Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Things Once Spoken

Like I was saying the other day when I got completely and hopelessly off track, four summers ago we were wrapping up our time in Northeast England. On our last Sunday at Thornaby Baptist Church, our dear friend Maxine presented us with two gifts in front of the congregation of about forty saints. I was doing an ugly cry and was desperately in need of a Kleenex. I kept turning around to face the other way because I was so embarrassed. Then in a moment that brought a bit of comic relief, we opened up the gifts to find these:

I started giggling immediately because I was a bit confused and I knew everyone was going to wonder if I was pregnant. At that time in our marriage we didn't have maternity insurance and we were not even talking about having a baby. Maxine realized that I was a little embarrassed and announced, "Amanda is not pregnant!" Actually, she called me "Amander" but I always loved that. There was a quick consensus that Curtis and I must be pregnant in the spiritual realm, meaning God had spiritual fruit and offspring that would come forth soon. I refused to believe that the father-son figurine was a prophecy of any kind. ;)

Later I realized that Maxine and I had been talking about Willow Tree figures one day and I had mentioned that I thought the one with the pregnant lady was beautiful. I had seen it at my friend Jennifer's house. She remembered that conversation when she saw the figurine and wanted to bless me with it.

We took the figurines back to America with us, but we didn't display them right away. I did not want any visitors to our house to think I was expecting. At some point during my pregnancy with Jackson I got them out and proudly displayed them at long last. It would be some time before Jackson was as old as the little boy in the second figurine, but he was a boy nonetheless.

Nowadays Jackson Jones is looking a lot more like the little boy in the picture. He's definitely not a baby anymore. Around April I noticed that I had stopped identifying with moms I saw with babies in strollers. I wasn't one of them anymore. It was such a strange feeling! We had graduated on to little-boyhood.

My heart is kind of pounding right now because I am so excited and blessed to be able to say that at this brief moment in time, both of those little Willow Tree figures are true of our family. A prophecy given to us four years ago has come to pass! We are expecting another Little Jones around February 12, 2009. Tomorrow I will be 11 weeks along. We had an OB appointment yesterday and got to hear the little heartbeat. He or she seems to be doing well in there! I have so much to say, but it wouldn't be that fun to stuff it all in one post. I will save some for later. For now I am just going to talk about it on this blog and not the other one. I may announce it tomorrow or maybe in a month. I'm not sure. I guess the numbers over there make me a little more nervous! So it's our little secret, okay? :)

By the way, I went into Baby Gap for fun yesterday after my appointment and I was blown away by the cuteness of all the fall clothes for baby boys. Oh my word. Pregnant Girl almost cried over this. I am so ready to shop in the 0-24 month section again. I've missed it so! Stick around for round two of Baby Bangs!


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Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Oh Amanda,

Congratulations! Praying for God to knit your new little Jones together according to his plan.

Much love,


Anonymous said...

AMANDA!! How exciting and I'm so happy for you. And NOW I understand the "glow" you had at Deeper Still.

I just thought it was the Atlanta heat!!

Blessings, friend, on you, Curtis, Jackson and that precious little one.

What a sweet way to post such awesome news!!!


Anonymous said...

P.S. I won't say a word! :)

Melinda said...

Oh God bless you, Pregnant Girl! And bless that sweet baby Jones tucked safely inside you under the swift and steady beat of your heart.

Sharing your joy,

DeDe said...

How terribly exciting Amanda! enjoy the moments, share them with the men in your life (including your mini man Jackson) He will make a great big brother. May you be so very aware of the 'dwelling' of God and the gift of His presence and the child within.

Bless you.

Barr Family said...

Oh yay! Even though I have never met you personally, I just about fell out of my chair when I read your entry today! I am so excited for you! Jackson will be a great big brother! I hope you are feeling wonderful in these early months! Congratulations!

Willard, MO

bethany said...

Congratulations!! I am very excited for you-we'll be on the journey of two crazy kids together! :) What a blessing!

Melissa said...

WOOHOO!!! Blessings on you and your growing family! I confess, I've wondered if this post was coming soon. Don't ask me why, since I've never met you before. Somehow I get the weirdest sixth sense about pregnancy posts right before they go public! Okay, I'm done typing now that I've made myself sound like a total loon...

Anonymous said...


I really enjoy your blog and wanted to say congrats on the new baby. What a blessing!

God Bless,

(a new reader in AZ)

Unknown said...

I'm a total lurker in AZ, but I had to come out and say CONGRATULATIONS! That it very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! May God Bless this pregnancy!!

petrii said...

OH Amanda ~~ CONGRATULATIONS!! I read your blog all the time, but I haven't commented until now!!! So SO happy for you!!! Children are such a gift. Thank you for sharing this news. I'm sure Grandma, Auntie M and the whole family is thrilled!! So does Jackson know he's going to be a big brother?!!


Beth said...

And that's why God gave Bibby two arms! For holding two grandbabies at a time! I've known this news for weeks now but my insides are jumping up and down reading it in print. Reality doesn't get any realer than a beating heart. I love that little one already. And I love this mommy.

Three Fold Cord said...

What wonderful news. I am prego with my third and don't always have time to comment, but I love hearing what the Lord is doing through you guys.
Prayin' for you as you go through another pregnancy and addition to your family.
I have to ask did you give her dancin' with Jesus flags to tell her this time too>???

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! Congratulations!! Your secret is safe with me. But I'll be dancing a jig waiting for you to announce it on the LPM board.

MamaCass said...

I am so so happy for you guys. What an exciting time! I loved your little Willow Tree story and how it led up to the big news. Yay!!!!

debra parker said...


I am so excited for you. There is nothing like the blessing of pregnancy and the growth inside of a belly.

Congratulations and Blessings!

Kelli said...

Congratulations!!!! Wow this is so exciting! I hope that your morning sickness has been a whole lot less than the first time around! :)

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Congratulations and God bless you Amanda! We're expecting our second grandchild in November so I can identify with how excited your Mom must be right now.

Take care of have a good excuse! :)

And don't worry.....we won't say a thing until you get ready to announce it over at the "big" blog. ha

Marilyn in Mississippi

Jenna said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for y'all!!

laurabelle said...

praise God!! What blessed news! Now we understand the crying over the shot records!! Congratulations and my prayers are with you! Laura

Unknown said...

Just had to stop in after running into you for the first time at church Sunday and then saw this wonderful news. Congratulations Amanda, Curtis, and Jackson.

(I was the short red head standing next to the beautiful, tall blonde who caught up with you to say hi after church.)

Take care and let people baby you if they want. ;-)


Melissa said...

Amanda - I know Jackson was born in February too. My little ones are three years apart almost to the day too. So so fun!!
BTW - My oldest is a boy(6) and youngest is a girl (3)!!

Brian and Nicole said...

Hi Amanda-

Congratulations on your new addition to come. I have been following your blog for a couple of months, I had a friend show it to me. I have a daughter, Taylor, who is a few weeks older than Jackson and I get so encouraged to hear your stories with him. It is amazing what these blessing will do for us. I hope it is an easy journey for you till Feb.
Nicole in MO

jeni said...

Oh Amanda!!! I am so happy for you!!!! May God bless your dear little family!! Thanks for sharing your precious news with us.

Prairie Rose said...

Congratulations!! I'll bet your mom is EXTRA thankful now you're living close! Jackson will be a great big brother! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! What a sweet blessing. Praying for a happy, healty, energetic pregnancy (at least some energy!)
San Antonio

Maria said...

Congratulations, Amanda! I'm so excited for you! May God continue to bless you richly during this pregnancy! Can't wait to hear more!

Lauren said...

Oh, Amanda. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. I knew all those comments you left on my blog saying that pictures of baby Noah made you want one couldn't be for naught. :)

I can't wait to hear whether it's a boy or girl! Won't it be cool for Jackson to have a little someone to play with?

I hope you're feeling okay!

Oh, and that woman giving you those figurines is FUNNY! I would have been at a total loss for words. Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Amanda - I don't know you personally, but have been following your blog and the LPM blog for quite awhile. Congratulations. We are praying His Mighty hand of grace will continue to hold you, family and the newest littlest Jones. Good luck trying to control the i'm sure heart stopping excitement of Grandma Bibby....


Emmy said...

Oh I am so excited Amanda! YEAH!!!!

I will be praying for your precious family of FOUR!

Emmy : )

Angie said...

Congratulations! I can keep a secret. ;-) Can't wait to follow you through this pregnancy and find out if Jackson gets a baby brother or sister. I'm praying for a healthy, uneventful pregnancy.

connorcolesmom said...

Ok you might think this is totally wierd but God told me several months ago that you were pregnant
and again laid it on my heart a few days ago

I think I even hinted at it in a few comments :)

I have been praying for you and this little one

I am just thrilled for the 3 of you :)
I love being a family of 4 and to have a new baby - OH what a DELIGHT!
God bless sweet friend

The Russ Family said...

you don't know me but I am good friends with Melissa Schmidt. I just love reading your blog. You are such an encouragement to me. Having babies is such a blessing! I went from one to three in a matter of minutes. I will be praying for you during this exciting time.

Jenn Russ

Little Steps Of Faith said...


I'll be praying for you;)

Keep yourself healty, strong and no stress(as much as could be possible, considering what your life is about).

:) angie

~Jodi~ said...

aww Amanda congrats!!! i am so happy and excited for you, Curtis and Jackson!!! I will be praying for you and am excited to hear all about your journeys along this path of your new lil one!
Many blessings!

Angela Baylis said...

Congratulations, Amander!
Your blog friends are SO happy for you, Curtis and Jackson! Thank you for letting us into your private life! You are SO sweet! I'm praying you are feeling well!
Much Love,
Angie xoxo

Jenny said...

Oh, Amanda! Congratulations!!! How wonderful! I saw you at church this Sunday and thought you looked especially pretty, now I know it is because you are GLOWING :)

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Ahhhh! Such exciting news! I'm thrilled for you, Amanda. You've been "boy mom" inspiration to me (since I'm due in 2 weeks!), and I can't wait to see what God blesses you with next. I'm praying for you today, for a healthy, easy pregnancy.

Praise God for new little lives!

Tina Vega said...

Congratulations to you and your family Amanda!

Deanna said...

Great News!!


Praying for all four of you!! :)

Lora said...

Sweet news! Bless you dear one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your newest addition! How exciting for you all.

My son was 3 when my daughter was born and it was so wonderful (and still is) to see him be a big brother.

Many blessings and prayers for you!

Erin Ward said...

You are so right. If the new little one is a boy, Eli, Kale, and he will cause some serious trouble!

I'm so excited for the new little Jones to be here! Jackson will be a great big brother.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! What wonderful news!

Kyle Taylor said...

Oh Amanda, how exciting!!! I know you don't know me real well because I rarely comment, but I read your blog all the time. I wish I knew you in real life! I just had to comment on this post, I am so overjoyed for you and your family! Congratulations and I love you girl!

one of four said...

Congrats! I am so excited for you. Thanks for sharing.

Tiffani said...

What a special, special gift....I will pray for a VERY protected and healthy pregnancy and for Little Jackson's heart to be prepared for that ever unique role of being a big brother!! I ADORE watching my almost 8 year old boy and his sweet relationship with his 4 year old little is truly a blessing!

with love,

Ashley said...

Amanda!!! Congratulations!!! I am SO excited for you. We are at my grandparents house for a few days and I had checked your blog a couple of times today throughout the day hoping for another post, but there wasn't a new one. Then tonight I was painting my toenails just a little while ago and my mom goes, "Did you know Amanda is pregnant again?" I was like, "Well, I've checked her blog several times today. She must've just posted it!"

I am so excited for you. Mom said maybe that's why you got so emotional about the dr's office when you dad called. ha!

See ya soon girl! You have to tell us how you told your mom and dad.

Holly said...

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

I have been thinking for quite awhile that you were pregnant--like a couple of months.


Praising Him with you! So happy and teary right now--it's not an ugly cry though. No, it's a purty one.

Sherry said...

Yay, yay, yay! I am so excited for Baby Jones #2!! I will be praying for a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy little one.

P.S. I know either would be wonderful, but secretly I hope it's a girl- they are SO fun!

Tiffany said...

Congratulations on your new blessing - Jackson will be such a good big brother! You will sooo enjoy watching him & your new one interact. It is priceless!!!

Tiffany in Kansas

Debra Kenney said...

Great news and congratulations. What a blessing!

Holly said...

Oh, and I'm praying for TWO on my birthday (the 17th)--is that ok?

Susan Wyatt said...

Congratulations Amanda! I know what you mean about being anxious to shop in the newborn section again. I'm in my second pregnancy right now, I have an 19 month little boy and twins on the way, boy and girl. My husband and I are moving later this year to be missionaries in NYC and on a quick visit this past weekend I went in Buy Buy Baby. They had the sweetest gowns, several to choose from, but the material was so soft, makes me so excited to hold my little ones in those precious gowns again. I didn't buy them, but may before its all said and done. I pray you are feeling well and able to keep your strength while keeping up with Mr. Jackson.


Anonymous said...

What sweet, sweet news. It doesn't get any better does it?! My husband and I have a precious 16 mo. old girl and are expecting our second little one in October...a little brother for our daughter. It's such fun preparing for yet another addition to the family! I know you all must be thrilled! Praying for an amazing pregnancy. It is so different the second time around!!


Lisa Pierre said...

aManDA! Blessings...

Kelly said...

I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know why but I have had the strangest feeling that you were pregnant. In fact I even told a couple of my real life friends who read you blog that I thought you were going to announce any day that you were pregnant. Maybe it's just that instant bond I'm feeling right now with anyone who is pregnant.
We are just a few weeks apart! I'm so excited for you! I'm secretly hoping for a little girl for you! But if the 2nd boy is as cute as Jackson - then he will be so precious!!!
Yeay Amanda! We are pregnant buddies now!

Anonymous said...



Kelly @ Love Well said...

First, I have to say CONGRATULATIONS!

Second, I want to know if morning sickness if whipping your rear end into submission. Or are you hanging in there?

Third, I had a feeling last week that you were going to say this. (Must have been the La-ward.) Seemed to make sense: the light posting lately, the fact that Jackson is 2+ and then the really puzzling fact that you just went part-time. I couldn't figure out why you would cut your hours now that you live nearby. Pregnancy was the only plausible solution.

Amanda said...

I've been enjoying your blog for sometime now... and just had to say congratulations!
Many blessings as you welcome a new bundle from God!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post and great news! Congratulations!!!

P.S. I was wondering, too, about that "glow" from a Deeper Still pic Big Mama had on her blog. Can't wait to hear whatever you're storing up for future posts!

Missy said...

SOOO excited for you! I too have always thought that pregnant willow tree figurine was beautiful.

And shopping for baby clothes - I don't think it gets any better! (even though I haven't done it for myself yet - I CAN'T WAIT!!!!)

Hope you are feeling better. :)

Cindy-Still His Girl said...


So, so thrilled for ALL of you!

One of my life's sweetest blessings is seeing my kids love and enjoy their siblings.

Of course one my life's biggest pains in my butt is seeing my kids bug their siblings, but whatever.

FABULOUS news! Hope you're feeling good. Can't wait to hear about cravings and such. :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Oh, such fabulous news! I've been waiting to see it show up on the blog! Glad you heard the heartbeat, and glad you can display both figurines now! Love you!

MamaBear said...

CONGRATULATIONS! May God bless your pregnancy and the little one growing inside you.

Babies are such a blessing ...

McClure Family said...

Amanda~I loved your post; my heart was pounding for you when I started reading! I can't wait to meet this little one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You may want to start peeking around at the girls' section. ;)

Deidre said...

Congratulations Curtis and Amanda (and Jackson). Two is certainly MORE than one, but oh such a blessing.

Jenifer said...

Congrats to the Jones'. Praying for all of you during this wonderful time.


Anonymous said...

Girl, you're racking up some serious comment numbers yourself on this one! Heartfelt congratulations to you, Amanda! May God bless your precious little family.

twinkle said...

I am just so amazed at how ya'll can keep such good secrets! Frankly, I thought it would be Melissa making this announcement about her and Colin. But Amanda, this baby will be such a welcome addition to your family! I keep thinking baby girl...but only God has this secret in His heart right now. Can't wait for the arrival. Congratulations to all of you!

The Wootens said...

YAY! Congratulations! You will soon may be adding one more child, but you will definitely be MULTIPLYING the excitement, activity, and "Lord, PLEASE help me!" cries! Children ARE a blessing from the Lord! The fruit of the womb is His reward!

The B's said...

Congratulations! I know you guys are thrilled and how wonderful to be back close to home!!! :) Be blessed!!!

k and c's mom said...

Oh, I knew this was coming! Congratulations! Two is truly twice the fun...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you!!! What wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

congratulations, amanda! you and my sister have the same due date with both of you expecting second kids. i wanted my sister to come with me so badly to deeper still in atlanta but she hadn't told us all yet at that point- she was feeling terrible with strong morning sickness and she knew i'd find out! and about those figurines...i had bought the one with a four-some family, settling in to really enjoy the two children i had, our little family- and then found out i was pregnant with my third! God's plan and not ours, evidently - and a good thing. so excited for you and your growing family!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! Congrats!

Elizabeth said...

What awesome news! Congrats! Two February babies. Dont you love that, you can use the same maternity clothes and maybe even the same baby clothes. My boys are January and February. And I must say having two boys is the best. I am just a little partial. :-)
So happy for you!

Tammie Head said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! You looked beautiful yesterday :)

Love you ♥

Kristi said...

Oh, that is the best news! May God continue to perfect and protect this precious blessing. I'm so happy for you and your sweet family!

Jenn said...

Oh my goodness... congratulations!! (I'm sure you've posted a similar comment now 70+ times!!!) Congrats to you and your family!!! Will definitely be praying for a smooth pregnancy!!!!! Much love and Blessings from Tennessee!!!

Anonymous said...

Delurking in TN to say a great big Praise God!

I love your blog and your transparency!

Momma-of-5 said...

I'm voting for a hold out until 2/14. Being a Valentine's baby has done me well for 34 years!
What a blessing. Momma must be beside herself with joy. Bring out the praise banners!!

Amy said...

I have really enjoyed reading your blog ... congratulations on the wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

What fabulous news! I'm so excited for you and your family. You'll be in my prayers.


Amy said...

I really have enjoyed reading your blog... congratulations on the wonderful news!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - how precious! What a great way to announce a new member to our family ;)! I'm so excited for all of you!!!!! Thank you, sweet one, for sharing.

Steph V said...

YEA!!! I am so glad it's out!!! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for y'all!! Two really is twice the fun! I am so happy to be living so close this go around as well.

Oh, and how funny that I just got off of the Gap website before reading your blog and was so upset to see that they didn't make that jacket in toddler sizes. I am shopping for picture-worthy outfits for professional pictures!! Something to look forward to...coordinating matching outfits for pictures you are so excited about and then can't believe you did once you are sitting there frusterated because they both won't smile at the same time!

The Ugly Beautiful said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so happy for yall! :) He knows all, doesn't He? Yay! :)

Lindsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nathan and Megan said...

I ditto Kelly! We are expecting our first on February 2nd & have friends expecting on February 12th! The month of love, the month of babies! Congrats from Megan in IL

Unknown said...

Oh sweet friend,
I am so excited for you! I know that Jackson is going to be one amazing big brother!!! Congratulations on the new Jones Addition!!!

jamie b said...

yay! congratulations!!! I am kind of like some of the others...I had a feeling you were expecting :). I pray the Lord will bless you with a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby :)

Anonymous said...

Ooooo... Congratulations!

After a couple year of being baby-less (Charlie was around 3) I thought I could be done with abies but now that Sophia's arrived, I am SOOO into babies. They just smell good-Except the neck cheese :O)

Guess what, I think I'm gonna get to go to that conference by myself :O) Louisville, here I come!!!


Messy and Wonderful said...

I have enjoyed your blog for a couple of months and just wanted to say congratulations. I'm the mom of 4 boys and each one has been an amazing experience.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! That is wonderful news! I am thrilled for you, Curtis and Jackson! How exciting - can't wait to see the "baby bump" next month at LPL. Or was I the only one who showed at 15 weeks when I was expecting my second? :)

Traci said...

Congratulations! I am so very excited for you and your family!
I will be praying for you! My boys are 10 now....and I get kind of misty eyed when I think of how fast the baby years went by, but then I think of all the wonderful "big boy" things we do now. God gives us blessings in each stage of our lives.

Fran said...

Did you hear me screaming Amanda??!! I'm sooooooo happy for you and Curtis and sweet little Jackson!! There are amazing things on the horizon for your family and I'm beyond thrilled for you all.

Know that you will be prayed for often. I hope you are gonna find out what you are having! Because we won't be able to stand it! :)

Hugs and blessings~

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

The best news I've heard today. Many congratulations and prayers for a peaceful and trust-filled pregnancy. Oh the weavings our Father weaves on our behalf (Ps. 139). Praise him tonight for choosing our wombs to craft his finest gifts to mankind.


Rachel said...

Congrats! Having two little kiddos is twice the blessing.

I wanted to thank you for your post on the Marla Taviano books, too. They were so good - and helped me to make some changes that needed to be made, and I hadn't heard anything about them until you posted them on your blog.

Kristin said...

Congratulations Jones Family! That is such great news!
I'm so with you on the baby clothes thing! My babies are 4 and it just kills me that I don't have to go to the 0-24 month section anymore! I love tiny clothes and the precious tiny, soft, squishy little bodies that fill them!
Love ~ Kristin

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Another Jones blessing! Jackson is going to be a great big brother. I look forward to reading all about the new addition. May God bless you in a special way during this pregnacy.

Krista said...

Congratulations! Now I feel all special! ;) I just recently found your personal blog here after getting to know you over at the LPM blog. So fun to be in on a secret!

Timmarie said...

Congrats to the Jones family.


Tara said...

Congratulations Amanda! I am so excited for you and your whole family- I know that Jackson will be a great big brother, and what a blessing that you are back in Houston and close to Bibby!

Praying God's richest blessings on your sweet family of four! Thank you for sharing your life on this blog- I enjoy reading it so much and look forward to meeting you in person in San Antonio!

Congratulations again!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Amanda! I've been so encouraged and delighted by all you've shared as the joyful mother to a little boy... I can hardly wait to see what round two will bring! :)

Tracy: said...

YIPPEE! As we've watched your little guy moved into full on boyhood, I've been wondering if this post was coming soon! How super super exciting! PTL

Raquel said...

congrats! what exciting news! babies are such aa blessing and I am sure Jackson will be a great big brother!

Elizabeth said...

Girl! That's some exciting news!!! Bless you and that sweet baby growing inside. Praying for health all around. Congrats!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jones Family! God bless your pregnancy. Glory to God!

Jenny said...

That is wonderful news! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow!! Congratulations, Amanda! I wondered if that's why you went part-time, but have been so busy I never gave it a second thought. Such a special blessing! I am thrilled for you and your entire family!

Wifeof1Momof4 said...

Congratulations Amanda! How very exciting!

Marc and Charity said...

Congratulations Amanda, I am due Feb. 16th with our 3rd...a total surprise, but God planned! :)

Marc and Charity said...

I'm sorry to leave another comment, but I was going to say that the "Amander" thing made me chuckle- we live here in the UK and we giggle at that too- someone asked me if we had "ASDA-er in America-er" hehehe. (not sure if you know what ASDA is)...anyway...

Michele said...

Oh Amanda, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'll be praying for you and this baby, and Curtis and Jackson. How exciting! How fun! This is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. I can't wait for round 2 of Baby Bangs!!!

Heather said...

CONGRATS!!!! I know your mom must be doing the praise baby dance :)

Having 2 is a fun adventure. Jackson will be agreat big brother and a wonderful helper for you.

We are due with #3 anytime now ... went to the ob yesterday for a NST and found out I'm in the early stages of labor ... pray if you will.

Shopping I tell you is crazy for me right now ... we are having a girl after 2 boys and man the trouble you can get into shopping for girls!

Congrats to you guys again. we will pray for a safe pregnancy and healthy baby and mommy!

JenB said...

Congratulations! My sis-in-law is due the same week as you are with her second as well! Fun times!

Kim and Eric said...

Congratulations! I have just made it through my first 8 weeks with my little girl and absolutely love being a mother! Praying for a healthy pregnancy for you. What a wonderful blessing!!

Dana D said...


Now maybe these Willow Tree pieces would fit your family:



Billie said...

Oh, Congratulations! I bet you are on cloud is Biggs! Can't wait to hear more!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I'm totally squealing....

Now we'll have to think of all kinds of ways to baby you at The Fiesta.

This baby and two more and you've caught up with me! Go forth and multiply girlfriend...:))

Leanne said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! What exciting news!!!

Paige said...

Congratulations, Jones and Moore families on the wonderful news!

The other day we were browsing in The Children's Place, and I saw a little girl dress that was to die for. I brought it to my husband's attention, and ever so delicately explained that it was worth having a girl just to own that dress. Needless to say, he was not so impressed. Although I was a bit heartbroken, I guess I must understand. Our youngest is just 7 months. But what a dress it was!

Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and your family!!!! You are all in my prayers. Blessings....

Nancy Mon said...

Amanda, blessings, blessings and more blessings!!! How exciting! When I ran into you Sunday morning, I didn't notice a glow or anything, so I am no prophet. But you looked great.
I may take it easy on you playing Bunko, but the rest of them...I will so be going for grabbing the dice.

Kimberly said...

Congratulations, Amanda! Life with two is just that much sweeter! Praying over you all, especially Mr. Jackson's little heart:)

su said...

Congradulations!! What an exciting thing!! I am so happy for all three of you (four, if you count the new one).

Jaclyn said...

Amanda!!!! I am SOO excited for you. What wonderful, wonderful news. Praise the Lord for this tiny miracle (well, big miracle in a tiny form :) ) Congrats....enjoy every moment!

Darlene R. said...

How exciting for you and Curtis!

Congratulations to the whole Jones/Moore family!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I don't know who I am more excited for--you and Curt or Bibby and Papaw! This is the best news I have had in awhile. You are such a terrific mom! Your blog is so great and I just love hearing about the Jones clan.

tandtsmom said...

Congrats, Amanda! I have 2 boys who are 3 years and 11 days apart - so wonderful!!! I was so much more relaxed with the second one and enjoyed the baby stuff more.
Will be praying for you all!
Rachel in Columbus, MS

Anonymous said...

Hooray for more Baby Bangs!!! :) SO excited for you, Amanda! :) Many (quiet but exultant) congratulations! :)

With love,
Deborah :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Amanda! That is so exciting!!!

Atlanta, GA

Melissa Terry said...

OH I am so excited for your sweet family! There definitely needs to be more Jones in the world. I pray God's richest blessings on your pregnancy!

mariel said...

congratulations!! Mama Beth's parade of dancing banner carriers is growing!! Praying for a healthy and safe pregnancy!

Rachel said...

Just THRILLED!!! for you! I'm sure you'll be prayed up like nothing else. I'll say my own on your behalf today. Can't wait to hear the updates! Thank you Jesus for this precious gift you've given the Jones'!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to both you and Curtis! That's wonderful news!

Serah said...

Congratulations! I was wondering when we would hear news like this from you!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Many blessings to all 4 of you!

Patty said...

I just read this today and I am sooooo excited for you and your sweet family!

I will pray for this sweet child and you throughout your pregnancy!!!


katiegfromtennessee said...

Oh Amanda...I am crying out of joy for you...another blessing!!! THIS IS SOOO GOOD! I cry alot when I get on your blogs...THIS IS SO GOOD!!! You will have to let us know the gender as soon as you know. Praise the Lord! Wow. I'll bet Curtis, your parents, his parents, and the related fam are beside themselves-joy cometh with two puppies and a baby! I really don't know what to say...just this morn., I was thinking, what if little Melissa showed up pregnant right away? And, I've wondered when you would get pregnant again!
Okay, enough gushing...I am very, very happy for you!!!!...I was given one of those figurines by my momma a couple of weeks ago before the Deeper Still event. It was the one called "Celebrate". I have always liked them, but couldn't find one that I liked enough to buy. This one I like:)..Hey, now you and Lindsay can go shopping together for clothes and! Will pray for you both:)

Love in Christ and many ((HUGS)),


Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Amanda!!! I actually shouted when I read this! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

Yay a million, trillion times! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Precious, girl! Congratulations!! What wonderful news! How fun for Jackson that he will have a playmate. I bet he will be such a good big brother.

Can't wait to hear all the exciting stories that come with the second baby Jones. God bless you four!

(I never comment, but I love your blog and wanted to celebrate with you!)

Anonymous said...


Susan B. said...

Amanda, I am so excited for you. I have tears in my eyes right now! What wonderful news! May God bless your pregnancy, your alone-time with Jackson right now, and all the wonderful expectations and changes to come. I'm looking forward to "sharing" this experience with you!

Lauren said...

How exciting & what a blessing!!! I've been reading your blog for a while now, and decided this may be the perfect time to de-lurk and actually comment.

Congratulations to you, Curtis, and Jackson!

Fort Worth, TX

Jill said...

another stranger leaving you and yours congrats...wish I could be with you in San Antonio, so I could give you a wink cause life with another is grand. Be blessed, even more.

Yolanda said...

Thank you Lord, thank you!

Sister Lynn said...

Congrats dear Amanda,

I rejoice with you in this gift of new life. May your family continue to grow in health and blessings.

Sister Lynn

Forever His said...

Congratulations!!! Such awesome news! Praying for healthy and vibrant pregnancy for mom and baby!! So happy for you and family!

Lots of love,

Brenda said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and many blessings!

Mindy said...

Congratulations Amanda.
As a girl who is pregnant with her 4th (and probably final) child -- at 34 1/2 weeks along -- I pray that you will have a very uneventful pregnancy and that everything goes well for you.
Of course, you are much younger than me so I am sure it all will go fine.
God bless all 4 of you!
In HIM -

Murrell Family said...

We are so excited for you guys! I love that prophecy has been fulfilled...what a great one!

Krystal said...

Yes! I am so glad that the cat is out of the bag! I can't wait this sweet new baby to bless our world! Missed you at camp this year! Love you sister!

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog just the other day as I was checking out Travis Cottrell's "favorites"! I am one of LPM's biggest fans (and new prayer warrier!!!) up in Minneapolis. Your mom had a "Grandma Glow" about her this past weekend at Living Proof Live. I wondered if something was up! Babies and children are such a blessing from God. Mine are teaching me so much, every day. I can remember your Mom announcing the sex of your baby (the little "man-child" I think she called him) at the New York LPL simulcast in 2005! You are a sweetheart. Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy. Thanks for sharing your news with "anonymous" folks like me. Congrats to you, Curtis, and Jackson.

Deb in Minnesota

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...


I thought we might be hearing some news soon! I am sooooo excited for you and the fam.

And now for the question always asked: How are you feeling?

LauraG said...

Congratulations Amanda (and Curt of course)!!! Since you've been pregnant once before you now have some mad pregnancy skillz to help ease you through this time. :) I'll be praying for you the whole way.

Linsey said...

Congrats! Get ready for a busy, but totally fun ride!!!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

I knew it! After reading about your latest tearful doctor/MDO event - and that you were now part-time with LPM - I just knew this was it! Congratulations! We are expecting (12/12/08) our #8grandchild!! We do love us some babies too!
Praying for you and your new sweet bundle!

Nichele Lynn said...

How amazing! Congrats!!!

Audrey and Company said...

Congratulations! I was thinking it was about time for another baby. 3 years is a great age difference between the two. I pray you are feeling better this time around. Love ya, Lauren

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Amanda! What a special time in your lives. I'm sure the whole Moore family is thrilled!

I don't normally comment when I get the chance to check out your blog, but I want you to know that I appreciate the honesty with which you share your journey.

Eliza said...

Whoo Hoo! I am so happy for you! As a mom of a two year old and a newborn, you are in for the ride of your life, and I love it. Tiring, yes, but never a dull moment! Oh, and if it's another much fun pulling out all of Jackson's old baby clothes for the new one! Noah loved "helping" me get ready for "baby Titus."

Lynette said...

Hi! I am a lurker on your blog. I just wanted to say congrats! I am pregnant with our third and due Feb 6. I hope you are feeling well!

Lauren said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!! Another February baby!! :)

ocean mommy said...

I'm wiping away tears!!! I cry everytime someone says they are expecting! WOW!!!!

God is so good...praying for you ALL!!!


Natalie said...

I have for too long been a lurker, but have to congratulate you on your big news. I have a little boy, Hunter, that is about the same age as Jackson. Your stories of him remind me so much of what we are up to at home. We are also expecting a little one this November and adding to our own Jones clan. May God's blessings be upon you and your family! How exciting!
Natalie Jones

Ang said...

Yay! I can't wait to meet new little Jones! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, congratulations! I've been lurking on both your blog and the LPM blog for awhile and love them both. I had to come out of hiding for this great news! There is NOTHING like a baby!

I will pray for peace, joy and good health for your family of four!

Anonymous said...

Love, Joyce

Lindsay said...

As I sit here and read your post tonight, Cael is kicking me. He must sense that I'm reading about his future cousin! :) We miss you guys terribly and can't wait to see you next week.
PS - I deleted my other comment because I spelled the word sense wrong. Sorry, too late at night to be typing!

Nicole said...

OH HOW EXCITING!! I had to reread the first part again because I was thinking that you were pregnant and you had not even written it yet. I am so excited for you.

Unknown said...

Congrats! May God richly bless your pregnancy. Your child is right now being intricately woven and knitted together for His glory. For this little Jones will be fearfully and wonderfully made.

Prayers and blessings,

Shelley said...

I am SO excited for you! Jackson will be a great big brother! I love the Willow Tree figures. I have a couple, but always longed for the pregnant one. I'm beyond that now, but I still love it. Okay, and if your sweet little bun is a girl, you've GOT to check this out!

I saw it the other day, and it ALMOST maybe want another baby!

Jackie Sue said...

Congratulations, Pregnant Girl! I couldn't be happier for you :) Many blessings. Jackie Sue

Elizabeth said...

What a sweet way to announce this new little one. Congratulations!

Alice said...

I've never left a comment before, but congratulations! God bless you with a safe, healthy pregnancy, a relatively pain-free delivery, and a beautiful, healthy little one!

Nicole said...

Congratulations!! Feb. 12 is a WONDERFUL day- that just so happens to be MY birthday! Fun FUn!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!! Another one for the kingdom!! I hope you are feeling well. I am so excited for your family. I am also secretly hoping it will be a "siesta". Shhhhhh
Jenny from VA

ncmama said...

Congratulations Amanda!

I'll be praying for the health of your family. Enjoy this time!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amanda! Way to build the excitement with the beating heart description. With that preface, I knew exactly what the next sentence was going to announce! Congratulations to your sweet family! Such an amazing story about the Willow Tree figurines prophecy!
Love, Amy in OK

Tabaitha said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've never left a comment before but I just had to because I'm expecting a baby also on February 12, 2009. I have a 4 1/2 yr old son who is very excited to have a sibling. I'll be praying for your journey ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

oh precious! congratulations Jones family :)
it's amazing how much your heart grows with each child... that you can love each one soooo much individually, and then all of them the same amount too! I pray He will bless you and keep you, and make His face shine on you and give you peace in these coming months. what a precious time. enjoy every second!

God bless you all,
lavonda the baby clothes too. still peek at them in baby gap on occasion (even though my own are 11 and 7 now). I even saved some of my favorite ones from when they were little to pass down to them when they have their own one day. my mom did that for me, and just seeing my daughter wearing a dress I used to wear - it's aweing. melted my mama too. :)

Angela said...

Congratulations! Baby number two is so much fun. We have a 20 month old boy and a 7 week old girl. Can't wait to read all about your pregnancy and how Jackson reacts to it.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

YAY!! I'm so excited for you!! This is great news!!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Been thinking about you this week and wondering if you were pregnant. Have been away from my own computer and I tried every babybangs I could think of last night on an unfamiliar computer to find you and got some unique stuff but not you.

OH MY GOODNESS!! How exciting is that for you and Curt and Jackson. OH!!!! OH!!!!!

For Jackson to have a baby brother to love and live and play and pick on will be the delight of his days. You're such a good mom...and now He's loaning you another one! "Perfect in Beauty, your God will shine forth (Psalm 50:2)in Wisdom and Love---right out of you into this new life.
Just thrilled to hear your exciting news!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Well that answers the question in my email I sent you a few days ago! :)

Marla Taviano said...

Awww....I'm about ready to cry!! Congratulations to all three of you! WOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!

Amy said...


I only know you through Janelle, but am so sincerely excited for you! I too have the pregnant girly willowtree figurine! I wanted it forever and had to wait a long time for it to be an "appropriate" gift! I hope you have a safe and healthy pregnancy & baby!


BethAnne said...

You will have so much fun with Jackson during this pregnancy. He will say funny things about the baby and about your pregnancy. I remember when my oldest (he was 2 at the time) came to see the new baby in the hospital. I have the picture of the first time he held his little brother in my living room. Such a sweet time - it was obvious he loved his baby brother from the first time he saw him. Congratulations! Enjoy this time with Jackson before becoming Jones- party of 4.

Amanda said...

Oh Girl! I'm so thrilled for you. I thought something might be up when your hours went to part-time...this is such a great reason to cut back! Bless you and your family - all 4 of you!

jen said...

Congratulations!!! Will be praying that all continues to go well with the newest little Jones!

Marni said...

I saw this on the LPM site, but wanted to come to your site to say congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you all.

Prayers for a healthy, happy, wonderful pregnancy. Thanks for sharing!

Joni said...

Congratulations! God is so good.

If you were to have a baby girl you could call your blog: baby bangs and baby bows!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, how wonderful!
As I was reading your post I was holding my precious 10 week old baby boy. I also have a 3 year old daughter and they just love each other so much. It's so great to see. Having two is a huge adjustment but worth it! I hope you are feeling well.

Misslisslee said...

Congratulations! May this pregnancy be blessed and your energy be as boundless as that of your 2-year-old! The second one is so much fun -- blessings to you.

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