Sunday, December 02, 2007

A Sunday Story

What kind of Sunday would it be if I didn't have a story to tell? This morning my alarm woke me up at 6:30 so that I could conquer it all (meaning my flesh, my hair, and my toddler) peacefully and make it to church on time. It went very well and Curt even got us some Whataburger taquitos for breakfast. I apologize to those of you who do not have a Whataburger close by because it really isn't fair that you can't feast on these little blessings.

We walked out the door in time to be 5 minutes early-late. I felt not good, but definitely satisfied with the way I looked and I felt great about my calm demeanor. (I have been a walking hormone for three days. Calm has not been my middle name.) It had rained the night before and it looked cloudy, so I had my cute new polka dot umbrella with me just in case. That added a bit to my cheer.

Seeing a woman in pointy-heel boots pushing a stroller at a high speed scared a squirrel (a limb chicken, as Keith Moore says) up a tree. Look, Jackson! A squirrel! Suddenly that lovely, precious little creature leaped onto a branch directly above our heads. Swoosh! A two-second rain shower fell upon us, showering the top of my hair, my forehead, and my shoulders. Lovely. My hair, despite having been meticulously dried and straightened, was on the big side this morning. To now have the top of my hair wet and flattened against my scalp while the rest of it flared out like a bell was just going to be precious. PRECIOUS. Thankfully God gave me the grace to continue on to church and not go back home to fix myself. It dried and all was well. I'm kind of glad it happened because I enjoy having amusing stories to tell about my Sunday morning adventures.

Here's some randomness:
Jon and Kate Plus Eight - Someone mentioned this in a comment a while back. I watched it for the first time today. I also recorded the whole marathon on my DVR, but I think I can only take one episode a day. I was amazed. Very amazed. It was the episode where Kate has surgery to remove the huge blob of skin (she called it a front butt) left over from carrying sextuplets. Kate said that her stomach grew so far out that she couldn't even reach the end of it. What in the world? Again, I've been a walking hormone, but I cried at least four times. It was so awesome that they were able to make her stomach flat again. I can't imagine how good it felt to put her jeans on and have that thing gone. Sometimes I get so down on myself for not being perfect that I forget to be thankful for just being "normal."

By the way, Jennifer Love Hewitt is precious. If I could take her to lunch I totally would.


A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

I think you should have a graphic/banner designed with a cute name like, "Sunday Morning Satire" and start a weekly blog post on your Sunday morning adventures. :-) I'm sure many other bloggers could comment on their crazy Sabbath mornings, too! :-) Kudos to you for being on time and not going back home to fix the squirrel damage.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the hair. It always the case. Jon and Kate plus 8 are amazing! I'm a watcher! You'll love the Mother's Day episode

Anonymous said...

Ooooh - John and Kate is a great show! I love the fact that she does not show-off for the cameras. As you watch more episodes, you will notice how she doesn't mind showing her crabby side. She can be very direct and annoying at times, but I love that she is so authentic. I can also see why the Lord gave her all of those babies - she seems like she can handle it! On the days when I feel overwhelmed, all I have to do is think of having eight kids around here and it puts things in perspective!!


a boy a girl and a pug said...

Oh I love Jon and Kate Plus 8! It wears me out watching it, but those kiddos are too cute for words.

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Amanda - I just sat and watch (and cried) that same show yesterday after church and all. Wow - is that not incredible. I remember her saying - "tripletts - what a breeze!!" That too about made me want to cry. I will be right there with you - all 8!

Erin Ward said...

I walked into the room last night and Andy had that show on. I've never seen it before. I only watched about 2 minutes of it, and it just stressed me out a little bit.

Jessica said...

Hey! I know that you have been to Stephanie Vasofsky's site a couple of times but didn't know if you had been lately. Just wanted to ask you to pray for her. They've updated the site, but she is not doing well at all. Thank you again to you and your sweet mama for praying for her and encouraging her during this difficult time. I know that it means a lot to her!

Anonymous said...

yeah, speaking of that whole jennifer love hewitt thing, i'm just wondering who said size 2 was fat! are you kidding me?! there are many sizes ABOVE 2 that are not fat! that's why we have so many eating disorders in this country. because an actress is having to post a blog to inform people that size 2 is not fat! ok, i will climb off my soapbox now....have a GREAT week! :)

Tyna said...

A limb chicken! Oh mercy, that just cracked me up! I'm going to have to steal that one...

ncmama said...


I love watching Jon & Kate Plus Eight for a little reality check. Whenever I think that my life with two little boys, one with some special needs, is hectic and threatening to overwhelm me, I watch that show and realize that I'm going to be just fine. One of Kate's sisters is in my Sunday School class, so it's fun to watch and realize how similar the two of them are! Although I've never met Jon & Kate, I've enjoyed getting to know that family.

Glad to hear that you were able to keep your calm demeanor. I'm sure your church family loves you no matter what your hair looks like!

Have a great Monday!

Kelly said...

Jon and Kate plus eight - love it but it stresses me out. Just the thought of have that many kids all the same age makes me want to cry. It also makes me very very scared of the fertility treatments I'm taking - I do not want to be a TLC show or a lifetime movie. ha!
P.S. I'm sure you hair looked beautiful even with the rain shower.

Unknown said...

I've never watched Jon & Kate + 8 - just from watching the commercials, I think the show would make feel very inadequate! Jennifer Love Hewitt is precious! I remember when the Tyra pictures came out about how "fat" she was. JLH spoke up about size then too (I think). What did Jackson think about the squirrel and the mini rain shower? Congrats on getting out of the house on time :).

Debbie said...

AWWW. My life story could be nothing but Sunday stories...ha! I'm away at my mom's right now and we watched Jon and Kate too. I don't have that channel at home.:) It's amazing, isn't it?!?! My son said, "Why do you want to watch this when you live it everyday?" Ha! Out of the mouths of babes

Patty said...

You make me laugh every Monday when I read your Sunday happenings. I can picture the whole thing in my mind. I then try to imagine my response to having a great hair day and then a squirrel ruins it all. Years ago that would have sent me spinning but now that I am older I am not as bad. Props or two snaps or whatever for pushing a stroller in pointy -heel boots. I mean it! I would have killed myself pushing a stroller that fast in heels. LOL!! You should have seen me Saturday night driving at a high speed to our church's Christmas concert. We were late and we had to sit in the balcony. I was mad because I am short and we were sitting in extra chairs they provided and I couldn't see anything. God has spoiled me by giving me favor and great seats. God did not disappoint. By His might , he parted the crowded pews and opened a spot for two people in reserved seating. Problem, we had 4 of us. The wonderful man sitting beside me said he would scoot down to make room for us. He moved half and inch and I could raise my hand halfway to praise God. Glory to God for his little girls who had to go to the bathroom, alot!! BTW...God has a great sense of humor. He sat me behind Faith Hill and Tim Mcgraw and their kids. It was so much fun!! Living in Nashville is an adventure!!
Have a great and dry Monday!!


Unknown said...

Amanda - I was going to email you a link to a neat little photo collage website (stained glass collage), but I couldn't figure out how to do so. So, here's the link:

If you haven't been there yet, check it out and see all the ways you can make precious collages of your precious Jackson.


Vicki Courtney said...

Love it!

Hey, and how weird you would link to Jennifer Love Hewitt's blog post. I was writing a blog about it right now and the alleged picture in question (paparrazi took one of her behind while in her bikini and then plastered all over for every creep on the globe to comment on). The comments alone are proof that most everyone has been brainwashed by the media's narrow definition of beauty. More fodder for my book...

Fran said...

I love Jennifer Love Hewitt too. Lets call her and see if she'll meet us for lunch...maybe she'd come to the Siesta Fiesta! :)

Never have watched that stresses me out. I don't know why but it does.

Have a great Monday!

Dionna said...

Maybe God wants to remind us from time to time that we fixate too much on our appearance? I'm proud of you for continuing on to church despite your little "rain shower."
And I am one of the unfortunate souls to not be blessed with a Whataburger. What's in a breakfast taquito anyways? Sounds yummY!

debra parker said...

I am telling you that getting to church with little ones when your husband is on staff is no easy feat. Those are not days that I have forgotten.

Looking back it seems on the fun side. Only because I can smile at the frazzled woman in my memory.

I always found the "fellowship" afterwards to be hard with two pulling at my feet or needing me to hold them.

These days offer new challenges.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I'm so glad you have a fun umbrella. That's just what every girl needs! ;) It doesn't get any more fun than polka dots!

Heather said...

Amanda, I know that you don't know me, but your blog is listed on several of my friends blogs, so I checked it out. I love watching Jon and Kate plus 8. Funny story...while my husband and I were severely delayed in the Philadelphia airport, I saw Jon and the two twins. Because of complete boredom and curiosity I decided to follow them to see if the sextuplets were with them. They were not, but I saw Kate and she looked fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me links to websites so I know what you're talking about. You broaden my mental horizons!! One of your bloggers led me to vitual bubblewrap. I've got my grandkids popping that stuff.

connorcolesmom said...

Oh that is funny about the hair and I love Jon and Kate plus 8. It totally puts things into perspective for me. When I think things are loud around here I just think about them - I bet it is really loud at their house!!
Oh and when I am over the laundry I just think man I bet a family of 10 has TONS more laundry. Yep I love that show - it makes me so happy for my 2 little boys :)
God only gives us what we can handle and for me that is my 2 precious little boys!
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Oh, to have squirrel induced wet hair! How fun.

Erin said...

I think about you every Sunday morning when I'm trying to get me and both kids ready...and it makes me stop and say, at least Kevin's here to "help" (ie stay out of my way and watch hunting) and one of my kids is old enough to almost get ready on his own (if cowboy clothes are ok to wear to church every week) that usually stops my crazy Mom outbursts and still get out of the door in time to get coffee on the way :)

Allison said...

Amanda, I just love your Sunday stories. They are such truthful, real reminders that we are all so similar deep down! Satan must be working in overtime on Sunday mornings!

I, too, have gotten hooked on Jon and Kate. You should check out their personal website- and read more of their story. It sounds like they may publish a book soon!

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


Your blog blesses my heart. Who would think that now after my kids are FINALLY growing up, I would find such joy reading about what it is like to have a toddler underfoot. My goodness, I thought for sure I wanted these days to pass! I must have been mistaken...

Blessings sweet girl!

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

Size 0 is beautiful---wonder how much of America has bought into this? Your sunday squirrel story is hilarious! An, you were early, yeah! We were 15 minutes late Sunday AGAIN so we just had to double dip and go back into the second service and loved hearing Shane & Shane again "Yearning.". My husband & I looked at each other---we BOTH try to add "one more thing" walking out the proverbial door---why'd it take so long to discover that? Will have to learn from Kate and her 8 organization tips.
PS - No, I didn't lose any posts when our computer crashed but did lose everything on my computer---pictures, files, documents, favorites. Computer couldn't hold 843 posts plus more. I shouldn't have opened an unknown email AND should have "back-up" on the computer.

Anonymous said...

I starting watching that show AFTER the surgery. I was so amazed that she was so thin after have a total of 8 children. It wasn't until a YEAR later that I found out some blessed soul gave her that tummy-tuck as a gift. I love that show. They make me feel normal!

Heather said...

Love your Sunday stories! I've never seen Jon and Kate plus 8. I'll have to check it out.

Maggie said...

I know this is a little late, but...I was running last night and a song came on my ipod and I remembered that you were looking for fun /uplifting workout songs...
"Proud" the theme from Biggest Loser. You can download it from itunes. I know it sounds cheesy-magoo, but it is awesome!

BethAnne said...

After church yesteray was the first time I had ever actually watched the John & Kate + 8 show. I am in awe of those people. I kind of felt sorry for John because she was really kind of hard on him sometimes, but who can blamer her - I would be a train wrck with that many kids! Can you imagine having so many kids you have to purchase a commerical vehicle to carry them all? The diapers, the food, the clothes --- ALL FOR 8 KIDS --- makes my head hurt. All I can say is : better her than me - I would have to be committed and placed in a straight jacket.

Shelly said...

I am terribly sorry about the hair situation. And commending you in the name of Jesus for continuing on your way to church rather than turning around back home. I don't know what I would've done. Probably grabbed the baseball cap in my car - is that acceptable? Hehe

connorcolesmom said...

I have been thinking a lot about Sunni's sister, Tiffani. How is she doing? I keep praying for a quick recovery for her. Oh and is Ava ok? I know you mentioned they took her to the ER. God is so good how He brings people to our minds so we can pray for them :)
God bless,

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Jennifer Love Hewitt is awesome for what she's doing for the normal women out there. Hollywood is such a twilight zone!

Amy T said...

My boy and I like Jon and Kate plus 8, too! We started watching it because it comes on after Little People, Big World, another favorite. We too are facinated by them. Good show. And clean.