Monday, December 01, 2008

Wisdom for Mothers

I have so much to say today but I will try to have some self-control. We took Jackson to see Bolt last night. He did so great! On our last two movie attempts he did not make it to the end, once because the movie was so very terrible (Fly Me to the Moon), and once because Jackson was trying to manipulate his daddy into playing the race car video games with him in the lobby. This time he made it all the way through and was so good! We are enjoying the extra measure of independence and self-control that almost-three-year-olds have. Just in time to start all over! *Grin*

I spent a couple of hours before bedtime going through all of our pictures from 2008. We had our roadtrip with Janelle and Ella, Melissa's wedding, Jackson's second birthday, his joint party with Ella, pictures of our move and goodbye dinners with friends, Easter, the rodeo, Mother's Day, LPM's new office, our San Antonio vacation, lots of summer scenes in our backyard, Missouri, our trip to Galveston one week before Ike, my birthday, Thanksgiving, and lots of random things. A lot of life has been lived in these 12 months. Jackson has grown like a weed and it's been delightful to see his physical, mental, and verbal development. On top of that, to see him begin to grasp things of God like reading Bible stories, singing songs to and about Him, short memory verses, and praying is probably the greatest joy of my life.

At MOPS last week we had a speaker from a great ministry called Motherwise. I have always wanted to be in a Motherwise group but it has not panned out for me yet. The one at my church meets on a morning that isn't good for me since I would also have to be there that night. That's the drawback of not living a street away like we did in Irving! Anyway, the speaker gave each of us a Bible study workbook called Wisdom for Mothers by Denise Glenn. I just finished day 5 today. It has been such a blessing. I'm excited about how God is going to use this in my life. Already, I have a hugely renewed sense of purpose and direction. I feel focused and joyful about the role God has given me. Thank You, Lord. What a gift. I know He is preparing me and filling me up for a new season. I want to be a good mother - a joyful, godly, wise, effective, loving mother. I don't want to just "make it through." With God's equipping power, I want to thrive.

The Lord gave me this verse last week from 2 Timothy 2:16: "Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly." Ouch. How often do I give my ear and my own mouth to godless chatter? And God promises me that if I continue in that, not only will I not grow, but I will become more and more ungodly. He was being stern with me that day but it was certainly effective. I have made one big change in particular and He has blessed me with joy and freedom because of it.

Jerrell preached yesterday at church about having our hunger for God renewed. It was an awesome message and I was excited because God had just removed that junk food from my life that was dulling my hunger for Him. So I'm encouraged that He is going to renew my hunger for Him daily and help me walk in His power through 2009. I know in my own flesh I do not have what it takes to parent a newborn and a three-year-old in grace and peace, but by His Spirit and on the foundation of His Word, I have everything I need. Thank You, Jesus. Now if my posts in '09 get to sounding defeated and deflated, someone point me back to this one!


Lora said...

"...but by His Spirit and on the foundation of His Word, I have everything I need" That is good news!
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I don't comment much, but have been following your blog for a while now. I nominated you for a blog award! Check out my blog for instructions on what to do.

Haley said...

Amanda thank you for your encourging words today, you really opened my eyes to some things. God bless you and your family.

Holly said...

Praying exactly this for you, Amanda. Now be alert, 'cause it's the last thing the enemy wants you to do.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I found myself tearing down my own house with my two hands. And the Lord was so faithful to call me on it. So I took the necessary steps to right every bit of ripping I had just done. Of course there are repurcussions from my actions. But GRACE.

Mmm... there's nothing like a Mama, who loves Jesus and wants to build her house on the Rock, who also displays right before those she loves the most the wonderful grace of Jesus--covering ALL.

Praying specifically for every good thing God has planned for you to bear lasting and much fruit!
with Love

R said...

this post encouraged me! i have a 3 year-old and a 1 year-old (as of saturday!), with one on the way in may, so it reminded me that i need to re-commit to get spiritually fit in the months in between.

Deidre said...

Yes, only through Jesus can we even come close to the Mothers we wish to be. This verse is very convicting, Amanda. I've been working on the same attitude because I see how effective my words are to my girls (7 and 3).

debra parker said...

you are fun!

Your encouragement is contagious.

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

What a timely word for ALL of us... and especially me. :)

Rachel said...

Amanda, thank you for this post and reminder to not keep the "junk food" from spoiling my desire for God. I so often think "I deserve *this*" (whatever *this* is at the time) because of all I do for my family. Truth is I need to lend my hear to my sweet Father who will give me every good and perfect gift, exactly what I do need. I am very interested in this study!!!

petrii said...

What a beautiful post. Ouch on that verse ~~ how often godless chatter enters my world ~~ ouch again!!

Thank you for your honesty and transparency.

Have a Blessed week,

Profbaugh said...


You constantly make me smile! All I can say is "you go girl!! Follow His lead."

Much love,

Jerry, Lauren, Kaylee, and Isaac! said...

That was so well written and totally on my heart too! We just found out we are expecting #2 and our little girl will be 3 in March. I hear you on being totally sold out for Jesus and a renewed hunger in 2009! I really want that too. If you think of it please pray our tiny tot is healthy and thrives! Thanks so much and congrats your little girl will be here soon! Lauren

Erica said...

What a joy to have a renewed sense of purpose. Those moments are always refreshing and encouraging for me. My toes were stepped on a bit too. I long to grow and must avoid godless chatter!
I would love to meet up with you sometime. We are here and settled in our bedroom at Brian's parent's house. I straightened it up today, and when Brian came home he said, "Honey, you cleaned house!" It was cute. Talk to you soon.

Lauren said...

About this:
"I know in my own flesh I do not have what it takes to parent a newborn and a three-year-old in grace and peace, but by His Spirit and on the foundation of His Word, I have everything I need."

Amen to that, sister. That is TRUTH right there. I need to remember it every day.

Ashley said...

Denise Glenn...she came and spoke to a women's retreat I was at one time...gosh, it's been 6 years ago almost. She was very good!

Anonymous said...

God gave me that same verse a few months ago - ouch!! Thanks for the timely reminder :-)

Wanda said...


Denise's curriculum is the bomb!
You will LOVE it!

I went through it when my kids were much younger and it changed my life.....and my family's!

Hang in there. We all feel inadequate at our "mother jobs" sometimes. You were handpicked by God to be the mama to Jackson and sweetgirl! So He knows your capabilities!

Cling to His I know you do. It will never fail you.

Marla Taviano said...

Bless you for writing this! I needed it today!

Becky Kiser said...

I totally agree about Jerrell's message. Chris and I both left so inspired to hunger for God. But not just to hunger, but truly have our souls fed!!

Sarah said...

What a great post. Thanks I have often thought that Jesus did not do what he for me so that I could live a "hanging by a thread" type of existence. He does want us to thrive and take full advantage of all he has to offer.

Maria said...

AMEN! As the mother of a 3.5 year old girl and a 1 year boy, I often get caught in the trap of feeling overwhelmed which often leads me to choose to disobey God. You are very wise to be thinking about parenting two kids BEFORE your sweet little girl arrives.

If you stay near to Jesus, He will sustain you and you will love parenting two.

Another amen to getting rid of Godless chatter.

Cindy said...

How blessed your family will be because of your desire to study His Word. I didn't begin to seriously study the Bible until my children were in school. What a difference it would have made in me and our family. However, it is never too late to study God's Word.

Your pictures from the past year were precious. Jackson is adorable.

MamaCass said...

Such great encouragement! I think I miss that the most about you at FBCI. You are going to do great with two kiddos!!!

FitzandMolly said...

right now, i'm praying for grace to parent a near-3-year-old and have morning sickness at the same time!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Little Momma!:)

That is the best to look at old pics and remember where and what God has brought you through. Lots of adventures over 12 mo. for you! That is super cool that the Lord has given you that book, that is the kind of mother I would like to be too...ouch, yeah, good verse...Yay! you are hungering and thirsting for the Lord, Little Momma, He is doing a refreshing work in you-2009 will be blessed!!:) Yes, thankyou Jesus!


Anonymous said...

I never needed a word more! Thanks Amanda. In sharing your thoughts you are a mighty conduit of Godly wisdom.