Jackson was thrilled to get his race track.
AB liked her kitchen. I was obsessed with the miniature pots and pans.

The baby doll that Jackson picked out for her was her favorite thing.
We got ready to spend the rest of the day at my parents' house. Annabeth wore this beautiful outfit that was sent to her by H.E. Organics. Isn't it gorgeous? We've had it for a long time but she just now fits into the pants.
The baby doll that Jackson picked out for her was her favorite thing.
Jackson got this insane remote control car that lights up and plays obnoxious music. He was so excited about it. I didn't know about the music, otherwise I would never have bought it! He broke the antenna after five minutes and it was such a bummer. But somehow Curtis fixed it.

Both my kids got these Food Face plates. Annabeth won't get hers until she's older but I thought they were super fun.

We got ready to spend the rest of the day at my parents' house. Annabeth wore this beautiful outfit that was sent to her by H.E. Organics. Isn't it gorgeous? We've had it for a long time but she just now fits into the pants.
I wish I had more pictures but I was too busy enjoying the day with my kids to bother with it. My mom made an amazing feast for lunch that everyone enjoyed. If only I had some leftovers!
I'm so thankful for Jesus Christ - Emmanuel, God with us - and the hope of salvation that we celebrate on Christmas Day. Maybe we would still have temporary things like green tool bags, play kitchens and toy cars if it weren't for His death on the cross and resurrection. But the things that matter like love, forgiveness, mercy, redemption, peace that passes understanding, joy, faithfulness, strength, justice and hope would never be ours. This morning I read these words that Jesus spoke and thought I'd share them here. None of the gifts we gave or received will benefit us in any way if we lose our very selves.
Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it. What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self? Luke 9:23-25
Do you have an IKEA near you? If so, they have the best stainless steel pots and pans for the kid kitchens. They're in their kid department. :)
Amanda… AB’s outfit is simply precious!!! Love all the pictures!!!! :)
Great fun pics! My son wanted that same remote control car!! But I had already bought him other things so he missed out on it! Guess I didn't miss out lol!! I loved Annabeth's pretty outfit -so fun!!!
Thanks for opening the doors of your life so we can take a peak (we had cinnamon rolls out of a can too - shhhhh...don't tell hehe!).
Happy New Year!
They are precious! Love Annabeth's outfit! I gave my nephews those glasses too- huge hit. And next year try Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls- very easy and you can make the night before so you just bake them that morning :)
why didn't i buy those straws? why? those kids are so cute!
Amanda, I enjoyed the Christmas recaps:) Thanks also for sharing with us your scriptures from this morning in your time with the Lord.
Blessings to you,
Love the wrap-up to this post. Isn't He amazing? He's trying really hard to teach me about denying myself. And Annabeth's outfit is ridiculous! So stinkin cute!
My almost 5 y/o son got that straw for Christmas too. Simplest fun! I think I found my new go-to birthday gift.
I'm right there with you on the cinnamon rolls out of a can! :)
Each year on Christmas morning as part of our breakfast, I make a monkey bread recipe in a bundt pan. When it's out of the oven, we stick a candle in it and sing "Happy Birthday to Jesus!" It's an easy recipe--girl,if I can make it, anyone can! :) I only make it on Christmas, so it's become a fun tradition for the kids!
Do you still have all of those GREAT Passion songs in your head like I do?! :) It was AWESOME.
Happy New Year!
Kate (the wierdo that introduced herself to you after David Platt!)
Amanda, I love that outfit on her! I am so thrilled it finally fits! She looks so precious. Thank you for your post!
Heather Murphy
Designer and Founder
H.E. Organics
That outfit is AHHmazing!!! It looks precious on her!
Love the pic of Annabeth laying in the middle of the floor with all that stuff. And, cinnamon rolls in a can was all I wanted on Christmas. I miss those! :)
A - I love reading about Christmas with your family! My son, Parker, gave my husband the same tool bag, and we also ate cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning. An idea for next year is to place them in the shape of a tree and put green food coloring in the icing. The kids will love it :) Thank you for sharing these moments with us! - Lauren
So I think that AB looks JUST like your mom in that amazing outfit!
Annabeth is totally rocking it with that outfit!
Love the Christmas recaps!
We have snow is North Alabama today! So fun!
My eight year old (Chloe again) got an adorable kitchen set for Christmas as well. I have a feeling, even with the huge difference in age, Chloe and AB would get along great. Angela would just find her adorable! She loves little kids!
All I have to say about the scripture is that's where I feel like I am now. At a place where I have to make a choice that may result in me losing myself. Otherwise I will have no money for anything other than the very basic neccessities. And I do mean things that just keep me sane would not even be options and yet there's nothing I would enjoy at all available.
Your pictures kill me. I love the one of AB lying in the floor like that! My son used to do that when he got tired. He is almost 7 years old now. Time is flying.
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