Ella, Ava, and Jackson

Ava and Jackson watching Baby Einstein before Ella arrived and got the party started.

I love the facial expressions in this picture. There is no possible way to get three moms and three babies looking happily at the camera in one shot!

Ava: "Jackson's gonna fall on me again, Mom!"
Ella: "I think Jackson pooted."
Jackson: "I have no idea what they're talking about."
Jackson did fine with his shots yesterday. I had to hold his arms down while he got them. It was so sad. He was bright red and screaming between held breaths. He was really fussy last night, but I would be too if I'd had four shots! Curtis gave him a warm bath and that calmed him down. Dr. Raja was really happy with his growth and development. He weighs 16 lbs (75%) and is 25.5 inches long (75%). She gave the go ahead for solids but I think I will wait until after camp.

My legs hurt, Mommy!
1 comment:
You have such a beautiful little boy! Sorry it took me awhile to get back with you...I'm scatterbrained like that! Looks like you guys are having a great time. Take care & it was good to see on your blog! -Kat (Roper) Kennedy
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