Saturday, August 16, 2008

Coffee Talk

*Please hear this post in Mike Myers' Linda Richman voice.

1) Nastia and Shawn winning gold and silver. I'm a little verklempt.
2) I'm finally in my second trimester. Let's hope it's smooth like buttah.
3) I went shopping with my mutha today. We lunched at Ruggles. She bought me some new maternity jeans. A saleswoman tried to sell me $70 stretch mark prevention cream.
4) As soon as we have our 20 week ultrasound and find out we're having a boy, I'm buying him this velour one-piece for next fall. Maybe this too. I can't wait to have a snuggly baby in my arms. I'm a little verklempt again! Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. Victoria's Secret is neither Victorian nor a secret. Discuss.


twinkle said...

This one is cute...brings back memories of sleepless nights.

And my dear husband keeps saying "He's my brutha from a different mutha." Makes me laugh every time.'re planning already on a boy? Can't wait to find out...
Hoping we don't hear about Curt and Amanda, Plus 8.

Travis said...


R said...

girl, my youngest is already 8 months old, and i'm ready AGAIN for another infant to snuggle!! :0) they're like crack, those babies...

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Aren't you the funny one tonight?! :) You make me laugh. You sure you didn't inhale the $70 cream?

Jerry, Lauren, Kaylee, and Isaac! said...

Congrats on going shoping with your mama. I love those trips with my mama. :) It's funny you think you are having another boy. I think we will have another girl. (of course we aren't even pregnant yet :)Have a great night and have fun in San Antiono. I wish i could make it.

bethany said...

You are so funny!!!!
If that baby turns out to be a're going to be surprised aren't you?!
I am getting anxious to meet my new nephew Isaac and niece Kensley. They are due on Sep. 4(Kensie) and Sep. 11 (Isaac). Both girls are getting contractions already and I am getting nervous for them!

About Victoria's Secret....I personally love them (the bra's just fit better than anything else that I've bought!) but they are outrageously expenisve! Hmmmmm....what to do? I don't know. I guess just keep giving them my hard earned cash.

Anonymous said...

That velour outfit is so cute...I miss those days of dressing up my son and snuggling with him!

I don't think my 17 year old son would wear that to school! Come to think of it....Gap probably does not make that in his size, anyway! :)

Michelle said...

Hi Amanda! This post made me laugh. I had a very similar outfit for my baby boys...So super cute! I know some people say that girls have cuter baby clothes, but it's not clothes are super cute for both. I have 2 boys and 2 girls, and I enjoyed dressing each of them...but mine became clothing opinionated MUCH too early. Made this Mama sad. Had to DIE TO SELF on that one...and it is often a very ugly, drag out enjoy the ages where you get to pick their clothes out for them...Maybe your kids will always let you pick out their clothes, some kids aren't picky about that stuff. I think it's an individual thing, not a boy or girl thing.
Wow, RAMBLER! (me) sorry!

Kelli said...

Just laughed out loud! And I just realized what kind of tears could have potentially come out of a pregnant girls eyes when those girls won their medals. I mean as a non pregnant and a " my babies 4 and a half months old, I can't really blame it on I just had a baby" anymore girl, I just bawled tears of joy for them!

OOOh new maternity jeans! I hope they are fabulous! What kind did you get?

calista said...

Okay, this is one of THE funniest blogs, I've read in a long time. The Mike Myers voice just makes it!
Thanks for makin' me smile.

Holly said...

And honestly, the secret of said Victoria, who is not victorian, is not a very well kept one (or modest at all). :)

Can't wait -- can't wait! to see this young one in the Jones family. Jackson is going to be ONE FUN big brother!! Get some light sabers ready--start stocking up on them now--they don't last long through many battles.

Also, you are SO smart to start looking for cute boy clothes now--needles in haystacks are they!

boomama said...

Oh, that made me laugh.

And what is this "Ruggles" of which y'all speak so often?

Little Steps Of Faith said...

I know the Victoria's Secret story...because I used to work there...but do you know why its the name it is?

I'm not saying, unless you do!

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...


"smooth like buttah" <---- LOVED that one!!

Mary said...

CUTE baby boy clothes! And don't maternity jeans look better and better these days? I confess I'm still wearing a pair of mine and baby is 8 mo. old. They are so comfy!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! And the die for! Going now to peruse their baby girl stuff!

Unknown said...

This is very funny! :)

Lauren said...

#4 is cute. I especially like your topic.

You know, a girl would be pretty awesome, too, because you could finally buy all the cute girly clothes. Sometimes I walk into those baby stores and I just crave the ruffles and pink stuff. :)

Heather said...

Thanks for the prayers Amanda! everything went great. We are now home and figuring out our routine ... she has her days and nights mixed up but otherwise is doing great. The boys love her and are so good with her. that is a huge blessing!

Hope your pregnancy is continuing to go well and that the morning sickness is getting better!

BethAnne said...

I love that little outfit from Gap, but might I also suggest this:

I have no idea how to make that a link in a comment - I'm not that tech savvy, but the whole gymboree (pony something) collection is cute as a button. When you have boys, cute clothes are hard to come by.

Sister Lynn said...

TOO FUNNY!!!! I was laughing out loud!!!! Thanks, Amanda!

love, Sister Lynn

Anonymous said...

amanda, don't know you but feel like i do--think we have a lot in common. i'm 28 also, w/ one boy (and hoping to have another soon), and I love Jesus :) i also adore your mom and her Bible studies. they are life-changing.

i love, love, love 1990's SNL and those old Linda Richman skits--you brightened my day!


Marc and Charity said...

What is Ruggles and do you think you are having a boy??? I'm 15 weeks now and not sure ...probably a girl since we have 2...I would be surprised if it's a boy.

Patty said...

Baby clothes are so cute. I love looking at the little tennis shoes, they are so adorable. :)

I have said this many times but I need to say it again, raising boys is a blast. My two enjoyed playing together and I think we had every matchbox car ever made and anything Little Tike put out.

You have me laughing over the Victoria Secrets remark. :))

Have a great Sunday afternoon. I am going to take a Sunday nap.

Anonymous said...

( I just wrote a comment but don't know if it went through...ughhh!)

Oh my word! That was hilarious! I totally read that in Mike Meyers' Linda Richman voice:)


Where do you come up with this stuff?

I wish I knew what sex your lemon was! I have the perfect gift to bring you at the fiesta but want to bring the correct color:) Darn!!!

Rita Loca said...

How did I miss the fact that you are expecting???? Congratulations!

Timmarie said...

Yeah, Vicky's got no secrets, that's fo sho'

And three cheers for Nastia and Shawn. So excited to watch them compete in the individual events!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Amanda I'm so excited for you... I hope your really feeling well...
As for Victorias secret You are right in saying They are not victorian nor are they a secret...LOL

Stephanie said...

Ok Amanda, you crack me up! That was very good I must say and yes, I read it in Mike Meyer's Linda voice!! Love your blog, been lurking for awhile but this post made me laugh and therefore I had to tell you!! Thanks for a funny 5 minutes!!

connorcolesmom said...

Oh girl I was in the baby nursery today luvin' on some babies -
I have baby fever like no bodies business!!
As far as stretch mark cream goes I used Vitamin E cream and it worked great
My skin was SO SOFT and not a stretch mark in sight

As far as Victoria Secret goes - I wish I could still afford me some VS- I love me matching bras and panties :)

See you in SA

Fran said...

HA HA HA HA HA!!! Oh, this made me laugh!!!

Very good Amanda...very good!

Mary Craig said...

You are so funny.

Ashley said...

You are so funny. Counting on a boy, huh?

See you this weekend!

Joni said...

That's just flat out funny.

Jenny said...

Your man did GREAT today! :)

Holly Mathis Interiors said...

oh amanda i love those little boy outfits...i love boy stuff..i always hear people say "little boy stuff is not cute" i SOO disagree;; i like the zutano stripe comfy stuff too..have you seen it??? i think.

Darlene R. said...

You're a funny one! I could totally hear Mike Myers in that!

$70 stretch mark prevention cream, really?

Kelly said...

I can't wait to have a little winter baby!!! I told Scott I can't wait until this winter when we are snuggling inside holding the baby and watching "American Idol" all together! ha!
I just know we are having a boy - so I'm going to have to get that velour outfit myself. We find out tomorrow!
Glad you are in the 2nd trimester! It is DEFINETELY better than the 1st!

A is for Audrey said...

ok, i had to funny!
curtis' sermon was great today.

Lynette said...

Cute outfits. I am due right around the time you are due and I got my first pair of maternity jeans this weekend too. Very exciting. I know what you mean about not being able to wait to hold your baby! I say that to my husband all the time. February seems so far away. I am going Tuesday to a local 3D place in town to have a gender check done. I can not wait (I do not get the 3d ultrasound because I am not far enough, just regular for the gender check). We have two girls so it would be fun to have a little boy, I love my girls too though.
Wow, this is a long commment, sorry!

Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing. Is there anyone in your family that is NOT hilarious?!! After watching the Myers skit I had to watch the game show skit with Chris Farley while I was at it. Velour onesies are the best on baby boys. Have you seen the new wide-striped rugby onesies at the Gap (not velour, but very soft)? I just went through my kids closets (3 yrs and 5 yrs) and found a 0-3 mo light brown pooh velour onesie with a hood! I hugged it for awhile. Those kids grow TOO fast!

Deb in MN

Anonymous said...

I was SOOO ready to have a cute little girl again after having Charlie... and we did. I LOVE dressing Sophia, and sucking in her smell!!! But then seeing your pictures of those adorable boys clothes and holding my almost FIVE year old (YIKES!) makes me thing... Lord, let the next one be a boy! Charlie needs a brother!

It sounds like you're feeling a little better... hot dog! Have a great day!

Marni said...

I have girls and I always thought baby girl clothes were way cuter...I stand corrected!

You are being too funny today. You must be feeling better :)

Prince of Tides is neither about princes nor tides...discuss....

Chelle' said...

The second one is WAAAAAY cute with that hood.

Enjoy round two Amanda. My three are 4,6, and nearly 9. I can hardly believe how time is passing before me.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that is hilarious!!!

debra parker said...

palmers cocoa butter worked for me.

if I recall correctly somehow I got Ernest to rub it on my belly each night along with a back massage. I think there was a contract of some sort drawn up at the beginning of the pregnancy.

Needless to say this was for the first pregnancy not the second.


Josh and Donna said...

i love stumbling upon other ministers wives' blogs...i find it so encouraging and uplifting! just wanted to let you know i enjoyed reading about your sweet family and think your son is simply precious!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Oh great. Thanks. I'm going to be talking to myself in that voice now.


Beki said...

SO FUNNY!!! Thanks for the laugh!

Beth said...

I can hear Mike Myers now! That was great!

Rachel said...

so funny! Lighted my day yesterday and I needed it! Glad to know you're feeling better and it's always nice to get some cute clothes. Good pass on the cream...

Julie and Alberto Robles said...

So cute! Your little boy is going to be so stylin'.

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

Watch out, Mike Myers! Amanda's on a roll!

So glad you pointed out those cutie-patootie things from baby Gap. Oh my word. That hooded one is adorable and so fallish. (And so much more money than I really want to dish out, but...) My 13-day-old baby boy might just need it!