Monday, December 17, 2007

Tis The Season

I have much to say about the last five days, but I am exhausted! It's been such a long day. Jackson had a fever last night and this morning, so I took him to the doctor to get checked out. Tis the season for pneumonia, the flu, and RSV, so you know it couldn't just be a simple visit. We ended up at a hospital to get his lungs x-rayed. It was a little surreal having to register there and get a little hospital bracelet just for the x-rays. It definitely added to the drama, as if I needed anymore today. You just cannot reason with such a young child that just because they are being restrained doesn't mean they are going to be hurt. Bless his heart. Bless my heart, too. We had an hour and a half to kill after the hospital before we could take the x-rays back to be examined by the doctor. Curt met us at a Chick-fil-a so that he could carry his share of the burden over a Combo #1 with cheese and no pickles. We weren't very hungry though. Jackson didn't even want the ice cream we got in exchange for his toy (thank you Amy for sharing that hint with me). So four hours later we were on our way home with the news that he didn't have pneumonia. Thank You, Lord. I felt so sorry for the four sets of parents who were there getting their newborns x-rayed. That must have been so scary. When I recover a little from Jackson's cold as well as my own, I will try to share more about my trip home, my LPM Christmas party, etc. Also? My boy's second birthday is two months from today. I just can't believe it.


Anonymous said...

Praise God that he does not have pneumonia. We will pray that he gets well in time for Christmas (you, too!).

God Bless...
faithful chick

Dionna said...

I'm glad Jackson isn't more seriously sick, Amanda. Sorry you've been dealing with a cold while trying to take care of him too! I know it takes every little ounce of energy you have when you don't feel well. I'm mending from a cold too - and have so much to do to get ready for family coming into town this weekend! The bright side for me? At least I should feel better by Christmas!

Erin Ward said...

I hope you and Jackson feel better soon!!

shelley said...

Thanks so much for your sweet comment! I was wondering how Beckham did during the summer! Poor guy, I can't imagine Texas summers are happy fun with all that fur!

Glad to hear your little man is ok (and you too - it can't be fun to see him upset like that!)

We are going to be moving to the Forney/Rockwall/Rowlett you know of any churches you can recommend in that area? There are so many churches it's hard to know where to start! end this super long comment...I love your blog! It always refreshes my spirit to read about you and your sweet family. Your love for them and the Lord is very evident. Thanks for sharing!

Big Mama said...

So glad that he's okay. Bless both your hearts. The doctor visits are the worst!

Shelley said...

ha ha! I just realized that I used the wrong blogger sign in...I switched accounts a while ago and forgot to delete it. Anyway, if you got a random comment from a blog you've never heard of it was me.

All that crying has made me just a total mess.

Kari said...

It's so hard when they are sick, isn't it? I love the pics of your beautiful home and Chrismtas tree. I love that you know the hint about the Chick-fil-a ice cream cone. :) Hope to see you soon.

Patty said...

I am glad that Jackson is okay and I hope you two are feeling better. Our family has been sick. I had a terrible cold for 2 weeks but praise God I am better. No one should be sick around the holidays. :( I can't believe Jackson will be 2 in a few months. My friend Denise and I were talking tonight about our children and how we can't believe her oldest turns 22 tomorrow and I have a son 19. The time goes by to fast.

MamaCass said...

Oh Wow! I didn't realize Jackson had to get X-rays today. Poor guy and poor you! I am so glad that it isn't pneumonia. I hope you are both better for our playdate this week! And I love all of your ornaments and the red door. You are very close to having a mountain themed tree already!

Profbaugh said...

Oh my, hang in there Mama Jones. What a day, huh? As others have said here praise the LORD that it wasn't pneumonia. Still, the whole experience of being at the hospital is so challenging, especially for a toddler and his loving mom. Know I'm covering you both in prayer tonight. Hopefully, you home just as snug as a bug in a rug.

Much love,

jennyhope said...

Mine has been home with pneumonia not fun! So glad he doesn't have it! =)

Jessica said...

So sorry the baby is sick! We had to go to the ER last week, too. I am glad it's not pneumonia and hopefully, he'll be feeling better soon!

Krystal said...

I can't believe that he is almost TWO! Maybe a "manly dance" party this year! He for sure knows how to shake his booty! Time is flying by! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

I hope he's feeling better now. My 15 year old daughter got really sick when she was 7 weeks old and we had all those tests to go through. It's a scary thing, and I praise God that it was just a cold. I don't know how parents hold up when their baby is really sick...

Amanda said...

I feel you with the hospital visits. We had our own ER visit over the weekend. Thankfully he will fully recover from his illness. Seeing my sweet baby in a hospital gown just about broke my heart. Little men do NOT like to be X-rayed, do they? I hope Jackson is on the mend! We'll be praying for him!

Janelle and Ella said...

I am so sorry!! I knnow all to well how traumatic that is for baby and mommy. Ella was one of those itty bitty newborns getting x-rays. (twice)
Becca's sister gave me an idea for a theme for the birthday party.

Anonymous said...

No pickles on his #1? I'm surprised some alarm didn't go off and armed guards didn't escort you out of the Fil-A!! :-)

Glad it's not pneumonia! Feel better soon!

McClure Family said...

I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that mess! I'm so glad that he doesn't have pneumonia! Love you!

Allison said...

I feel you sister....I hope he gets better soon!

connorcolesmom said...

I am so glad he is doing better. It is no fun when our little ones are sick. I hope you get better soon as well :)