So last year at this time I decided that I would make felt stockings for my family. Curt and I went on a wild goose chase looking for Bucilla stocking kits. I couldn't find the ones I wanted at local stores, so I ended up buying some on ebay. I was very eager for them to arrive so I could get started. It won't shock you to know that five minutes in to the project I realized that there was no possible way I could pull it off. I never learned to sew and it was a little ambitious to think I could learn using one of these kits. So I began looking for someone who I could pay to make our stockings. I was totally unsuccessful, and a year later my stocking kits sit in my closet in a big white envelope.
I’m taking a chance today that maybe there’s someone out there who loves to sew, who has the time, and who would enjoy a little cash flow in time for the holidays. I know it might be a little late for all three, but if I could at least get Jackson’s stocking done in time, I’d be so happy. This is a long shot, but I’d love to hear from anyone who is interested. I’m not sure how much something like this would cost, but I am willing to fork over the money! Name your price! (I moderate all comments and I will not post any that contain money matters or contact info.)
These are the kits I bought:
"Snowman with Lights" - For Curtis

"Polar Bears" - For me

"Down the Chimney" - For Jackson

Aren't these fun!?!? Have a great weekend, everyone!
those are so found them on e-bay??? I may have to go and look...but i have the same problem...I am a bit challenged in all things domestic- including sewing. Not even sure I could get a button on if I wanted too!!
I hope you find someone...if not, maybe you could ask someone at a monogramming shop if they know anyone who sews, I found a lady through their to make some "frilly diaper covers" with sara's name on them when she was little!
Good luck, and when is TOO early to decorate...I start getting antsy the minute I see stuff in the stores (which nowadays in June), I ADORE Christmas music, the sights, the smells, etc.
Hey, they are already putting the lights up in the galleria/uptown park area...I think that means I should be able to also!!!
Unfortunatley I did not get the sewing/knitting/crocheting/any type of needle work gene or I would be honored to help!
I will pray for someone to come to your sewing rescue [I am thinking Sara from In the Midst of It--that girl can SEW!].
You should contact Jan at
She just made the most amazing diaper bags. Go check them out - I bet she could get them done in no time :)
I do not think she visits your page so you will have to contact her.
I hope that helps.
Are you still having fun with the family :)
Still praying for your mom and relative.
Love ya,
Those are darling -- but I can help you with a sewing project as much as a blind person can direct traffic. In New York.
Sorry. I'm sure you'll have luck with someone though. The blogosphere is filled with people who are crafty with thread and needle.
Okay I don't mean to be the least bit blunt here, but do you think your mom would see this post and not want to smack ya for not just asking her on how to make them lol.
Your mom my mom's age, so I can kinda here the whole, " Why are you going to pay someone to make them, when you know I know how."
I am pretty sure she might agree Amanda...:)
It could be something you guys do together, and maybe get Melissa involved to...what do ya think:)
Be Blessed girlie.
I started making the one like Curt's for myself like 2 years ago. Needless to say it still needs to be done. I hope you find someone!!!
Amanda, I just had to comment, not actually do the project. I bought a kit just like you have,to make one for my husband when we got married 10 years ago, and it took me 3 years to do! It was more detailed than I thought. I ended up buying 2 new stockings for my girls when they were born, because at the rate I was going they would be in college before I finished them.
Sandy in San Antonio
I also never learned to sew but my mom does; she made my stockings and has made them for other people, too. If you still need someone, yell! She's coming to visit in two weeks and bringing her machine to TRY to teach me to sew some curtains. She tried once when I was at the age where I didn't want to learn ANYTHING from her. Hopefully I'll behave better this time.
I can totally do this for you, if you want. But if you pay me, I'll kick you.
Sorry I can't help in the sewing department, but I'm sure some crafty lady will help you!
Last year, I paid a crafty school acquaintance to sew us 5 stockings made out of a needlepoint bed spread that covered my parents bed when I was a child. The stocking are exquisite, and such a wonderful way to use and display something so sentimental!
What a fun idea! I wish I could help you out, but I can't sew as of yet. Sarah (In the Midst of It) has roped me into a "self teaching" sewing club with her and another friend of ours. I'm a little skeptical considering I don't have a crafty/domestic bone in my body. I also want cooking lessons from Sunni, so maybe once I can sew I can barter with her to take pity on me.
All that to say, good luck on the stockings and I hope your other comments are more helpful than this one:)
I don't even know what to say other than "I AM SO NOT YOUR GIRL FOR THIS PROJECT." :-( But, I would love to see the finished product in photo. I bet you'll find someone easily and the timeframe sounds totally do-able. :-)
Hey there. Those are the cutest stockings I think I've ever seen! I do sew, but right now my machine is jammed from a blanket I made for my son. Coincidentally out of felt as well. :) If I can get it fixed within the next few weeks I'll check back and see if you still need these made. Hugs, Jen
Ladies, thank you so much for all the help! I have gotten some positive responses that I didn't post because they contain contact info. I just wanted everyone to know that so no one felt sorry for me. I have renewed hope! Woo hoo!
You need to go ahead and buy a couple more kits if you have the chance. You will most likely need more stockings in the future...and what if they stop making them?
Also, I think Beckham needs one! Our Flash has a matching stocking on our mantle. I know. It's too over the top. I won't even tell you about Flash's Spiderman costume for the church "harvest festival."
I'm so glad you've found some people who can help because all I can do is look at them and think how cute they are, but also how completely beyond any sewing talent I have ever possessed.
funny story i took Sewing 101 at the local hancock fabrics...PTL with Rom 8:28 because one benefit of going into the hospital on bed rest was that I did not have to finish those classes! It was awful. I talked the man into a brand new sewing machine which is still in the case because I have no idea what I am doing! So, if you get all domestic with sewing let me know and I will mail you my machine so you can put it to good use LOL!
What cute stockings!! My favorite thing to do is decorate for the holidays. I have more decorations than most stores! My boys always look forward to my decorating the house. I bought stockings the day after Christmas for 25 cents a piece. I can't wait to hang them on the mantle. If I could sew I would have offered but I was a disaster or am a disaster at sewing and I can't even sew on a button. How awful is that?! :) Have a wonderful weekend!!
Regarding the type of stockings, I know exactly what you're talking about--my grandma made my brother and me stockings in the same style. we still use them every year at my parents' house, and she's been gone 15 years or so. They are sweet reminders of her, and I can't imagine Christmas without them, even though they are bound to start falling apart any time now.
I think I am going to ambitiously knit some stockings for Nathan, me, and Baby B, but there is no way they're going to get done by this Christmas. I think they'll have to wait till next year!
Amanda, I must tell you that those are the EXACT stockings that I grew up using!
Amanda, I took on this task last year by making gage's stocking out of the felt kits. It was great and now I am on to Dave's. I wanted to have baby Jillian's done before christmas, but she can wait. Good luck and if you need help, call me. We should have a playdate/stocking sewing party!
Linsey jackson
Are you sure you didn't read my diary or something?
I had the same style stocking, made with love by my mother. I also purchased a kit for each of us and hardly opened the package before I realized it was waaaay beyong my sewing ability!
If you found someone who might want to make a few more at some point, let me know! I too would happily pay someone else to recreate my childhood stockings.
Opening my stocking stuff on Christmas morning was the highlight of my Christmas morning!! I was so bummed when I hit mid-twenties and moved away and my mother had the gall :) to stop stuffing a stocking for me...
I'm cracking up at these comments of all the non-sewers. Kelly's is my favorite "but I can help you with a sewing project as much as a blind person can direct traffic. In New York. " LOL I'm glad you found someone to help you :).
I would be thrilled to make these for you. I haven't been blessed with alot of skills, but honey, I can sew rings around a rooster. Check out my blog for a peak at my quilts! Here's my email. Get in touch and we'll set it up!
aka quiltgirl60
i too bought kits like these a few years ago. I almost finished one of them. Sadly, the others are still in the orginal bags.
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