I love how I threw that little "God-willing" clause into my last post when I said I was going to my mom's Atlanta conference next weekend. It became very clear to me 24 hours later that it was not God's will for me to go there.
Curtis started complaining about stomach pain two weekends ago. We thought it might be a hernia or something. It finally got bad enough for us to get concerned on Saturday afternoon. That day we had gone on a little family outing to BerryHill for fish tacos and then to a frozen yogurt place. Curtis wasn't very hungry and seemed quiet. I kept asking if he was okay.
We were expecting overnight company, but since Annabeth had been sick, our friend ended up not staying with us. I'm grateful for God's providence in this because my house was clean, the laundry was done, and the guest room was already prepared. Nothing was done in vain.
Curtis spent Saturday evening preparing his first Sunday school lesson for our class. From time to time he would complain about his stomach.
On Sunday morning we should have gone to the ER, but we foolishly opted to go to church for the Sunday school lesson he was supposed to teach. I wasn't sure Curtis wasn't going to drive off the road on the way there. We are idiots. He was as white as a sheet while he taught the lesson, but otherwise he did well at disguising that anything was wrong. As soon as it ended, we grabbed the kids out of their classes and headed to a hospital by our house. Curtis walked into the ER by himself, called me to confirm that he was good to go, and then I drove the kids home to feed them lunch. He was on his own until my mom could come over.
By the time I got home, he texted me that he was already in a bed and they were suspecting appendicitis. What?!?! That was definitely not on our radar. We'd just seen our friend Peter with appendicitis at camp and Curtis' symptoms were completely different. And really, what are the odds? (I've since realized they're pretty good odds.)
Mom was still at church, but I was blowing up her phone with text messages. About an hour later she walked in the door and I walked out with our hospital bags.
When I found my husband he was drinking a big cup of something red and I wondered how he managed to get himself a slushie. It turned out to be the stuff he had to drink before having a CT scan. He had the test and then we waited for a while to talk to a doctor. In the meantime, we had some great conversations because Curtis was on some pain killer that made him hilarious.
Soon we got the news that it was indeed appendicitis and a surgeon would come talk to us soon. We were honestly stunned. The surgeon came in and said he did not have a warm and fuzzy feeling about the surgery based on what the scan looked like. He mentioned something about "once a year" but I didn't quite get what he was saying. I did understand him to say that my husband would be going under the knife in 30 minutes.
Miraculously, our sweet babysitter and her mom texted us at that moment and offered help. She went straight to our house and my mom made it to the hospital to sit with me during the surgery.
Before the surgery began, it was so surreal being with Curtis in the pre-op room. I was having flashbacks to being with my mom in a similar room last December. My Bible was in my purse and Curtis asked me to open up to Psalm 121.
1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
I got a little choked up when I read verse 7. I told the doctors that this man was very important to two little kids back at home and I knew they would want to take great care of him. They all laughed and said, "That's all?" Each of them had 4 kids and the nurse had 6. They said we were way behind. I kissed Curtis' forehead and walked out to the waiting room.
This was really happening.
God was merciful to let it happen quickly. There was little time for worrying or vain imaginations. There was no 6 week period of agonizing over whether Curtis may have this or that. That was so hard to go through with my mom.
Soon the doctor came to see us. He explained that Curtis' appendix had exploded and that he couldn't even find it. That's why his scan was so fuzzy and why the doctor had had a weird feeling about it. His exact words were, "It looks like a grenade went off in there." There was nothing left of the appendix. Luckily, it was a contained rupture and hadn't spread all over the place. He said Curtis was the "once a year" case. Awesome. He couldn't believe how high his pain tolerance must have been. I couldn't believe I had let my husband teach Sunday school with a stinking burst appendix. Seriously!
It was a very long night after that. I slept - or tried to sleep - on the couch bed next to Curtis. At about 11:00 he started crying out in his sleep from the pain. It was awful. I remember being traumatized the first time I ever saw my dad cry and this gave me a very similar feeling.
We had a male nurse - Frank - and he was amazing. He kept saying that Curtis would be up and walking by midnight. He believed he would turn a corner and improve at that point. My man was trying to get himself up, but he felt like he was pinned to the bed and couldn't move. That may have had something to do with a nasty infection and several incisions in his midsection. Good grief!
I have never been more in awe of my husband's strength than at 1:00 AM when he bit the bullet and got up from that bed. Never in my life will I forget it. A few minutes later he was walking. Frank and another nurse came in our room and were cheering him on. Frank shook Curtis' hand in respect and it might have been one of my favorite moments of life.
If you cannot tell, I am more in love right now than I have ever been.
Since his first walk down the hallway, Curtis has continued to improve. We have had some setbacks with sudden 103 fevers and such that are prolonging the hospital experience, but I know it is better for him to be there if the infection is still raging. If he does well tonight, we hope that he will get to come home tomorrow.
For me, the most challenging part of this has been feeling torn between my husband and my children. Mom has taken AMAZING care of the kids this week. She moved in without hesitation and has given 100% to their well being. I have not needed to worry about them, but of course there is that ever-present mommy guilt. But when I have been with the kids, I've felt guilty for not being with Curtis. Pitiful.
Curtis and I have had some really great quality time in the hospital room. I almost feel bad for saying that when my mom has worked her hiney off with our kids. We found a new TV series to love on Netflix and have laughed till we've cried. It hurts his stomach to laugh, so to control it he makes the weirdest sound I've ever heard in my life. I'm not sure why the nurses haven't come in to see if he's dying or something. We've also taken lots of long walks up and down the hallways to peek out all the windows. We're on the sixth floor and we have a pretty good view of the 'burbs in all their splendor.
If it weren't for the twin-sized bed with rails, the IV pole, and the shabby hospital gowns, it might even feel like we had a little couples retreat. We haven't had this much quality time together since Jackson was 15 months old and we celebrated our 5th anniversary in Cancun. I've been begging God for another vacation like that. We could have taken a really nice one for the amount we paid to the hospital today. I definitely would not have picked a trip to the local suburban med center for our reconnection - and I'm pretty sure this is the last thing Curtis would ever have in mind - but it's been a tall glass of lemonade for the heart of our marriage. And I think God willed it.
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Praying for you and your sweet family.
Wow!! It's amazing what things can bring people closer together!! Praise God that he is on the mend!! Praying for continued healing!!
oh wow--prayers from me in big d for sure!
i giggled when i read the part about him trying to laugh at the tv show. i can relate--three scheduled c-sections including saturday stays in the hospital certainly taught me creative ways to laugh despite an aching abdomen while watching SNL! :0)
I am so glad he is doing better - praying for you and him, bibby and the family!
So interesting how GOD'S ways are bigger and out of our scope. What a beautiful insight you grabbed onto. I am so very thankful that GOD gave you that time.
And now you know - you've gotta watch these family members of yours...your mom in labor, Curtis is stomach pain - NOTHING stops their obedience, its gorgeous and a little unnerving at the same time. Take care dear sister -
Jesus - Give to them rest, peace, health and love. I pray for Curtis's health to return and for Amanda to be blessed with a full spirit and joyful and relaxed heart. Thank you for your faithfulness and strength, mercy and HOPE, we love you LORD,
In Jesus Name
Bless you guys! What a week you've had and I love how you are already seeing the strength it has added to your marriage and how you can see God's will in it. Honestly you took me back 10 years to the week my husband was diagnosed with cancer. I remember walking into the ICU after his 5 hour (heart wrenching for me) surgery to see tears rolling down my man's cheeks from the pain he was experiencing. He had an epidural for the pain which was NOT working. It took me getting up in the doctors face and raising cain (which I don't do by the way) for them to realize he needed something else. I'm a labor nurse so I have just a little experience with drugs not working... ANywya, sorry I'm rambling. I am praying for you guys and will continue to do so. May you look on this experience as a gift and a way you can further glorify God.
VERY well written! I'm glad your husband is okay!! My prayers are with you all!
Amanda, I've been praying and just went through a series of emotions as I read your post- the overwhelming goodness of God just permeates it all. Blessings on you all and prayers for continued and complete healing! T.G.
You continue to have my prayers for Curtis' full recovery. Your character shines through in that you see and appreciate all the silver linings to this stormy week!
Love you sweet girl!
what a week! so thankful hubby is recovering & sounds like you've taken the best advice ever. find something (in everything) to be "glad" about....
funny how we feel the mom-guilt/wife-torn-guilt no matter how we divide ourselves up....
Praying for your recover at home (aka your now nurse + momma)....
I recently spent 2 weeks in the hospital after an aneurysm (that was horrid) and some of the best conversations where right there in the ICU with my husband. I missed my children terribly and felt guilty that I was the one that was sick. When you are all home again under one roof it'll be the best feeling that first night...just knowing you are all together.
Oh my, I'm so glad Curtis is doing better.
Prayers and love from MO,
Bless your hearts! So glad you have been able to make the most of the situation, and praise God for moms!
Bless his heart, My husband had the same thing happen a few years ago. It is bad to see them in so much pain. He will get better though. Sending prayers your way.
What a sweet testimony to God's goodness in all things! Someone raised you well! (that's a mom joke I use on my own 4 grown children) I've walked in your shoes and so related to everyone of the emotions. God is so good, even or maybe especially when things appear to be bad! It truely is often how we feel about the situation instead of the situation itself that shows the power of our Father in a believers life. Better days soon!
Hubby and I have been praying for Curtis. Dan went through the Curtis' first Elijah devotional on CD when he was commuting between Richmond VA and Newport News VA for work. He likes Curtis. We r thankful to hear he is on the mend.
I am so glad that Curtis is getting better! I have that very Psalm, verses 7-8 written on the front cover of my Bible. I wrote on there when my youngest son started driving. I had a rough time with plenty of vain imaginations about him driving alone and God led me to the Psalm. It is very special to me. :)
Praying Curtis gets to go home soon!
Wow! What a story! BOTH of my boys had their appendix removed in their early 20s. I have since heard that males in their 20s and 30s are the most common *victims*. Glad to hear he is improving. I can *read* the love in your words. Gos is gracious to bring good from bad. Yes He is!
Oh, how this made me cry! So precious. What a wonderful gift in the middle of something not-so-wonderful. Isn't that JUST LIKE our LORD to do something like that??!?!? I have prayed for all of you since I first heard at the beginning of the week, and one of my first thoughts was "poor Amanda...she wont get to go to Atlanta"--(I have to add that I noticed the 'God-Willing' part in your last post, too, but didn't think of it as more than a sentiment until I heard about what was going on with your husband.) I know you will miss being in Atlanta so much. But what a beautiful example you are for accepting God's will. Praying for you guys, still! :)
That sounds so scary, but I'm glad that Curtis was alright. God is amazing how He provides. Praying for a speedy recovery.
so glad things are on the up-swing.
hang in there!
So glad he is getting better!
That is some kind of macho man you've got to teach Sunday School with a ruptured appendix! Yikes!
Praying for you both... Y'all are just amazing.
Amanda, I read about Curtis on Twitter and I've been praying since.
This is a beautifully written post. Your love for Curtis is so evident and he is a blessed man to have you as his wife.
I love hearing stories of how God uses difficult circumstances to bring good in the lives of His people. A marriage retreat inside a hosptial would NEVER be in our plans! - so glad He thinks outside the box. And hopefully He still has a trip to some place like Cancun in the works for you guys...you definitely deserve it after the week you've had!
Praying Curtis continues to heal and heal quickly!
Amanda - what a great post, not that the situation is great, but how you are handling it and presenting it is great - honest, sincere, loving, hopeful and filled with trust in the Lord and love for your husband. Thank you for sharing all of this with the strangers who read your blog.
much love and lots of prayers to you and yours,
This post is just packed with power, Amanda. Tears in my eyes and praising Jesus for protecting Curtis, for your mom, for falling in love with your hubby even more deeply. Wow. Wow. Wow. WOW. Love you, friend! Continuing to pray for CJ!
What a testimony! God bless you and your family.
God love your heart! Y'all have been in the prayers of many - me included. I kind of understand where you're coming from with recomnnecting in a hospital room; I was hospitalized last week for pre-term labor issues (I'm 30 weeks pregnant) and I fell more in love with my husband than I imagined possible watching him worry and tend to me. God definitely wills those kinds of things, and He is good. All the time.
Oh girl. It's hard when our men are sick, huh? And I mean REALLY sick - not just the whiney, fake, over-dramatic sick that they pull every now and then. And I KNOW it's not just my man that does that. :) Praying for you all - you, CJ, the kiddos, and the rest of your family.
We will miss you in the ATL. It's gonna be an awesome time and won't be the same without you. We're already praying so hard for your mom, we will just add your sweet little stay-in-Houston self to that list!
About 3 months after our little girl was born, my husband was on a trip to a neighboring country (in the mid-east) and I got a stomach ache. I quickly suspected appendicitis (don't ask me how - it's a miracle I suspected that). The closest hospital that I trust to do a surgery is 1 1/2 hours away and I couldn't drive myself. To make a long story short, friends helped take care of our little girl, my husband booked the next flight home and my appendix was successfully blasted out the next morning. God worked out all of the details - like I know He has in your situation. I will say - I prefer giving birth to the post op pain I had...and I didn't have an epidural when i gave birth!
I'm so praying that Curtis gets to come home today! This has been a different experience for the four of you! He must be our Super Miesta to live several days or more with that kind of pain...I mean really!
Jackson and Annabeth will be so excited to have Daddy home--lots of hugs! He may have to share his new 'laugh' with them! Bibby will have new stories to add to the SLI weekend, too. God works in every aspect of what He does 'will' to each of us!
Btw, we attended Muster last night on campus for the first time in 38 years! It was amazing-I had forgotten how moving it was. The RV's were awesome, their 21 gun salute and Taps still grabs my heart! You could've heard a pin drop in the Arena. Makes me feel so good about where we are at this time in our lives!
Many blessings in the days to come.
Praying, Amanda!!!!
This post has been one of my favorites, Amanda. Isn't is awesome how GOD can use any situation and bring good things from it. You are an amazing wife and mother...even though I don't know you personally, I feel like I do from reading your blog and the LPM one too.
WOW! I love your perspective, Amanda! I'll pray for your husband's continued recovery. What a blessing to be able to see God's hand in the midst. On another note - what series did you fall in love with on TV?
I want to be a mom like your mom. To step in for my kids and grandchildren and be there confidently and lovingly.
I am amazed & astonished at Curtis's ability to endure that pain. Do they think it just burst on Sunday or if he was feeling unwell for awhile before that, had it started to tear earlier? I'm sure you are emotionally wiped out - but sooo glad your family will be reunited and back to new soon.
Our men could be friends! My husband did the exact same thing when his appendix exploded. He was sitting in the waiting room writing a paper for school- with an exploded apendix. (I just can't wrap my mind around that....)
God is so good and I was nearly in tears reading that Psalm. Our experience was 3 years ago, but it seems like yesterday.
I'm so glad Curtis is okay!
Thank you for sharing more details on your week. I have been praying and it is good to have more specific things to pray, though God knows what you need at all times. Your words are a strong witness to your faith, peace and trust. I will continue to ask God for a smooth recovery and thank him for working this situation for good in your marriage. Much love to you.
Praying for Curtis and for you and the babies! Wish him well from Dothan, Alabama!! I'm sorry you will not be in Atlanta but I promise we will take good care of your mom!! Can't wait to see her!
We love y'all and Cas and I have been praying for the infection to cease, the fever to drop and a soon return home. Take care, talk to y'all soon.
Amazing how God ordered every step! Such encouraging words to hear, that even when we don't see the why or the how, God already has it all planned out. Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus!! :o)
Ah, so glad your husband is recovering well, and you had some re-bonding time together! My hubs and I had to put out 8-month old kitten down last week, and that was super unpleasant, but I love him more after that situation, and feel like I've re-bonded with him : )
Praying everything goes well. Also praying for that transition back home. Your going to be one busy siesta! Take care of yourself too.
I read about y'all last night on Kelly's blog. I've been praying all night as often as I had to get up to nurse Jack. Praying hard for y'all. I can only try to imagine how much pain your husband has been in. (And when you mentioned that it sorta felt like a couple's retreat, I was reminded about my recent excursion to an ER where I was by myself...and it sorta started feeling like a spa day... :o/ It sounds like we need to get away!) Love and prayers to y'all. :o)
Been praying for you all - great perspective you shared...blessed me!
I wanted to share with you my cure for "mommy guilt." Recently I was dealing with a bout of mommy guilt for going on a mission trip and leaving the kids home with their very capable daddy. My very godly husband reminded me that there is a godly sorrow that leads to repentence. He asked me if I needed to repent about going on the mission trip. By no means! Then he told me to chalk it up as the enemy trying to defeat me and reminded me to work hard to get over the false guilt.
You can use this same technique - do you need to repent over spending time in the hospital with your husband? - of course not! So do not let the enemy rob your joy of serving your man. The kids are in very capable hands. Say no to mommy guilt!
We are praying for you guys. May Curtis have a super quick recovery.
We have been praying for guys constantly. Praying you get to go home today and that God will heal Curtis completely and have all his strength back soon!! Love y'all!! Great post friend!
Praying for you and your sweet family. I'm so glad Curtis is doing better and am also praising God for allowing this as a time of reconnection. He is good. All the time. ;-)
We are continuing to pray for you guys!! And, I should say, this is the first time I have known you had your own blog! You should have mentioned it over on LPM!! :) Now I have another blog to add to my favorites!
Bless your heart! Praying for you guys!
I am fighting back the tears. I'm not sure why! This was the sweetest post! I'm just feeling some of the aftermath of it. God is so faithful. It has really been scary but it could have been so much worse. I love you, Darling, and I am so proud of the wife and mom you are.
it hurts to laugh!(I just had the big H 2 weeks ago, abdominal) so I understand the pain in laughing! I am so happy that Curtis is on the road to recovery and that even in the midst of the hard time, you see the good. 2 years ago when our youngest son was 7, we went through appendix being removed...I know how much he hurt....
God can see the BIG picture even when we can't....
This post just speaks volumes of your character and the intense love you have for your husband and kids. Amanda, I believe with all my heart that God is smiling down on you today.
May God continue to supply you guys with His richest blessings over the coming days as Curtis recovers. May you also find more reconnect time along the way.
Prayers and blessings,
Bless ya'll! Seeing God's works is amazing!
Just amazing. So thankful for the update. Even though we don't know you in person...feels like family. So grateful that God has graced you with eyes willing to see His provision and presence in all of this. We'll continue to keep you in our prayers.
I am totally amazed at Curtis' pain tolerance. I have had an appendectomy, my appendix did not explode like that and it was pretty severe pain. You have yourself a trooper!
Prayers for Curtis and the whole family!
Bless your heart! I'm so sorry for the roller-coaster of this experience, but good for you for finding the silver lining in it all :) I laughed about it being a nice vacation! Praying that you will both be home soon, and that Curtis will feel like a new man! So glad to hear that his parents have arrived to help too...Such a blessing to have wonderful parents, huh??
Thank you so much for that Psalm. My hubby graduates from the police academy in 2 weeks and that Psalm was a gift from God.
Thank you!
And I sure hope Curtis is back to normal quickly. God works in mysterious ways, no doubt.
I have been praying for you and Curtis
as a matter of fact God woke me up at 1:48AM the other night so I could pray for him
I am so thankful he is doing better
Enjoy that time together - despite the circumstance :)
Much love
So sweet!! Prayers continue...
So sorry for all that has gone on, but when you tell the story it is beautiful, and your love for Curtis is so evident!!!
Praying for your family...
Bless his heart!!! He has some serious strength! Just said a prayer for your fam! XOXO
Wow! Praise God it all worked out in a crazy weird way. I love that Psalm and had just posted it on a friend's Facebook wall a few days ago for encouragement. I love it even more now. Poor Curtis, and I'm praying he's "up to snuff" quickly.
I CANNOT believe Curtis taught the Sunday school lesson with a burst appendix! It was a wonderful lesson and I had no idea he was in the slightest bit of pain. Thankful for your time together!
I just found your blog through Kelly's Korner. I'm hoping your hubby is back to 100% soon! So glad you got some alone time with him though! :) Sweet & unexpected.
By the way, what show did you find on netflix?!
I have been praying and I just CRACKED up about you wondering how he managed to get himself a red slushy!
I will never forget being on bed rest in the hospital while watching Napoleon Dynamite and I would laugh so hard that my contractions would worsen.
I always think of this verse when my plans go awry: Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
You will be missed in Atlanta!
I love your blog, Amanda! I have never commented on it before...but just wanted to say that I am so glad that Curtis is recovering. Love your post...and love how the Lord can use the craziest situations to give us time to reconnect with our husbands! I'll be participating in the simulcast in Mississippi on Saturday! Can't wait!
What an awesome testimony!
So glad that he is going to be okay! God's timing is perfect- your mom could be there with your kids, etc...praying that Curtis is able to come home soon and you be sure to let that ugly guilt thing go...we all know who is the author of that.
Praying for your entire family and hoping the infection is gone and you are able to go home soon.
Praying for safe travels for your in-laws as well as your Mom this weekend.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Praise God for the hardships we go through....He is so good!
Goodness Amanda, I hope Curtis makes it home soon. I am sure he will turn this experience into a great sermon/Sunday School lesson too!! Love ya'll!!
Praying for your sweet husband and your family. Glad things are looking up!
Have thought about you guys and prayed every day. Bummed you won't be in Atlanta but I know you'll treasure taking care of your infirmed husband. Something about our strong men being that vulnerable just breaks my heart.
I read this last night when I could not sleep. This God story is one to be treasured away forever.
Love you, sweet friend.
ohhhhh deeeear. I'm so sorry to hear that, but so glad he is on the mend!!! i can't believe his appendix burst, and even moreso, i can't believe it was contained! praise the LORD for that! so glad you can be there right next to him through this. by the way, i imagined what that laughing noise might be, and i started laughing. haha.
Praying that you will all be home and together soon. So thankful for God's hand on your family throughout all of this.
Oh Amanda. What a story. I'm so thankful you were in the hands of skilled medical personnel (not to mention a sovereign God).
Club Med just got a whole new definition in my mind....
(Sad as it is, I'm looking forward to two days alone with my husband in the hospital after the baby is born. It is like a mini-retreat for us. So I understand what you're describing.)
Beautifully written, Amanda! Thanks for sharing!! Take care of that guy!! We are praying for ya'll!
what a definite blessing in disguise! So glad he is okay and you are all back to being close to normal. May God continue His healing and restoration.:)
It's amazing what trials like this can do to refresh and strengthen our marriages! Quite a God that not only cares for us, but brings great things out of these situations.
So glad Curtis is on the mend!
Praising God for His timing - so thrilled you weren't in Atlanta when all this happened. Glad he's doing better. You're all in my prayers.
Obviously, God can bless anything. Thanks for sharing a piece of your journey. I have one boy, his name is Jackson, and his apendix ruptured when he was four! He had been misdiagnosed so it got pretty bad by the time they figured out what it really was. God saved his life for sure.
Bless your hearts! Praying for healing and peace tonight.
This is the sweetest post ever. I all teary eyed now.
I imagine you'll be more exhausted than you even realize when your head finally hits your home bed's pillow. Praying for you and Curtis's continued healing this evening.
Yes, yes, yes to all of it. I went through the exact thing with Mike exactly a year ago, but it was very scary in the ER, b/c they kept running ekgs to be sure he wasn't having a heart attack. I'm with you on feeling so torn between your kids and your man. Praise God that it turned out well! Hoping & praying for quick recovery and a peaceful return home!
Okay, so I've been a "lurker" for awhile, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm praying for your sweet husband and hope you guys are feeling better SOON! And I'm so glad your mama was able to help take care of the kiddos. I'm sure that was a load off your mind!
1. I love your doctors and nurses for messing with you before the surgery.
2. I love that you got a marriage retreat out of this. Welcome to the parenthood, right?
Glad he is okay.
3. I love that your husband would not let a little burst appendix keep him down. Must. teach. Sunday. School.
Just classic.
Take it from me be thankful that you have a Mom that would drop everything and take care of the kids. The last time my husband was in the hospital I almost had to take my 18 month old with me to meet the ambulance. Praise God for him providing you a great support system.
What a testimony of God's Amazing Grace. And so beautifully written!! I think my favorite part was how God gave you and Curtis some "not-planned" together time! You couldn't have planned that and probably been any better! And Bibby got some very special "The Grands" time! I'm so sorry Curtis had to go through such pain and drama to get to the healing side. But think of the story he will be able to share in his sermons for years to come!
Please share the Netflix series you're watching! We're always looking for good, cheap entertainment!!!
Praying for your man!
That's a) amazing and we'll be praying for his continued healing and b) pretty funny... only God can use a hospital as a retreat center...
Oh good! Whew, he's doing better it seems!:) I will still pray for you all:):) God is amazing to protect Curtis and to heal him!
So glad he is doing better!
Crissy, Nashville,TN
Hey Amanda, I just read that your Jackson is now sick, I'm praying for you all, love your hearts!!
I teared up reading this, Amanda! I hope the recovery continues to go well, and I'm praying for you today as you make it through the day!
BTW, what Netflix tv show??
Oh my goodness! Bless you guys! That is amazing. It is so true that the Counselor really is Wonderful, for Him to reveal all of this to you. Gasp. Happy Marriage Retreat! I pray Curtis would recover soon.
What a sweet, sweet post! So neat to see God's provision and faithfulness!
Melissa, I know one time you said you're not gifted in speaking/teaching. I don't know about that, but girl you are a gifted writer!!! My heart was so encouraged by your post and challenged to find God's sweet lemonade in the lemons life's handed me lately. What a beautiful post!!
I am so sorry Jackson came down with a stomach virus, too. (I think I read it on Twitter)I can't believe the timing of it ALL. Praying Jesus' prevailing peace, powerful hope and sweet rest for you and yours soon - and a tropical vacation, too!!
Oh my word!! As I was reading your tweets about this, I kept thinking, "Boy, do I know how she feels!" And, then, after reading this, the things you talk about are the EXACT SAME thoughts I had about the hospital experience my Curtis had in Feb. I tell you it gives my chills to think about the uncanny similarities. Mine had diverticulitis with an abscess, basically, a hole in his colon that was infected. So, you have my empathy! I'm glad that both of our Curtis' are doing much better. And now we both know that if either of them complains of feeling bad, that we have to RUSH them to the nearest ER. :) Hopefully, they're both "good" for a long time. :)
Wow! Reading this brought back memories. My appendix ruptured also, about 6 years ago. My husband was in Arizona at the time, we live in California. I was home, alone, with my 7 month old baby. Thankful for a few friends that helped out. I had been to the doctor already, as I missed work from the pain, we thought it was food poisoning. He kept putting me off as that, even when I called again! Finally went to an urgent care and they rushed me to hospital. Husband got the next flight out and made it home as I was coming out of recovery. AWFUL experience!
It's funny how you mentioned on twitter that it prepared you for Pastoral care. My husband and I have now been pastors for a few years and now that you mention it, I agree, we learned so much during that hospital stay. One thing being that Morphine makes me reaaaaaal mean! Ha!
Thank you for sharing this. Just reminds me of how good God is, that He speaks to us even in the awful times of life.
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