Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gerber Baby

Guess who's a big girl now? Annabeth Ellen Jones is, in her five-month-old splendor.

Five months is such a cute age.

This is when they get necks.

(That was last week when I put her in her high chair for the first time. She sat in it so happily while Brother and I ate our breakfast.)

This is when they're big enough to tickle, to toss in the air, to play horsey on the knee, to sit on your hip, to face forward in the Baby Bjorn, to nearly break your arm in the baby carrier, try to sit up, to do baby push ups, and to nearly swallow their fists. But they're still basically immobile, to the praise and glory of God.

We've had a lot of fun with Annabeth this month. We've also had the most tears since the newborn days. We have nothing to show for it yet, but Annabeth has been teething. Yeah, not my favorite. Baby's in pain, baby's fussing, mommy's frustrated with baby who doesn't want to nurse, mommy and daddy are wondering if their sweet, chilled out baby is gone forever. (I don't think she is.) I'm checking her gums every day but there's no change. I know from going back through my very old posts that Jackson teethed all summer and didn't get his first tooth until September. That was stinkalicious.

Well, why is Annabeth such a big girl now?

She got to try this today!

Everyone is ready for breakfast. Jackson and I also had oatmeal in Annabeth's honor. Jackson likes apple cinnamon and I like maple and brown sugar, to which I add raisins. Yum.

This facial expression just about sums him up.

When I got out Annabeth's baby spoon, Jackson was very interested in it. Jealous, really. I dug out an old one of his and let him see it. And eat with it.

Hmmmm. Mommy is dressed with makeup on at 8 in the morning. There are cameras everywhere. I'm in my sweet new chair. Something is up.

Jackson thought I was giving Annabeth tea with a spoon. Tea oatmeal, Mommy?


She opened up nice and wide for the spoon. (Although not in this picture.)

She wasn't real sure about what was in it.

She didn't cry or whine, but her eyes started to tear up. So tragic!

Look at that expression. I've not seen that face very often.

I think Annabeth's feelings would be best summed up in a monologue from...well, a portrait taken by Mom.


I have to add one last thing. Yesterday morning I realized we were at the end of Annabeth's relatively mild diapers. Breastfed babies' poo is generally not lethal until you start solids. It has a weird sweet smell that you can't compare to anything. I even thought about how sad it was that I might never smell it again. (Working the nursery doesn't count.) Maybe I will when I change my grandbabies' diapers one day, but they might not be breastfed. Wouldn't it be awesome if I pressured my daughter, better yet my future daughter-in-law, to breastfeed because I secretly wanted to smell breastmilk poop again?

Did I just type that? People, this is what motherhood has driven me to.

Later on I went to fetch Annabeth out of her crib after a nap and, upon picking her up, I quickly felt stickiness all over my baby and all over my person. There was a muddy puddle the size of a chicken fried steak on the crib sheet. I was thanking God it didn't get on the pretty bumpers. I would have died! That detoured me into poop cleanup for the next 30 minutes. It was like having my own little going away party for the breastmilk poop. See? God really is in the details of our lives, y'all.

Farewell, sweet, sticky poo.


Marc and Charity said...

Oh my goodness, this is sooo funny! I have the same feeling about b/f poo! I will miss it, how gross is that? When we get back Germany I'm going to try food for the first time. And, I noticed her first tooth yesterday- acutally Marc did- it's broken through just barely. I'm in shock, my other girls didn't have teeth till they were 9 and 10 months old!

I will sure miss Gerber food. I'll have to take some pics of the food here- Cottage Pie anyone?

jenmom said...

We just a couple of weeks ago tried our sweet JennaBeth on rice cereal for the first time. She wasn't sure about it either, but loves it now with the applesauce and bananas mixed in.
And yes Motherhood drives us to many things like missing the smell of certain poops! I also have had my last baby and I think I am morning the passing of each stage with this baby. I even cried when I put away the size one bottle nipples!!

Heather said...

Amanda- You CRACK me up!!! I am so glad you are my bloggy friend! It is a blessing to be just a few months behind you with my sweet girl. AK has begun having "blowouts"--so far none have come out of the back of the diaper...but I know that is coming!

KK said...

You're so funny!

Single Mom said...

Hi! I'm delurking! Annabeth is PRECIOUS!! I know what you mean about breastmilk poo...I thought I was the only one!! I have missed it greatly!!


Tabaitha said...

We just gave our little girl, Taylor, cereal for the first time last week. She wasn't too sure about it at first. I coudldn't help but laugh about breastmilk poop. I thought I was the only crazy mom that thinks that same very thing. I was so sad knowing it wouldn't be the same ever again. My husband thought I was nuts when I told him.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Annabeth makes a cute little Gerber baby with those big and beautiful blue eyes!

She may not have liked her first cereal but she sure looked stylish for the occasion. :) I bought the same bib for our new foster baby just last week...LOVE the Bumkin bibs!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Also, I totally get what you mean about the breastmilk poop...I've never experienced it but I get it.

I'll never forget the first time our formula-fed foster son (who is about to become our adopted son - Yay!) had a mustard-like poop. It was just before he started solids and I was so sad because I knew I would never see it again. Oh, the things we moms talk about and get emotional over. ha ha!

Marla Taviano said...

Love breastmilk poo. Sweet mustardy, pretzelly smell. Mmmm... ;)

3girlsmom said...

And on that note, I will never look at Chicken Fried Steak the same way again. Ever.
Thank you, Amanda, and solid-food-fed-Annabeth.

jennyhope said...

They are both so precious!! you look so beautiful!!
I can't get over that sweet Annabeth! She is so precious. It makes me want another child so bad. Then I think about all of the bedrest insanity that I will have to go through but it truly is worth it!! Much love!!

Sara said...

I see I have quite a bit to look forward to as a new mom. Just being pregnant has been education enough. Super cute baby, and very handsome son!

Lauren said...

I went back and forth between thinking how amazingly cute Annabeth is and cracking up. The poo thing made me laugh! And she is totally pretty.

Jessie said...

oh my goodness you are a nut - really? missing baby poo? not with ya there! :0)

and I have always thought your little miss looks a lot like you... but that second picture you posted screamed your hubby to me... I know neither one of you at all - but I must say she is a cute blend of the two of you!

Liz said...

I know, I'm due in November and I'm so excited to nurse again and see poo that doesn't stain my cloth diapers :)

PS - Do you/have you tried mixing the cereal with breastmilk? I did that for my Zachary the whole time I breastfed, and crazy enough when I started him on formula that's when he stopped liking baby cereal. I shoulda started adding sugar then :)

Melissa said...

I am so there! Ha! I remembered when we started my youngest on solid food and I changed her last little yellow poop diaper. (She was a bottle baby, I'm not sure what difference there is in the "outcome" between the two.) It made me a little sad and I made a comment about it, but my husband thought I was over the edge!


Smelling Coffee said...

What darling pictures and sweet memories you brought back to me. (And I totally "get" the thing about the poo... I remember the last of that breast-feeding poo, too. But I'm OK without smelling it again.) :-)

Amy Lynn said...

I can't wait till Matti gets a neck! It's so hard to clean all those little rolls tucked in there!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Oh my word. The last paragraph of this post? THE BEST BIRTH CONTROL I'VE EVER BEEN HANDED.


Missy said...

Love that little girl! Morning the loss of the breast milk poo with you. May I learn from your coping skills so that I may better cope when it is my turn.

Anonymous said...

I seriously thought I was the only weirdo mom out there who was going to miss the breastmilk poo smell. There's something so sweet about it, and not just the smell. But not the taste or anything...oh my, I've backed myself into a corner now.

ANYWAY, I think it's just the knowledge that they are a little less dependent on us than they were the day before the baby oatmeal that makes us miss the sweet poo.

Wow. What a post!

Laurie said...

Your children are just beautiful! I have always thought that breast milk poop smelled like buttery movie popcorn. You are funny!

Allyson said...

I am cracking up! I totally know what you mean about the breastfed babies diapers. Before we started solids I couldn't understand what all the hype was about poo filled diapers. Now I totally get it! BTW - I have baby bangs...they just appeared a week ago and my sweet girl is 9 1/2 months old. When I saw them in the mirror one morning before work I though of you. And not in a psycho way...I promise. :)

Allyson said...

You crack me up! I never understood what all the hype was about poo filled diapers until we started solids and then I got it! BTW - I have baby bangs. I noticed them for the first time the other day when I was getting ready for work and I totally thought of you...they are terrible!

Allyson said...

Hey there - I just realized that I commented 2 times because I didn't see the approval message at the top. You can just disregard one of them - sorry!

Heather said...

Crack me up about the neck thing, Matt and I always talked about that right after they were born!! I am laughing at that expression on her face, do you ever wonder what is going through their minds? And again, her hair is really starting to come in!! :) I totally feel ya on the smell of poo before they eat food!

Becky said...

She is adorable. Starting cereal and baby food was one of my most favorite times with my two kids. Praising God for the fact my kids are potty trained and can't even relate to your poo reference it has been so long! :)

Kristen said...

That sweet baby could be the Gerber baby that's for sure! Adorable!

Kelly’s Korner said...

Amanda- I love how you document all these moments and feelings I share! Funny how exciting a little rice cereal/oatmeal can be! I set up the house just like that on Harper's big day - you would think she was graduating from college.
And I know what you mean about the poop. I miss that first poop - this new stuff is ick! But I don't miss the fact that most mornings it would ooze out of Harper's pj's and be all over her. That was always a lovely way to meet the morning. ha!

Jennifer said...

What a milestone! Annabeth is getting so big - and beautiful!


Big Mama said...

I've never read such a heartfelt tribute to breastmilk poo. So tender and touching.

And Annabeth's blue eyes could not be prettier.

Zoe said...

What a cute post. The neck - love it! Babies seem so grown up when they get their necks. :) And I for one was glad to say goodbye to the breastmilk poo - I don't know what y'all are talking about, sweet and pleasant smelling? My girl's diapers were knock-you-down-toxic. But then we started solids, and things improved drastically. I guess everyone is different.
And Amanda - no Baby #3 in the plan? It'll be a long wait for grandbabies! :)
My 'baby bangs' appeared a month or so ago - and I thought of your blog too. It's nice to know that all the hair that fell out is being replaced, but the 'fringe' look is not so becoming on me. :)

p.s. love the tablecloth - such happy bright colors!

Ashley McWhorter said...

This makes me laugh. Fully understand the runny breastmilk poop. Check out my post from today. HA!! :)

Zoe said...

oops, I meant 'placemats' - cute colorful placemats!

Angela said...

Ha! I know what you mean! I still have one more month till 5 months! So don't worry, I will smell it for you! ;-)
Your post always make me laugh out loud! Enjoy the rest of your week!

Tara D. said...

I think Annabeth looks so much like Curtis & Jackson, Amanda. So adorable. :-)

Lauren said...

Oh my goodness! I blinked and AB grew! Either that, or you do not post enough pictures. ;)

And if you look that good at 8am, then I quit.

melanie said...

ha! i have to agree about the sweetness of baby poo, especially in comparison to the nastiness of 2-year old poo! yay for annabeth trying oatmeal! i will pray for you to have patience. that is my daily prayer for myself too!

Missy said...

Oh, big girl! Don't grow up too fast!!

Momma, you need an ultimate crib sheet. They cover up the pretty sheet, but especially for vomit etc in the middle of the night, they are a blessing from our Lord on high. They have em at BRU.


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Confession: I miss breastmilk poop too. These cereal/applesauce/sweet potato poops are INTENSE. It literally smells like Xavier pooped his pants instead of Clara.

gillian said...

my Layla, 7 months, doesn't like oatmeal or rice cereal...matter of fact she doesn't really like baby food...she'd just rather nurse, which is SO much easier anyway! and the "basically immobile" thing...don't expect that to last long. Layla started crawling the day after she turned 6 months and now she's trying to WALK! I think it's partly because she has a big brother to watch but mostly it's just because girls ROCK and are so SMART!!!

Amy said...

I, too, got sad when the poops changed over and I realized it was another step in him getting older. I then loved it when he only pooped while with me and he used me as a pushing aid- he's grab my shoulders, lean his head on my shoulder and proceed to do his thing. This week that changed too and now he can do it whenever/wherever he wants...I can't believe how sentimental I was over these two stages...I was like, no bring my baby back!!

Traci said...

I love, love, love the neck picture. Too cute!

On a totally different topic, can I ask you the color of your walls? I'm repainting my house and am leaning towards Dormer Brown by Sherwin Williams, but was loving the color of yours in the background. Do you mind sharing??


Rebecca said...

Anaabeth is absolutely precious!! You have a beautiful family - enjoy each day - before you know it they will be all grown up. the other day my 3-almost 4-year old daughter asked me before her bath if she could have some 'time to get settled in before (I) got to the hair washing and the body washing'. Apparently she needed to 'relax'!! It's tough being 3!!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures (don't love the poo)!! I can't believe how big they both are!

Fran said...

Soooo precious...yes, even the poo and all!!! I can still remember things like that and how sad it was to see it all go. The sights, sounds, and smells......aaaahhhh.

Y'all have a great day!

barbara head said...

"size of chicken fried steak"--How Texan!! You are one of the most hilarious young mothers I have ever seen or heard. I absolutely love you to death. It has been way too many years since I had a 5 month old or even a 5 month old grandchild.

wmcswain said...

We are almost at exactly the same stage you are. This is so funny. Thanks for posting. Goodbye breastmilk poop, hello stink!

Lauren said...

Seriously, Annabeth has got to be the most precious thing EVER!!!!! :)

Haley said...

I have a one month old and a dear friend was here yesterday when he pooped. She volunteered to change him because she also enjoys the smell and her boys are older now and she's not sure if she'll have more babies. We had a good laugh at that. It does remind me to cherish the next few months before solid food is started.

Katie said...

Cute pics! In response to Laurie's butter movie theater popcorn smell BF poo, I am never going to be able to eat theater popcorn again! Thanks! :) LOL

Leyla said...

That is so funny about the breastmilk poo-poo smell. When I was reading it I could almost smell it. Secretly when I would change the diaper champ I would almost enjoy that smell and take a deep breath in. I didn't realize that I missed it until I read your post. haha!
As for our girls looking alike...I have seen it a little too in some of the pictures that you have posted. So cute!!! We definetly need to get together...especially since we live so close. Maybe we could meet at the awesome McDonalds by my neighborhood!!! :)

Annika said...

Oh my goodness. You are so funny. But I do agree about the poop...my friend was changing her newborn at church recently and it was such a nostalgic smell. (Don't feel to bad for me...I've got one more kid growing inside so I'll be able to savor the smell one more time.)

Annabeth is a doll! Beautiful pictures of her eyes! You look so pretty, too.

khull05 said...

5 months is when they get necks...Bahahahaha!! So true!!

Emily said...

Oh my goodness........please say that to your daughter-in-law!! "You need to go ahead and breastfeed this baby because I want to smell its poo." Then I will watch it one day on Heavenly Youtube! That is hilarious!
Annabeth has the most stunning eyes!!! Oooooh, I just want to squeeze her!!!

denise lopez said...

where did you get your floweredy place mats?? Love love love them!!!!

tandtsmom said...

First of all, I am so impressed you can do 2 totally different posts about your kids on 2 blogs. You amaze me! Second, I did not read all the comments so if I'm repeating something, so sorry. My boys are 5 and 2 and when they were teething I loved to use teething tablets. They are in the vitamin section at Wal-Mart. They are homeopathic so you don't have to worry about giving too much medicine and they apparantly taste very good b/c my boys would find the bottle when they weren't teething and ask for some. They also melt in their mouths so you don't have to worry about choking. Oh and they help the babies sleep, too:) Hope this helps.

Melanie said...

I literally *snorted* in laughter when I got to the "God really is in the details" part!! I LOVED that post at LPM...that you connected the 2 just was almost too much for me!

I'm posting my own "God is in the details" story from last night...not as funny as a personal farewell to breastmilk poo, though!!!!

jamie b said...

i thought of a random connection. :) jared billups dad (bob) and my dad (joel walker) are buddies. :)

jamie b said...

oops! i meant to put that comment on the other post. sorry!

Kay Altic said...

so fun friend...big girl...you and curt looks so cute with her...

Alana said...

I haven't experienced the blow out in the bed yet...I'm sure it's coming!

You should definetly look into the baby food machine at Williams Sonoma...it's so easy!

The Davidson Den said...

CraCKiNg mE UP!!!!!!! (because I know eXACTly what you're talking about...and I feel the very same way about it...it's a very special, distinctive-smelling poo, isn't it? and once it's gone, it's gone--never to return.) hahaha hahaha

katiegfromtennessee said...

Greetings Little Momma:)

You had a interesting week, full of mommy stuff, including baby oatmeal poo, love your heart!:) The meal your momma made sounded good though:) Annabeth's eyes are soo blue in the pics:) and Jackson's face is maturing, looking more like Curtis! I am noting all your mothering tips too:)
