Back to the haystacks. This is normally a treat I make at Christmas. But hay is a fall thing, right? I keep hearing about hay rides and seeing hay bale mazes at all the pumpkin patches. Please don't hate me because we've been to three different ones. My child needs something to do!
Here is the recipe I used in case anyone wants to give them a try.
Butterscotch Haystacks
1 cup of butterscotch chips
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of Spanish peanuts
2 cups of La Choy chow mein noodles
Heat the peanut butter and butterscotch chips on 50% power for 3-5 minutes. Stir, then add noodles and peanuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax paper. Let them harden and then eat 'em all up!
*I like to go lighter on the peanut butter and heavier on the noodles, but that's just me. The peanut butter definitely makes it easier to work with. I was so happy that I ended up buying way more chow mein noodles than I needed because I really like to eat them plain. They're better than chips.
Also, my cousin-in-law Erin just got a blog makeover. It might be the cutest one I've ever seen. Yep, it is. Take a look!
Here are some pics from the most recent pumpkin patch bonanza.
Not quite true.

I was so thrilled that he loved his corn dog. Although this one gave corn dogs a bad name. It was not crispy at all.

The Jones men.

I totally copied another mom who put her kid in here for a picture. My kid only wanted to throw the pumpkins.

Playing chase.

And this is what Jackson liked best about that pumpkin patch.

so precious! glad you guys are feeling better!
Love haystacks no matter what time of year. I belive they are another love language.
Thank you for the recipe. I will make them as soon as we get moved. I am sure your neighbors will love them.
Jackson is the cutest little boy and I love the pictures of him eating his corndog but I cracked up over the last one, what little boy doesn't like to play and throw rocks and in Jackson's case, pumpkins!
Oh my word, the rocks in the road picture made me laugh. Our kids have always been more fascinated by the rocks in the dirt parking lots than ANYTHING we could show them. (And until recently, we lived on a dirt road, so it's not as if they hadn't seen a rock before.)
Kids are so funny. Cute, cute pictures. Sounds like you're enjoying fall.
Jackson's getting so big! I just love the picture of him and Curt sitting on the ledge.
I'm a big fan of corndogs! I would have been disappointed with one that wasn't crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside! Thanks to Jackson for being a little man and taking care of a corndog that was less than desirable! You should be proud!
Oh my Gosh Amanda your pictures are beautiful, i really enjoyed the one of your little and 'big' men, too cute. Thank so much for sharing.
I'm going to rise up and call you blessed for posting that Haystack recipe. I had totally forgotten about the goodness that is Haystacks.
And Jackson is as cute as ever.
I was trying to think of something fun to make for Bible study tonight! I will make Butterscotch Haystacks! Thank you SO much, Amanda! Thank you also for sharing your adorable pictures of your family! I LOVE watching Jackson grow up!
Have a great day!
Angie xoxo
I am now going to make some haystacks for Melanie and Shannon this weekend. And we will all rise up and call you blessed. Yes ma'am we will.
Haystacks... interesting! I've made them since I was little and we always called them "Ting-a-lings"! (Ours were chocolate - butterscotch is a grand idea for fall!) Your neighbors will love them.
I love all the artsy pictures of the boys...especially the one of Jackson in the street. He is such a handsome boy.
I love those haystacks and have never made them before. That would be a good fun thing for me and my son to make this weekend! Thanks for the idea and the recipe! Oh! And I too loved the picture of your men on the wall. So sweet.
thanks so much for posting the haystack recipe. one of my friends' moms made those in kindergarten and i've always wanted to know how to make them. (is is not obvious i'm a food lover by the fact that i remember a snack in kindergarten)?!
Mmm-mmm. I like that haystacks don't have to be reserved for Christmas, being hay themed and all--definitely a fall themed candy! Your neighbors are going to love you even more. Jackson is so adorable--you are a great photographer as well as writer!
On another note, I would like to invite you to participate in a meme I’m hosting called “It’s a Family Tradition.” With the holidays coming, it is fun to hear what things people do in their homes as part of their fun. Check it out at and tell me about your favorite family traditions on your blog. Happy Holidays, annie.
That picture of Jackson and his daddy is just too cute and so grown up looking!! Lovin the food!
I'm gonna make me some haystacks.
I'm not ready to tackle the homemade bread, but I can handle some haystacks.
Thanks Amanda for always sharing.
Much love~
What a good neighbor you are! I have never had these before. I'll have to put it on my list of things to make:)
We recently visited a pumpkin patch and my son (a couple of months younger than yours) was enamored with...
the rocks in the driveway. If it's dirty, muddy, dusty, and especially ROCKY, he's in heaven.
Must. have. daughter.
But I do kinda love that about him. Such a boy!
Great idea on the haystacks! I can't wait to try them.
Also, just wanted to say how much your blog lifts my spirit each week! I have been reading it since spring and as a newlywed married to a youth minister (and working as a first-year teacher), your words provide so much encouragement-- especially with ministry and family matters! Thank you for your willingness to share so freely! Plus, my husband is from DFW and loves seeing what's happening in the metroplex- even if it does make him a little jealous. :)
Grace and peace,
Praying God's richest blessing over you today, my sister! 'Asking Him to give you favor with everyone you meet.
I made them and they are AMAZING! My only problem is keeping my husband away from them so I'll have enough for the girls tonight! :)
Thank you again!
Angie xoxo
glad everyone is feeling better now!!
your little one looks like a little man now!! i am nannying for a little boy that has those same big eyes as jackson, so i think about ya'll often!! :)
You should have your own Siesta Blog Cook book lol:)
Have a good night tomorrow:)
there used to be lots of rocks in the pockets on laundry day but those days have been replaced by cell phones in the pockets and i end up washing cell phones instead of little rocks...enjoy those Rock moments'll know in your heart if you are, cause either we are irritated or loving & compassionate to the ones throwing the i miss emptying those pockets of rocks...
Mmm, you would be my favorite neighbor!
Im pretty sure you are at the one in flowermound.....and you see that house in the back with the blue roof (in the picture with the dirt road) dad built that was the one we were going to move into until all you know what broke loose...haha just a random fact!
hope all is well!
Adorable. I love this age.
OH how I love the pumpkin patch! Our favorite thing to do is the hayride. Love it!
Jackson sure is growing up. So cute, that boy!
What great pictures! Jackson is so cut and like all like boys, loves him some dirt. Thanks for sharing him with us. So glad you have survivied the stomach bug and are out in the sunshine shopping pumpkins. Blessings.
I have never had haystacks or even heard of them for that matter. I will have to try them out - thank you for posting the recipe.
I love the pictures and yes little boys truly just love the dirt and the rocks forget anything else :)
i love that patch! and i had totally forgotten about yummy haystacks- a must after my weight-loss challenge is over in 2 weeks!
Glad you are doing bette, the haystacks sound so good. I'll have to try those.
i love the "jones men" picture! there is nothing like seeing our little boys with their daddy!
Haven't commented in awhile, but just thought it funny that we were at that VERY same pumpkin patch a couple of days before you! LOL! We live just a couple of miles from it. Small world! ; )
We went to that very same pumpkin patch for five years in a row! (We used to live just a few miles from it.) This year we went to Mainstay Farm south of Fort Worth, and although it was a long drive, it was worth it! Very farm-ish, with an amazing hayride, a three-story treehouse to play in, and s'mores to roast. It's definitely my pick for next year. Put a movie on in the car, settle in for a drive, and you can kill an entire day.
I mean, you can savor an entire day doing something educational and enjoyable with your child. :)
Yes, I am stalking your blog tonight. Janelle left a comment on my blog about your butterscotch hatstacks. How did I miss this post. These look yummy. I may borrow your recipe for my neighbor Mae's Christmas basket.
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