Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Psychosomatic Freakshow

Well, we had a little bug visiting our family last week. Annabeth got it on Tuesday, but I was rather confused because even though she threw up twice, she never cried or acted sick. She still had an appetite and was in a good mood. So I thought maybe it was just a fluke or something.

Late Thursday night I started feeling weird and just went to sleep hoping it would pass. I'm such a freak of nature about stomach bugs that if someone near me talks about it or has one, I start manifesting psychosomatic symptoms right away. (You're thinking that I'm really weird and you're right.) I hoped I was just imagining the nausea. My alarm went off at 7 a.m. so I could go for a jog and I knew right away there would be no jogging. The nausea was still there in full force. Luckily, I never thew up. Best stomach virus ever! I slept a little while longer and then sent Curtis to work. The kids and I were in our pajamas until well after lunch and they basically did whatever they wanted while I sat on the couch and stared.

Amazingly, my baby fever has been completely cured!

I'm sad to say that my mom got the bug on Saturday. Bless her heart. It was her first weekend at home in over a month and she had to spend it in bed.

We had a full weekend of social events planned and I prayed that God would give me wisdom regarding what, if anything, we should still do. After I found out about Mom, I canceled everything. I thought Jackson was probably a ticking time bomb. Bummer. We had dear friends in town from North Carolina whom we never get to see. It really stunk not to see them. We also missed a couple of birthday parties that would have been so fun.

On the bright side, our family had a lot of quality time together. I remember telling Curtis in tears in the beginning of April that I was so very tired and needed a break from all our activity. Curtis' surgery - which was four weeks ago today - brought an abrupt rest for all of us. I've tried to take it in.

Jackson has his end of the year school program tonight. During his Christmas program he was seated right next to the teacher and I'm sort of hoping he will get that place of honor (and supervision) again tonight. I won't have to worry that he'll do something exciting in front of God and all these witnesses.

In about an hour, Curtis and I have a phone interview with a reporter for Christianity Today. It's about my mom, of course. Do I even need to tell y'all how nervous this makes me? I'm about to guzzle some Pepto. I might even hide some in a thermos and say it's my tea. Pray for me!


Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...


Audrey said...

I'll definitely be praying. I'm glad you're all feeling better--sounds like Jackson never did get the bug, thank goodness!

Joyce said...

Hoping everyone stays healthy! One year I taught PK and had a little girl in my class who was famous for pulling her dress over her head at the end of year program the previous school year. Her mom got smart and put her in overalls the year she was in my class. Guess who unclipped the overall straps? She must be graduating from high school this year and I hope her mom can laugh about it now.

Enjoy your program...such sweet days.

Church Lady said...

I am praying for you right now. Sorry about the bug. Hey, I am just like you and your mom when it comes to manifesting symptoms. I don't konw if it is paranoia or what but I never have any trouble knowing how someone else feels. BTW is something wrong with the LPM blog??

R said...

ugh! to make a two-month period of musical illness in our family even better, our two y/o apparently has the bug now. good times! just when i thought we were getting over the hump...

E said...

Praying for you! I am sure y'all will do great!

Lauren said...

So glad everyone is on the mend , Amanda…and I’m sure pics of the end of the year school program are to come and can’t wait to see them. I know God will give you the words for the interview that will edify and glorify God…. You make him proud!!!

His Jules said...

Praying for you and Curtis! And, I'm with Amy Beth - talk about the hair! Your mom is the only person I know who can find spiritual parallels between hair & anything else!

Moose Mama said...

Awwww, sorry Amanda. Praying you all get well and stay that way for a GOOD LONG TIME! Enough already, huh?


Alison said...

Oh my goodness, the dreaded stomach virus! I am the exact same way you are...I only have to hear of someone I know that has it, and I am feeling nauseous!! It is the worst! I hope ya'll are about to go through a "well" phase at your house! :)

Unknown said...

I just know y'all will do just great. Hope you were able to relax and enjoy the experience. It's so nice you could do this together.

Unknown said...

It is so nice that you can do this together. I hope you were able to relax and enjoy the experience. You have a wonderful mom to "brag on".

Beth said...

I'm so sorry you had to do it, Darling! As Amy Beth so brilliantly pointed out, you could have talked about the five of us, Your Daddy, Your Mommy, Your Sister, Yourself, and My Hair. One BIG happy family. n

JottinMama said...

I can not believe it.

Seriously. I thought I was the only freak on the planet who experienced psychosomatic systems when it comes to stomach bugs. I'm completely paranoid about them. I always have been - but now that I have 2 kids....I'm down right crazy. My family has urged me to seriously seek help about it. It would be funny if it were not so real and debilitating. Just reading this post almost sent me into a tizzy. Of all things to have a phobia about....I have to be a nut when it comes to stomach viruses. Just know...you are not alone in your weirdness.

And I know what you mean about being cured of your baby-fever. I would like to have more...but when I think about stomach illnesses and stuff - it makes me think twice. Unbelievable. Ridiculous, even. Maybe I should go call a counselor now! Whew.

Have a great day :)

- Kate :)

Marc and Charity said...

I pray the pepto helps! Glad you are getting some rest from busy-ness.

Beth Herring said...

Oh, I am sorry you had that awful bug, but kuddos for not throwing up!

I am praying for you and Curtis and the interview. You will be great. I remember how poised and amazing you were at the Siesta SMTC in January. You rock, Amanda!

Beth Herring

Dionna said...

You are so eloquent and gracious, I just know you did well with the interview.

And I've been going at full steam for weeks now - hoping for a rest soon. You made me change my mind since I don't want "rest" to come in the form of illness or surgery! Ha Ha

Kristen @ Moms Sharpening Moms said...

This post title cracked me up! You are a riot.

I'm sure you rocked the interview something fierce. You are a very poised, well spoken girl!

Have a wonderful day!

Lauren said...

Can't wait to see the article in CT!

And I'm sorry y'all have been dealing with so much lately. Hopefully everyone will be well for a while.

Melanie said...

When will the story on Beth be in Christianity Today? I'd like to pick up a copy.

Jessica said...

I had the same kind of virus (or whatever) last week! Soooo sick, but never threw up. Weird.

Beth (Can I call you that? I totally feel like I'm disrespecting you by not calling you Mrs. Moore, but that's definitely not the case), could you PLEASE do a hair post on the LPM blog?? From one southern girl to another, I would love to know how you get and sustain all that body in such ridiculous humidity. I'm talkin' step by step. You may have done that in the past, but I've only been reading your blogs for about a year now, so I would love a refresher course.

connorcolesmom said...

so sorry about the stomach bug but you are right sometimes it gives us the opportunity to relax in an otherwise busy life
my kindergartener "graduates" on Thursday and I am about to bust out with tears - I hope I make it through the ceremony!!!
Much love!

Marla Taviano said...

I hope your interview was awesome!!

No baby fever here either!! I spoke at MOPS today and admired all sorts of cute babies and baby bumps, then happily went home with my self-sufficient (can watch TV unattended for hours on end) 4-year-old.

FitzandMolly said...

so weird! we've had the same thing at our house! joseph got sick on saturday, then moriah threw up once monday morning, and mike and i have had full-blown nausea. thankfully, we never threw up. i'd rather be in labor. glad it turned out well for you!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

After reading this post this morning, I'm not sure I should go run. Because I feel all hot and think my tummy hurts...


You're not alone in your freakshow-ness. I've totally got it too.

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

You have no idea how I get the 'sit on the sofa and stare'. I've concluded checking out is God's way of protecting us from what our finite minds were never meant to process. Sometimes it's just too stinkin' much.

Praying for the interview. I love interview conversations but I have not yet gone back to try to listen to a single one I've done. I know it will lead to an acute bout of self-degradation. Totally unhealthy.

Heather said...

I am so sorry you all have been sick! That stinks and bless your mom's heart for getting it on her first weekend home. Prayed for you yesterday and hope the interview went well!

Emmy said...

Oh Amanda you are so funny! I so know what you mean! I never liked my psychology classes because I was always convinced I had whatever the chapter was discussing!

I haven't commented in a while but please know I have been praying for you all! God really puts you on my heart... it is always at the oddest times so I know it is God!

Glad everyone is better! You are a great Mom! : )

katiegfromtennessee said...

Aww, bugs going around in your family? I'm sorry, that's a bummer and a half:( ...yeah, you did get a break, although not like you probably expected, bless your hearts...I'm sure your interview went well:):) Pepto is always helpful:)


Abigail said...

Totally understand about your fear of the stomach bug...oh wait, I think I'm feeling sick now...

= ]

Lindsee Lou said...

That dern stomach bug sure is feisty! Sorry it cancelled your fun weekend plans. Prayed for y'all! I am sure the interview was great, at least you got to do it WITH Curtis, that helped, I hope!

Traci said...

What issue will you be in??

Glad you are feeling better :-).

Kelli said...

Praying you're all better and hope that the interview went well! I always hate that kind of stomach bug because I almost feel guilty for being sick when I don't have any "real" symptoms besides feeling gross! I had a "sitting on the bed and staring" day just last week which I found doesn't work so well in combination with trying to homeschool!

The Striving Homeschool Mom said...

Hey Amanda! Hope you all are feeling better and no one else got sick! No you are not alone! I'm the same way about the stomach bug!! YUCK!! I'm such a baby!! I call my own Mom and ask what i should and everything like that!! Hope everyone is on the mend!!!

Missy said...

Gasp! I didn't realize you had it too!!

Ike was like Annabeth, seemed perfectly happy but would not eat a bite. Motherhood is quite a bit simpler when you don't have to prepare meals. But of course the others puked all over the place. And then today I just felt like warm death and laid on the couch while the Chipmonks babysat my children.

SO glad it is over!! And we lived to tell!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Hope you are all feeling better..Seems like all we have done is pass it around

God's not so little dutch girl said...


I just read the LPM blog, and felt compelled to send you a note. I feel SO bad for you! I know that you are where God needs you to be right now, but I can't imagine the disappointment of not going on the trip. Know that I am praying extra hard for you! I am also praying for Curtis and the whole family during this time. Love, Joan

Renee Swope said...

Praying for you and yours!!

Joni said...

So sorry for your loss. Praying for your family.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

This wave of fear came over me when I read your post that maybe the Texas bug is going around and I'll be throwing up for all the relatives arriving tomorrow for graduation! Since we can only think one thing at a time, I choose to wonder for a sec where in the world that comes from that I have to protect myself and then let it go. HE is watching our backs! Praying for all of us Matt 11:28 that we find REST in the midst of passionate life and love and ministry. You're doing it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all the sickies. That is never fun. :(

His Jules said...

Amanda- just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you, Curtis and his family in the loss of his grandmother. I am also asking God to bless your obedient attitude in missing the trip to Israel to be where you belong-with Curtis! You are a wonderful example of what we should all desire to be as godly wives! Thank you.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Just wanted to tell you that you're missed, pal.