This little gal is turning two on Thursday.
My baby is becoming a little lady. Her favorite thing to do is to rummage through my purse or sit at my knee and watch me put on makeup.
These days, she only sucks her thumb when she's tired and has her blanket, which is also called "Baby."
One of my mothering goals has recently been accomplished. Annabeth asks for her bow. We really like this new purple one.

I was making my bed and when it came time to arrange all 14 pillows, I found my little darling making herself comfy.
Always be my baby, Abey.
No she is not! 2 already?!? (She is a darling!!}
It goes by so quickly. Love that you celebrate all week long. We did that growing up and now it's a must in our house.
my baby is almost 2 as well, and i am in total denial!
she is such a cutie pie!
Time flies when you would rather it didn't! I can't believe Annabeth is going to be 2 & she's adorable in whatever she has on!
Too cute! Enjoy the week of celebrating her darling little life!!!
Oh So Precious!
She is such a doll! I love the gray dress. Happy Birthday, Annabeth!
What an adorable little lady she is! Happy birthday!
LOVE that BIG, purple bow! :)
Happy Birthday, Annabeth!! :)
Bibby loves you so much. I cannot believe we've had the joy of you for two years. Your Paw Paw and I quote you constantly and laugh so hard at the preciousness of you. You and your big brother flood my heart with tidal waves of joy. I can't wait to celebrate!
she is beautiful!
So sweet!! My baby is 17 and her big sister is 22. Thankful for their births, but even more thankful for their rebirths (we celebrate both)!
Asking for a bow?!? You're raising this girl right! :)
Love that about her bows! girlfriend knows she's got to accessorize :)
I can't believe all our family's little ones are not so little anymore! She is so precious, and I love her. Happy Birthday AB!
Hormones. Blah.
I have tears streaming.
So sweet.
Or maybe I am jealous that she asks to wear a bow. Not sure. :)
Just kidding... love her!
Happy Almost Birthday Annabeth!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
i can not believe our girls are 2- it seems like yesterday that they were little babies and now they are little ladies :( hope you cope better with birthday week than i did.
Can't believe it's been 2 years. She is precious. Happy Birthday Annabeth!
Erin, it's a good thing Mindy and Lindsay are giving us more babies soon!
How sweet!!!
Happy Birthday!
They grow way too fast! I love the little gray dress on her! I saw it at the GAP the other day on sale and I talked myself out of it...even on sale! Now I wish I wouldn't have! Oh well!
Happy Birhtday Annabeth!
Happy Birthday to your little beauty!
It makes me smile to think of that day as it was documented in your Mom's Bible Study taping. She was SO HIGH that day from excitement!! When Annabeth is older she can watch it for herself I bet ;-)
At church last Wed. night I was hanging out in her room and she had some plastic tongs and a golf ball (???) that another little girl desperately wanted to play with. I did the whole, "Ask Annabeth if you can play with them.... Well, if Annabeth isn't done playing with them you'll just have to wait your turn..." thing. Later, the tongs and golf ball were just sitting on the floor and Annabeth ran over, picked them up and sought out the little girl to give them to her. I couldn't believe she remembered! It was SO sweet!! The little girl was so happy :)
You just quoted an Amy Grant song AND included darling photos of AB. I love you.
Amanda, You inspired me the other day about Weight Watchers. Went back today and already feel better about getting these pounds off. Thanks!
Since I don't know your kids personally, I can't say if they are as sweet as they are cute. But, girl...they are crazy cute! Happy Birthday to Annabeth, too.
Amy Beth, I thought it was Mariah Carey! ;)
She is so precious! I love that you celebrate birthday week! One day is just not enough brirthday for such a sweet girl.
Oh my goodness!!! What a sweetheart!!!! I haven't been to your blog in a while, so I haven't seen any recent pictures. She's so beautiful, Amanda!
and once again, on Annabeth's birthday, my daughter will also be celebrating her birthday. This time it's 21!. . .seems like just yesterday she was 2! Happy Birthday to your sweet, beautiful daughter!
She is so Cute!! Time for another one?!?
Amanda - it IS Mariah Carey, although that doesn't mean Amy Grant didn't sing that line somewhere either...
I was looking at these photos, and it struck me what a wonderful world it would be if all children were loved by their parents the way Annabeth is loved. Sappy I know, but that's what I was thinking.
She's just beautiful, and I hope y'all have a wonderful birthday week!
Amanda, time goes by fast, already two! My baby girl just turned one on the 26th. We are having a party for her tonight, complete with strawberry cake with cream cheese icing:) Pink for girl, love it:)
Happy Birthday! My sweet girl turned five one week ago. Sniff - sweet and tender at the same time.
Love that you keep a birthday banner to pull out on b-day week - good idea! (Teal & 2-shades of pink - I can almost picture it!) Happy birthday to AB!
I remember waiting anxiously to hear the name you and Curtis would grace this child with. Oh how sweet the memories you have captured and will continue to capture.
She is adorable and so sweet, and I love that she love's bows!!!
PS I will be 49 this month and I still have vivid memories of watching my mom put her make-up on, and I marveled at her skills when it came to applying eyelashes.
Enjoy your baby,
Love to you
Happy birthday, Anna Beth! My baby girl is 22, time passes too quickly, savor every moment!
I think I love these pictures better than any you've ever posted! She's sure a little beauty already! My first baby...who will be 34 next week!...sucked her two middle fingers and had a soft yellow "ganket" that she put up on her face just like AB does!
Thanks for sharing these pics!
Marilyn...in Mississippi
She is precious! My baby is 3 and I would be perfectly happy if she stayed that way forever. (Most days!:)
I thought about you and the bows today. I had my 3 year old with me in a waiting room and she was drawing pictures. She told me she was drawing a girl and she said, "Put a bow on her!" Ha!You're not a girl without a bow, right? :)
Happy Birthday! That little grey ruffled shirtdress is just darling on her. :o)
Oh Amanda...
She is just adorable! I pray that she is showered in love on her big day! May God continue to bless her and raise her up to be the mighty woman of God that you all so desire!
Blessings over Annabeth!
Now that song is playing in my head! Doesn't time fly? I just realized my last baby isn't a baby anymore...he's finally walking. My other little boy is almost preschool age. And "my favorite tiny girl" will be in kindergarten next year...and yet another will be in junior high...wow. It seems to go by so slow when you're up all night feeding, but on the other side, it seems to speed away.
soooo sweet! can NOT believe she's two! :)
Adorable little girl!! Happy 2nd birthday to her! =)
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