Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Freaky Morning

It's is 12:19 PM and this has already been one of the scariest days of my life. The fact that I'm sitting here blogging means everything turned out alright, but it has been wild for a couple of hours.

Annabeth slept late this morning. Yeah for me! I didn't get out of bed until 8:00. Jackson had already been up with Curtis, as usual. I got up to make breakfast before Annabeth woke up, which I was expecting to happen any minute. At 8:30 she was still asleep. Weird. I crept into her room to see if she was just playing silently and I found her fast asleep.

I went back downstairs and within a few minutes she was stirring. I brought her down to nurse her and that's when I noticed that her ear was red, hot, and enlarged. I thought maybe she'd been sleeping on it or something, but I'd seen her asleep and she hadn't been laying on that ear. She also had a red dot on her cheek, which I thought was a mosquito bite. A few minutes later I changed her position and saw that the other ear was also red and puffy. Not only that, but the back of her head was swollen. More than swollen, actually. Protruding. That's when I started to panic.

I took off Annabeth's jammies to see if she had a rash or anything and sure enough, her tummy and underarms and the back of her neck had red bumps. Surely it was chicken pox. I called my mom and she headed over to give me her expert opinion. This would be my second time to suspect it. I tried to talk myself out of something being wrong with her head. I felt sick to my stomach.

I called the doctor's office and they told me a nurse would call me back.

Mom arrived and confirmed that the back of Annabeth's head was protruding and she was very alarmed. She also didn't think it was chicken pox. I put in another call to the doctor's office and they said they'd call me back. Curtis came home to stay with Jackson. Mom thought we should just head to the doctor's office because this was not something we should mess around with. We weren't sure we didn't need to be at an ER.

We got up there and the ladies at the desk recognized that the situation was unusual and that they had two panicky women on their hands. We went to a special triage room and got to escape sitting with all the flu patients. (Which we may end up being in a few days.) The nurse hadn't seen anything like Annabeth's head before, but she thought the bumps were hives. They seemed to be getting worse by the minute.

We saw a doctor shortly after and she said that it was hives. By then, the swelling in Annabeth's head had gone down substantially but her ears were still sticking out. She may or may not have called my baby Dumbo. I may or may not be choosing to overlook that because she gave us such good news and saw us without an appointment. On the way home Annabeth was making a trumpeting sound and, without thinking, I said, "Is there a baby elephant in my car?" Forgive me, daughter! I knew not what I was saying!

Sweet, precious, adorable, angry little ear.

This is what one side looked like when we got home. It was under both arms, on both sides, in the creases of where her diaper was, on her arms, back, and stomach, and at the base of her skull. This picture doesn't really do it justice.

The back of her head after it was almost back to normal.

So the head, the ears, and the rash were all about the hives. We don't know what caused them. I'm just supposed to treat Annabeth with Benadryl. She's sleeping right now and I'll be interested so see what she looks like when she wakes up. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Seeing her head swell that like absolutely scared me to death. I really expected that we would be at Texas Children's right now.

Thank You, God, that we're not. And please help everyone who is.


Marla Taviano said...

Oh, Amanda. I'm so sorry. SO glad she's okay! Was it something she ate??

lavonda said...

I wonder did she eat something new for dinner last night??

Soooo happy for you that she's okay. And grateful you started the post out the way you did, letting us know it's alright before we started reading!

3girlsmom said...

Bless her heart. And bless yours and Bibby's, too! I can only imagine what went through your minds.

Praying for sweet Annabeth to get back to her usual, adorable, unsplotchy self!

(And I'd like to give you a handclap for not pinching the doc for the Dumbo remark.)

((I don't think I would've been so nice))

(((There might've been punching involved.)))

((((Just sayin.))))

Kelli said...

Bless her heart I hope the swelling goes down!

AND bless YOURS for having to feel so scared for your daughter this morning! I can't imagine how scary that felt.

Tiffany said...

bless her little heart and yours for having to experience such a scare. Praying she gets better through out the day.

Traci said...

Yikes- was it an allergy? That is terrifying, but I have to say that is the sweetest little baby head I've seen in a while.

Katie said...

That is really scary. I'm thankful it turned out ok. Gosh, I'm sure you are going to have a lot of people speculating. I'm just glad she is ok.

Sarah said...

So scary - I'm glad things are getting better. Protruding head is scary! Both of my boys have had scary hives instances. I wasn't blogging yet when my 3 year old had the swollen ears, cheeks, etc plus trouble breathing all of a sudden with hives all over his face and neck, so I don't have a post, but it was scary. We were in the Atlanta airport and so helpless. My 14 month old had a problem a few months ago. has my blog entry with pictures of his hives.

C:M:W said...

Oh bless her little heart with those hives. It just made me itch looking at it. WE will be praying for yall.
p.s. we miss you!!!!

Lisa said...

I would have been so scared! I'm glad you headed to the doctor...head swelling is never good. Get better Annabeth! And don't get the flu!

Colleen said...

Oh, good grief! She looks miserable (in an adorable way, of course).

Our 2nd son had a very similar reaction once. We went to Boy #1's t-ball game and the mom in charge of snacks for that game gave Boy #2 a V8 Splash - Strawberry Kiwi. I didn't think it would be a problem, since he had already had both strawberries and kiwi with no problems.

Fast forward about 45 minutes, we are in Fry's looking at incredibly enormous TVs. (What guy, pumped up by the masculinity of coaching his son's t-ball game, doesn't deserve to walk around and dream of owning a TV that is taller than him?) I looked down at Gideon in the cart and his forehead was ENORMOUS, but only on the left side. He looked like a distorted Picasso painting.

I raced out to the car, chattering on the phone all the way. I was able to speak with a nurse at the Dr's office. She asked about a rash and when I took off his clothes (still in the parking lot, mind you) he looked just like Annabeth.

We treated him with Benedryl and some rest also. We never were able to determine what caused the reaction. It could have been something in the V8 Splash (which was the only thing new) or something that he came in contact with at the game.

Good news...and comfort to you...he's 5 now (4 years later) and has never had another reaction like that. I pray that it will be the same way for Annabeth.

Lauren said...

Oh my gosh, that is totally freaky. I'm so glad she was okay!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad Annabeth's all right! I too just lifted up a prayer of relief for her health, and my own son's health, and those who don't have that blessing right now.

Mary said...

Whew. I'm sure that was really scary! I'd have totally done the same thing...or knowing me I'd have wasted a thousand dollars and a whole day at the ER. So glad she is ok!

Heather Kay said...

I am so glad she is okay! My husband had similar issues, waking up with hives, trouble breathing, etc. Finally, we realized he is allergic to spiders. They were coming in by the window which was behind the headboard. The Dr. told us that usually it is a soap allergy. Did you change any of her soaps recently including laundry? It's a good place to start. I hope it is just a one time thing! She is so precious!

Katie said...

Oh my, I am so sorry. That would have really scared me too. Did you change your laundry soap? Sometimes babies have reactions to that. I am so glad that it wasn't anything serious.

Monica said...

Sweet girl...there's nothing worse than knowing something's wrong with our little ones and yet, not really knowing what is wrong. So, so glad all is well. As we say at my house, "Tank-tee, Gigi!" (Thank you, Jesus!)

Anna said...

Oh my gracious!!! I would have been FREAKING OUT!!! I'm so glad that they were able to see you, but sorry that you're still left with so many questions. I hope, hope, hope that this was a one-time occurrence. Poor baby...and poor Mama! Hope she feels better soon and that the rest of your day is FAR more uneventful!

The Guess Family said...

you might want to look at
scroll down to sept. 14th

her little boy had a weird virus a few weeks ago, that they initially thought was hives, but knew it wasn't when the benadryl didn't help.

he looked just like your sweet baby with red splotches all over!!!

Tara G. said...

You know, it just doesn't get easier with more- I mean, there are things I don't panic about anymore, but I still feel equally clueless with the third. Bless your heart and PTL she is ok!

Leah Adams said...

Definitely hives!!

No bites anywhere? No new detergents? Now new soaps or shampoos? New medicine?

That is strange. I'm so glad she is doing ok.


The Johnsons said...

That is freaky - I am so thankful she is okay. What's even more odd is a friend of mine's little guy woke-up yesterday with the exact same thing (ears/head mainly - she chose to call his ears an Elf instead of Dumbo). She couldn't get into the Pedi so ended up going to see an ENT. He was baffled and put the little man on steriods. I wonder what caused this?! Thankful both little ones are on the mend!

MITZI said...

Poor thing. So glad she is alright. Hives can be serious for some folk. Will be praying for her.

Terri said...

Oh, my! How very, very scary! I wonder what she reacted to. I will keep your sweet baby girl in my prayers!!! I am so glad your mom could be there with you. Blessings!

Amy Lynn said...

Aww, poor baby! Hope it clears up soon!

Kari said...

So glad to hear that Annabeth is fine. That's scary stuff that you were dealing with this morning!

Both of our girls have previously had hives. They can be very mysterious. Sometimes, even just changing laundry detergent, soap or shampoo can be the culprit.

At any rate, I hope this is the last of them and that the rest of the day for your family is calm and uneventful!

jennyhope said...

girl praying! Morgan has had this and all I could do was benadryl. I would love to say that I stayed calm but I freaked!!!!!!!

She breaks out now from food like Chili, ranch dressing and etc. I had a panic moment the other night.

PTL and I am so glad they weren't all taboo about the benadryl

Deirdre said...

oh my! sometimes it scares me just how much doctors don't really know about the human bod and why it does things. We need more basic research.

So so so glad that AnnaBeth is okay.

Marci said...

Thank God, that Annabeth is alright. I know you must have been very scared. Glad to hear she is doing fine now.

Boonies in the Boonies said...

My 14 month old had something very similar happen a couple months ago we did find a bite behind his ear and it wad sticking out just like annabeth's. My mother too was very alarmed and insisted we take him in. They said the same thing ... Hives. Maybe seasons changing??
Glad she is OK!!

Rebekah Boone
Bryant, AR

Shelly said...

I'm scared for you, even after knowing everything was okay! Praise the Lord.

[and personal exhibit A as why I'm not ready for children yet! Lord have mercy on my root of fear!]

I am glad you are all okay.

Laura said...

That is so wierd!! My older sister's family recently passed a viral case of the hives around. Be on the lookout for everyone else to get it, just in case.

Missy said...

This happened to Eva Rose once when she was about 18 months old. Just covered head to toe in hives. Hadn't happened before, has never happened since, and I had no idea what caused it. But her head wasn't swollen - that would have freaked me out too.

I remember ER's hives happened immediately after I returned from rushing 8 month old Maggie to the dr with a busted frenulum when she flew out of her high chair and ate the floor (the frenulum is the little skin between your front teeth - when it busts, it bleeds like the dickens and they scream and scream. Scared me to death) and later that day Shep was sent home from MDO with impetigo.

It wasn't one of my best mommy days.

I am glad your sweetpea is all right.

Sarah said...

Poor baby girl! And poor you, too! I would have been hysterical.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart - & Annabeth's! My daughter (now 4yrs) gets the hives/rash with just about anything. We've been to a specialist that said she just had sensitive skin. I have to wash all her clothes in fragrance-free detergent (ALL free & clear - recommended esp by her derm), frag-free fabric softner, use dove frag-free soap, frag-free lotion...u get the drift. When she was a little baby, I used all the yummy baby smelling soaps, lotions, detergents. It wasn't until she was about 2 that I found out that it was contributing to her break-outs. Derm. said that even if they are packaged for babies doesn't make them gentle - they could actually contain the same stuff as adults. She also has k.p. (which I think I've heard you mention before). If she gets a bite of any sort, we can expect cellulitis. I seem to remember her starting off with little moments like this (minus the head swelling - I would have freaked out too!!) Maybe this will help your situation & you won't have to go through all the guessing games we did :):) You don't have to publish this comment - just wanted to share from one mama to another :) Hope Annabeth gets to feeling better soon.

scm said...

amanda-i'm so sorry you went through this! praise the Lord it's just hives, although I hate hives. I pray that they go away so quickly. Love you and love her!

bethany said...

My gosh! I would be so scared! Sounds like you kept your cool better than I would have. What a strange reaction-wonder what she is allergic to? Isn't that what usually causes hives? Hope it doesn't happen again!! God was definitely watching over your little family this morning!

Missy said...

PS - When Maggie was bleeding and screaming bloody murder, I called and told the doctor, "We are coming in we'll be there in 10 minutes get ready for us." I've learned (the hard way) to be Aggressive Mommy when things like that happen. Better neurotic than sorry.

Mary Vigil said...

Praying my friend... May you be blessed with peace and rest.

Mocha with Linda said...

Oh, the poor little thing. And the mommy.

Makes one realize just how quickly life can take a sharp turn! Glad she's doing better.

Kelly’s Korner said...

OH I have learned quickly that nothing scares me more than your child being sick. I am the exact opposite of a hypochondriac - I always brush everything off as okay but with Harper I analyze EVERYTHING. I'm constantly examining her from head to toe and wondering when to call a doctor and when not to and looking up things on the internet. Being a mom is a scary job. I'm so thankful Annabeth is okay. Precious girl. Glad you are okay too.

Molly said...

Bless you both! I have only a small idea how you must have felt.

Thank God indeed - all is well!

Siesta OC

AugsburgDaisy said...

First - PTL you're home and Annabeth looks happy! Second - I'm no doctor and have no medical education. However, I have been breaking out into hives like Annabeth (except mine remain skin color) about once a year for the past 5 years. All over my face, arms, etc. Looks like I've been in a fight. No one can tell me what causes it. However, this last year, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Graves (this particular autoimmune disease attacks the thyroid). My specialist thinks my hives are somehow autoimmune related since I'm not allergic to anything. I was adopted and have no medical history. But since what I have is hereditary, I would suggest first asking your families if anyone has any type of autoimmune disease. For example, arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Blessings!

MEGAN said...

Poor Baby!!!! Glad she's ok.

Marc and Charity said...

Oh my word Amanda, I'm so thankful everything is okay...bless her sweet ears and head, and your heart! I know you don't take it lightly that she is alright!

I've had a crappy day, but nothing like yours!

Bobbie said...

Oh Amanda! I can only imagine the fear that was in your heart. I know you're grateful that your Dr. could see you--what a blessing. The anxiety that can worm it's way into a parent when their child exhibits symptoms they don't recognize is terrifying.

I'm also happy that you live so close to your Mom so she could be with you--that comfort is priceless! Bibby wouldn't be able to stand being a couple hours away!

I'm praying that Annabeth will be all better by the time she wakes up from her nap. Hugs to you all after a hectic, frightful morning!

Tabaitha said...

Wow, that would definitely put me in a panic if that happened to any of my kids. I'm glad that it's only hives, but still just saying "only hives" doesn't make it any better. Hope they go away soon and no one ends up with the flu at your house.

Unknown said...

oh my word... I would have been a spaz for sure. So thankful everything was fine with your girl.. and joining you in praying for those who arent...

Unknown said...

So thankful that it was just hives! I got them have after I had my 3rd baby and had them for about a week. It was weird!

Jennifer said...

Is there anything that you have eaten differently in the last few days? Since you are nursing maybe you ate something that she is allergic to. Or I know last night was Bible study; did she have a bottle? Just a suggestion!

Stephanie said...

Hey Amanda - was she exposed to peanuts? My son Aidan had the same hives pattern - groin, armpits, back of neck, etc, when he had his one and only peanut reaction.

Erica said...

My goodness, that is quite a morning. I am so glad she is alright. I will be praying for her complete healing!

Erica said...

I just thought of something...maybe the Lord is just reminding you that it doesn't matter what her hair looks like, mullet or just matters that she is healthy and loved immensely!

Anonymous said...

What a scary thing to go through. I'm so glad she's o.k. and that your family can rest easy!

Jessica said...

She may have developed an allergy to your washing powders, lotion, soap, or something of that nature. When I was about 18 months old I had a very large protruding place on my forehead that made me resemble a cyclops (Be proud sweet Annabeth just looked like Dumbo). They found out that I was extremely allergic to misquitos and had been bitten during the night.

Jessie said...

poor thing (the both of you!) so glad that it was a simple fix and hope that Annabeth is feeling better soon.

Heather said...

Amanda, so glad everything is ok! That would have scared me too. Bless her heart, hoping she is better after her nap and feeling well. praying for y'all.

Toknowhim said...

Oh, so sorry... I so know that kind of stuff can be so scary.

My oldest has had hives many times over his 10 years... They come and go, but they look horrible. I don't think we have ever really figured out what causes them either...

So glad that things are looking better now...

Brittney said...

Amanda that is so scary! I am glad she is alright now. I am not sure if you follow or not. She has quads and one of her boys has a similar story. It is on her September 14th post. You should check it out. EM is the name of his hives. Praying for a full recovery for the little precious!

Missy said...

SO glad she is okay! Let me know if you need anything.

Big Mama said...

Bless her heart. I can't imagine how scared you were! Glad she's okay now.

Holly said...

On my knees for all of you...didn't comment on LPM as it is Wednesday and crazy AWANA schedule keeps me running. Just know that as I run, I'm praying for all of you.

Heather said...

That would have scared me to pieces!!! I'm so glad that she is ok. There is nothing like something being wrong with your baby and your mind going a million different places with what could be wrong.

Did you or she eat anything different?

petrii said...

Oh Bless your heart. That is awful. I'm so glad she is okay.

Blessings and much love from MO,

Rachel said...

OH MY!!!

I would have done the same thing! Huge props to you for even being able to think clearly enough to make all those calls.

Especially grateful Bibby was there to be a right-hand woman!

Sweet Annabeth, you're much prayed over tonight! Sleep tight, sweet one!

KR said...

I am so grateful she's okay...and so thankful that you're a sensitive soul to all those at Texas Children's. May God bless little Annabeth and may He give you the peace of knowing what caused it all. Praying for you.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

As someone who spent a couple of weeks in a children's hospital last year with my darling baby cousin who was extremely ill, I just want to say how wonderful I think it is that in the same breath that you're thanking God that you're not at Children's Hosp. tonight, you're praying for those who are. Tender, tender heart.

ocean mommy said...

I can not imagine. Girl I'm praying that this NEVER happens again!


Jennifer said...

Thank you Jesus.

Love, Jennifer

Leslie Johnson said...

This same thing happened to both of my children (ages 2 and 4) when I switched to a "high priced" detergent. I don't want to name it because I actually LOVED it, but alas, my children were severely allergic it to it. Their reaction (which included large red bumps all over the body and face) came on so fast that my husband and I thought we were going to have to take them both to the ER, but a friend of mine suggested giving them both a luke warm bath and with in minutes they were "ok". I had to re-wash EVERYTHING that evening, and by the morning they were both completely back to normal. Glad you situation turned out ok as well!!!

Becca said...

Amanda, I know that must have been so scary. I'm so glad to hear that little Annabeth is okay now. Love ya'll!

Membership Required said...

Oh my. Poor baby and poor mama. Hope she is on the mend soon. I would have freaked out too.

Sarah said...

Scary!! Grayson gets hives terribly, and I do sometimes, too. They are SO annoying, and itchy! Something I've found that helps really well is to keep as cool as possible because heat seems to aggravate them, and we always dope up pretty well on Zyrtec or Benadryl. I think Zyrtec is the one allergy med that helps with hives. Anyway, I'm glad all turned out well, and I hope you've seen the last of them!!

Tara said...

Praise the Lord that everything is okay! I can see why you were so scared, and I'm so glad that your Mom was there to go to the doctor with you and give you her opinion. There's just nothing like having your Mom with you when you are faced with a scary parenting situation!!! I'll be praying that the Benadryl does its job and that the hives go away as quickly as they came.

Cristie said...

Wow, I am so glad she is ok...what caused the you know?

Allison said...

Bless your heart. And Annabeth's. So thankful that everything is ok. PTL!

Michelle said...

We had a very similar incident...
Looks like hives are quite common. Too bad nobody gave me that memo. Glad to hear everything is ok.

caroline said...

i've been through the same thing with my son, and was given the same prescription by my (wonderful) pediatrician - benadryl. however, around 17 months he was finally diagnosed with some severe food allergies. the third time we had the hives and swelling it was also accompanied by a lot of coughing and wheezing. the scary thing is that all those symptoms - swelling, hives, coughing and pulling on ears - are actually indicators of a potentially anaphylactic reaction to something. i've been told that hives under the arms and in any of the bodies "crevices" are almost always indicative of an allergic reaction to something ingested. i was also told, and have experienced, that every allergic reaction to a food trigger will get worse. he's 3 1/2 now and we've been reaction free for a while. however, the lord definitely uses the Epi-pen that we carry to hold any anxiety that i would have - watching my child morph into a swollen, spotted being isn't anything i ever want to see again! prayed for you all today!

valerie said...

How scary!
Makes you wonder what in the world would cause that all of a sudden?
I'm so glad you had your mom close by. I don't know what I would have done without my mom when I was such a young mom with two little ones.
Thank God Annabeth is ok!
I read your request over at the LPM blog and I'm praying!
Love to you and your sweet family,

Emily said...

Oh, poor thing! What a trooper. I would have freaked out. What a good Mama you are.

Lindsee said...

Oh my goodness! Bless her sweet little body. That is so scary! Thankful everything turned out okay. As someone with ultra sensitive skin I can totally understand. I woke up with hives ALL the time. Hope y'all figure out what triggered it and that it won't happen again.

davec777 said...

That is so scary. I had it happen with my 4th child and I was freaked out also, but we actually went to the ER. I'm glad she is ok now. ((Hugs)) to you!

Rhonda said...

Praise God for a good report. Will pray for healing and wisdom as to what caused it. Thank the Lord for mamas who are near by to help:)

AKat said...

Amanda, I am so, so thankful she is okay. My goodness! What a horrible, scary experience for you and your family. Praising the Lord she's better. (Just read the other blog and I am praying for you, Curt, Jackson and Annabeth.)

Spicy Magnolia said...

I am so, so, so glad she's ok! I am praying for your family (LPM family included). May you sleep well and be at peace!

KM said...

We had an issue of the hives once. Benadryl did not help us. If several days go by and you're still having trouble or the hives start itching like crazy...we were eventually given Hydroxyzine for children (it is a prescription) and achieved some relief with it.

It's horrible to see your baby in this shape. Hope you get better soon! Will be praying!

Deirdre said...

by the way, thank you so much for starting off your post by telling us that it turned out alright.

but I have one question - now that Annabeth and you are is Bibby?

Mary H. said...

Bless her and you! Hope all is well today and back to normal.

Karen said...

How scary! Praying that everyone woke up to a much better report today.

Suzi K said...

Poor baby girl! How scary for you guys. I would've went right to the doctors office too!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...


Check out Suz's post at One of her quads had a similar rash and it turned out to be this instead of hives. I've never heard of this (after 3 kids and 8 grandkids). Praying for all of you!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Oh my, Little Momma, it's good to know it wasn't too serious! Maybe Annabeth is allergic to a certain type of food or something?? I wonder what she may have come in contact with that gave her that kind of reaction? Praying for you all:)


Allison said...

Very scary! Do you think the little red dot was a bug bite? Was of my friends kids got bit by a scorpion the other night in his crib.

Kristen said...

Oh gosh my heart was racing while I was reading this. I'm so thankful she's okay! How scary!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Poor thing...I'm glad to see that everything is okay. :)

Becky said...

Thank the Lord she's okay. I know how that kind of thing tears a Mommy up though. I hope are all resting more peacefully today!

Jenn said...

So glad she is all better! God is good!

I have to say that your baby girl is starting to look more like her big brother! That one profile picture looks just like your little Mister!

Blessings to you all!

Cindy- My Life HIS Story said...

I've been away from blogland for a bit with business travel...I am so sorry, but I am so glad she is better. Nothing is more frightening than for something to be wrong with your baby!

Ashley said...

How scary! I hope you can figure out what it was...thankful she is alright!

Ashli said...

Amanda, Will you please put Belle Mitchell on your prayer list. She is the two year old daughter of our Youth Pastor at FBC in Rock Hill, his name is David Mitchell. Belle had brain surgery on Monday to remove a malignant tumor. She is up and down, the cancer is an aggressive form not normally found in children. She has some spots on her spine, too. We are praying for a miracle, and right now for the swelling in her brain to go down.
God is in control, but we want all who can to pray. Thank you, There is a pic on my blog...

Dionna said...

I'm so glad she is all right! You had every right to be terrified! I would've been too. I remember when my youngest got hives from pink eye medicine - I didn't know what the heck was going on. But the head thing - Yah - I'm glad your mom helped march you down to ER.

Brittany said...

I am a first time commenter....but I love your site! I haven't visited lately, and I just now saw where little Annabeth had a scary situation with hives.
She looks just like my son....he has food allergies, and before he was tested.....he would look just like that from time to time. I know it is very scary, but hopefully everything will be fine! :)

She is just adorable!