Friday, May 29, 2009

Lesson Learned

Yesterday I saw my children's lives flash before my eyes.

I had gone to a grocery store by the LPM office so that we could go to lunch with Curtis afterward. However, I neglected to think about the meat, sour cream, and milk in my grocery sacks that wouldn't withstand the heat. I didn't pull into a parking spot when we got to the office since we would just be there a minute. I left the car running in the middle of the lane and just put it in park. I went around to the back to get out the groceries that were in danger of going bad. Curt was going to put them in a refrigerator and then jump in the car with us. As I was handing them over, I saw Jackson sitting in the driver's seat with his hands on the steering wheel. There are no words. I flew over there and grabbed him out of the car before anything happened.

In 20 seconds he had gotten out of his car seat and climbed up there. There are not many disaster scenarios I have not imagined in my mind, but that one beat me to it. I'm not sure how likely it was that he could have gotten his foot on the brake and actually changed gears. But if he had, he would have driven himself and his sister right into someone's back yard or driven backward onto a busy street and then into a ditch. And his seatbelt-less self would have been hit by an airbag. It makes me sick to think about it.

Last night Jackson asked about a cross he saw at a nearby church. That got us talking (very simply) about Jesus, God, and heaven. Then we started talking about angels. He asked things like, "Are angels giant, Mommy?" It never occurred to me until just now that my babies were likely protected by them that very morning. I am a thankful mommy.


RitzFamily said...

Those moments are so terrifying! Yet what great moments to praise the Lord for keeping everyone safe. Great job reacting! Thanks for sharing your moment. I too have a curious almost 3 yr old and he is dieing to get in that drivers seat and drive. I would have never thought twice about leaving the car for a couple of seconds with him buckled in (like have in recent past times). Lesson learned for me as well!


Fran said...

Oh Amanda. I'm so glad they are ok. Its crazy how fast our hearts can beat huh?

Holly said...

Oh, me too! My cousin's son actually wrecked their truck that way when he was about 4. No one was hurt, thankfully. Still it is not a scenario I like to think about for very long.

"Angels watching over me" indeed!

AKat said...

Many hugs to you and praises for the Lord's protectioun!

Missy said...

I can not even imagine what you were thinking when you saw him. Praise God all was okay!

Toknowhim said...

I have had some of these moments with my kids during their lifetime... I know how you feel... God's protection has been felt many, many times in our family...

So glad everything was ok..

Kelly said...

That just made my heart sink. I have constant flashes in my head of things that can go wrong if I leave H's side for 1 minute. It freaks me out. I believe in angels and I'm glad they were with you yesterday.

Beth in NC said...

That is sooooo scary! Things can happen in an instant. I am thankful everyone is OK.

Rhonda said...

I can not tell you how many near panic attacks & actual panic attacks I have had about the what if's & could have beens. Every time I am thrown to the floor in gratitude and awe of our God and His protecting hands! Praising Him for His protection of your kiddos!

fuzzytop said...

That is so scary.... so glad that is turned out ok. Angels!


Moose Mama said...

Oh Amanda, that just makes me swallow hard. Thank-you Jesus for watching over these children.


... said...

How scary.

So glad they are okay.

Bobbie said...

You're an awesome Mom that reacted with perfect timing. That's happened to many of us and I know your heart was racing.

They learn things earlier than we parents would like them to--i.e. getting out of their car seats. Jackson's a smart little guy so I bet he learned his lesson,thankfully without incident!



great post! i'm so sorry you had a scary moment. but God watches over us =)

Jennifer said...

Amanda, I am so glad they are ok! Is Jackson still in a 5pt? Here is some really good info about carseat safety and children

You can also check out the Kyle David Miller foundation.

Profbaugh said...

Oh I know that feeling Amanda. . . of your stomach dropping suddenly to your feet and then the sweet relief that follows. PTL that everyone is okay. Yes God is good (all the time).


Spicy Magnolia said...

I cannot imagine. Bless all of your hearts. My momma always talked about mighty angels surrounding me and my brother growing up, and with as much trouble(including a certain car incident) as my brother got into and with lots of injuries no less, she knew his angel had to have had some scars from all my brother must have put him through. ;)

As I look at Brennan, sometimes I wonder what his angels look like and thank the Lord that He is watching out for him, 'cause you and I both know, little boys will get into anything!

Marla Taviano said...

Praising our Protector God with you, friend!

Heather's Haven said...

Thank you Dad for your amazing protection!

Kiki said...

Oh, that is so scary!


So, so glad everything turned out okay.

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Duct tape them in the car seat. That's my answer.


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I'm so glad your Angels were watching out for y'all! Ava loves to "drive" too. She always does it if I have to nurse in the car.

Heather said...

I am so glad that everything is ok.
I would have felt the same way and it would have taken me several minutes to collect myself and get calmed down. PTL for His protection!

Gran Jan said...

Amanda - I can emphathize with that "time stands still" panic and sheer terror in a mother's heart...

I've experienced a few of those moments myself.

God is so faithful. Only in heaven will it be revealed how many times those Angelic Heavenly Hosts have spared us "lest we dash our foot against a stone."

He is so faithful - praising Him with you tonight for that lesson learned.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Almost the same exact thing happened to me with my little 2 year old Gracie....I know how you are feeling and all that is replaying in your head.
I am glad for God's protection on your babies.

Anonymous said...

We all have those moments. I won't bore you with my two (that still bring tears to my eyes). Thank God that He is a MUCH better Parent than any of us are - lol.

The Dorns said...

oH Momma how scary! Thank goodness yoour babies are ok. Everyone can learn from this. has some many stories and wonderful information on it. Thank goodness your story ended with a happy ending unfortuneltly not always the case. Cars set in motion happens ore then you would think and can be fatal. Thank you for sharing your story.

Rachel said...

I'm so glad thy're safe!

My mother-in-law actually had that happen to her with my husband when he was Jackson's age. She ran into the church to get something (my FIL was a youth pastor there) and when she came back out, her car was gone!! He had put it in gear and driven forward through the parking lot and into the neigbors garden. Thankfully there wasn't anyone in the garden or that he didn't drive into the street. The neighbor made them pay for every last vegetable he ruined. We can all laugh about it now, but i can't imagine the sinking feeling she had when she came out and her car was gone!

barbara head said...

There is not one mother on earth that has not had an "oh, no" moment. The important thing is that a lesson was learned and will be remembered for a very long time. God IS our protector!! Thank you, Jesus!!!

Emily said...

Your lesson serves as a reminder for all of us...It only takes a second...
I'm guilty of doing similar things, and I learn from your mistake.

Tonya Gray said...

We had one of those moments a few months ago, and I know EXACTLY how you're feeling. The what-if's wouldn't leave my mind for an entire week. Everything was fine and everyone was safe, and I think about those GIANT angels that day all the time~!!

Vanessa said...

First of all, Thank Heaven they are both alright and that you are as well. My cousin ran her dad over by driving through the garage door and hitting him on the other side when she got out of her carseat and somehow got it into drive.

Second, How fast things like that seem to happen! Thank you for sharing this lesson with the rest of us!

AnnG said...

I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you! Thank God they are safe! and tell Jackson, that yes, ANGELS ARE GIANT!! They have to be to take care of us human!!

Leyla said...

That is terrifying...just the thought. Luckily my mom instilled impending doom in me, where we always see and assume the worst thing is going to happen, so I always feel like I'm always a couple scary moments ahead.

Kathryn said...

My brother got in his first wreck when he was 2 . . . same thing. My mom swears that she took the keys out of the ignition, but my dad doesn't believe her! Then there was the incident where I was climbing on top of the fridge with knives in my hands . . . so yeah, I believe that angels are watching over us too!

Anonymous said...

Well, Amen! I loved catching up on all things Disney as well. Makes me want to take Ella to see Mater (fun).

Emmy said...

I had a pit in my stomach reading that! So scary... so thankful everything is ok!

Praying that God will cover you (and your thoughts) with His love and blanket you in His peace! I know after I experience things like that my what if's go crazy!

bethany said...

Something similar just happened to my friend yesterday...her 10yr old son was in the front seat ready to go home. He does not normally ride in the front but due to unforseen circumstances, he had to ride in the front yesterday after her event. As we were standing talking at her door, he decided to move the shifter. Good thing Robin had her foot on the brake...or they would have run into the car ahead of her. You'd think that a 10yr old would know not to touch but apparently he did not....don't know what he was thinking but knowing Rob, she probably gave him a talking to.

Kendra Lee said...

My BFF called me this morning crying that she was the worst mother ever... someone left the back door open and her little 1 1/2 year old escaped... they found him in the FRONT yard! Argh! It happens. It's scary. But don't let the devil suck you into a guilt trip. We, as parents, are human... Praise God instead for His protection.

Glad the kiddos are ok!!

Paige said...

I am late in commenting (due to being late in reading this post) but wanted to say that my friends 3 year old put her suburban in drive and managed to crash it into the corner of the neighbor's house. He missed that "beam" everyone has, the one that holds the entire house up, by only inches and was not damaged by the air bag by the absolute grace of God!
He was buckled into his carseat in the 3rd row of seats before he proved to be a houdini and drive a suburban yet escape injury!
Thankful for the grace God gives us to see what could have happened yet did not!!!


Missy said...

Those are the times when you just whisper, "Thank you, thank you, thank you God, thank you God, thank you God" over and over.

Have had quite a few of those myself.

Two summers ago, my mom was at our house and I was upstairs working and went into the garage to get a box. Eva Rose, who was 2, followed me, but I didn't realize it. I came back in and went back to work. 15 minutes later, Ike, who was brand new and asleep, started crying and crying and could not be consoled - no reason for him to be crying. Finally I came down to check on him.

I asked my mom where Eva Rose was - she thought she was with me - we began searching for her frantically, as we had not seen her in 15 minutes.

I ran outside, looked around, and finally saw her - locked in my mom's car. On a Houston summer day.

When I got her out, she was soaking wet with sweat and exhausted from screaming.

I always wondered about those people whose children died in hot cars - now I know.

Oh, it still makes me cry just to think of it. But I imagined angels just poking and poking a sleeping Ike, to make me come see what was wrong with him. If he had not cried, who knows how long she would have been out there before we realized it??

Thank you, thank you, thank you God.

katiegfromtennessee said...

Wow, Little Momma, I think so too. I think that they were supernaturally protected!


Misty M. said...

Something similar happened in our city a couple of years ago. A lady left her two little ones in the car and ran into some place of business. The kids somehow made the car back out into traffic. They hit another car but they were ok.
So glad that your little ones are ok. I am so cautious because of so many stories I hear of the totally unexpected things. I just read a story about how more and more toddlers are getting squashed by large flat screen tv's in this country. I pray that everyone will have theirs secured.