, winning or not lol! That is my biggest issue. I explode.

rachel said...

My life is pretty much unglued. Would love to read the book!


Michelle said...

I come unglued in the car when the kids are behind me, arguing and bickering. Not. Fun!! And then I feel so bad and guilty, and then I have to confess and apologize and ask for forgiveness, and explain, again, that GOd is still working on their imperfect mother. My name is Michelle, I am a mother of 4, and I can be found at: www.vanessachristine.blogspot.com or shellybellyb@yahoo.com

Lisa said...

I hope this isn't tmi since I've only commented on your blog a couple of times, but here goes. I am about to go through separation, most likely the big D, something I never thought I'd have to do. I have begged and tried and forgiven, and I can't do it anymore. I would love to read this book. I want to do this in a God honoring way, even though my human self wants to hurt him in any way possible. I think this book would be a big help.

Christi said...

I can so relate. My poor husband suffers the wrath! :) Sounds like a great book.

H said...

I need this book SO. BADLY. You have no idea. So please, pick me!!!:) hollygordon@hotmail.com

wmcswain said...

I'd love to read this book! Even if it's a kindle version. It is so hard to live unglued. I've had more moments like this that I'd ever had believed since becoming a mother. With the Lord's help, I want to practice the fruit of self-control in stressful situations. Thank you Amanda for posting.

Leslie said...

Want to read this book so much!


Mandie said...

I've been hearing such wonderful things about this book...I too live in either the explode or stuff-it mode far too frequently. Can't wait for some Godly wisdom in this area.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

It's been a crazy summer for us. Just as we thought we were settled - in a house, connecting at our church, feeling good about school, the baby finally sleeping through the night - my husband was laid off. I came unglued there, for a while. It's hard to take all these gift and throw them back at God and say, "Whatever you want us to keep, Lord. It's all grace."

The good news is: Corey is establishing his own consulting company, and things are going well. We are encouraged. But it's also required a ton of travel from him. He's been gone the last 2 weeks, and he'll be gone the first 3 weeks in September. That's rough on me, to single-parent 4 kids by myself all this time. I'm at the point of becoming unglued again. (I'm a stuffer.) I'm trying to lean in to God's grace, because it's a minute by minute thing.

Lacey Salmon said...

I would love to win this book! I've heard so many great things from different people :)


Angel S. said...

I am a living, walking testamony of living Unglued. I desperately want to change. This book is timely!

Debi said...

I am a mom of four sons, have been in the ministry now for 20 years...not only are we missionaries, but my hubby is also responsible for half the ministry and is the staff pastor. Enough said....:)

It really is a blessing most of the time!

Yvonne said...

I really, really need to read this book!


Jessica said...

I would love the opportunity to win a copy of this book to read!

I was cooking the other night and needed flour. There were bugs in it! I was already stressed out trying to cook and with other life things. I just stood there with tears in my eyes. Finally, my husband got home from work and we were able to have a good laugh about 'bugs in the flour' relating to stress in our life!


Sarah said...

I would love to have a copy! I am a chronic "stuffer". :) If I don't win a copy, I'll just have to buy one!


Melissa said...

Thank you Amanda for this wonderful opportunity. I am going to be on Melissa Taylor's blog for her online study of this book. ;)

I can basically become unglued when I leave Starbucks in the morning and get into Atlanta traffic.



Carrie Beth said...

I would really love to read this book. I have too many "unglued" moments to count. I have to remind myself often to get mad at what I am really mad at (or who) and not take it out on my family. My twitter is is @bethietigges.

Carrie Beth said...

I have too many unglued moments to count. I have four boys ages 9 to 11 months. I have to constantly remind myself that I need to not take my frustrations out at then and deal with what makes me cone unglued. I know I am doing better now than I was five years ago, but I can always do better!! My twitter is is @bethietigges

Blair said...

Oh I would love to read this!


Prairie Rose said...

I've always been a quiet-natured, calm, patient individual. But suddenly acquiring an instant family of three foster-to-adopt children, birth to age 5, as a single working parent has changed me. I feel like I come "unglued" over something EVERY day, whether it's scolding the toddler for hitting the baby for the thousandth time today or the five-year-old soiling her pants when I JUST SENT HER to the bathroom ten minutes ago, and I hate seeing what I've become! I want to be the calm, gentle, quiet person I always was before and have the patience with my kids that I always thought I would have! Can't wait to check out this book.

Melissa said...

I Soo need his book... I am an exploder and a stuffer too!! Love your blog!!

Becki said...

Um I pretty much come unglued every day lately with my poor children...I have a just turned 3 year old and 18 month old twins. I would love to win a copy of this book :)

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