Saturday, December 12, 2009

Long Week

Where to begin? A lot has gone on since my last post.

My mom had surgery last Monday. I wrote about it here.

The surgery has consumed my thoughts for the last 6 weeks. My nerves are very slowly unwinding from the stress. I'm so thankful it's over and that my sweet mama is okay.

I'm still a bit wonky from those nights in the hospital. It feels like those early days with a baby when you get woken up every three hours. Tonight will be my third night at home and I bet that will do it for me.

I know I should be having a spiritually meaningful time since it's Christmas, but I'm in total manager mode. I hope I can snap out of it soon.

Curtis and I are doing laundry right now. Five years ago on a night like this we would have been out seeing a movie and then driving around looking at Christmas lights.

Earlier tonight, after watching A Charlie Brown Christmas in our living room, we loaded up the kids and drove out to River Oaks for our annual Christmas light gawking ritual. I felt so blessed that we had two precious ones - little extensions of us - sitting in the back seat. Our drive through River Oaks always begins with this confession by me: The mansions are beautiful, but none of the people who live in them are any happier than we are.

I just realized Curtis got confused and folded a whole basket full of dirty clothes. Bless his heart. He was such a champ with the kids this week. I really lucked out when he fell in love with me.

Sometimes I long for my husband to sweep me off my feet and take me where we can forget about domesticity and just think about each other. We've been talking about a Curtis and Amanda-only vacation for 2010.

I cannot wait.


Big Mama said...

Been praying for y'all!

Marla Taviano said...

Casting my vote for the Curtis and Amanda Only Vacation!!

Praying for you, your mama and your whole sweet family! Go easy on yourself this Christmas, friend. Just relax and thank Jesus that everybody's safe and healthy. You can be spiritual in January. ;)


Traci said...

Right there with you on the grown-up only vacation- we're doing one this year too. Hope everything evens out for all of you this week- hope your sweet mama is feeling more herself this week too. We're still on our knees for you all.

Heather said...

Amanda- I read your post on the other blog yesterday and I am so sorry for the week you have had. I am praying for your Mom's recovery and for you to recover as well! :)
We love driving around looking at Christmas lights, too, and I had the exact same thought about my two little kiddos in the backseat. We are SO blessed! Get some good rest tonight!

Dionna said...

Your mom is so lucky to have a daughter like you who would drop her agenda to be by her side, tend to her needs and just love on her. A lot of moms don't have kids that will give back like that. You are a blessing - Amanda.

Beth said...

Y'all so need a Curtis and Amanda- Only Vacation!!!

Praying for you, and your precious mama. Its funny, because after reading the post about her surgery I started thinking about my sweet mama and I just can't imagine life without her. Cheers to our moms!!! I'm so thankful for Beth and tears just rolled down my face when I was reading about her surgery. I am so glad she is ok and will keep praying for her recovery!!! :) I hope to be at the Siesta Memory Celebration and to meet you!!!:)

Unknown said...

Girl, may the Lord bless you and keep you and your family!

I'm praying for a "me and my husband" only vacation in 2010, too! :) :)

Prayers and blessings,

Mary R Snyder said...

praying for y'all.
Let me add me vote for the Curtis & Amanda only vacation. We've been doing this since our girls we're just babies - highly recommend it!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Praying for you and all of your family....I have thought about your Mom all day...

Marc and Charity said...

You have been on my mind since I read your other post yesterday. I hope you get rested up soon! I am still holding out hope for our Marc-Charity only vacation of 2010 but not sure it's going to happen! Oh well, we will be happy to be in the states though!

Take care, hope this week is better for you! Do you have any PG Tips left?

Lauren said...

So glad your mama is okay!!!!

I think a parents only vacation is just what the doctor ordered :)

Patty said...

I have been praying for y'all! May all of you have a restful Sunday!

Bobbie said...

And by all means, you deserve a Curtis and Amanda-only get away! You're very important to Jackson and Annabeth and need a little revival!! It does wonders!

We took our two granddaughters to see Christmas lights when they were 6 & 2. The homes were decked out with a variety of colors. Multi, white, red & white, all blue. We liked the houses that were all blue and Ashley said "They may be celebrating Hanukkah" and from the backseat Brittany (2 yo) said "Hellooo, it's 'trismas time!!"

Praying for your beautiful Mom and a backpain free Christmas for her. AND, a stress free Christmas for all of you!

Sister Lynn said...

Praying for you Amanda and all the family.

Yolanda said...

I'm with you, and that is a beautiful dream that CAN come true....a Curtis and Amanda vacation only. LIVE IT, you won't regret it for a moment.

Praying for you as well as your entire family. You all mean so much to us!

Lovingly and Merry Christmas,

Alison said...

another honeymoon sounds lovely. and i'm so glad your mom is okay! rest and sleep well, friend.

Nicole said...

I am so sorry about all that is going on. Praying for your mom and for a quick rebound for the both of you. I know your manager mode will melt away when you see Jackson and Annabeth squealing in mounds of wrapping paper! Until then, praying for grace!


Fran said... all have been on my heart for awhile. Before you ever posted, I think God put you all on my heart. I'm still praying for your rest and your momma's healing. Again, tell her how precious she is to us strangers and we love her dearly.


Kelly @ Love Well said...

I can't speak from experience here, but I think grown-up-only vacations sound heavenly and are incredibly important. We just don't live anywhere near family, so even our annual overnight away is tough. But a whole week to focus on your spouse? Talk about rejuvenating.

And after the week you just had, even dreaming about it would feel restful. Continuing to pray for you, Amanda.

Moose Mama said...

Continuing to pray for your mom, but also for those who are caring for YOU! That is an emotionally and physically demanding job, no matter how much you love them. In fact loving them actually makes it harder, because you are so torn to see their pain and struggle to return to health. You are a wonderful daughter and Praying God blesses you for honoring your mother in such a way. And Curtis, bless you for loving your wife in such tangible ways.
The vacation sounds like a good idea to me.


Jennifer said...

Praying for you, sweet friend.


Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

When My mom had surgery last year, I was very attached to her in the way you have been with your mom. My nerves were crazy for weeks too, but it does tapper off and you do get back to a normal. Praising God she is ok and hoping you all get some much needed rest and quiet time.

Three Fold Cord said...

I was praying for you today after reading this post and I wanted to share with you what came on my heart.
I saw you in a quiet place with tears on your face. The tears were good, relief tears. Tears that you didn't cry when you needed to be strong for your mom and family. Tears that you chose to press down when your worry and concern turned into faithful prayers to your faithful God. I felt like the Lord wanted you to know that it is Ok if you are overcome with tears in odd moments when nothing seems to be happening. It is just a release of the emotions that you have lived through in the last couple of weeks. Your faith is strong, your love for the Lord and your family are seen through your actions. I just wanted to let you know that in these times of intense stress you never know when the emotion might come up and need to be released. I am praying for you all and I know that HE is a God who is out to complete His work so that His glory may be revealed.
Love you Siesta!!

Unknown said...

I can hear the weariness in the "voice" of your post. Bless your heart. Take some deep breaths, try to enjoy the little things (as it sounds like you already are) and get some much needed rest. We're praying for you and your mom. Sweet blessings to you!

Beth said...

And, mark my word, I'll be ready to babysit!! You are my hero, Honey. Thank you so much. Words are pitiful right now.

McClure Family said...

Amanda~praying for you and cooking for you, too! i've been thinking about your sweet family all day long today :)

Kim said...

Praying for your Mom!

Also, I tell my students that marriage is so much about doing "life together"! In our house, it also involves laundry, cooking, paying bills and sharing in the raising of our kids!

annalee said...

wow, what a long week it has been for y'all! i'm so thankful your mom is okay and that she has so much family love surrounding her. thankful you have that too! hope you are feeling more and more rested each day.

annalee said...

ps- we were driving around river oaks looking at lights the same night as you guys. wow, there were some beautiful houses!

Toknowhim said...

Hoping you will get some needed rest and soon have that vacation you desire...

Merry Christmas too...

Kelly said...

The husband and I did a trip like that this past summer. We went to Cancun (tickets were cheap because of the swine flu scare). We stayed at The Royal in Cancun. All adults. All inclusive. All amazing. We absolutely loved it. We only stayed 3 nights, but it was perfect because we missed the kids after 4 days. Hope you can plan a super fun trip like that for you and Curtis.

Sandy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart.
I hope to maybe be able to meet you in Houston in January!
I am praying for your Mama and your family.
My latest post on my blog is about her and our year of scripture memory.
Thank you again!
Keep taking care of your wonderful Mom, and take care of YOU, too!
and your husband and babies!
Merry Christmas!

Erica said...

I could use one of those trips myself! Brian and I did get to "get away" for a few days this summer, and it was so refreshing!
I will be in prayer for your mom's continued healing and for your energy/strength. I know it must be hard for you, not only physically, but also emotionally and spiritually! I would love to bring dinner for you one night this week. How is Wednesday?

Kodi said...

I have to tell you I might be the only person that reads your blog regularly (I have for over a year now) that didn't realize who your mom is. :)
I also want to thank you for the suggestions on Christmas gifts for little ones. I'm a new mom and wanted to get some things for my little guy to enjoy in his first few years. I took your advice to heart and bought a few items you suggested! Merry Christmas!

jennyhope said...

I love you girl and am praying for you all! Can't get you off of my heart! you guys have meant the world to me. I hope others are that way for you because you will never know how God has used you all!!

Heather said...

Amanda, I have been worrying about you cause you hadn't posted in a while. I wanted to call but didn't want to be a pest. I am so sorry your family has been going through so much. I am praying for your mom and for a full and speedy recovery. It sounds like you have been a rock for her and she is so blessed to have you for a daughter.
I am so happy to hear that she is on the mend, and I will continue to pray for all of you. Lifting y'all up......

Emily said...

It sounds like you've had quite a week, sister. Your family is blessed to have you, even and especially in manager mode! We're praying for continued healing and comfort for you mom and peace for you tonight.

Brandi said...

I know what you hubby and I are going up to Michigan in January...just the two of us!! I can not wait!
Praying for your strength these next few weeks. I know what it's like to carry the weight of responsibility...being the oldest kind of puts us in those positions...but oh the sweet feelings of closeness we get to share with our loved ones!!

Kim said...

Hi Amanda,
I don't think I have ever left a comment, but I do read your blog and enjoy your honesty and laughter in life. I recall a Christmas several years back when I was the one serving my family during the holidays--very much in the manager mode. Once everyone went back home and I could have some down time, I sorrowed over "missing Christmas." The Lord so gently showed me how I was His hands and feet for the ones I loved the most on this earth. I had not missed anything but had been in every detail of His plan for our family that year. Go easy on yourself--you are such a blessing to your family and to the Kingdom of God.
I am praying for you and all the family daily.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Goodness--just read the LPM post! Praying for y'all!

And we've got our age 30 & up vacay already planned. No chicken juice boxes. Jamaica, mon!

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

I love your confession about the mansions. That's something I'll be passing on to my kiddo.

Kari said...

October was a month for me in which I was all consumed with the health of my dad. He was having heart issues and it took three week before he got to a specialist and then they did immediate triple bypass surgery. Praise God all is well now. I believe that while you haven't "felt" like Christmas yet, this will be an incredibly special Christmas for your family as you celebrate the Saviors birth with your mother by your side. I know our Thanksgiving had a whole new meaning to it!!

One other thing I wanted to share with you.... Last Christmas I had "one of those years" where I was so consumed with some relationship issues I COULD NOT focus on the season at all. I felt so bad that I wasn't planning special things for my kids or talking about the meanings behind the decorations, etc, But I just couldn't - my heart was hurting so much for what was going on in my life. Last month I read about a book called, "Preparing Your Heart for Advent" by Ann Marie Steward and I thought - I need that so this year is different. I HIGHLY recommend the book. The way it is designed is to do a study each day during the month of November to prepare you for December, then during Dec it has short devotionals for each day. It has been awesome for me - I am experiencing Christmas in a whole different way. It caused me to be deliberate about what our family will do this year as well because I was thinking about it already in Nov. Anyway - this year I am experiencing a whole different set of stresses, but I am also experiencing the specialness of the season in the midst of my struggles. I think I will get the book and do it again next year - and maybe ever year after!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Little Momma:) Is it really every three hours? I am waking up now about every two hours each night, good training for me I guess...:) Extra super duty husband points for Curtis watching those kids and folding dirty laundry!;) Aw, Curtis and Amanda only vacation!:)


Emmy said...

You have been on my heart SOOOO much! I am praying for your whole family!


Sarah said...

I'm so glad your mom is better, and I'm praying for her, that her recovery goes more smoothly from here on out!! Prayers for you, too, sweet friend!!

Kelli said...

What a BLESSING you are to your family sweet girl. Praying for your whole family and especially praying for your heart, soul, and mind to feel some rest after all that has been going on these past few weeks!

Deirdre said...

is it sad that the "grown-up only" vacation I want MOST is a trip for me and my hubby to the opening of the Harry Potter world at Universal?

Jane said...

Praying for your strength. Often we pray for the healing ones, but forget about the caregivers. You are both in my prayers.

Missy said...

Okay, you wanna hear something else totally unspiritual -

I used to be a party planner for a catering company and spent a lot of time inside all those River Oaks homes. You know what was most shocking? How unremarkable they were in the inside. Most of them had not been redecorated in ages. Gorgeous on the outside - golden harvest appliances and avocado formica countertops on the inside.

I think that is actually more spiritual than I first realized.

Renee Swope said...

Hey sweet Amanda! I have thought about you so many times since we got home with our sweet baby girl from Ethiopia. Her name is Aster and she just turned one Dec 1st. It's so crazy to me that I have a little girl now almost the same age as yours! I've forgotten so much about being a baby momma. But it's coming back and reading your blog tonight has been fun.

I encourage you to do a get-away with just Curtis as soon as your momma is ready to take the kids. JJ and I just got away last night for an overnight and half day and it was so good for us!

Praying for you and your mom and your whole precious family!

The Davidson Den said...

I'm right there with ya, Sister.