Saturday, November 19, 2011


Please forgive me for leaving up a picture of jungle worms for so many days. Gross. I have not been able to find words this week. When I came back from Guatemala I cried a lot, but this time has been different. There were some waterworks and a lot of heartache at church on Sunday, but since then I've felt really edgy and impatient. Maybe it's the Malaria pills, maybe it's re-entry syndrome, or maybe I need some Midol. I have a feeling this can be helped by some quality time with my mom and sister, which will hopefully happen today. 

On Monday morning I went straight to the Apple store at the mall to get my laptop fixed. It turned into an all day event, but in the end I left with a functional computer with all my pictures still on it. Thank You, Jesus. Seriously.

Since we had a few hours to hang around the mall, I decided to take Annabeth to Visible Changes and see if we could get her first haircut. (I know, y'all. Yes, she is almost 3 years old.)  I'd been meaning to do this for a long time, but I was scared that she would freak out and we would have to leave with half a haircut. I also didn't know where to take her. "Cool Cuts for Kids" was great for Jackson, but there was not as much at stake with his hair. Annabeth's hair is her crowning glory. Could I really trust a kid place with my angel's beautiful locks? 

Visible Changes fit us in with a stylist I didn't know, but she was really sweet. I took Annabeth around the salon to show her everything. Then she started getting nervous. When it came time to sit in the chair, she freaked out and said she wanted to eat. So we told the stylist we'd try again after lunch. I also took her by the Disney store to show her that I would buy her a princess doll if she got her hair cut. 

We ate some Chickfila and then Curtis arrived with his moral support. We went back to the salon but our stylist was with another client. So we took Annabeth to the play area and let her go crazy. After that, she said she was ready to get her hair cut. Yay! We went back to Visible Changes for the third time and the stylist worked us in again. 

There was a four-year-old girl in the waiting area who was having her first haircut, so I stopped feeling so bad about how long I'd waited. I think interacting with her helped Annabeth relax a little bit. 

Our stylist, Christine, sprayed Annabeth's hair with water so she wouldn't have to brave the sink. AB cried for about a minute and then she calmed down. 

She was very still and quiet throughout the whole thing. The stylist basically evened out the ends and that was it. You can't even tell she's had a haircut, except that it has a nicer shape to it now. My first thought was that it was a waste of money, but I think it was wise seeing as how Annabeth could have freaked out at any moment. 

Goldilocks also got to have her first experience with a curling iron. I would be way, way too nervous to do this myself. 

Christine said, "Here you go, Miss Cindy Crawford!" (I'm guessing they don't say that at Cool Cuts for Kids.)

Annabeth looks a little bit like Wednesday from the Addams family here.

And finally, a smile! 

Annabeth picked out an Ariel doll from the Disney store and then it was done. My baby girl is growing up!


Bear Girl said...

Amanda, she is just too precious for words. Xo, Genah in Chicago

Lisa Johnson said...

Awww, that's where Tori got her first haircut too!!

MEGAN said...

She has such pretty hair!!!

Angie said...


Hi, I'm Missy! said...

She is so precious! Blessed with some gorgeous hair too!!

Allison said...

My girls is 2 and a half and I haven't dared to have her hair cut yet:).... I totally understand the trepidation! She looks great! And, good for you for being so patient...I'm gonna remember this post when we finally go!

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I can not believe how VERY much Annabeth looks like my granddaughter in these pictures!!
She sure is growing up fast Amanda. Love it when you share pics of the family.

God bless and Happy Thanksgiving! Mississippi

Kelly said...

Oh man! My 2.5 year-old son's last hair cutting experience was so scarring for more people than I can count. He'd had haircuts before & didn't mind them, but last time I tried doing it myself. Big mistake that required the help of a professional.

A very long story short, by the time we were done at the kids' salon, three of us were holding my screaming child down & the next kid in line refused to even sit in the chair because of the torture he had just witnessed. I left feeling so horrible for ruining haircuts for not just my own son, but a poor innocent stranger as well.

I don't in any way judge you for waiting 3 years to get Annabeth's hair cut! And she looks beautiful with her curls!

Kristen Maddux said...

That is so sweet, Amanda! My little girl is four and I'm always amazed at how well she does getting her hair cut. The stylist said most little girls actually do great and kinda enjoy the primping! (I guess it starts young!)

Gena said...

Sweetness. What a doll!
And I'm praying for your re-entry - may it be easy on you, but not TOO easy. Hope you had a great day.

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful. Way to go with the doll!!!

Anonymous said...

She is precious! Thank you for sharing this special moment.

happymcfamily said...

cutie head :-)

My good friend's girl just had her first hair cut at age 6... it was down to her knees. She gave 12 inches to locks of love and he hair is still well past the middle of her back! But she was practically born with a toupee ;-)

Dionna said...

Oh my goodness - those big eyes while she is sitting there in that chair; those about do you in! :) Glad it ended up a happy story, though. :)

Mix and Match Mama said...

What a sweet girl! The curled hair makes her look so grown up!

Kelli said...

She looks adorable and did amazingly great for her first time. When J was 2, I qave in and got his hair cut in a kid's salon. It was a horrifying experience with a bad stylist and a pair of clippers. To this day (at 17) he hates getting his hair cut, and wears what we all lovingly call his "haircut face" the whole time. Actually, it make sme laugh. Just keeping it honest, y'all.

Leanne Haines said...

My little girl was three-and-a-half when she had her first haircut. She could nearly sit on her long dark hair, and I had enough cut off that I could keep a ponytail of it. Annabeth looks adorable! Good for her, and good for you, too, Mama!

Talley Family said...

She looks precious! My oldest girl was five before her hair was cut! Have fun!

Tara G. said...

So sweet!!!

Annie said...

I love that last picture! Annabeth is so cute and her hair is super pretty!

Susy said...


Sharon said...


Joe, Ash, G, J, and A said...

Oh my, those pics at the beginning- one of the most pitiful faces I've ever seen. Kind of reminds me of the face Hank (our dog) would make when we put him in the shower. Of course you know I don't think Annabeth looks like a dog- I think you get the gist.

And I'm assuming you have saved some of those cut locks??!

Tabaitha said...

She is precious!

Shelli Littleton said...

My baby girls were nervous, too, the first time their hair was cut. I wonder why? I guess because a stranger is near them. But ... it doesn't hurt! ;-) I have yet to figure that out!

Shelli Littleton said...

Amanda, I am laughing so hard. I was thinking about why kids are afraid of first hair cuts ... and well, the word "cut" sure doesn't sound pleasant, does it?! When they get a cut on their finger, it hurts. A cut on their knee ... hurts. I guess the word "trim" sounds better! Ha! Wish I had thought of that years ago.

Sarah said...

Adorable - especially the last shot and she does have her Mama's beautiful hair! :)

Shellie Paparazzo said...

Oh, she is soooo adorable, and don't feel bad! I don't remember when I first took my girls in for their first haircuts! I think I took Angela after she tried to cut her own hair, right before my cousins wedding and I took her in to get it fixed and told the stylist that she had a wedding to go to the next day and I needed her to look decent (No pressure or anything, right!?! She was really young, at a hairschool actually, so yeah, talk about pressure!) Poor thing! She did great, though! We made sure it was one that had more experience and was about to graduate to do her hair. It took Chloe forever to even get hair!!! I don't think she had enough hair to even get a haircut until right before she went to school!!! That child's hair would not grow! I had to put her in super-girly clothes all the time until she was like 5 or something, so that people didn't call her a boy, and sometimes they still did!!!! So annoying!!!