Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dog Days of Summer

In honor of hottest, most sultry days of summer (thank you wikipedia), let's talk about dogs.

My dad's dog, Geli, is currently in the hospital with some kind of gastrointestinal infection. She's lost 8 pounds in the last couple of weeks. Not good. We think she ate some rat poison down at the ranch and she hasn't been the same ever since. For my dad's sake, I am praying for God to deliver this animal. Last summer was awful for my parents - losing both their dogs within 3 weeks of each other - and I'm hoping that my sweet dad doesn't have to do down that road again. I don't think he expected to see the inside of that vet hospital again this soon. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it getting so attached to creatures with such short lifespans and not a lick of sense.

Beckham, who turned five on July 4th, is starting to get up there in age. The chew and destroy shenanigans of his youth have largely been replaced by eating baked goods left out on the counter or bar when no one is watching. What kills me is that I know he wants to maintain his squeaky clean image and he would never ever do that in front of us. He lost his cover when Bill (the cat) left us and there was no question of who done it. He still loves a good dumpster diving episode (think kitchen trash can), but thankfully he has never eaten a dirty diaper to my knowledge. There was that time I saw him playing with a stiff squirrel carcass in the backyard in Irving. He's lucky I didn't brush his teeth with Clorox. One thing I think he will do until the day he dies is visit other people's homes. I guess we're lucky in that respect. Anytime he gets out, he goes straight to a person or an open door instead of hitting the road. He's been in more of our neighbors' homes than we have. That goes for our old neighborhood and our new one.

Dogs are not immune from being negatively influenced by their peers. Beckham got his food stealing ways from Curt's parents' sheltie. Jess, AKA Fweet Scruff, has a thing for bacon grease. He once managed to eat a whole container of it and became rather ill. I think Jess got his food stealing ways from his cousin dog, a pug named Maximus. Bless Max's heart. He's overdosed on so many stolen foods that he has to be on special medicine for the rest of his life.

Here's cheeky little Maximus - our cousin Erin's dog. He's pretty dern cute, huh? In a pugly sort of way?

Here he is with his Person.

If you're a dog lover and you get this kind of thing, will you help my sweet Erin out and take 2.5 seconds to vote for him in a photo contest? (Here's the link.) If he wins, his picture will grace a billboard in Springfield, MO. Here's a pic of Jess/Fweet Scruff, Beckham, and Max when they were just babies. Lindsay, Erin and I were, too.

I'll be honest. When I look at that picture I wish I were still that cute. It comforts me to know that someone else understands where I'm coming from. Jess/Fweet Scruff has seen better years, too.

He got stepped on my my mother-in-law's horse and had irreparable hair loss. Please, someone, make a toupee for this poor dog! He was once so beautiful! I'm not sure how he's going to deal if Max becomes America's Next Top Dog Model.

Both my parents are going out of town this weekend and we are keeping Starsy for them. We won't have Geli because poor baby will still be in the hospital. Did you know that my dad calls my mom's dog Stanky? It makes her so mad. Beckham is going to be sooo happy to have company. Especially if Starsy lives up to her nickname because stank is like a sweet-smelling perfume to dogs. Maybe that's why Beckham once at a pair of dirty athletic socks.

For those of you who are thanking me for this enlightening, sweet, precious little post, I'd just like to say you're welcome. And vote Maximus Ward for Billboard Buddy 2009!


Gina said...

Amanda, from one dog admirer to another I'm one of the ones who loved this post! I can't believe the news about Geli, I hope she gets better soon!

Marc and Charity said...

This cracks me up. I think you are still as cute as that picture, so I don't know what you are talking about! The dog, well, not so much.

Lauren said...

I voted :)

I am soooo partial to pugs. My cousin/bff Melissa has two and I just love them!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I will totally vote for Maximus! I used to have two pugs, Jake and Lola! Loved them! They are great dogs and full of personality.

Amber C said...

I voted!! He's so gonna win, the other competition just doesn't stand a chance.

I wanted to share with you Amanda, that while you were gone I was in my very first tornado. I remember you mentioning that you have somewhat of a phobia about tornados and well I'm here to tell ya, it's a very justified fear! Scariest moment of my life! I blogged about it here: and in the post before that one I put a picture of the tornado from our local news! Just thought I'd share :)

Also, you don't have to publish this comment if you don't want, I don't want people to think I'm trying to "advertise" my blog. Not that it needs it though, I mean SOOOOOO many people already read it and all!

KR said...

I'm praying for sweet love like puppy love.

Life, or Something Like It said...

i love dogs so much...maybe even more than people!! Golden Retrievers are my Lilly is 2 and so precious just like Beckham. Too bad they cannot be friends b/c I'm sure they sure could get into some trouble together!!

Amanda May said...

Oh, I'm very sorry that Geli is so sick...I will pray for her! Sick doggies break my heart! :(

I love this post. It makes me feel not so alone in all the dog-craziness going on in my life right now. We have a 4 1/2 month old Yellow Lab and I feel like it's a full-time job keeping him alive. A couple days ago, he managed to get a FULL (sealed) ziploc bag of treats off the kitchen counter. When I was going for him, he decided that rather than give them up, he would rather swallow the entire thing...bag and all! I called the vet and they said to give him 3 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide to make him throw up. It worked great...up came the sealed bag of treats without even a puncture! Phew!!
I have been telling all the dog people I know to *make sure to have Hydrogen Peroxide on hand*!!

WendyBrz said...

You ARE still that cute.

Leslie Lauren said...

Oh my stars, when you said "Somebody make a toupee" for that poor puppy, I about blew bottled water all over my computer. Hysterical!!!!

Is your puppy a Lab? I get them confused with Golden Retrievers...we would love to get a Goldie for our son, but I'm afraid with both my hubby and I working full time, it's just not a possibility right now. Beckham is beautiful, either way!! :)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Maximus' pictures flat out CRACKED me up! HA!!

I'll go vote now, but before I do, know that I'm praying for Geli (I'm a dog fanatic, so I get it).

annalee said...

glad to vote! just did.

Beth said...

Amanda, i am reading this on the small screen of my iphone at the chicao o'hare gate for Green Bay. i laughed so hard over Fweet that people stared. I nearly snorted. It is worse than i imagined. Then again, i saw faint reminders of FWF's A.R. on Starzy last night..

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda, I just found your blog due to the name. I am in the baby bang process and it's the baby that came with it though.

Our two dogs (beagle mixes) got into rat/fox poison two years ago and it about killed them. Happy to report, after vet stays and lots of meds and tlc they got back 100 percent. Not to give you false hope. Just wanted to share a similar story.

BTW, Dog blog post are cool.

Sarah said...

Amanda, this entire post had me laughing! I'm not a dog lover but always seem to have two dogs, so I'll go ahead and pray for your dad's dog anyway :) We have a 5 year old golden, too, and his only sins are stealing food like Beckham! He's getting white on his snout, and although I don't love dogs in general, I love him, and it makes me sad. Too bad they have to get old; that's just about when they get to be really good!

Blessings on your dad's dog, and good luck with your second cousin winning the contest ;)

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

You're cracking us up sister!!
We think Maximus is adorable. My daughter loved his eyes! We voted!

We'll pray healing for your father's dog.
Have a good night.

Renee said...

Hey Amanda ...

I am one of those strange people who is not an animal lover. However, having said that, we did get a dog (for the kids' sake) three years ago and I am in LOVE. I never understood puppy love before ... now I get it. Chico is an adorable pug and I have to say, I am highly offended by those who fail to appreciate the absolute handsomeness of these dogs. He is the best and the cutest. Who wants a long, homely snout when you can have a short, smashed-looking one? So in honor of pugs everywhere, I have voted for Maximus and am quite confident of his ability to win this thing!

Thanks for a fun post ... good to have you back!

Spicy Magnolia said...

Such a fun post!! We sure have had our new list of escapades from Molly since having Brennan...they're fun to write about, too.

I am, however, really sorry to hear about Geli and pray she gets better soon!

Have fun with "Stanky". :)

Oh, and you are sooo still that cute!

sos said...

I love this post! I am going to vote for Maximus right now; she is so cute.

You, my dear, are just as cute ever and don't even let one more doubtful thought enter that mind of your's.

My heart goes out to your dad and what is going on with Geli; is this the after effects of swalling the frog? Miss Piggy is probably casting a spell on Geli LOL.

Unknown said...

oh how I've missed your posts these past 2 weeks!!!
I can relate about looking at old pics and wishing I was still that cute... but for the record, I dont think either of us has as much to complain about as your in-laws' poor dog...oh my gosh....The pic of the pug makes me want one.
Glad your back!! :)

Bobbie said...

Praying for Geli--it breaks my heart that she's sick. Your poor parents don't need to go through that again so soon! I know many of us on the blog are dog people and will keep them in our hearts. Keep us posted, please.

I voted for Max--he's a real cutie. I didn't realize that Beckham is such a youngster. I love hearing the stories about him going to visit the neighbors, he's such a Texan! We have a dog in our neighborhood that comes to visit when we're doing yard work but she won't get too close yet. We're hoping!

Heather said...

Poor pup in the last picture. That makes me gringe, sounds so painful!! Bless his heart.

I really can't wait to see to pics of some beautiful Wyoming mountains. I am waiting in anticipation! :)

Kari said...

Hey Amanda, I for one loved your post. We had to put our sweet dog Sadie down just one week ago. We've had her for 12 years (this month, actually) and it was so hard. For that reason, I will definitely be praying for Geli. Please keep us updated on how she is doing.

Kristen said...

Cute post! Funny, I told Nathan last night that I have decided to spend 10 minutes of quality time a day with our dog Colby. He is also getting old and I want him to spend his last years knowing he's loved and appreciated. Since E, he's taken a major backseat!

Cathy said...

Love love love dogs. So cute!

Moose Mama said...

First of all...You ARE still that cute.

Second...will definitely pray for Geli, and your parents. I don't think I can go through another dog loss in the Moore home, myself.

And third...I will go vote for that "so ugly he's cute, dog". My oh my.


Lindsee said...

Okay, that poor dog with the no patch of hair. Bless his heart!

I totally just voted. Max is so going to win because it is obviously cuter than the other dog. Just sayin'!

Allison said...

Stop it, you are so super duper super cute!!!

Deirdre said...

News Falsh, you ARE still that cute. I see no difference. Smile? check. Hair? check. That photo could have been taken yesterday.

Deirdre said...

And so sorry to hear about Geli! that is horrible. Your parents must be so worried. i'll be praying for them, and for Geli's doctors.

Ashli said...

I have a puppy, a Vizsla, he is the cutest, happiest thing in the world. HE IS IN LOVE WITH PEOPLE! At any opportunity he will go to any person for acknowledgement of his cuteness. HE loves our neighbors house and will run straight to their garage if I do not catch him fast enough with the leash in the morning. I have embarrassed myself many times retrieving him in the morning before I have even brushed my hair!

I love Stanky! SO FUNNY. Our puppy is Cooper, and my kids call him Pooper... for obvious reasons. They also say his puppy food gives him a "fish smell" when he has intestinal "issues"... Well, good morning to you!

Lisa said...

What a great post. I love my sweet "Sophie" chocolate and tan miniature dachshund so much it is not funny. I voted hope it helps...

Tracy said...

The picture of that pug reminds me of two things:
1. "Snorty" - my aunt's pug when I was growing up.
2. The talking dog in Men in Black.

I'm just sayin'. :)

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

I'm reading this on the heels of poring over the Humane Society website. Oh, how I'd love to get a pup right now! This post only confirmed it. For as much trouble as they are, these little buddies are worth it.

Poor little Fweet Scruff! I had a beautiful sheltie growing up named Spice. We loved him.

I hope Geli recovers fast!

Lauren said...

Any updates on Geli? Praying for her.

Nesha said...

Dog lover here too! Well, I guess animals lover is more like it since we have had one of almost everything. I mean we have to feed live little crickets to the frogs every couple of days; all for the love of my boys!

I will be praying for Geli and your dad!

I will have to remember the hydrogen peroxide tip. My dog eats anything that she can get ahold of (just can't seem to break her). Just this AM she threw up pieces of goyurt plastic wrapping.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Totally voted AND glad you wrote this post. I know this is going to sound really weird and really... well, just weird, but do you know that one of THE biggest fear issues I'm having lately is worrying about one of my puppies dying? Out of everything I could be fearful of, that's what bothers me! It sounds ridiculous to people who don't have pets, but I can't explain how bad it bothers me sometime. If you knew how many times I've had to go to God about it... ugh.

You brought up the whole "is it worth it to get attached?" thing and I've really questioned that. Okay, need to stop writing or I'll start crying, darn it!

Anonymous said...

I HAD to vote for Max. We had a pug for 9 1/2 years. Got her when she was 11 weeks, our son was 2 years and our daughter 9 weeks. NOT the smartest thing we've ever done, but she was the bestest little doggie ever!!!


Jan said...

Hey Amanda,

At first glance I thought the Shelty was wearing a bikini. So glad to read that it is hair loss.
(well, maybe not) I was about to be concerned about a woman strapping a bikini on a pooch. Your kiddos are so precious!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Little Momma,

I will be praying for your daddy's puppy, poor thing. I pray that the puppy is getting better...I see Maximus won:)
