Sunday, April 05, 2009

The House is a Mess and So Am I

Question. Am I the only one whose house is a complete disaster by the end of the weekend? I just can't keep up with it when we're all home and our schedule is wacky. I've been up since 6 a.m. and am super sleepy. My head and throat apparently hate me. Only Sudafed can help me now. I'm not even sure I can take that. Some tea and Tylenol might have to suffice. I'm not sure if I can slay the laundry dragon tonight.


Big Mama said...

You're not the only one. I want to cry at the thought of all the cleaning I'm going to have to do tomorrow.

Jessie said...

don't worry about it right now - that laundry dragon won't look so menacing after some good rest...and it's not going to matter a bit in the big picture of things! hope you find relief from your yuckies.

Mocha with Linda said...

Go. To. Bed.

You need to rest. For you and for your family. The house and laundry can wait.

This too shall pass. Hang in there!

Tabaitha said...

You are not the only one. With a 21 month old boy who is into EVERYTHING and a baby girl that is almost 3 weeks old, that leaves little time for organization and quiet around our house. Hope you feel better soon!

3girlsmom said...

No. You aren't the only one.

My house is a DISASTER, my laundry has a life of its own, it's raining - which is causing the kids to run around inside like they're jacked up on sugar, I have cramps that would cripple a MAN, and my husband is out of town until Wednesday.

I feel your pain. And I've decided that I'd rather have a (somewhat) messy house than make myself miserable stressing over getting it clean. It's where I am and I'm okay with it.



Ashley said...

I wrk weekend nights, so by the time Monday comes my housw is so messy my husband starts cleaaning!!!

The Oakes said...

By Sunday night my house always looks like a tornado went through it. It always take me until at least Wednesday to get it all back in order!

Suzi K said...

Mine is trashed right now too!:(
I always blame it on the weekend because we are all home enjoying life, eachothers company and we're just plain busy! I have a mountain of laundry that I will tackle in the AM. I'm TOO sleepy!! Get some rest. Praying you feel better in the morning!

Fran said...

All across America our homes are a mess and so are we. :) And, I'm so sorry you don't feel well. Hoping its just because you are tired.

Sleep well. And, Happy routine Monday to ya too!

Big hugs,

Wencked said...

I'm right there with ya. House becomes a wreck by the end of the week.

on a mommy note...steer clear of the sudafed, if you are still nursing, it might dry you up.

Mary said...

No girl you are not the only one...hoping you can get a good nights' sleep! As good as it gets with a little one :)

Kelly said...

Yes, yes, yes. And why does one tiny little baby make so much laundry????? Spit up and diaper blow outs cause many changes a day. I can't even imagine life with a toddler and a newborn. Bless your heart. Bless my heart. I'm trying to let the inner control freak/neat freak let go.

Holly said...

Yes! Every single weekend. My good friend Melisa gave me good advice a long time ago. She always uses Mondays to get the house de-cluttered from the weekend. Then she has various tasks for various days, like laundry on Tues/ Thurs, floors on Wednesdays, Bathrooms on Friday and so on.

I hope that helps you, as it did me! Praying that you feel better soon.

Love and prayers,

Debra Kenney said...

All I have to say is "AMEN,AMEN AND AMEN!"

Becky said...

You can do it girl! Hang in there. My house only stayed clean today because we were gone the majority of the day and started (yet again) trying to remind the kids to pick up their toys/clothes/personal belongings and put them away before they went to bed. Tomorrow is a new day.


P.S. Just discovered your blog via Big Mama. You guys rule!

Deidre said...

I just said the same thing to my husband ... by Sunday night, we are so exhausted and the house is a disaster. Our Sundays are packed with church events and we never have time to stop and pick up after ourselves.

Hope you feel better, Amanda! Hang in there!

Spicy Magnolia said...

OH, dear one, you are so not alone! Why don't we just leave the house and the kids and go out for tea and chocolate cake? I'm up ironing...I know, crazy, but I still do it. And I guess I should try sudafed, 'cause my throat and head have been bothering me all week. I've never had migraines until having a baby! ;) And well, house is a should see the pile of dog hair that accumulates all over the place, oh blessed Molly. And we have company coming next weekend!! Poor Brennan is just gonna have to live with his momma bustling to get things ready, bless his heart. So you're not alone and I'm thinking of you and hope you feel better and have a GREAT night's sleep!!

R said...

a hearty AMEN, sister! i feel the same way every single weekend. i love the brute honesty! :0) you've inspired me to forget it all and get in bed early tonight so i can start the week off rested and feeling good. the house can wait!

eetomost said...

Oh my word!!! YES and I don't have kids. Just me and the hubs, but it seems like all I do is pick up after him,,,ahem,, and of course the regular cleaning!

I hope you get to fealing better soon:)


Amy said...

Girl...Be encouraged! I am right there with ya!!

Lauren said...

Are you readin my mind??? I could have written this!

I just try to make a dent where I can.

Unknown said...

No, you are the only one. What are you talking about??? Ha, I kid. My house is always a mess come Sunday evening. Then I spend Monday (and frankly the rest of the week) trying to put it back together! Heck, I think I still have laundry in the dryer from yesterday. Better go check. Love your blog by the way. You always keep it real. I am all about that!

Moose Mama said...

Amanda, you CANNOT do everything! Give yourself permission to have some clutter and dustbunnies (or dustrhinos at my house). When you have children and pets and a life, sometimes the house looks lived in. It's ok. And if you're sick, don't push yourself. I bet you're the only one expecting perfection.


Bobbie said...

'Absolutely "no way" you're the only one with a messy house at the end of a busy weekend. Slay the laundry dragon tomorrow while the mister and the sister nap! It sounds like you may be going 90 mph all weekend, so maybe you need to rest tonight (taking care of yourself so you don't get really sick!!)

Give the kiddos extra hugs! That'll make you feel better.

Ashley McWhorter said...

You can take Sudafed and Zyrtec while nursing. I have been living on it. Gotta love Houston. :) And yes, house is a disaster!!!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

My house isn't always a disaster. Now that I have one in school, I have to realign the ranks before Monday morning, lest the week start off with an unpleasant bang.

But I'm usually a mess by Sunday night. Weekends are fun, but they're also rough. I'm totally drained right now. Ready. For. Bed.

Marla Taviano said...

I've felt awful all day. :(
Praying you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

My husband works a rotating schedule and has either 4 or 5 days off at a time (no, you'll never hear me complain). So my house isn't just a mess on weekends. Who KNOWS when it's going to be a mess 'cuz what if his weekend is Mon-Thurs??

Nothing is normal in our house :-)

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Not to be weird, but this really helped me. I was kind of beating myself up over the weekend about having a messy house, pile of laundry, etc. since it's just me and two puppies. Should've stayed home tonight to clean it up, but when on a little date with Jesus instead. :) Glad to know I'm not the only one...

Heather said...

Yes, I totally feel ya! We are about to do some serious spring cleaning around here. I hate the laundry and it seems never ending. I am so tempted when matt is out of town to hire a maid for the day and take the credit when he gets home! HA! Hope you get to feeling better!

Taylor said...

Oh sister you are not the only one!! I know exactly how you feel...and guess what?!!? It'll all still be there when you get ready so sleep sleep sleep!!

Brooke said...

YES, you're the only one whose house is a disaster by the END of the weekend. Mine is a disaster right after it STARTS!

My laundry woes are epic. I suppose I'll just donate all our hangers to the poor...or the organized. I can't ever seem to get any clothes on them. We pick through piles that are everywhere!! Either that or we pluck it straight from the dryer, often ever-so-damp, and hope that it will finish air drying before the wet material gives us some horrible rash. Pitiful.

Alana said...

My house looks like a tornado just came through...I know the only time my house will truly be clean is when the maid comes once a month! Hope you feel better...

KR said...

I actually lied to a neighbor today and said my son was napping because I couldn't bear to have her come in and see my mess! The Shame! My question is why does the mess of the house always reflect on the wife? No one ever comes in and thinks boy that husband is a mess! Not fair. Wears me out just thinking about it.

Yoli said...

Thank you for that. I always leave every weekend deflated because the house is a wreck! It is hard to keep on top of it when everyone is home! Feel better soon!

Natalie said...

I could have written that same post tonight!! I was asking my husband how in the world do things get so out of control by the end of the weekend? And that's not all- I feel like it's the never ending job! I have 2 kids right close to the same ages that you do. I love a clean, orderly house but keep telling myself "this is a season." Here's to hoping for a productive Monday!!

(PS... I'm up nursing as I type this with my 4 month old. I don't usually comment at 2:20 am!!)

Michele said...

Don't sweat it. My house drives me crazy at times too. Sometimes it is like I am on the warpath with it and other days, I just accept the fact that there are 5 people around here and things will be a mess. I'm really bipolar when it comes to cleaning . .. either it is supper messy or I am 'Johnny-on-the-spot' with keeping it clean. Hang in there girl! Hope you feel better.

Karen said...

I find myself battling with the desire for a Sabbath rest (is that a fancy phrase for nap?) and the desire to start the work week with a clean house. I'm not sure who's winning at the moment but I'm pretty sure "nap" trumps everything. Hope you are feeling better!

Ashton said...

I'm by myself and no kids and no excuse to not have a neat tidy place but the artist in me (maybe an excuse)tends to be a pack rat! It would probably drive some people crazy. But, someone told me when I showed them my place that it was cozy but cluttered. I really want an easy to get to things, simple clean place. I have to work on it! I did btw this past week, throw away old things in my kitchen old this and that and cleared stuff out. Wow that was a good feeling. But, then, it creeps up again. I have to constantly work on it! Greatful I had the energy to do some clearing out but I think it was the Menopause kicking in!

Deedra said...

Always choose sleep. I'm sure your children would much rather have a fun, rested mommy than a sparkling clean house. least that's what I tell myself a lot these days :)

Rachel said...

This was a huge deal for me when I had babies and oh, i just struggled with it. I will pray for peace!!! And that you'll get a good routine when it's time.

I *think* you can take Sudafed...I could take it when I was PG. Hope doc says yes. Sending Hugs your way!

Angela said...

You are not alone. My house is a mess too. I am hopefully to tackle the rest of the laundry today. My husband started it Saturday, thank you Jesus! But yeah the rest of the house needs a good scrubbing. Guess we all have some work to this week, and blogging will have to wait...yeah right!

Mindy said...

Tylonel Cold and Synus is from the Lord. You should try it! And my house is always a mess... I wish that the weekend could save it, but I'm not sure what the answer is.

Becky said...

You are definitely not alone...that's why my cleaning & laundry day is Monday!

Be careful with the Sudafed if you're still will really hurt your milk supply. Hope you feel better soon!

Kari said...

I am always amazed how my house can go from clean on a Friday to a disaster on a Sunday evening!! we have a rule at our house that every evening before going to bed the house must be picked up. We started this when the kids were little and now that they are old enough to pick up their own toys it helps so much. I always hate having to wake up to a messy house and spend my morning doing that!!

ocean mommy said...

It amazes me that I do all this work on Friday so that the house is ready for what feels like the invasion of slobs that occurs each weekend. Sigh....

I guess I better get up and tackle my own laundry dragon. :)

Kiki said...

I'm right there too, it makes me have a love hate relationship with the weekend.

I love that Drew is home and we're all hanging out.

And it's an attitude thing for me, I feel like I am the only one picking up all weekend and I'm still behind.

Laura said...

Dear Amanda, I have always said that I do my best to keep the clothes, dishes and hineys clean. Any thing other than those three is extra!! I'm not even kidding!

Mab said...

I am so glad you posted what you house is a mess...and it's not just the weekends it seems! I just can't seem to get it to stay straight. Makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER when you and others say you are in the same boat.....
But it was a gorgeous weekend in South Louisiana and I just enjoyed it...OUTSIDE!

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

You are not alone at all! Last night as we headed to bed, I told my husband, "I hope our house isn't broken into and trashed tonight. Because, seriously, could we even tell???"

tanya said...

You are so not the only one. I blogged about it too. I linked your "On Being Real" to my post because it encouraged me so much.

My husband worked yesterday and my son was at my parents house. I stayed home and worshiped God while I cleaned (deep cleaned) two rooms before I had to pick up my son.

Hang in there! (And if I'm not mistaken, your mother made a suggestion to help out young families by paying someone to clean their homes every once in a while. I'm praying that day comes soon for you and me!!)

zum the mum said...

Amen, sister! When I first got married I used to clean house on Saturdays. Once we started having children, I quickly realized that was the dumbest idea ever. One...because who wants to spend their Saturday cleaning? And two...because I had to do the whole thing over again on Monday.

Glad to know my family is not the only messy one in the bunch!

BTW, Annabeth is precious in her first Sunday pics! So fun!

The Wootens said...

Sounds like me every single Monday morning. Have you tried Zyrtec? The generic works as well as the brand name stuff...we even had the 10-kid family egg hunt over here on Saturday...and, the "high maintanence" cousin is on Spring Break and hanging with us...Please, more Spirit, Lord!

And yes, your mom's voice from Jacksonville's LPM last year is still ringing in my head (may it never stop!): "How are you gonna tell someone there's victory in Jesus when you can't even get victory over a sink of dirty dishes?"

Sister Lynn said...

Amanda, Since you are tea drinker... there is an herbal tea called "Throat Coat" - it does WONDERS for sore throats - you can usually find it in the herbal/health section of your grocery store. Or here
It really helps!

Sister Lynn

The Wootens said...

By the way--you may want to try this with Jackson...I started it with Noah, and now that it's our special game, he loves it, and it gets me started on the laundry. If you're a terribly picky sorter, this may not work for you, but it gets us by:

I discovered that most of our family's clothing can go into one of three piles: towels/whites, reds/dark pinks/oranges/browns that look like they may bleed, or black/blue. So we have a "red" pile, a "white" pile, and a "blue" pile. I began making a special game out of sorting our laundry, with a small "reward" at the end when we're all done (3 M&M's), as long as we finish before breakfast is ready. We practiced sorting and getting the reward for about a week, just making the 3 piles. Now, Noah LOVES sorting (or "horting") the laundry, and it's good "homeschool math (matching)" for a three year old...and that takes care of half my battle (getting started). Noah's been sorting for a few months now, and most mornings, he'll just go do it himself. I have to double check, and sometimes shift a few things around, but it's usually done pretty well.

J said...

ugh - sundays just wreak HAVOC on my house!! and it's just me, my hubby, and my 2 y/o! (for now - lol). i'm always playing catch-up on mondays. hope you feel better soon. call your pharmacist about taking the sudafed while nursing. they can tell you for sure.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

If you could see what I'm looking at right now, then you would see we struggle with the same problem. And to top it all off...I haven't showered today and I'm not exactly looking or smelling my best either. (:

I hope you feel better real soon, Amanda! Get some rest...the laundry can wait. (:

Mary Lindsey said...

You are NOT the only one! I think to myself just about every Saturday... how is that we have 2 adults here, and the house is messier by the end of the weekend? You pegged it... no schedule!

It's a new week though, and your house will get straight again. Take care of yourself and take a nice nap when Jackson and Annabeth are sleeping today.... I will pray that happens at the same time for you.

Missy said...

Yes dear.

You know what is terribly sad is that my cleaning lady comes on Friday, and by Monday, the house is trashed.

Nathan and Megan said...

Amanda~ I was just sharing with my husband last night that I'm so tired of doing laundry! We have a 2 month old son, "Reddington" & I can't seem to get caught up with the laundry dragon! I'd much rather spend time with Reddington. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!

Tara G. said...

I think your club is growing by the minute! No matter what I do, it seems that everyone likes to deposit their stuff on one area of the kitchen counter. It just makes me cringe because I spend so much time in there- it's like my office and this organizational freak can hardly stand it!

Mary H. said...

Dear Amanda,
Never fear...You are NOT alone!!!
Hope you have great day!

petrii said...

Okay so I'm with ya. Yes currently I am commenting to your post and I need to be tending to the laundry...sigh.

Have a Blessed Monday =)


Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I hope this doesn't offend you Amanda but it made me so happy to read this post today! NOT that I'm happy your house is a mess. And CERTAINLY not that you feel bad! But happy that I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE who hates to face the house on Monday after a weekend of "randomness"! I don't know how it gets so messy in just two days!

Hope you feel better soon! And as other have now....clean later!

Oh....the pictures of you, Annabeth, and Jackson on the LPM blog were awesome!


Gran Jan said...

Oh Amanda, it's a season of life, and it will get me!

I have this poem on my wall in a frame:

I hope my children look back on today,
and remember a mother who had time to play.
There will be years for cleaning and cooking,
for children grow up while we're not looking!
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
for babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby, cause babies don't keep!

My house is clean as I am in the "empty nest," but I so remember the weekend whirlwind and Monday mountain of laundry.

My grown up sons today don't remember the messy house or dusty furniture - they remember all the fun - and so will Jackson and Annabeth!

You hang in there you sweet girl!

Love, Mrs. Jan

Jessie Weaver said...

My house is never clean...I feel like it should be on the weekends, when I am at home to do something! But with a baby...time with her always wins. And I think it should be like that.

Be careful with the Sudafed if you're nursing. I took TWO over two days and it nearly dried me up. Has taken a month to rebuild my supply.

Dionna said...

We hear ya Amanda! I adore having my family home and around but they just don't pick up well. HA HA - Some people would say it's my lack of training them but I've tried and continue to try. There is still stuff that abounds. Just things like pillows on the ground instead of the couch, crumbs on the counter - things moved etc. But I love 'em.

Unknown said...

You are certainly not alone. My 19month old has played "hurricane" so many times, I just can't keep up! And by playing hurricane, I mean rip roaring through the house scattering toys, clothes, paper, sippie cups, and you name it EVERYWHERE! We had company "drop in" last night and I was humiliated...completely and utterly humiliated. That is not how I keep house, but being 8 months pregnant, in addition to having a 19 month old, I am one tired Mama! Especially since I work a full-time job AND have a part-time job. Both of which I love, but that leads to very little time for household chores.

I say all this to say, I had to get over my humiliation. Spending time with my family over the weekend verses cleaning wins every time. I want my family to know that they come first--not the house. You have your priorities straight, Amanda. Rely on that!

Prayers and Blessings,

Erica said...

I totally agree. It's like it just creeps up all around you!
By the way, I saw the cute pics of you and your little ones on the LPM blog. Gorgeous!
I loved those socks when the girls were babies too!

FitzandMolly said...

While in counseling for postpartum depression, I was asked, "Why do you want people to believe that you have a perfect house? Don't you want to have some evidence that life happens here?" Totally set me free. Some days, we have a lot of life in this home.

Beth said...

I totally understand. I have felt terrible all weekend.

Much Love! Bethany

Sally said...

Isn't there is a proverb about too clean a house with no activity in it not being good-- so rejoice. (I need to find that one and memorize it for the 15th!) If anyone knows tell me!

Sarah said...

It's so sad--I work all week long to get my house back to normal, and then Friday's here all over again. Just like laundry. And taxes :)

I hope you feel better soon!

Rose said...

For Christmas I got a coffee cup that read, As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord (Josh 24.14) and deal with the mess later. . .

Love my monrning coffee in it :)

Superchikk said...

Ooh, I HATE how my house looks after a weekend! I find that if I spend just 10 minutes on Sunday night picking things up, (and make sure the kitchen is semi-clean and dishwasher is run) my Monday goes SO much better.

That being said, how is it that I can manage to keep the house decently neat by myself with a toddler at home for most of the week, but when Hubs is home during the day for three days it looks like a tornado hit us? I don't think it's him, really. But absolutely nothing gets done on the weekend, no matter how hard I try. So sometimes I just don't. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I've got a laundry dragon taunting me from the next room right now. Oh how I hate it. And WORD, friend. By Sunday night, my house is a war zone. Funny, it's still that way. I HAVE to do something about it.