Sunday, February 01, 2009

Monster Jam

I'm too sleepy to write tonight, but here are the pictures from Monster Jam. Sorry they're all wonky. I'm also too sleepy to reload everything. We met up with our friends Kristy and Drew and their three boys at DoubleDave's and enjoyed some pizza rolls. Then we headed over to Reliant Arena for the show.

Even Baby Levi, all snug in his sling, had head phones on.

El Famoso Grave Digger

El Toro Loco, which apparently has a huge fan base in Houston.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle truck. It was the first to roll over last night.

My personal favorite - Monster Mutt. It has floppy ears and a tail.

Blue Thunder doing its freestyle segment.

Jackson was pointing out the "turtle truck." Have I ever mentioned how much I love the way he says turtle? It's so funny.

Jackson had lost interest in the trucks by now and was playing excitedly with his "magic beans," which were Daddy's ear plugs.

Jackson and Daddy after a great night. We left a few minutes early and beat the traffic.


Heather said...

GREAT pics! Oh, the adventures we have as "boy moms!" I just loved your mom's post!! I just SO related to it since I have a "Jackson" and now we are expecting our own baby girl princess! I am praying for you, Amanda! Wish we lived closer so we could hang out!

Lauren said...

Too CUTE Amanda. Everyone little boys dream! I'm sure you made his year!!! :)

Unknown said...

What a fun time! I also live in Houston and am in the ministry with my husband, have one boy and one girl, so I am so glad I found your blog!
I bet you can't wait for Baby Girl to get here! How fun.

Holly said...

Tonight, I thought it would be awesome for Baby Girl to be born while the Super Bowl played...I love that God has ordained her day and her time to be born.

Maybe she'll be born on our Noah's b-day on Tuesday! My water actually broke before I got out of bed that day. Then I rode to the hospital (40 minutes away). They STILL had to give me oxytocin to induce. So it was several hours 'til he came. We are so glad for our boy!

Keri said...

I bet three years ago you never in a million years thought you'd be at a Monster Truck Jam......don't you love all the new experiences kids will bring into your life?? It just gets better and better!

Allison said...

woohoo...beat the traffic...that sounds like success to me!

Mocha with Linda said...

Such fun. Reminds me of when I was in high school and went on a triple date with my best friend, our boyfriends (who were brothers) and the guys' parents to the Demolition Derby in the Astrodome.

I'm sure Jackson got a bigger thrill than I did! He is absolutely adorable!!

Moose Mama said...

Awwwww...too sweet. Go to bed Amanda.


Lindsee Lou said...

I can't get over the earphones.

And, girl, that last picture of the boy and his daddy? Adorable.

So glad y'all got to enjoy this together!

Vicki said...

What a cute little boy you have. I LOVE his eyes. Aren't they the best blessing!! Great pics.

The Wootens said...

looks like he had a blast! The little spot on Jackson's forehead...a mark of a true THREE YEAR OLD B-O-Y!!!!! We frequently sport those around our house--just from stuff like not negotiating the curve when running down the hall and making the turn through the bedroom doorway...I'm sure those who don't have the blessing of such little creatures who totally don't get it...but it just makes me able to identify with your household a little more! :) Jesus--naps--potty training--bumped noggins--trucks--LOVE IT!

Amanda said...

He got that little bruise on his forehead when he bumped into the car door. He'd just had a much bigger one from a window sill that'd hardly had a chance to disappear before he got that one! Boys!

Tara G. said...

IF the people weren't in the background, I would have thought they were toys set up in some dirt!

Michelle said...

Cute pictures, and you were oh, so smart to leave early and miss the traffic!

creative gal said...

I love it!!

Spicy Magnolia said...

It looks like so much fun! Your mom's recent post on the LPM Blog about you being a wonderful mommy to a delightful little boy brought me to tears. Having just had my little boy, I wonder what cars, monster truck rallies, and other such adventures are ahead! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures with us!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

What a fun night! Oh, the things I have to look forward to as a boy mommy! The bruise on Jackson's forehead seals the deal...he is ALL boy! (:

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

I just love that you did this! But I think what we all want to know is what are you supposed to wear to a monster truck rally?

Sherry said...

What great pics! Seeing the big smile on his face must warm your heart. Knowing your child is happy (and healthy) -- not much else can equal that -- except for maybe holding little princess in your arms :)

Cynthia said...

Oh this brings back memories of the Monster Truck days with my boys. That are sooo fun to watch (these boys that is). I can imagine the giddyness of that little Jackson waiting for the TRUCKS to roar out into the arena.
Fun times with a whole lot more to come!

Three Fold Cord said...

So much fun! I will def have to take my little boy. Jackson's smile is just full of delight. Us southern girls would say "Pleased as Punch".

Alyce said...

Pictures are cute..Looks like it was fun. I've always wanted to go to one of those..probably the "home" of the GraveDigger is not far from us.

Jen said...

how fun!! we live in nashville and the show is coming here in a couple weeks. my husband was on his way home from work the other day and heard about it on the radio. he called and asked me to get tickets for him and andon (our 5 yr. old) i'll have to post some fun pics of their night out as well.. :)

Sister Lynn said...

The picture of Jackson looking up at Curtis is precious! May we all look up at our Father with such delight and adoration.

Sister Lynn

gigetgirl said...


You are such a great boy mom!

Enjoy him- he is in the best season- wait I said that about all seasons my guys went through- with one or two exceptions.

We are praying for your upcoming delivery of the most beautiful princess doll baby ever.


katie said...

Jackson is so adorable!

Tales From the Eurovan said...

Love the pictures with the bruise in the middle of his forehead! Too funny and shows, yes, he's all boy!
Take care,

Mary H. said...

Awesome!!!! Hope you are feeling good! Praying for your family!

Fran said...

Definately little boy heaven if I've ever seen one! :)

Hope you are doing ok today. Praying for you now.


Tara said...

What fun night your family of 3 had! It seemed to be right up Jackson's ally, and in every picture, he looks like he is in pure boy heaven! I too love the one of him looking up at Curtis and then the last picture of the two of them together! Precious!!!

Kendra White said...

This is a hoot... my husband is dying to take John Hunter to one! Do you think the head phones are necessary??? Looks like you all had fun!

Toknowhim said...

These pictures are great...You see the excitement in Jackson's eyes, and soon he will have the excitement in his eyes from seeing his baby sister.

Blessings as you are counting down the days to the arrival of the newest member of your family...

Dionna said...

Good to hear from you - I was wondering if your weekend had any more exciting moments in it - like a delivery!

Kiki said...

You beat me! Great pics. Jackson has the best expressions. Our boys barely cracked a smile unless we told them to.

Amber said...

I love reading your blog, so I've tagged you in my latest post! Thanks :)

Christi said...

My dad and I used to go to those as a "date" night. I LOVED them. We went up until I was a teenager, so I can't wait to share it with Lucas too. Jackson looks precious and all boy! I love it.
Thanks for sharing...oh, and we are still working on potty training! AAAHHH!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Girl, I want you to know when both of the blogs are silent for any length of time I automatically start thinking, "I WONDER IF THE GIRL IS HERE!??"

So maybe I'm being a stalker but am just so incredibly excited for you! Can't wait for that announcement!

Cindy said...

My little boy (who is now 18) still enjoys this!

Saying a prayer that baby girl will hurry up and decide she is ready to greet the world.

Groovewoman said...

VERY COOL!! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. My little man would LOVE to see the trucks. He is so obsessed with cars. What is it about cars that are so intriguing to a 2 year old boy? I don't think I'll ever understand it... but it fun to watch him light up when he see's them.

Hollie said...

The headphones on Levi are adorable and I love how Jackson called them 'magic beans'.

I can tell it was so much fun for everyone!

Just found your blog and love it. Wanted to say hello!

MamaCass said...

I think Tobey has that Monster mutt truck. =)That looks like so much fun. We may have to check that out for Tobey.

Andreea said...

Great pictures, Amanda. Thanks for sharing! Jackson is sooo adorable!

The Milams said...

love the pictures. my guys went in little rock and thankfully, this mom, got to stay home. dad bought a grave digger tshirt 5 sizes too big and my little on STILL wears it! one proud moment is when he wore it to kids night out at hung past his knees at the time...not even to mention that it read GRAVE DIGGER across the front! we WERE in arkansas so probably no one even saw anything out of the norm!!!:)

twinkle said...

I went to one of these several years ago with my daughters and former husband. People kept pitching pennies and I got hit a few times! And a little boy sat behind me with his American flag. I got jabbed a few times with the flag!
It was NOISY! I would rather fish anyday!

Becky said...

Looks like a great time, you're such a cool Mom for going to such a "testosterone" event.

I was also laughing at your previous post. We had the same experience with Luke, I thought I was in labor, it was so consistant and then everything stopped and they sent us home. Bummer.

We'll keep praying for baby girls safe and soon arrival!

Melissa said...

My 4 year old son has all of those trucks in Hot Wheels. It's neat to see them in action! Last year my husband and son went to Monster Jam, but this year I get to go too. I'm so excited to go! Thanks for sharing what it's going to be like.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!

I must say I'm totally shocked and appalled that you have your sweet boy in a booster seat already! I would guess that that's illegal in Texas and even if it's legal, it's really not safe! :(

Please do some research! My sister and nephew were almost killed in a TX car accident but thank God my sister was diligent about carseat safety which saved his life!

Missy said...

FYI. You can go to youtube, type in monster trucks, and Jackson will be entertained for hours. And you can sit there half asleep and let him.

Mozi Esme said...

Those baby headphones are so cute! And Jackson looks like he had such a GREAT time!

jennyhope said...

girl I remember going to one of these in high school and I cried it was so loud. I had no idea what i was in for.

Nesha said...

I just have to comment on the bare feet. Love it! My 7yr takes his shoes/socks off everywhere, even in restaurants.

Same son, gets hurt probably every other day from something. He is so intense and gives it his all.

Annabeth is a precious one! Congrads to you and Curtis on the newest member of the family. Let us know how Jackson is doing with little sister.