I'm obsessed with this outfit. The shirt says "Crab Shack" and the shorts are frayed.

He's using my lens cap as a cell phone and he thinks he's talking to Daddy.

Again with the shoe in the mouth.

I just picked up Jackson from MDO, where he got to enjoy CHOCOLATE milk for the first time. He had some intense nasal crustiness going on and very disheveled hair. I was planning on us going to the mall to get him some new tennis shoes, but I thought that his appearance might be a clue that his mood was not mall quality. Either he played really hard or he's in a funk. I mananged not to cry as we said our goodbyes, although Jackson cried when I took a picture of him with his teachers. Once he saw mama, it was time to go, not time to stay and have a photo shoot.

I still can't believe he can get up and down off the couch by himself. Now he knows how good a couch is for napping.

I 'ditto' the love for the frayed pants - precious. And boy do I wish I could nap on my couch right now. It's just that I've been sleeping on my floor for the past few days b/c I'm in between moves. I feel like an 80 year old women when I get off that thing in the morning!
Oh...I just hit 'back' and realized how absolutey adorable the cell phone camera lense photo is. Seriously....you've got yourself a beautiful little man child there!
Ahhh...can I just say that the last two were the one's that tugged this Mommy's heart.
Umm um um! I love those kind of days. The shoe in the mouth one is also very, very cute! Thanks for the smile this afternoon, Amanda. You have a precious son, and he has God's Hand upon him. May God lead Jackson one in grace and truth.
Love ya!
Keep those pictures comin', girl! He is soooooo cute!!!!! The last one is to die for. He is a chip off the ol'block. Our family loves your family sooooo much!!!
How cute.
Yesterday was my girls last day of school for the summer.
She is nine and she had a little emotional time when she thought that she would not have the same teacher next year.
She has decided that of all the teachers she has experienced that this one deserves the greatest teacher award. She wants to be just like her.
So cute. We share a love for clothes and the mall.
Such sweet sweet pics. The close up of him laying on the couch is my favorite. What a sweet sweet boy.
Amanda, he is so precious and like I've said so many times before, he is too pretty to be a boy!
Enjoy every moment...they grow up too fast!
I remember when it used to blow my mind that Caroline could get on and off the couch. Now, I'm constantly having to remind her it's NOT A TRAMPOLINE. Just you wait. Anyone who can wear those frayed shorts and Crab Shack shirt with that much flair is going to give you a run for your money.
Your little boy is so cute and adorable. My best friend is the MDO director at our church and I used to go and help her during their lunch hour. They are so sweet at this age and we had a few who were handfuls on some days! This brings back days of my two, I will never forget my oldest son, I took him to preschool and all I wanted to do was cry and he looked at me and said, Mom, I can walk in by myself. (crushed) the teachers would meet us outside and David got out of the car and walked in with his teacher. I waited, parked the car and peeked through the window to make sure he was ok. He was, I went home and had myself a good cry. I say this alot, but I can't believe he will be 19 this year. They are such a delight!
Oh what precious pictures!! He must just melt your heart. I love the lense cell phone and the shoe in the mouth. What a funny little man! :)
#1: where did you get that super fly outfit? #2: new shoes? Pedipeds? Ava's jealous!
He has the most beautiful eyes, what a precious child!
I'm with Sunni....where did you get the precious outfit??
I love that outfit, too! I guess our boys aren't far enough apart to work out a little hand-me-down love though! :-)
And that lens cap cell phone... hilarious!
He is so adorable. I am not just saying that. I know that sweet granny beth eats him up!
Oh my gosh - can he really climb up there!! I'm so sad my nephew is getting too big! I'm lovin the haircut!
Love the shirt and pants! Um he is so cute wiped on the couch!
He belongs on the cover of Parent's Magazine. Or Baby Gap. Gosh. I've seen a lot of cute babies, but Jackson is beautiful.
I've tagged you for a fun meme...hope you'll come by and play!
I love the crabby shirt, my girls have crab dresses. Sometimes we call my oldest Crabby Abby when she's cranky. I am SOOO impressed that you have time to snap pictures before school! Abby usually eats a cereal bar on the way and daddy takes her because its all I can do to get her dressed!
He is so cute in his slicked-back hair and I love the outfit. We start KDO in June. I am a little nervous about the whole lunch thing and taking naps on the floor.
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