He loves to "talk" on a cell phone. And that is why mine is currently broken. Any attempts to reach me by phone for the next week will prove futile.

Most of the time he's all smiles.

Every few days someone asks me, "Does he ever get mad?"

His partner in crime.

His current obsession is Daddy's guitar. The question is, will he call it a guiTAR or a GUITar? His parents are divided over this issue.

he is so adorable it is not even funny!! loving the haircut!
What a doll. That shirt looks like it was meant for him - the colors are perfect.
My 14 old loves the telephone, too. He says, "Hellloo-oo" in a breathy baby voice. It's so cute so I let him play with it. Just hoping he doesn't dial China.
That haircut makes him look sooooooooo grown-up! My daughter deleted all my contacts on my cell phone once...
Thanks for popping by my blog. You'll have to come back on a day when I'm not quite as insane.
Jackson is simply too adorable. Like baby food commercial adorable. I love reading your blog; it reminds me of our first few years in ministry and the days of our first baby. Such precious times. And that is a treat for me, to think back, so thank you!
It is clear you love being his mommy and that is incredibly beautiful. Enjoy him today! :)
I'm really hoping for guiTAR.
I have been a lurker for months now and the phone pix deserves a comment. Love that one with the funny face. Your little guy has such fun expressions and the eyes the Lord gave Him are mesmerizing. You are so blessed!
His hair cut is adorable...such a big boy! Gotta love those big blue eyes!
He is a doll! Isn't it so fun to watch them grow? And so sad at the same time? I miss all my baby snuggles They grow too quickly!
that cell phone picture...just what i needed to see before i went to bed....absolutely precious :)
and yay! jackson and i can learn how to play guitar together!
amanda~I cannot believe that he is 17 months old!! He is turning into quite a handsome little fella. and, i think it is guiTAR! sam just calls it a tar:)
this boy is stinking adorable...
Growing, growing, and growing! Adorable!
He is happy and adorable. I love that he always has a smile on his face.
Such a pretty, uh I mean ruggedly handsome, little man!
I love him on the cell phone!
He is so dadgum cute! Being a pinkmommy, it is hard to imagine being a mom to anything but a girly girl. Reading about your life with Jackson gives me a desire to have a manly boy one day...
Oh my word ... that face! That precious face!
handsome, handsome, handsome!
Manda he is so PRECIOUS!!! We love him so much the whole Altic Family does!!!!!Jaykers can't wait to play...
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