Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Tree Extravaganza

I cannot stop giggling about this. I never imagined that the sock Jackson's school asked for would become the Baby Jesus.

So, last night we had the Jones Family Annual Christmas Tree Hunting Extravaganza. I have great memories of my family going to get our tree growing up, so I like to do it up right. The Moore family highly prized a good tree and we always got the biggest, fullest one we could fit in our living room. So that is what I carry in my heart when we go to find our Jones Family Tree.

Every year Curt threatens to get us a fake tree. One year we got a nice pre-lit tree but Beckham was a puppy and he ate (chewed and swallowed) the light clusters off the bottom two feet of the tree. That one goes on our porch now. I'm actually allergic to pine, so I'm always slightly tempted to give in to this sacrilege, but when it comes down to it we get a real tree. They're just so much more festive!

Okay, so I thought last night would be so fun. The last two years with Jackson have really been neat and now he's older and understands more. I always take my camera to document the process. Well, we had a boy who hadn't napped, a camera battery that died before one picture could be taken, and two parents who were at odds about the price range of tree we should be looking at. The garden center we were at advertised "Most trees $35," so this became Curt's expectation. Well, the first tree I pointed out to my husband ended up having $189 on the price tag. Once I knew that, of course I didn't ask for that tree, but maybe that will illustrate the difference in our taste. That was not a good way to start off because it put us both on the defensive.

I was ready to fight for a middle-ground tree. I like the trees where the branches are sticking straight out and not up. Those were doable, in my opinion. Then the Lord reminded me that at lunch that very day, I praised myself TO MY HUSBAND for being such a submissive wife. Ha ha ha ha! There is so much wrong with that statement! Seriously, I am laughing so hard at myself today. (I'm not telling whether he agreed with me or not.)

So I submitted to my husband and the $35 tree. It was hard, y'all. I really like a grand tree. But I was highly aware that the Spirit of Christmas was not being displayed in my person. I put a smile on my face and said, "I love it!" I'm not sure how believable I was. But one thing I know is that God blesses me when I submit to my husband. If He wanted to, He could give me the grace to believe it was the most beautiful tree that has ever graced any home and He could even take away its ability to make my nose run. On the other hand, if I fought for the one I really wanted and got it, he could make all the needles fall off by next week and it might have some kind of termite living in it that would infest my house. YOU JUST NEVER KNOW. Or maybe the blessing would just be that I wouldn't be in a fight with Curtis. Which is a very valuable thing in itself. Hubs did very cheerfully let me buy two live wreaths when we were checking out, so that was a bonus. Incidentally, together they cost more than the tree.

So the Jones Family Tree of 2008 is up and decorated in our living room. Of course, its placement took some compromise and working together. The couches have been rearranged and everything. But it looks great and Curtis and I are still in love. Jackson did not get to decorate it with us due to his extremely sour mood and having to go to bed early, but his expression this morning when he first saw it was priceless.

Here are some pics of Jackson investigating the tree. He was immediately drawn to the little red and silver ball ornaments that I just bought. They're not breakable, but don't tell him that. He's not allowed to play with them and it's killing him. He keeps telling me how he wants to bounce, bounce, bounce! them.

The tree is prettier in person, but I think that's true of every photographed Christmas tree. I apologize for most of the ornaments being clustered at the top. That is of course because of the boy. Also, check out the old school tinsel that Curt requested this year. Well, I'm saving the rest of our pics for BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes!

Gotta run. Time to get ready for our Babymoon/Mega-Date Weekend!

PS - Jackson told me his head boo-boo was itching this morning, so I took a look at it. I hadn't seen it in a while since you really have to dig through his thick hair and he puts up a fight. But today I saw it...and I almost threw up in his hair. It was so disgusting! Little boys and their scabs! Ugh!


ocean mommy said...

The tree is great!!! And for the record, I hide that old school tinsel...every year the man brings one silver and one gold home...because it was on sale. I can't stand the stuff, but for whatever reason he loves it. This year, our girls grabbed it as soon as he walked through the door with it. They decked out their rooms with it.

Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Amanda, your comment about looking at his boo-boo has me dying laughing! I had never had a real queasy stomach until after having both my kids. Now, some of the smallest things make me gag and want to hurl! Actually, just thinking about Jackson's scab made me throw up a little bit in my mouth! ;)

Marc and Charity said...

I think your tree looks really nice, I can't imagine what a $189 tree looks like! :) Have fun on your mega-date!

Erica said...

I love the tree and the story even more. Way to submit! That would have been hard. I really don't understand why a tree can be so started as a seed!
Brea saw the "sock" in the manger, and very cautiously asked, "Is that Jesus." too cute!

Marla Taviano said...

Your tree is beautiful! And looks great with all your red.

It looks a lot like ours (a $40 frasier fir). And I hate that my pictures don't do it justice! Oh well.

We got ours in a parking lot. So romantic. And Gabe had to remove himself from the decorating festivities. He was about to blow. :)

Have an awesome weekend!!

Missy said...

So much fun that you have your tree up! I will remember your lesson in submissiveness when we go cut ours down tomorrow. :)

Holly said...

You know? I woke up praying for your Babymoon. Isn't that funny how God puts us on one another's hearts? It never would have happened, I'm thinkin', if you had not started the LPM blog. So your great heart and idea has reaped prayer connection.

We caved to a fake tree on the main family room last year--no job or money and a sweet neighbor offering her 10 foot pre-lit tree to us for free. Chris did NOT like it! This year, he likes it a bit more. Of course in our basement, we will get a real Charlie Brown tree for the kids to decorate. I'll be sure and post it on the tour!

Have SUCH a wonderful time, Amanda!!

lavonda said...

Yay for you, being submissive on the tree! That's HUGE, my friend. HUGE. Like, that should normally be an exclusionary clause in the fineprint of the wedding vows.

The ornaments at the top... now that brings back some memories from a few years ago. And it's beautiful. Not sure where your Texas trees are cut from, but here, a tree that size is for sure over $40.

My dear friend in Boston, her first yr living there from Florida, went to a tree lot to get a small tree for her apt. One for the table, you know. She told the man she wanted about a $25-$30 tree. He walked her past all the teeny Charlie Brown trees all the way back to the 12 footers! So, to get the size she wanted, she only had to pay less than $10 for it.

My home is all decorated and smells SO GOOD with the tree, and garland on the banister, and wreath on the door... I love it!
But I'll have to just enjoy seeing all of everyone's pretty decorations on BooMama's Tour Of Homes, because I don't have my own blog yet to post mine. Haven't taken the time to figure that part out...

Immeasurably More Mama said...

The tree looks beautiful in your living room. I would love to see what a $189 tree looks like...WOW!!!

I'm very nostalgic when it comes to
a Christmas tree and have fond memories of picking out a real
tree every year with my family, too. It was a BIG deal to us and a fake tree was never an option!

Kiki said...

We do a fake tree and laugh at it every year. This year the boys put on every single ornament. We meant to redo it, but it's kinda cute!

Kelly said...

The tree really is beautiful! It almost makes me want to go get a real one. We have always used fake - which I like because I like pre-lit and I don't like mess. But that tree is just lovely.
And so are the red curtains behind it!

Big Mama said...

Oh, the Christmas tree shopping. It will test the fabric of a marriage for sure.

And I think the old school tinsel looks cool. Very retro.

R said...

i love your red couch and drapes! are they red year-round, or just for Christmas? my kitchen is red year-round, so it's especially fun when Christmas rolls around. :0)

katiegfromtennessee said...

I'm lovin' your tree, Little Momma!:) Way to go, submitting to Curtis-not a hill to die on, right??:) I'm lovin' your Christmas and megadate excitement too, precious thing ya are:)

Love in CHRIST,


Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I'm so feelin' you on every bit of this post. I settled for a $35 tree from Lowe's but the deal was I got live wreaths for my sacrifice.

I am also having feng shui issues with my living room furniture placement but it is worth it to have the tree in front of the window so you can see the lights from the street.

Michelle said...

i pulled this post up and keegan said, "Look, A BUG!"
i was laughing hysterically.

have fun this weekend!!!!

Rita Loca said...

I love the little baby Jesus sock!

Sister Lynn said...

Your tree is lovely!!! It looks like some type of fir - white fir maybe? Hopefully, this will be the beginning of lots of fond Christmas memories for Jackson!

have a blessed babymoon and Advent!
sister Lynn

Patty said...

Your tree is beautiful! I was in Nashville last week at a big shopping area and saw live trees for sale starting at 49.00 and I gasped. Seriously, when I was buying live trees they were 20 dollars. I am with you on the limbs sticking out.

Have a wonderful babymoon!

Toknowhim said...

That is a pretty tree for the $35.00 price tag. I love when the kids get older and they can help out with the Christmas traditions...

Have fun on your babymoon...

AnnG said...

Being a submissive wife is not always easy but it is always rewarding! The tree is lovely...and CHEAP! More money for presents!!! lol

Traci said...

Hey Amanda- I just tagged you to fill out a Christmas survey if you'd be so kind! I read all you Texans (Big Mama, LPM, A Long Way from the Theta House, Solio Deo Gloria,Vicki Courtney, etc. - You all crack me up!) Anyway- was hoping for a Texan response. Thanks! Hope you had a great weekend!

Karen said...

I have these visions in my head of them eventually making an entire sock holy family. too cute!

that tree was only 35.00? it looks beautiful! (which serves to show me that sometimes I only think it has to be expensive to look good!)

enjoy the day...

ncmama said...


What a beautiful tree! God did and will indeed bless you for your submission. Thanks so much for the reminder. Hope you enjoy a fabulous weekend with your hubby!

Kristen said...

Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard at the sock baby Jesus! Tree looks good!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I love that you told Curtis you are a really submissive wife. That's like a lightning rod for the opposing team, you know?

Thanks for always keeping it real, Amanda. I appreciate it.

Allison said...

That is the most beautiful $35 tree I've ever seen-- you got a GREAT deal. Are you sure Curtis didn't switch the price tags??? :)

Michele Helms said...

I love Christmas.....I have 5 children and every year I have visions of putting up the family tree...drinking hot chocolate....festive music playing and all the kids helping neatly put the decorations up. Every year this dream is busted for some reason or another. It is always fun but VERY chaotic!

Your tree is lovely!

Mary R Snyder said...

Amanda -- I so get the annual Christmas tree compromise. I've been down that road more times than I can count. We usually found the tree -- compromised on the best one and headed home only to wrestle the Monster Tree into the house, cut it off four times to make it fit (in our vaulted ceiling) and then try to get it to stand up in the huge bucket tree holder.

Can you tell we love our trees big? The best year was the one when I'd had all I could handle and just left the tree negotiations to dear hubby. The next thing I hear is the sound of drill whirling in my living room. Hubby had screwed the tree stand to the floor. It worked and with carpet you don't even notice the holes in the floor.

Love the christmas tree stories.


Wifeof1Momof4 said...

The tree looks good from here. Nice and full!

I don't even have ornaments up yet .. the 3 and 2 year old have been busy "breaking" them all. :)

Jenn said...

Amanda... I love the tree, but I also wanted to tell you that your new family picture on the right is absolutely gorgeous!! Blessings to the Jones'!!!!

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

I loved the part on submitting and the tree. The termite part and "you just never know" had me laughing!

Debbie said...

Cute tree. My family always wants tinsel too. A few years ago I had a "pretty" tree upstairs and a "kid" tree downstairs. Someone needed a tree so my downstairs tree went to them....
SO, no tinsel for us this year, but maybe if I get a good deal on a tree after Christmas we can start with it again.

barbara head said...

That is about the cutest baby Jesus I have seen in a long time. Just think, satan is under HIS feet. What is better than a sock baby.

MamaCass said...

I love the baby Jesus sock. Very cute! Your tree looks great. I was expecting a few missing branches for $35.

Tara G. said...

My dad is a forester, so I felt like I was betraying someone when I bought a pre-lit fake tree (off ebay!) a couple of years ago when my husband was deployed. I felt better when people asked if it was real...if we make through this season without it falling over or something, it'll be a blessing from the Lord. Boy just turned 3 jumped and broke a branch and 6 m baby girl just learned she can roll and roll to get to it...

Anonymous said...

The sock Baby Jesus is just too cute!! And kudos to you for being the submissive wifey!!