Thursday, January 14, 2010

Real Hope for Haiti

I knew next to nothing about Haiti until I started blogging a few years ago. I really don't remember how, but I started reading the blogs of Jamie Ivey and Debra Parker. Both of their families had set out on the journey - and it is a very long journey - of adopting children from Haiti.

The Iveys finally brought their little girl Story home a couple of months ago. They are still waiting for their Haitian son Amos to be able to come home. The Parker family is waiting to bring home their son Ronel. Both boys are living at the Real Hope for Haiti Rescue Center. To the praise of God, the rescue center was still standing after the earthquake and none of the children were hurt. Thank You, Lord Jesus. They have 50-60 children and a few adults under their roof at any given time.

I have the pleasure of now knowing Debra in person because she moved to the Houston area around the same time that we did. I have not had a chance to meet Jamie yet but I look forward to our paths crossing someday. I have a lot of respect for both of these families. I can't even imagine the anguish they were experiencing after they heard about the earthquake and didn't know if their kids were okay. I know they are still aching very badly for this country, as we all are.

The Iveys and the Parkers were featured on their local news programs yesterday. Isn't that awesome? Here are the links if you want to check them out.

The Parkers on Click 2 Houston

The Iveys on News 8 Austin

*Also, don't miss this post on Shaun Groves' blog. You can get a "Help Haiti" Compassion banner for your blog there.


Lauren said...

WOW! Amazing how this hits so close to home for alot of people!!!

Thanks for sharing, Amanda!!!

Marla Taviano said...

Thanks for sharing that, Amanda! Praying!

Lindsee said...

You beat me to the punch! And for that I am grateful because your readership and mine don't even compare, so I am thankful that so many people are now praying specifically for these two families!

P.S. My little brother (little as in 20) got home from Haiti on Monday. Can you believe that? I am so thankful for how the Lord protected their team. So thankful.

Lindsee said...

P.S. Aaron Ivey is selling "Help Haiti" t-shirts on his website. If anyone is interested, the link is:

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

I just posted about a friend of mine on my blog who has a sweet 2 year old son that they have adopted yet are awaiting word on. I'm sure they would appreciate your prayers, too. The whole thing is just so sad. I can't get it out of my head. :(

Three Fold Cord said...

Just watched...when she talked about one of her children being freaked out with out his mom...tears down my face. I am def. talking with my hubby tonight about what we are to do!

Bobbie said...

Thanks Amanda, for guiding us to the links for the news reports. It's amazing how a very tiny country like this can touch so many in our huge country!

Praying for both families and all the children in this home that was spared in the quake and of course, the entire country. It's so hard to watch from so far away and feel so helpless.

The Haines said...

Amanda, we have a couple here who have been waiting to adopt their son from Haiti. We know he is ok, but are unsure of how this will affect the adoption process. All of the paperwork was filed in the capital which was destroyed. I'm sure this is the story for many of those children. Please remember to pray for all of these children who are waiting.
Thanks for sharing!

Shelli Littleton said...

I'm so glad the children were safe. I know there are going to be amazing stories come out of this. God stories!

I just opened a blogger account ... I'm advancing in this technological world! Aren't you proud?!

Shelli Littleton

Shelli Littleton said...

Oh Amanda ... a Lifeway VBS group is at our church today and tomorrow. Our kids are performing the VBS songs to hand out (CD) to the churches for helps. The kids did so sweetly tonight performing the songs they'd been working on. Lifeway is so great! They mentioned Haiti ... last year a Haitian group used their VBS materials and just on Monday they were discussing making the CD/DVD helps in their language. Then this tragedy. They were so proud that many young kids had gone through VBS last year ... what they learned about Jesus just may be helping them through this horrific time.

Deirdre said...

I was actually kind numb about this whole horrific mess....till I read your mom's post. then all of a sudden my measly $35 didn't seem like "nothing" anymore.

Unknown said...

I saw the Iveys telling their story on CNN this morning and their hope to get Amos home soon.

Tanya A.

Beth Herring said...

Thanks for this story, Amanda. My daughter has a friend from college that has an orphanage about 20 miles from where the quake hit. He said they are fine, but that due to the inability to get food and water, scary times are coming.

Fran said...

I watched the clip on the Parkers and just couldn't imagine how they felt when they heard of the quake.

Praying for them and everyone in Haiti!


katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Amanda! I'm soo glad that those kids were safe! I heard that the adoptions from Haiti were being speeded up as a result of the earthquake. I pray that those kids would be with their adoptive parents soon!


brittanyb716 said...

I just thought you might be interested and excited to know that Aaron & Jamie Ivey are on a plane to Orlando right this minute to meet Amos who is also on a plane right now from Haiti to Orlando. How great is that?! Praise God!!