After Bibby left, Jackson was taunting Annabeth with some toy he doesn't really care about and she just went right ahead and hit him. So I put them both in time out.
I kept a very stern look on my face while retrieving my camera to document this new aspect of family life - sibling rivalry. (They were pretty cute sitting there.)
I'm hoping for a mild case, but what I deserve is for them to drive me crazy until I'm old and gray.

Ha!! So cute! My brother and I were good friends and got along great from about the time we were 12 (me) and 10 year old. We were pretty much completely out of one another's worlds by that point. The down side is that although we are very close now, I know if he'd been a she, we'd be even closer. I have 2 girls and keep hearing that they'll be at each others' throats 'til well into their teen years and yet so incredibly close as adults. Silly me, I'm hoping for the best of both worlds!
Annabeth seemed to take it a little better than Jackson. Just think one day he will be fighting to protect that sweet sister of his!
man, she's a keeper. what a doll. they don't come much cuter than that . . . sorry about the hitting though, that's no fun. my 5 are all home together all day every day now that school's out and that's a test of everyone's patience, let me tell you! (especially their pregnant and slightly-crabby-already momma)! we've got more than our share of sibling rivalry as well!
I love how she's looking at him in the first picture like "Look what you got us into!" So cute!
When my Mom is here it is the same way and Connor even gets mad at us for trying to talk or have a conversation!!!! They just LOVE their Grammy!!
tell me how you kept a straight face with your sweet girl smiling at you that way??? did you secretly go squeeze her up after it was all over????
...SO cute :)
The picture of Annabeth smiling while she is in time out is priceless. Jackson does not seem quite as happy. I have a feeling he might have more experience with this :)
Well AB looks like she's having a blast - with that fountain of blonde and pink attached to the top o' her head.
This is hilarious! Its such a great shot.
I love the one where they are looking at eachother like "its your fault!!"
My Anna (20 mos.) thinks time out is pretty novel right now too. She's as happy to be there as Annabeth seems to be. It's like a promotion in life, I think, to be old enough for banishment.
Okay, the best part is how vastly different their facial expressions are...hahahahahahaha! Too funny! Bless their little hearts...
Very cute... I have three boys and often feel like I'm the ref in a boxing match. You over here, you're in this corner...and you're in this one.
They laugh and squeel and I have to admit that sometimes I do too.
Yesterday they were jumping (flying) off the couch onto bubble wrap having the greatest time...and I was picturing myself with one of them in the ER!
LOL! How did you keep a straight face when taking these pictures?? That's so funny. I agree, I think AB took the whole timeout a lot better than Jackson--he knows what it's really all about!
You really are a great Mom!
Too cute Amanda!
I love it!! Is it bad that I'm delighting in their wrongdoing?
My sister and I are 13 months apart - we drove our mom crazy with our bickering. She always said she hoped we had two just like us. Well, I ended up in the convent. And my mom's wishes were fulfilled when my sister had 2 girls 13 months apart (completely unplanned!). She said she's getting what she deserves!
You're two cuties are precious - Annabeth doesn't seem to realize she's being punished! Thanks for sharing the sweet pics!
blessings - sister Lynn
That look on his face is so sad but funny!
Annabeth looks so happy like she is having fun, not sure she gets it hah But from the expression on Jackson's face - he sure gets it.
Bless their hearts . . .
Oh how cute. Annabeth's hair is DARLING here. I think you have perservered through the difficult hair phase you talked about a while back, because this is precious. They are both so cute.
Absolutely LOVE Jackson's face!!!
Precious, precious! I need to take some pics of my kids in time out...that's a great memory! :)
Love it!!! They are so cute. And oh do we have those moments too! Sometimes I have to turn my head so they don't see my smiling!
seriously, that's just adorable.
when mine got a little older than this (like 5 and 9 yrs old) I'd make them sit and hold hands when they had a spat. had to sit there til they were talking nice and laughing together. (sat 45 min one time!)
but they sure do get a long well today... heehee :)
you seem like such a good mama.
this is a precious time in your life!
I temporarily own all of the train tracks and trains, Lincoln Logs, and Tinker Toys due to sibling "love." And my boy's little sister got to keep the blocks- for good. That was a rough lesson.... :)
Pretty funny! So glad that you captured it with your camera :)
They are cute--especially the ones where AB is smiling from ear to ear! :)
Love her outfit and hairdo/bow too! :) I think you've passed the awkward hair phase--YAY! :)
Donna was just telling me yesterday how Cael and Jude were hitting each other so she had to sit them in time out. Jude was very unhappy, but Cael was just laughing and playing on the chair like he had no cares in the world.
Oh too funny! And I commend you for being able to keep a straight face while taking these pictures, because I must say, they are even cute while in timeout, haha!!
Oh my goodness! The look on Annabeth's face. She doesn't seem at all bothered by time out.
I love how AB is smiling in timeout but J is all grouchy....he obviously understands the purpose ot a timeout....and his legs look so long! They're both getting so big!!!
Ahhhh, I love it! Hee hee hee!!
Oh my goodness...these pictures are great... I have seen the same face that Jackson made on my boys when they get in trouble.
Annabeth is adorable...she doesn't seem to be bothered by the time out session...her smile is great...
I'm cracking up over how Annabeth is smiling, even though she's being punished. Ha! Maybe it's an instinct when the camera is out?
Now that is hysterical!!
Oh it just gets better and better from there! Mine were sitting on the couch holding hands earlier, as a punishment for fighting. It works until someone squeezes a hand too tightly and then we're somehow right back where we started! LOL By the way, I deserve the same thing until I'm old and gray too.
Ah, that's great:) Makes me laugh inside-and smile!:)
BAAAA HAHAHA!!!! They are sooo cute!!! Getting big too! And...the person named, "Lemonade makin mama"...she just totally made me crave a big glass of lemonade...YUM!!!
This looks oddly familiar....
Love their faces: Jackson being mad and Annabeth smiling!
Mine are 9 & 12 and now time-out is in their rooms so they can't keep taunting each other with looks or words.
just browsing through and saw these hilarious pics! isn't it funny how time-out affects each child differently?! annabeth is just sitting there with a smile...and jackson looks like he is completely miserable!
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