Monday, December 21, 2009

My Angelic Three-Year-Old

Both of my kids were given party favor bags at the end of a birthday party we attended on Saturday. Jackson has come to realize that when this happens, Annabeth won't get to have most of what's in her bag and instead she will "share" her toys or trinkets with him.

Both of the kids had matchbox cars in their bag. Jackson got to play with Annabeth's car but every time he called it his, Curtis reminded him that it was Annabeth's and she was letting him play with it. Annabeth loves Matchbox cars, too. This little dialogue continued throughout the day as Jackson tried to convince his daddy that Annabeth's car was his. Mind you, he was getting to play with it regardless.

That night Curtis told Jackson the Christmas story for the twentieth night in a row before he went to bed, quizzing him on various points like the Angel Gabriel's name or where baby Jesus was born.

The next morning, Jackson couldn't wait to tell his daddy that during the night he had seen an angel! And behold, the angel had told him that Annabeth's car could be his now.


Bobbie said...

I love it!! You gotta watch those angels and what they tell your kiddos, huh?

Unknown said...

That Jackson is something else! I guess if an angel could announce the arrival of Jesus, certainly that same angel could announce that Annabeth's car was now Jackson's!! hahahaha I love it!

Thanks for making me smile!

Prayers and blessings,

Ink Obsession Designs said...

Too funny! :)

Tara G. said...

What a fantastic angel!! :) CUTE!!!!!

Heather said...

that is awesome! Kennedy loves her brothers matchbox cars as well! Though she has yet to have any of her own. her brothers wanted to buy her some for Christmas but not really for her ... for them to play with :)

Wylie @ Shout A Joyful Noise! said...

HA! This is so my kids! Love it - thanks for the laugh!
Merry Christmas~

Amanda said...

Heather, Kennedy might say she was getting a "we" gift rather than a "me" gift.

Traci said...

You tell Jackson that an angel appeared in my dream too and said I was also to have a new car. Here's hoping! Seriously- he is too funny. Merry Christmas!

Kari said...


Rhonda said...


bethany said...

That is hilarious!

The Wootens said...

What a funny story--

Maybe he was listening to the wrong angel.

My four-year-old likes to say: da debil put it in my bwain to take her toy! Mommy, I'm sorry I wistened to him!

Lauren said...

Oh hilarious, this made me LOL!!!!!! :) Love those kids of yours!

Rachel Cox said...

ha!! That's great!!!

Allison said...

aren't kiddos just the smartest? And don't they remind us of all our learned and not inherent behaivors. God Bless them!

jennyhope said...


Busy Mom in CA said...

What a "wise" little man. LOL. Very cute story.

Lora said...

How funny! Kristie, I agree - the wrong angel indeed!

annalee said...

wow, the angel brought good news indeed:)

Kim said...

You have to love children! - They are so priceless.

Big Mama said...

It was a Christmas miracle!

Spicy Magnolia said...

That is an awesome story! It was a Christmas miracle for Jackson. :)

Laura said...


Kelly @ Love Well said...

Did Curtis respond with the story of Joseph Smith and how we can't believe every angel that reportedly tells us something?

Hayley said...

that's awesome - what a nice angel!

Michele Helms said...

Where do they come up with all this stuff???

Momuv2 said...


I've read your blog on and off for several months now, but have never taken the time to comment. However, that story had me laughing out loud. I have two daughters, and that would have been my oldest at three for sure. In fact she still tries to convince her younger sister that most of her things (clothing and make up) should be hers.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

stop it! that is too cute! that jackson is such a character!
Hope that your mom is doing well...praying for all of you! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

He is WAY too smart!! You definitely have your work cut out for you staying one ahead of him!
At least it won't be boring!

Merry Christmas!

Kathy W
Mansfield, TX

Patty said...

Lol!! Too funny!!

Brittney said...

that is hilarious! too funny! :) silly little boy!

Callie said...

don't you just love the logic of toddlers?! What a precious story to tell him when he has children of his own one day :)!

Vanessa said...

That is fabulous! What quick thinking on his part!

Moose Mama said...

Oh too sweet! What a nice angel :)


Anonymous said...

My husband and I are both laughing out loud at that story! :) What a good one to have written down.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are both laughing out loud at that story! :) What a good one to have written down.

Maryellen said...

Oh my gosh, he is so clever!
WOW amazing he thought of that.
He really likes her car LOL

Unknown said...

Absolutely too hilarious. You're going to have to watch that one!

Erica said...

too cute! I just love what they come up with!

Lauren said...

Ha! That is so funny!

Elizabeth said...

So did he get to keep it?!?! So funny!!

FitzandMolly said...

That is so awesome.

Monica said...


The other day, in the midst of a typical two-year old fit I said to my daughter, "Let's pray and ask God to give you a happy heart." My precious girl went and got the rod we spank her with and said, "No pray me, I want a 'pank".

You have to love them!

Angela said...

You never know, maybe it is true! ha!

Terri_in_Alabama said...

How funny!!!

Lysa TerKeurst said...

Oh my- thanks for the serious chuckle this morning. That is a great story. Really great.

Annika said...

Priceless! I love it. We talk about how it makes God sad when we disobey...and the other day when my (4-yr-old) son lost a privilege he said, "Mommy, I think it makes God very sad that I lost my priv-wegde." (Mind you, not sad that he had disobeyed, but sad that he would not longer be able to play with that particular item.) I love these moments as they weave what they are learning about faith into their every day lives, even if it's off a bit! :) Hugs to your sweet little family this Christmas week! You are a blessing in my life! (Even though you don't know me at all. :) )

Deirdre said...

clearly it is time to start him on a study of Daniel and the difficulty of dream interpretation.

Sunni said...

This will have me laughing all day!!!!

Haley said...

That is HILARIOUS! He's no dummy!

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

Sweet,funny boy!!
Also nice to see the pics of your Mom, she looks very well!
Merry Christmas!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Kids! You gotta just love the things that come into their little minds!

Our 4-year-old granddaughter was going someplace with us recently when hubby started singing, "Peace, like a river. Flows through my soul. I've been forgiven. Cleansed and made whole. Peace. Peace. God's Peace." Our granddaughter interrupted with, "Granddaddy! Please don't sing that song! I don't like it!" Hubby just laughed and said, "Oh, baby, this is a great song!" and proceeded to sing it some more. From the back seat came her little voice, a bit louder this time...." I SAID I don't like that song Granddaddy!" I asked her why she didn't like it and her reply..."Because I don't like PEAS!"... brought an instant giggle from deep within my spirit. Hubby tried to explain by telling her he was singing about a "different kind" of "peas".....that the peace he was singing about made you have a nice feeling all through your body and soul. Not daunted by his explanation she replied, "Well, I don't care! I don't like ANY KIND OF PEAS!!!" We laughed and laughed. Someday she will understand the difference in the two words but for now she just know she does not like PEAS! ha

Merry Christmas! Mississippi

Unknown said...

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, which usually means God has put you on my mind! I'm saying a prayer for you right now. Merry Christmas sweet pea!


lavonda said...

love it!

he's a smartie, that one. :)

Kelli said...

AHHH I love three year olds!

Becky said...

Love it! He has really good logic. Will has started to pull things like "God says... and then fills in whatever it is that he wants". Like "God says, no spankings." I told Jared that I'm glad that he realizes that God is an authority and that we go by what God says, but we just can't make up what we want God to say.

You'll have to write that one down for when he's older!

Nic said...

So stinkin funny! I love it =)

Barr Family said...

Amanda- I just listened to one of your husband's messages from the website. Awesome message. And, I appreciate so much that it was free to listen to! I hope he keeps them coming. After listening, I ordered his Drive-Thru Volume 1 for my husband. Your family is a blessing to mine.

Sarah said...

SOOOOO funny (and creative!) :)

katiegfromtennessee said...

I'm laughing out loud, that's funny Little Momma!:) Jackson cracks me up, an angel telling him that:) Oh, makes me smile!:)

Very Merry Christmas to you Little Momma!:)


JayCee said...

That's one smart boy you got there!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic. Sounds like something my little three year old would say too.Merry Christmas!

Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Awww, the mind of a three year old. Priceless!

The Davidson Den said...

Well, hallelujah! Glory to God in the Highest!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Too cute! Out of the mouth of babes. It sounds like Jackson sensed he needed a bit more clout in his argument with his dad. ;)

Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage