(Let me preface this by saying that, like much of what is on this blog, I wrote this primarily for myself. If you read it, great! If not, great!)
One: I was born to my parents in their tenth month of marriage. Fun times for them. Mom took on a paper route in order to stay home with me. The paper route didn't last, but it speaks to me about how much she loved/loves me! My mom? With a paper route?
Two: I clearly remember sitting on my mom's lap and asking her how that baby in her tummy was going to be born. I also remember the day we drove Melissa home from the hospital.
Three: I remember getting a chalkboard and some E.T. paraphernalia for my birthday.
Four: I wore a pink and gray poodle skirt to my fourth birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese in Victoria, Texas. I also wore a necklace with a pink, wooden number four.
Five: My great-grandma gave me two baby chicks from her farm and I named them Cupsy and Brother. They both met their demise at the hands (mouth) of our dog. That same little dog bit me in the face that year and was promptly given away.
Six: We moved to the house that my parents have been in ever since. We loved sliding down the stairs in our footie pajamas. I also started kindergarten.
Seven: I made my profession of faith and was baptized. My parents gave me a purple Precious Moments Bible. I wish I still had it, but one of the dogs chewed up the cover at some point.
Eight: I have always said that I peaked in the second grade. I had very long blond hair that my mom put in curlers every day. The next year it was cut off and I was never the same. This is the age when I started hating math. Especially fractions. And my teacher still remembers that I couldn't tell time. To this day I sweat when someone asks me the time.
Nine: I remember some amazingly hard spelling tests in Mrs. Adams' class.
Allie, do you remember those? My family took an unforgettable summer trip to Maine and New York that summer.
Ten: Four-year-old Michael came to live with us around Valentine's Day.
Eleven: I was obsessed with designer jeans and NKOTB.
Twelve: Hello, jr. high! Welcome to the stress of locker combinations, dressing out for PE, and tardy bells. No description of these years is complete without a mention of my bff,
Thirteen: I lived to be on the Truitt Jr. High volleyball team. We were 0-14. I went to the Kinsmen Lutheran Church's youth group with my friends and had the most fun.
Fourteen: This was the last year before my faith was really tested. I had such a heart for God, but things were going to get tough soon. I spent a lot of time
riding horses with my dad and grandma.
Fifteen: Hello, high school! I had my first homecoming, first date, first heartbreak, first party, etc. This is when my friends and I learned that a kiss is not a commitment. (Jen, where's that old poem you had about that? And happy birthday to you tomorrow!)
Sixteen: Aggie maroon, 5.0 GT Mustang convertible. Thank you, Memaw.
Seventeen: Michael went to live with his birth mom. These years were very difficult for my family. My mom took me to Israel that summer.
Eighteen: I'd like to erase this year from my life. Even so, I graduated from high school and went off to fulfill my destiny at Texas A&M University! I went to Passion '98 in Austin and got a taste of what could be mine if I would get serious with Jesus. My Nanny died that summer.
Nineteen: I started getting serious with Jesus. I joined Phi Lamb and had so much fun in college!
Twenty: I was invited to be part of the missions intern program at my home church. I met hubby!
Twenty-one: I went on my first overseas mission trip - to Valle de la Pascua, Venezuela. God redeemed years of Spanish classes. Curt and I had an amazing time witnessing there together and shortly afterward he asked my dad for my hand in marriage. We got engaged at the end of April.
Twenty-two: I had an amazing 9 months with my precious roommates, whom I love dearly. I planned a wedding, finished school, graduated, walked down the aisle, and then started a full time job. That was quite a year.
Twenty-three: We did Believing God that fall. It really marked me. That year I learned so much about serving alongside my hubby in ministry. I taught eighth grade girls in Sunday school. I was a terrible teacher, but they were a lot of fun. They are freshmen in college this year!
Twenty-four: We moved to England for five months. We didn't know, but the Lord knew we were drawing our time in Houston to a close.
Twenty-five: We moved to our new city in early October. My best friends from Houston sent me a huge package for my birthday and I wept as I opened it up. Why on earth had I left my friends? That summer we bought our first house and found out we were expecting... the next day!
Twenty-six: Jackson Curtis Jones came into my life and improved it drastically! I had no idea how much I would love him. God gave me some amazing friends to walk through early motherhood with.
Twenty-seven: The best year of my life so far. You can read all about it on this blog. No longer tied down to nursing every three waking hours, Jackson and I have gone everywhere and done everything.
Twenty-eight: What will it be, Lord? You alone know! Please bless us and keep us; make your face to shine upon us and be gracious to us; turn your face toward us and give us peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) Amen.