Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Annabeth is Six Months Old

My darling daughter, yesterday you turned 6 months old. I anticipated getting your brother down for rest time/AKA destroy the room time and having the most remarkable photo shoot that we are capable of (in your dimly lit nursery with my pitiful skills). I couldn't wait to put that blue 6-9 month romper on you that I've been saving. I bought it before you were born.

It became apparent that you wanted to give me a precious gift....

The gift of seeing into the future.

I just need to mentally remove the bow...

And I can see it in my mind's eye.

You, my darling daughter, at age 14.

I love you now and I will love you then. I will love you when you start to get naughty. And when potty training takes a long time. And when you cut your own bangs. And when you scream on the airplane. And when you don't get straight A's. And when you forget your lunch money. And when you say you hate me. And when you only want to be around your friends. And when you put on mascara behind my back. And when you call boys even though I've told you not to. And when nothing in the world seems right and good and you just feel like this.

I will always love you.

Pictures with Big Pink Bear

First day home

1 month

6 weeks

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I'm come.


McClure Family said...

she just keeps getting cuter and cuter! you are such a great mama to that girl!

Leyla said...

She's adorable even when she's fussy! I love what you wrote about loving her even when... Almost every night when I put Audrey to sleep I tell her I love her and then run through some of those "when's" in my head. A Mother's love truly is unconditional!

Bobbie said...

Happy 6 months, Annabeth! With each new post your Mom catches some beautiful moments that you will hold close forever. Yes, even the tears! You're a special princess of our incredible God...May He continue to bless you and your family.

Amanda, what a priceless gift you're giving Annabeth! She will cherish this blog for many years to come. What a difference 6 short months make, she's really growing. I love the pink bear pictures, that's a great idea. Our son and DIL have recently told us they're expecting their first baby in March so I'm going to share this idea with them. They live in Co. Springs, so I know there will be gaps in the times we'll see them.

BTW, I know that the "I love you now and I will love you then"...list that you made was not from personal experiences!! Not you or Melissa!! :) Maybe we should wait for Bibby's comment!! Seriously, Y'all are such an awesome family and I love the little glimpses you share!

I finally updated my picture from the pinky flowers (my last bouquet from Pike Place Market in Seattle)to Wayne & I in front of our new nest in College Station!

Have a great week!

Emily :) said...

I love this! Just the other night my 2 year old came to my bed and was tapping (okay, beating me) on the chest saying "MAMA! MAMA!" For some reason, in that instant, I had a fast foward vision too. I could see her 20 years down the road coming to my bed whispering "Mama, mama, I met the man of my dreams!"

Gotta love those girls!!

debra parker said...

love your blogging. for real.

Kelly’s Korner said...

OH she is growing so fast! And yes - MANY days I feel like I'm getting a glimpse at the teenage years already. :-) It scares me to death!

Tara G. said...

Amanda, I really don't write this unless it's true- I laughed out loud!

Nicole said...

Such a funny post!! Loved it and was shocked at the end...you got a great pic by the bear! Too cute!

She is beautiful!

KK said...

Amazing how small that bear is getting! Happy halfbirthday Annabeth!

Amy said...

Amanda, How are our babes growing up so fast? I hate that we are going to miss you on our visit next week. I hope you guys have a great trip- so did you decide to drive or fly? I'm not looking forward to our plane flight at Wyatt's bedtime, but we'll survive. Have a wonderful vacation!

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, I love her! And for some reason tonight, I'm feeling gypped (is that how you spell it?) that I didn't get to meet her in April. :(

Thank you for praying for me, Amanda. I appreciate it so, so much!! Love you!

3girlsmom said...

The 2 month Argyle outfit is still the cutest baby outfit I've ever seen. Makes me want to pinch her dang cheeks off!

Happy 6 month bday Annabeth! Can't wait to see the blowout thrown for you in another 6 months!!!

ClintandGina said...

Annabeth is such a doll. My baby Ava turned one month yesterday. Blessings to you and yours!

Spicy Magnolia said...

I love both posts so much. They make me thankful to the amazing God we serve. Happy 6 month birthday, Annabeth!

Vicki said...

You are so good. I ALWAYS love your pics. She is such a precious, beautiful baby!!!!!

Paige said...

oh my...so much fun to look at. And I have to tell you...I have a picture for you (your dad really, I guess) from Kroger...but I don't know how to get it to you...so I will just tell you about it...

it is a picture of MINI moon pies for sale ON THE SHELF in Kroger!

:)--Funny how you popped right to mind when I saw those mini moon pies. Now, maybe mini moon pies have been around for a while...I don't know cuz I don't do the whole moon pie thing...but I wanted you to know you were thought of...you, Curtis and your dad! :)

Annabeth still takes the (moonpie) cake at 6 months!


sos said...

What a loving mother/daughter post. I loved the mention of Ebenezer; we just studied this in our women's Summer Session Bible Study "Following God~Prophets of the OT."
What an encouragement in your writing, your photos, for sharing these precious private moments of your family. You give us all hope that the family unit is what is at the heart of God. Thank you, Amanda.

Laurie said...

Very sweet post. I love her outfit.

Heidi Winter Tracht said...

You are a great mom! And, an encouragement to all of us moms out there. Thanks for being so real!

Beth said...

For some reason, this post made me want to bawl! This six months has flown by and we're so hopelessly swept off our feet. As if we'd had any footing at all in three years! God willing, I will be close by when some of those very things surely do happen and I will remind you what a wonderful young woman she will be.

I have never seen a baby girl crazier about her mother. She can't take her eyes off of you. You are her Miss Universe. If ever you lose your crown, don't worry. She'll put it right back on your head when she goes to college. That's just the way it is.

The Johnsons said...

Her romper is adorable! Even though it probably wasn't the photo shoot you were going for, the pictures made perfect for the post. :)

Liz said...

So cute! That 2 month picture outfit is to die for ...

Tara said...

Oh, but you did get a smile for that last one! Such a cutie!

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

Tear in my eye...

She is beautiful. And you are so right about loving her no matter what. Believe me, it is what will keep you from killing that 14 year old!!!

Love to you!!!

Moose Mama said...

Awww, sweet little girl, don't cry. She is just so beautiful, even in her tears. And something tells me maybe you might have tried a few of those "I'll still love you when" examples.

God Bless your family, Amanda.


Brittney said...

She is absolutely precious! Has she cut any teeth yet? We just got our second one today and we are a bit demanding, like a teenager. You are such a sweet and loving Momma, and I am so thankful you are sharing your journey with us. How did you get AB to sleep through the night?

Hayley said...

So sweet! Happy Half a Year!

Lauren said...

Love that hymn, love that verse.

This was a cute post, Amanda. :)

Rhonda said...

What a cherished site this will be for all of you. She is lovely!

Angela said...

So cute! I think she gets cuter by the minute! Happy 6 months sweet girl!

Heather said...

I love her outfit! oh my that is cuteness all over, and the sweet little girl is even cuter than the outfit. I love this post and I was laughing and wanting to cry at the same time! Happy 6 months Annabeth!

NikkiPoppins said...

She is soo adorable...I can't hardly stand it!! That last picture of her with the Pink bear is soo precious! Such a great smile!

Can't believe she's 6mos already! You are doing such a fantastic job! With her and Jackson!

Allison said...

what a blessing! She's such a doll.

Kristina said...

oh man, these are precious! glad you were able to capture a smile too! that outfit was so worthy of saving, adorable! Happy Half Birthday Annabeth!

Traci said...

I love the way you posted the photo shoot even though it was not what you had planned it to be. Elastic, I love that!

The re-cap of all the bear pictures was precious. It was so cute watching her little feet grow:)

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

One day, when she's older and struggling, she'll read this post and think "She really loves me. She really, really loves me."

What you're already teaching her -- by addressing things in the future that haven't even happened yet -- is unconditional love. What a beautiful picture for a mama to paint for her baby girl.

Man, I'm about to cry now.

Sabrina said...

Ah, the joys of having a girl. I fear my future too:)

Lauren said...

Oh my, that's six months of pure cuteness right there!!! :)

Patty said...

Miss Annabeth is so beautiful and I can't believe it has already been 6 months. I have been babysitting my great nephew and he just turned a year old! It is amazing how much comes back to you.

Sarah said...

Annabeth is ADORABLE!!! Love the outfit, too! Her smile made my morning a little better! :)

Sturgmom said...

She is such a CUTIE!!

Mary said...

She's a doll. It seems like yesterday that we read about her birthday!

AKat said...

Precious! She is absolutely beautiful, Amanda.

Jeannie (HAPPY HEART) said...

She is beautiful!! Enjoy every second of your everday life.... I love what your mom said about taking pictures in your mind. I do that with my kids all the time. Have a great day!

I found a great verse this morning.. Proverbs 19 17

Erica said...

Precious, precious post! She is adorable~tears and all.
I laughed when I read some of those things you will love her through. We have experienced many of those already!
I can't believe 6 months have passed already. I loved looking back at the pics!

Toknowhim said...

Beautiful... I love what you wrote to Annabeth!!!

amykat said...

This post left me teary-eyed. How we SO need God's help in raising a child!

Fran said...

Oh Amanda...
She is just precious. You are one fabulous momma and thank you for letting us be a part of her little life. I pray she loves God with her whole heart and always follows the rules. ;)


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Just wait until she wants her long, beautiful blonde hair cut off for the first time.


Suzi K said...

So sweet.

Oh my goodness Amanda, she is such a DOLL!!

I am in love with that three button romper!!

JottinMama said...

I just had a baby girl 2 weeks ago - and whew - this post just about made me cry. Don't you just love being a little girl's Mommy? It's so special. Like you, I also have a 3 year old boy - and yeah - being a little boy's Mommy is pretty special, too :) A little crazy at times maybe - but fabulous :)

I loved this post :)

Have a great week!

-Kate :)

Kristen said...

Even when she's not cooperating, she is looking adorable. Happy 6 months darling girl!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Is it possible that she's even cuter when throwing a fit?


OK. I'll keep it to myself.

The pink bear series gets me every time. They grow up so fast.

A Joyful Chaos said...

She is simply adorable! It is amazing how fast the change! Thanks for sharing.

Missy said...

Ah! I can't believe she is six months already. SO precious. The pouting is definitely way cuter in pictures, isn't it?!

teri-free2bme said...

Absolutely adorable! Your sentiments brought tears to my eyes, and the pictures are precious as can be! Thanks for reminding me of Ebenezer.

Anonymous said...

I'm on my third 14 year girl and it's just brutal!

Unknown said...

She is soooo cute!

Marc and Charity said...

Happy 6th Month Annabeth!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Aww, Little Momma, I love these pics of Annabeth!:) What you said about loving her as she gets older, amen, I want to be that kind of momma too:)

Blessings to you today:)
