Friday, July 31, 2009

Now and Then

Your comments were so fun on my last post! I loved reading about how we're all connected. Thanks for playing.

We've been really bored today, so here are some pictures we've taken.

Jackson randomly put on his daddy's hat. If you enlarge these, you'll get to see the encrusted ketchup on his face.

Annabeth posed with Beckham. (This was not random. Totally staged.) I trust no dog fully, but Beckham is so sweet with the kids. He didn't move a millimeter and barely breathed because he knew the baby was up against him.

I knew we had one of Jackson like this at about the same age, so I looked through my pictures and found it.

Look what else I happened to find, too. I didn't even realize we had this.


Claudia said...

Oh my goodness, you have two of THE most beautiful children I have ever seen! Absolutely precious!

Marla Taviano said...

That's awesome. You, God and Curtis make beautiful children.

THE Stephanie said...

So cute!! And the pic with Annabeth and Beckham... the dog looks HUGE!! LOL But so adorable.

debra parker said...

frame worthy, my friend, frame worthy!

bethany said...

How cute! Annabeth is so cute with her chunky little legs. She and Jackson look so much alike it's crazy! She just has less hair than he did at that age. Awesome that you have a pic of Jackson with daddy's hat as a little guy and one now too! Precious! I like how you took the pic of Jackson w/the hat sideways :)

Desiree said...

Boy you can't tell those two are siblings or anything.

How sweet.

Thanks for sharing.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Such cute pictures! Go Cards!

Mindy said...

SO SWEET!!!! I really do think that Annabeth looks like her daddy....
I'm at the Deeper Still event this weekend and I am SO excited to see your Mom and the other ladies who will be speaking.
Too bad you aren't with them. I'd love to meet you too!
in HIM -

Jenna said...

Ya'll's boredom is our entertainment!

LOVE the pictures of those little sweeties. And the two with Jackson in his daddy's hat - both are just PRICELESS.

Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

Haley said...

SO cute! Annabeth and Jackson look just alike as babies! They are precious :-)

Bobbie said...

I love your 'bored' days! We reap the benefit! It's hard to believe that Annabeth is old enough to sit up(albeit against Beckham)! She's so much her big brother, too! Are their temperments similar-Jackson at her age? What a beautiful family you have.

Heather said...

I have lots of pics like this with our yellow lab! They are so sweet--plus I just watched Marley and Me this afternoon so I am especially sensitive to dogs today!

Cathy said...

Great pictures! The kids are just too cute!!! -Cathy

Amber C said...

Annabeth was so sweet last night!! I told Curtis, she wasn't a big fan of the room for some reason, so she got to come hang out with me. We sat beside the fish tank and she spent a good 20 minutes looking from the fish to Dad up on the TV, back to the fish, back to Dad, over and over! She didn't pay attention to a single other thing, she only cared about that silly fish and her daddy's voice coming from the tv! It was so precious.

Fran said...

Ha! Those are soooo cute. Are you freaked out at how similar they look with Beckham???? SOOOOO CUTE!

I didn't play the game in the last post...had a hard week, too tired, couldn't tell you what 2+2 was.
Maybe I'll jump in over the weekend.


Sarah said...

Sweet babies! They do favor a lot. Does Beckham shed? I would love to have a dog like him, but I'm pretty sure shedding would drive me to insanity!

Lindsee said...

These just made my day. Super, super cute!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

LOVE the now & then!

Sister Lynn said...

Go Cards!

Love the pics!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

You have some cute doubt about it!

Sarah said...

You have the prettiest babies, Amanda! Love the photos!!

Heather's Haven said...

Go CARDS! That was the first thing I saw. ;) What little cuties!

Leyla said...

Way too cute! Those pictures are priceless...your kiddos are adorable!

Katy said...

seriously, your children are beautiful. you should enter them in a contest or something. i think it's the eyes...i don't know, but they're BEAUTIFUL!!!

Kristi said...

Beautiful babies AND Cardinals fans....we really could be BFF :).

Nicole said...

Seriously...those eyes, Amanda!!!!

Your babies have THE most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. I mean Jackson looks like his lashes are loaded with mascara. He will melt some hearts!

jennyhope said...

girl that is just adorable!!

Leigh said...

I've never commented before, but these pics are PRECIOUS!! thanks for sharing

barbara head said...

You know what amazes me? As much as Annabeth and Jackson look alike, they each look distinctly like a boy and a girl. Jackson, as cute as he is, is definitely a boy. Annabeth just has that girl look. They are precious.

Traci said...

Over the top adorable. And such a sweet, sweet doggie too.

fuzzytop said...

Love those chubby little baby thighs on Annabeth! They are so adorable... Cute photos Amanda!


Pigtails & Pearls said...

Your babies are SO Sweet. Is it not just the most bittersweet thing looking back at old photos of your babies?

AnnG said...

Just goes to show you how much Jackson loves his daddy's hat!! and just look how much he has grown! Both kids are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Great pics!

I always tell my husband, "babe, we make cute kids." And reading Marla Taviano's comment made me want to reword it next time. Very sweet and true...

Anonymous said...

My comment had the wrong I.D. I'm always in a rush and never realize until too late.

Heather said...

Jackson is looking so grown up with that hat on backwards! If it makes you feel any better, when they get to be 9 they still have encrusted ketchup on their face! Annabeth looks so cute up next to Beckham, again, he is such a could puppy!

Jennifer said...

Amazing how much the kids look alike at this age! Adorable!


Amanda Rooney said...

Hey Amanda!

I haven't read your blog all week b/c I've been living at my church with VBS. We had over 850 children, Praise Jesus! But it was a bit crazy, as you can imagine.

From Wednesday's post, I know you through Ashley (a.k.a. Grabbie). I know she used to babysit Jackson for you, and oh how she misses getting to see him!! And how terribly sad that she has yet to meet Annabeth. Every child should get the pleasure of meeting Grabbie! HA!

Recently, in June, I had the awesome privilege of meeting Kelly Stamps and Harper! And how ironic that your name came up...I told her how y'all used to go to church with Ashley, yada, yada...and she mentioned how cool it would be to meet you!

I admire both you and Kelly for being real people, trying to be a godly wife and mother, and most importantly put Jesus first and use your blogs to encourage others with His love!

Blessings, my friend.
Amanda Rooney

dawn said...

awesome then and now pics...loved em.



Rachel said...

Too cute!!! You have two beautiful kids and they look so much alike!

rachel said...

please forgive the randomness of this post but i heard that snugglies arent just for humans anymore . . . they now have snugglies for dogs . . . thought your mom would want to know!!

Katie said...

Look at that Cardinals hat, woot woot!

Tara said...

Your little ones are just absolutely precious! What sweet pictures that show how fast time flies!

PS. I was at Deeper Still this weekend and your Mom totally bragged on you and her grandbabies. You can tell how much she absolutely adores them. It is so sweet!

Patty said...

How sweet! Your children are so adorable and precious. :)

connorcolesmom said...

Love the pics
I love seeing how much Annabeth has grown
and that DARLING Jackson his smile makes me smile :)
Much love

Lauren said...

Ohhhhh my word!!! Adorable!!!!!

Life, or Something Like It said...

so precious! golden retrievers are so sweet with kids

Missy said...

I think that first picture of Jackson is a glimpse into his teenage years.

Erin Ward said...

You know what picture I remember from way back when? That picture of Jackson pulling on Beckham's head and Beckham is making that crazy face. Haha. Remember?

Deirdre said...

oh word heavens they are cute. And don't ever tell him I said this, but Jackson looks like Annabeth minus the bow!

Joy said...

I have been thinking of getting a dog. Hannah is scared of them and I thought it would be good to get one so she can get used to them. It would need to be a mild one though. Is Beckham fairly mild? What about when he was a pup? Good pics by the way, time passes fast!

ABL mom of 3 said...

Jackson looks so big boyish!! Don't you love how your dog just knows to be so careful with a baby? Your kids are just adorable. Thanks for sharing!

Tasha said...

Oh my word your kids are so cute!Jackson has the most beautiful eyes! Are you guys into arranged marriage?I have two little girls!Ha! Thanks for sharing with us.

Sarah said...

SOOOO adorable! Love 'em! :) Thanks for sharing!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Cute, cute, cute! What else can I say! Mississippi

Erica said...

Those pics were absolutely precious. I just love to go back and compare what Brea looked like at the stage Brooke is at. I can't believe you found the picture of Jackson in that hat! Adorable.
Thanks for sharing!

Brittney said...

too funny and too cute! :)

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

I think the Lord was prepping me for momhood in a mighty way. Luckily, the only time I heard it was the last time when he sounded like a baby spitting up. Praise His name. The other times I got lucky. The bath was running, I was standing next to the washer, or my ears were plugged on purpose. I used to come home from elementary school in hysterics because someone would yak in class. Of course, in my CRAZY head I was sick too. So, if my memory recalls, ivwould pinch my stomach out of nervousness. My mom thought about putting me into counseling.:)

katiegfromtennessee said...

Aww, their features change so much over time! Then they really change into adulthood!:) That is cool, those pics with the puppy and Jackson in his cap!


melanie said...

are you sure y'all are done? y'all make such stinkin' cute kids. it's a shame not to keep em' coming!!! :)

Denice said...

Such cute kids!

I'm glad to see that even though you live in Texas you are raising them right - as Cardinal fans! :)

Groovewoman said...

Don't they just grow up so stinkin' fast!! Ugh, I can't believe it! My son is just a little behind yours in age and WOW, he isn't a baby anymore. Each day, he is doing & saying things that little boys do & say. It shocks me everyday. He is already 2 1/2 and it flew by.

And Jackson & Annabeth look so much alike. No way to mistake that they are sibling and no way to mistake who there mommy is!! They have your beautiful eyes & smile Amanda!! Wow, look our Houston!!


Amy T said...

Precious! Both now and then pics (well all four I guess is the correct count) were awesome! Beckham is such a good doggie!

Jan said...

Woohoo!!! Got a Cardinals cap on that boy. The only thing that could possibly enhance this photo is if he were wearing a Razorack tee shirt. (Grin really big here....)

Can't believe Annabeth is 6 months old. Wow. Enjoy it all!

Andreea said...

How sweet! Awesome pictures. I am in "Awwwww" mode here cathing up on all your pics. Thanks for sharing them with us. :) You have the most beautiful kids I've ever seen! =)