Sunday, September 27, 2009

How Can it Be the End of September?

October is only days away. That is craziness.

We had a great weekend. On Friday night, Curtis and I took the kids to my mom's house and we went on a little dinner date. I had some pasta that messed me up for the next 24 hours and it was so not worth it. But the bread. Oh, the homemade bread! After dinner we picked up Jackson and took him to a high school football game. We met two other families there and had so much fun. The kids seemed to really enjoy it and they had plenty of room to run around with each other.

The next morning, Curtis blessed us with some warm Shipley's donuts. A moment of silence please. Yum. We did absolutely nothing until later that afternoon when Annabeth and I had a La Madeleine date with Mom and our friend Amy. Amy lives in the hill country and Annabeth hadn't gotten to meet her yet, so it was great fun.

We went straight from there to meet Jackson and Curtis at a birthday party. The party was at a gymnastics place and it was so cool. I'm going to try to get Jackson in a class there soon. He loved it. All the kids were smiling, dripping with sweat, covered with green icing, and exhausted by the end.

This is the Statue of Liberty headband hair that Annabeth had when we got home.

After that, I went to a movie with my friend Michelle and had some of the best popcorn of all time. AMC Theaters do it right. I figure since I'm paying so stinking much for it, it's okay if I ask for the popcorn that's popping in the machine right in front of my eyes instead of the popcorn in the bags that are sitting under the warmers. Try it and you won't regret it.

This morning we went to church, of course. I have done my makeup in the car on the way there for the last 6 weeks in a row. I'd like to think I've gotten real good at it, but I could look absolutely awful and not realize it. This week I was running so late that I also had to feed Annabeth her oatmeal in the car. That cannot become a habit.

Curtis and I had preschool duty this morning and helped in a class for two-year-olds. It's been neat to get to know some of our friends' kids by volunteering for this. (I found out today that our preschool department requires 70 volunteers every week. SEVENTY VOLUNTEERS!) A friend of ours was helping in Jackson's class today and it was neat to hear his stories about our boy. The daughter of our Sunday school directors was baptized during the service. What a wonderful day! I love the Lord and I love His church so much. It is truly the highlight of my week.

This evening we decided to go to our neighborhood pool because it was the last day it would be open. It was nice to be outside and it gave us something to do during the hours when you want the day to end but it's not bedtime yet. It was super hot this weekend, but the water was cold!

I got brave and took my camera since it was our last chance.

We hadn't been to the pool since Annabeth started sitting up. It was a new world for her!

It took her a few minutes to get over the chilly water.

This is the face Annabeth makes when she wants to get something in her mouth.

This is the face of a boy who loves the water and who had a blast swimming all summer. See you next year, pool!


Tara G. said...

The Statue of Liberty hairdo is hilarious! I had some manicotti on Friday night and besides the fact that I was living dangerously eating it as a crippled lactose intolerant person, it was gritty and too salty. So disappointing!

jennyhope said...

Girl after all Liberty is her call amen! I love that hair!!! Mine used to stick straight up! I love that about her and the fact that she is a thumb sucker since I am a veteran thumb sucker.

Cute pics!!

Marla Taviano said...

Love this post! Love October! (It's your b-day month, too, isn't it?)

Payton's mom said...

I am so glad to know I am not the only one to have put their makeup on or fed their child in the car on the way to church. Oh how I remember those days. But hey we made it on time.

Hillary @ The Other Mama said...

Love your movie popcorn tip! I will have to try that next time I get to sneak away for a girls night or night out with my hubs!
And that hair is adorable!!

Moose Mama said...

Precious pics as always.

Amanda, how in the world do you feed an 8 month old, oatmeal in the car and not end up wearing it? You are truly amazing.


lavonda said...

what gorgeous kids Amanda!
I love their eyes, they're stunning!! :)

3girlsmom said...

Man, I wish your mom loved Annabeth. If only she'd smile when she held her. Poor, unloved kid.

And I'm sure she feels the same way about Jackson.

Your poor, poor kids.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


Your pictures are always so the one with your Mom....and love La Madeleine's...
I had just a few minutes to blog hop tonight....
Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog. I have a great giveaway that I will draw for on
Oct 1 and a comment is all it takes to enter....

Rhonda said...

If we make it to church before the first song I will be floored. Even when we leave on time it is dificult, and I don't even wear make-up! Looks like a great way to end out the summer:)

Leah Adams said...

I just laughed outloud at Annabeth's Statue of Liberty hairdo. What a hoot!!

Glad you had a good weekend!!


Sabrina said...

GREAT pics, Manda. You are pretty handy with a camera:)

bethany said...

Annabeth's hairdo is priceless!!!! She is super adorable. Looks like you had a great weekend! Have a wonderful week Miss Amanda.

Deirdre said...

love the pics and the newsy updates. And just for the record if I ever dropped in to a restaurant and saw you and your mom just hanging out I would probably lose my mind. Then I would swoop in and pick up and hug your beautiful baby girl. Then you would have me arrested for hugging a complete stranger.
The Lord knows I could NOT handle living in Houston.

Kelli said...

If only this week felt like October was almost here!

Annabeth actually looks like she has the determination to get that water in her mouth! :) Bless your heart during the teenage years!

Bobbie said...

Ya gotta love the hair! And she seems to love it...

I also love the picture of Jackson on the chaise at the pool!! He looks like he's thinking "this is the life" He's such a doll. Annabeth doesn't seem to mind the cool water at all--in fact, seems to be really enjoying it.

Heather said...

L-O-V-E Annabeth's swimsuit! Adorable. I am working on a post and our titles our similar. Sorry to hear that the Italian dinner you had made you feel bad, I hate when things like that happen. So glad you had a good weekend other than that!

Lauren said...

Seriously, you have the cutest kids EVER!!!!!

Shelly said...

Glad y'all had a fun weekend :) Glad to know I'm not the only woman that could live for a good breadstick :)

And lastly, since my heart melts every time I see your Annabeth in a headband bow, I'm thinking you need to take yourself to Forever 21, and find one of their headbands to wear with her (Note: unless you are just THAT brave, don't make the first purchase of one with the big bows on them). They have a couple of ones where they are adorned with beaded small flowers to the side, or small feather kind of thingies (that sounds horrible). Granted, I do feel like I'm repeating the first decade of my life a bit, but it's all about the (cheap) accessories, and they can be a lot of fun. :) Here's the wonderful tip about them: You can rock that ponytail that we all want to wear 5 times a week with it, and get away with doing so b/c of the cute headband accessory you've joined with it :)

I have NO idea why I just got on a fashion note with you, since you don't need it one bit. But I needed to share my headband and bow excitement with someone, since I am such an 80's child :)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun weekend!

Mary H. said...

How adorable!!! Love the pics!

Sarah said...

I also love the Statue of Liberty hairdo, and the look on AB's face in that precious! I can't believe October is here almost...and WHY DO THEY CLOSE POOLS IN TEXAS IN SEPTEMBER WHEN IT'S in the 90's for AT LEAST another month? I'm from OH/MI and this has puzzled me since I "transplanted" to TX. Glad you had a fun weekend. :)

Carley said...

Cute Pics! I'm soooo jealous you got Shipley's! I'd give anything to have one close by but the closest one is 30 minutes away! I LOVE a warm kolache and glazed donut! Annabeth's swimsuit is adorable and Jackson looks like he's really enjoying himself!

Spicy Magnolia said...

That picture of Annabeth with "Headband hair" is one of my chosen favorites of her! What a joy she is!

Gonna have to get my one of those Shipley donuts. I could seriously eat one right about now.

Boonies in the Boonies said...

I, too LOVE Annabeth's swimsuit. I can't believe how much they are looking alike!! I have prayed and prayed for my kiddos to look alike ... I don't see it ...YET!!Too stinkin' cute! Loved all the pics!
Rebekah Boone
Bryant, AR

Jennifer said...

It is amazing what a mom can accomplish in the car on the way to church, isn't it?! Also amazing are the things you remember that you forgot en route... My two most memorable:

1. I forgot to put on any make-up at all. I realized this when I went to apply my lipstick.

2. I forgot to put on deoderant! I realized this when, well, um, I guess I can omit this detail!


Erica said...

That sounds like a fantastic weekend! I love how bright Annabeth's eyes are! Our girls went to the pool on Sunday, too!
Have a great week!

Annika said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does my make-up in the car on the way to feels like such a sad existence!! :) My husband makes fun of me and I tell him that the next time he has to get three kids under three plus himself ready by 9am then he say what he wants. Until then, there's no making fun. :)

Glad you love your church so much...I feel the same about mine!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...


Every time you post pictures of Anna Beth, I can't help but see my little girl, Reagan. I believe they're only a couple weeks apart. Reagan was born 2 weeks early at the end of December. But I will have to send you pictures because they look SO similar, right down to the expressions on their faces. =)

And I've been doing make-up in the car for the past four years now. I always think I wake up in plenty of time, and always am rushing out the door.

Hope you have a blessed week!


Dionna said...

Annabeth reminds me of my oldest daughter (who will be 13 in December) - she just looks happy all the time. It's so great - I love it. How can anyone stop hugging her to get on with their day?

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I love me some high school football and if I do say so myself, I'm getting pretty good at understanding what the heck is going on. My hubby is team chaplain so he has abandoned me to the sidelines but I have great bleacher mates who have helped me understand the onside kick. Who knew you could actually kick the ball to yourself?

Lindsee said...

What a FUN weekend!

1) So sorry about the pasta that messed you up. I had Taco Cabana that messed me up, too. I don't know the last time I ate there, but it's not happening any time soon again.

2) So jealous of La Madeleine. It's one of my favs. Especially for breakfast!

3) I was at the movies, too on Saturday. The popcorn was indeed, heavenly.

4) The pictures are precious.

katiegfromtennessee said...

I love your pictures, Little Momma!:) Annabeth has the sweetest little facial expressions:) Jackson is swimming good now:) Statue of Liberty hair, you make me smile!:)
