Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Curtis and I celebrated a little early this year. My parents kept the kids (still so weird to say that) at their house last night while we went to see a movie. Since we didn't really have time to do dinner and a movie, we went to one of those theaters where you can order a real meal and eat it while you're watching. We saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. I was stunned that my husband suggested it and even more stunned that he laughed throughout and actually liked it! It was super cute and only PG. It's always nice to leave a theater and not have to feel bad about what you just saw. Anyway, Curtis had two gifts for me. The first gift was a pair of silver hoop earrings from Banana Republic. I LOVE them! And the second was a small box of Godiva chocolates. Praise the Lord. I lerve Godiva. My man did so good!

Curtis cut me some slack this year since I couldn't really do much shopping. I could only think of things to get him at Best Buy and he has a ton of gift cards to there from Christmas that he hasn't even begun to use. What he wanted, he said, was a free pass to go to a movie one night and see something guyish. Granted! I think he's going tonight. I hope he doesn't feel weird alone in a theater with a hundred couples. I did get him a card, since words are my love language and all.

I got the kids' valentines at the grocery store. It was a nice chance to get them surprises that don't cost much. Jackson got a card that lights up. It was so cute. He also got a sword that makes bubbles and a bag of chocolate candy. Annabeth got a Sesame Street card and a pink teddy bear wearing a feather boa and carrying a purse full of conversation hearts. She donated her candies to her brother.

It seriously irks me how bad Annabeth's pink stuff clashes with my red couches in all our pictures. If only I'd known I would have a girl!

This is officially my favorite picture I've ever taken: my two February Valentines.


Mocha with Linda said...

Look at that million-dollar big brother smile! What a precious picture of those two!!

And the couch looks fine - the dark background just emphasizes the pale pink

Happy Valentine's Day!

Lindsee Lou said...

In regard to the last picture: And rightfully so it should be your new favorite. It is adorable. Melts my heart!

Jen and I went and saw Confessions last night also, we loved it. So clean and SO cute!

Glad y'all got to have a date night!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your precious fam!

Taylor said...

that is beyond precious. and Jackson's smile in every picture that he is holding Annabeth is the best!!

happy valentines day, amanda!

love one of your blog-readers, :)

Lindsee Lou said...

P.S. Was wondering this morning if you sent Shelly some red heart Valentine Lollipops?! Ha! ;)

Unknown said...

That last picture--your favorite--is absolutely precious. Just wait...they will love each other so much. My two are 4 1/2 and 9 months and they are so sweet together. Happy Valentines Day! I want to see Shopaholic!

Marla Taviano said...

That's officially MY favorite picture you've ever taken. Your 2 February Valentines. I LOVE IT.

A Sweet and Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!!

Unknown said...

Awww, that last picture is adorable!!!

When my daughter was about a year old I went to buy myself a new winter coat. We have winter six months out of the year, mind you, so I'd be wearing it a LOT. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the red coat I found, and it looked really good with my coloring. Alas....I thought of my daughter and her own sweet pink winter coat, and I sadly put the red back and bought the navy. I couldn't bear walking around in a red coat holding my baby in her pink coat. And since she was only a year old, I was going to spend a LOT of future time still carrying her around. So I totally understand where you are coming from with the red couches!! Now at least revamp your wardrobe and nix the red sweaters and coats!!

Mary said...

that picture is perfection!! makes getting up all night worth it!

Heather said...

I love the picture with both of them. They are sweet Valentine's. Happy Valentine's day to you all.

jeni said...

What beautiful children!! Makes me remember when mine were little. Happy Valentine's Day to your sweet family!

Melinda said...

They are just cutie patooties! Thanks for sharing!

Happy Valentine's day to you and yours,

Fran said...

Laughed out loud when you said that Annabeth donated her candy to her brother. SCORE!!!

The pix are really just so cute. Jackson's face is priceless. The boys smile makes me smile.

Happy Vday weekend.

Missy said...

Precious!!! He is such a proud big brother.

Kiki said...

Haven't you heard? Pink and red don't clash any more!

Ooh, I want to see that movie, what a great date night idea!

Happy Valentines Day!

debra parker said...

What fun Valentines you have. We are enjoying our day as well... Colt is sick but other than that he is enjoying the love fest.

Annabeth is just a doll and of course Mr.Jackson is so handsome.

Beki said...

That last pic is just so sweet!!! Glad you get out w/ your hubby for a little while.

Haley said...

How precious! I'm glad that y'all had a great evening! I've been wanting to see that movie as well. Good to know it's clean...

Pam said...

So glad you got a chance to have fun and how incredible that Curtis is getting some "guy" time, too.

The pictures are darling, and I LOVE the red couch. If you think all Annabeth's clothing clashing ruins your shots, drape a lovely pink or white blanket over the end of the sofa. I used to do the same thing with my girlies when their clothes didn't match our sofa.

Until she is big enough to crawl out of it, I'd take lots and lots of pictures in your pink minky dot chair in her nursery. That is so lovely.

Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us, Amanda!

barbara head said...

Your favorite pic is my favorite also. They are two terrific looking kids!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

That is such a sweet photo of your kiddos!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Browns said...

They are beautiful children--the best valentine's ever:)

Heather said...

That last picture is BREATHTAKING!! You are so blessed, indeed! Happy Valentines Day, friend!

Sarah said...

Just think of the red as a perfect foil for the pink to stand out against :)

Happy Valentine's to you! Your pictures are SO cute!!

Darlene R. said...

What a sweet picture! I love his grin. I also smiled at the fact that the card is almost as big as Annabeth! What a couple of cuties!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Oh, I think your pink and red go well together--very Valentine-y! And I love the fabric on the pillow in the picture too...wanna spill where you got it?


Erica said...

They are absolutely precious!
What a beautiful family!

Tara said...

Wow that by far is the sweetest picture ever!! That's needs to be in a huge frame :)

ginger said...

Ditto Joanne on the pillow fabric--love it! My 1st "Valentine" baby will be 12 in 2 days...time sure goes by fast. Enjoy!

Moose Mama said...

I'm sorry, I disagree. The red is a perfect backdrop for such a beauty!

Happy Valentine's Day, Amanda!


Wencked said...

That last picture is too cute for have some adorable kids there.

Gran Jan said...

That is one proud big brother - that picture is precious - pure love on Valentine's Day!

Take care of your sweet self - rest when you can...

Blessings to you,
Georgia Jan

bethany said...

Oh my goodness! That picture of Jackson and Annabeth is the sweetest! That's all I have to say about that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pics. I LOVE your couch and pillows. So pretty.
Happy Valentine's Day!

connorcolesmom said...

I love the one of Jackson and Annabeth!
So sweet!
Happy Valentine's Day to you !!
Enjoy that sweet family!

Heather said...

That last picture is BEAUTIFUL!! That one deserves a frame for sure.
If your red couch bugs you too much, you could always slip cover it! :) But I don't think it's bad at all.
Glad you and your honey got some couple's time!

Ashley said...

Look at the smile on his face!!!

Amanda said...

Those pillows are from Pottery Barn from last spring. I wish they still had them!

petrii said...

I TOTALLY dig the pink itty bitty on the red couch -- TOTALLY DIG IT!! How sweet of Curtis to go see a chic flick with you and like it. And dinner AT the movie. Who knew? We don't have that in MO (I don't think)_!!!

Have a Blessed Lord's day,

Rachel said...

um that last pic needs to be framed and hung in a VERY prominent place in your house. Just precious! Hope you are continuing to have the sweetest time with that darling Annabeth!
much love,
rachel winn

Deedra said...

They are so adorable! As for the red/pink clash, get a super soft plush or better yet shimmery throw in a neutral color (white or beige).....fabulous girly pics await!!

Big Mama said...

He looks so proud. Bless his sweet heart.

The B's said...

Love the last picture!!! It is TOOO cute...

I love the pillows on your couch...are those from Pottery Barn??? I've got to get some...they add the perfect dramatic touch!!! :)

Lauren said...


valerie said...

Precious, priceless picture of Jackson holding his baby sister.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Tara said...

Oh, that last picture needs to be framed! So cute and definitely 2 of your sweetest Valentine's!

So glad that you and Curtis were able to go out last night. We did the same thing and it sure was nice to "beat the crowds." My husband picked a girlie movie too (isn't that so thoughtful of our guys) and we loved it because it was clean and funny too!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!!

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

On my daughter's 1st Valentine's Day - her daddy got her some flowers (she was 3 wks old!). He has kept up this tradition every year - this January she turned 30! Daddy is a girl's best Valentine ever!!
Love, Mammy

Kelly @ Love Well said...

You're so right; that is one of the cutest pictures I've ever seen.

And I don't think the red clashes.

Not for Valentine's Day, anyway.

Lauren said...

Amanda- I'm loosing it. Can't remember if I commented on this or not, haha!!!! So pardon me if I did, lol. Those pictures are sooo precious. Jackson is going to make one awesome big brother :o) Glad you and the hubby were able to get out for V-Day!!!! :o)

creative gal said...

I love it!!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Amanda, I had to wipe up the tears to read this after your last post, but I am blessed to read about your Valentine's Day:) I worked yesterday, and came home to find pink roses, chocolates that were in a box that says "faith, hope, and love" on the front, and a card. I love that man that God has given me-very much:) Praise the Lord, you had a good date night, and your KIDS (plural:) are the cutest:):)

Love in Him, ((HUGS)) and blessings,


Kari Lynn said...

I love the last pic, how adorable.

I'm glad to see a good review for that movie. I want to see it too!

The B's said...

Amanda, Do you know what the pattern is called? I want to look on Ebay! :)

Marc and Charity said...

That last picture is precious!

Mary H. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Schmidt Family said...

Hey sister! They are too cute together! I'm amazed at how much Annabeth looks like Jackson!! Miss you!

Becky Kiser said...

that is a precious pic of them!!

3girlsmom said...

I mentioned you on my blog today. Check it out. All about girls and their daddies.
LOVE the red couch. The pic of J & A is a framer, for sure.
Hope y'all had a great VDay!

Travis said...

That last pic is a framer. You need to file that away in the "Dress Rehearsal Slide Show" file!

Becca said...

Jackson and Annabeth are so stinkin' cute!! I love Annabeth's hairbow...just precious!

MITZI said...

Jackson is so handsome and that smile!! Priceless.

Debbie said...

I took my Mindy to see Confessions of a Shopaholic tonight and we loved it. I told my husband the same thing about it being so clean. You NEVER know even when it is PG.
I love all of the pictures! I'm glad you all had a great Valentine's Day!

Allison said...

The pink/red clash thing....when you have something that adorable, you don't even see the clash!

Ashley said...

That is such a CUTE picture of jackson and Annabeth. I love it. I think by far it should be your new favorite. :)

JayCee said...

I can see why that last pic is your favorite - how preciously adorable!

twinkle said...

So precious! Hope you got the box of goodies the siestas sent you! Pink looks good...even on red couches.

AbbyLane said...

oh my word. that is precious! looks like she is smiling in her brother's arms :)

i LOVE going to the movies by myself. but then again, i'm not a guy. :)

Anonymous said...

I love getting little Valentine happies for the kids!! Oh, what am I saying?! I loved the THOUGHT of getting Valentine happies for the kids... I totally spaced on Bug! I got her a First Valentine's card, but I totally forgot her happy. Guess I'll just have to buy her a new dress... darn it! :-)

Beth Herring said...

Absolutely beautiful kids! (It's ok about the red couch... It looks pretty anyway!)

In Him,

AKat said...

That last picture is too sweet! Oh, my goodness. What a smile on big brother Jackson's face!

Dionna said...

That IS an awesome picture.

I'm glad to hear that movie is good.. my 12 year old wants to see it. :)