Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Party in My Crib!

Mom and Dad (really just Dad) dropped my crib mattress last weekend. They were afraid I was going to learn how to pull up on the crib rails and catapult myself onto the floor like Nadia Comaneci. Huh. Never heard of her.

I like my sweet new view of the world. And the taste of this ruffle.

It's a party in my crib!

I'm having the best time. Every time I get in here I practice all my moves. Sleep? Who needs sleep? Sleep is for babies!

I've been trying to perfect some new "relaxation" positions like putting my legs under the bumper and sticking them straight out of the crib. One time I tried to "rest" while reclining against the bumper. Mom wishes she had a picture for you, but she wasn't fast enough.


Jennifer said...

How sweet! Your precious baby girl is getting SO big! Won't be long before she starts pulling herself up to a standing position in there!

Unknown said...

Oh, how sweet!! I'm so glad she loves her new digs!

Tara G. said...

Each stage is so fun!!! My youngest (16 m) woke up crying from her nap on Monday and pitifully asked for a bow! (So I did a happy dance and also patted myself on the back!)

Shelly said...


She is ridiculously adorable!

Amanda May said...

She is the cutest little thing! And that crib bedding just makes me happy. :)

fuzzytop said...

So cute! I remember when Rachel (our first) was about 10 months old, she did topple out of her crib onto the floor. We hadn't learned then about lowering the mattress.... But praises to God, she wasn't seriously hurt.

Annabeth looks so happy playing in her crib.


mama b said...

that is some seriously cute crib bedding. where oh where is it from??

Bobbie said...

Your subtitles are PERFECT!! I remember those days! Peeking under the bumper was always a favorite in our house! I love Annabeth's crib set, so sweet. It looks like she's getting more mobile by the picture!!

Our Son & DIL just got their nursery furniture and are supposed to find out next Friday what they're having...if the baby they can decide on colors and sets! I can't wait,this Grandma is ready to start shopping!

Bourg Family said...

What a cutie!!!

Angie @ Flibbertigibberish said...

She is SUCH a doll! I just want to chew on her legs for awhile in that last picture.

My son escaped from his crib last month (at 13 months - *gasp*) and so we quickly moved it to the lowest level. So it's probably good you did it before she practiced her Nadia moves on you.

Liz said...

Very sweet - my 9mo niece is figuring out how to climb out of her crib. My sister is putting her in a sleepsack every night so that she can't get a footgrip on the rails.

Dionna said...

Love the sidways pic of her in her "A" onesie. So cute!

We learned the hard way with our youngest. She flipped out of the crib one night and I heard the "thump" of her hitting the floor from upstairs in our bedroom. I'll never forget the horror that dawned on me of what happened as I flew down the stairs!She cried - but luckily she was okay.

We lowered the crib mattress right away.

Claudia said...

Your sweet Annabeth has got to be one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen! Truly! You are so blessed. :>)

The Reardon's said...

She's precious Amanda! Love it!

Nicole said...

Love these pictures!! While I am enjoying my kids at their age now (11,9,6,4,3), I sure miss walking into their room to find them playing in their crib in the mornings. Precious times!! Although once I walked in the nursery only to find my son finger painting with poop-age all over his custom made bumper pads. Really gross.... but I did capture it on video!

Leslie Lauren said...

What a sweet pea! I love her crib set and she just looks so pretty and proud sittin in there :) She's such a little dolly girl~ you could just eat her up:)

jennyhope said...

sooooooooooooo cute!!!

Lauren said...

Sounds like Annabeth’s crib is the happening place to be!!!! :)

Marla Taviano said...

Dar. Ling.
Love her!!
All of a sudden I'm so sad I didn't get to meet her in the spring. :(

*Kc* said...

Looks like she is having fun! Her bumper is adorable =)

We had to take our daughter's out because she climbed out of her crib by standing on it..she's a monkey. lol!

Mary H. said...

So cute!!! That is just precious!
Happy Times!

Malissa said...

She is so beautiful Amanda. Lovely eyes. My little boy likes to play like that in his crib too. No time for sleep when there is playing to be done!

Heather said...

She is such a doll baby, I just want to squeeze her!!

Jen said...

what a doll!

Rachel said...

Goodness, she's cute!

Unknown said...

So darling!

The Davidson Den said...

Very cute.

And congratulations on having bumpers that can stand up to that onslaught! I've got some bumpers that have now gone on to Bumper Cemetery.

Heather said...

Such a cutie! I love that onesie and her in all the different positions!