Friday, January 04, 2008

Help Amanda With Her Hair!

One of my 2007 goals was to buy a planner and get organized. I did buy the planner, but of course I could never find it when I needed it. So with my unfortunate lack of organization, I was not surprised to find out that I had booked a hair appointment at the same time as my next personal training session. Dern! My hair guy graciously rescheduled me for tomorrow morning.

So here's the thing. I have been seriously thinking of dying my hair brown. I was blond as a kid, but it probably lost the last of its blondness by the end of high school. I started highlighting it in college. It hit its blond peak when we lived in England and my stylist gave me platinum hair. Yikes. That took a while to undo. When Jackson was born I had to switch to a stylist who could do my hair on Curt's day off. I ended up at three different people that year and I can definitely tell. I sort of want to dye it dark for a while and then start over down the road. So tomorrow could be the big day. Or there could never be a big day. I'm not sure what I really want to do. I've never had hair as dark as what it would be if I had it dyed to match my present natural color. Plus, I have the wedding to think of!

If anyone out there has dealt with dying her hair brown from blond and has some wisdom for me, please do tell.


bethany said...

I've being toying with this idea as well, but I've never been brave enough to actually take the step. I'd love for you to experiment for the both of us :)

Kelly said...

Well - I've gone the other way - from dark brown to blonde (necessary due to premature gray). But I have to say that I think anyone with blue eyes (which I think you may have) looks so striking with dark hair. I think it would really pull your eyes out and make your complexion glow! You could always lighten it by summer if you hate it. But I bet you won't!

Laura said...

I have done this - and usually do it at least once a year. I don't have any wisdom, just go for it! My theory is you can just change it again!

Tracey said...

Be brave! It's a new you! Go for it! Dark hair is mysterious...hubby will love it! Then, go back blonde for the summer!

Happy New Year!

boomama said...

I say go brown-er. It'll be gorgeous with your eyes and your complexion. You could always do sort of a honey-brown rinse with lighter highlights...that's what the hair wizard did for me time before last, and I LOVED it. I felt so sassy. Last time she made me too blonde (the color does not exist in nature), so I'm hoping to go darker next time, too.

I'll be checking back to see what advice the internets offer. I do love to see the body of Christ minister to a sister in her time of greatest hair need.


Holly said...

Praying for wisdom...and for great hair for you Amanda :) I have never dyed my hair, but with all the stress of joblessness for the past month, I believe the gray is a comin' in faster than I can stand it!
Praying for a good word just in time!

Alicia said...

Amanda! YOu know what is so funny i started reading your blog on my reader than switched to your site and i immediately thought...she would look awesome as a brunette! Then when i finished was what you were thinking! I think you should go for it! I am seriously thinking of becoming a blonde this summer! I know the cali is getting to me! I don't know how to go about it, but if you trust your hair stylist then just GO FOR IT!! oh i can't wait to see what you do!!!

Anonymous said...

Do it. Hair grows. And you only live once.

Wait a minute...remember you need to make sure you give yourself buffer time for the wedding, in case something goes awry...

Then again, if you absolutely love it, you will be glad those wedding pics capture your daring and great move.

See what good help I have been??!!


The WS

Cinde said...

Since having children, my once ash-blonde hair has decided to become brown! I am gradually going darker with each color but its really hard to part with the blonde when you've lived with it your whole life! Maybe your color guy/gal could do 2 lowlights to every 1 highlight. Might be easier to go at it gradually instead of drastically!

Missy said...

I say if brown is your natural color give it a whirl and see if you like it. If not, at your next appt. you can throw some highlights back in there! Look at it as a fresh start either way. :) And my theory is - it's hair - it can change quickly, or at least enjoy a ponytail until you can do something about it. ha ha

Unknown said...

I did it--here's a link to a picture... I was a blonde my whole life but pregnancy changed my natural color to some sort of ugly mousy brown, but I continued to highlight about 3 different shades. Anyway, I decided to go for it. We used a color called chestnut with just a *few* highlights in the top. I LOVE it! Next time I think I'll go a little darker even.

Erin Ward said...

My hair is naturally brown, but I always had it highlighted. Well, they kept highlighting it with the cap (instead of using foil) to the point that I pretty much turned blond. Last year I decided to dye my hair to my natural color, and I loved it. The dye eventually grew out, and I've been my natural color ever since. I think you should go for it! I love dark colored hair.

kittyhox said...

Well, I've sorta done this.

I had strawberry blonde hair as a child that darkened to dark blonde/light auburn as a teenager.

I started lightening it and got it too blonde, at one point.

Since we moved here I've never had anyone do (in my opinion) a good job w/my highlights.

So a few years ago I dyed it (MYSELF) to the color on the box that was closest to my roots. Usually medium blonde or lightest brown. I have to use the neutral shade or it goes brassy, since I have so much natural "warmth."

On the plus side, with darker hair you can get away with a little darker makeup - deeper lipstick shades, etc.

I still plan to have highlights put back in to blonde it back up at some point. Kind of a happy medium between actual blonde and my actual color.

And I agree w/Kelly who mentioned lightening up for summer. You can go brown until Memorial Day and then add some nice highlights to brighten it up?

Sometimes I just want a major change and am tempted to go "champagne" blonde or something like that. But I know I couldn't pull it off and I wonder what my 19 month old would think!

Shelley said...

Go medium-light brown with blonde highlights. The highlights will lighten up all that brown, and the brown color will blend with your natural hair nicely as it grows out! I say this out of much hair-color wisdom. I've been here and done this, and it worked out beautifully!

Nancy Mon said...

It seems like brown is now the hot color. I am no whiz with the hair thing, but chestnut with some soft hilights might be really nice.

Big Mama said...

I have no real advice but I will say I think it will look beautiful. You can always add some highlights back in if it feels too dark.

Angela Baylis said...

I have to tell you that my stylist surprised me with DARK brown hair this last time and it was terrible! I felt like it took all of the color out of my face and I felt ill. You will definitely have to go for the spray on tanner if you do it or get a real good bronzer. You are so beautiful and you will look good with the darker hair. I just feel healthier and happier with blonde highlights. I wrote a post about my crisis. It was very traumatic. I hope you love how yours turns out! Please do take pictures! I was so upset that I never took a picture of the dark hair. Oh, and I better tell you that I had to go back and have her add highlights! I hope you like the honest answer I gave you.

Anonymous said...

As a retired Hair Stylist, I think brown low lites for a start
would be good--- then if you like that go for the brown

A Place For Ministry Wives/A Place For Me said...

I say do it! It would totally work for you.

amberburger said...

hey amanda. okay so i went with the hair color that matched my roots about 3 years was a little dramatic because my roots are darker then it is all grown out natrually. But then i just got a little ligher brown highlight on top of that and it worked GREAT! So I was brown and natural and EASY to maintain with a little toddler. I got highlights again this summer and now I am remembering why i went back natural...All those silly trips to the hair salon, not to mention all the MONEY! so i say, do it, but dont be afraid to not go ALL the way back to your root color, just something that will blend well. Whatever you decide you will look so great. Oh and also, i remember thinking my hair looked SO MUCH thicker dark.
okay thats enough rambling about hair! cant wait to see you and your fam on Sunday!

Nise' said...

As one who worked in the biz for years (and has colored her hair for even longer) and now has a daughter in the best advice is to make sure your wizard, I mean stylist is a color specialist. Just because they have a license doesn't mean they are experts in color. Call around and/or ask everyone who does their hair! The gal who suggested 2 lowlight to a highlight as a start is savy! Please, please do not use the dreaded box!!

Anonymous said...

definitely go lighter brown and be sure to post pics so we can see what you ended up with

Anonymous said...

I just did it! It does look glossy, shiny, and healthy, I have to say.

And, I don't have to worry about the monthly highlighting. That was getting too hard to fit into my mommy schedule, though I enjoy it for fun now and then.

ocean mommy said...

I sure wish I could give you some wonderful words of wisdom, but I can't! I've never put any sort of color on my hair. My hair appointment this morning turned into a new "do" and I haven't felt this good about my hair in a long time!

Whatever you decide, enjoy your time being pampered and POST A PICTURE!!!


Jackie said...

funny, yesterday I went to my haridtylist and actually just got RID of all of my highlights...I am a FULL brunette again...hmmm..haven't been completely brown since 8th grade!! I LOVE IT!! I have had a ton of compliments on the color today. I still look in the mirror and have to stare a second, it doesn't register as "me" right away...not used to seeing dark, but it will be SOOO nice to not have to keep it up so often!!

And yeah on the personal trainer...I see mine 2X a week and LOVE it!!! I am so into working out now and lifting weights b/c of her...PT are awesome!!!

Good luck, post pics of what you do with your hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Go for it! I think you'll look great. The bride will love it as well.

Kara Akins said...

I love your hair and wouldn't change it. If you do do it then PLEASE post photos. Would love to see how it turns out. If you don't like it and want to go back lighter it could damage your hair. I personally made the switch to go natural (darker) and I love my hair so much more b/c it is healthier and still has some natural high lights in it. I don't know why I ever messed with the color in the first place - it is such a pain to keep up. I KNOW you'll look great either way!

Them Chandlers said...

You'll be beautiful no matter've got a good thing going. I say blond :)

Lauren said...

Oh, you are a brave soul to consider such a drastic change. It took me like two years to decide to cut my hair back above my shoulders. I'm sure it will look awesome any way you do it, though--you always look great.

Alana said...

I saw a friend of mine the other day and she looked stunning. Her hair was darker. She informed me it was her natural color. I say go for it.

Or if you are not wanting to go so drastic, you could do highlights and low lights. My hairstylist has done that for me and I always get compliments.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've been brown and auburn but I have learned that as long as I live in Dallas that blonde is what I will be. I hate to play the shallow card, but for me, blonde was/is more fun (just don't go stupid blonde - try for some brown or honey glazed low lights).

MamaCass said...

You know Libby dyed her hair brown not so long ago and I love it. I actually think she just did it herself. I thought about it last time I got highlights but I was too scared so I understand how you feel. I think you should go for it!

Ashley said...

Go for it! I am all for a change! And I think you would look GREAT with brown hair. Brown hair and pale skin. Just beautiful! :) No really, I'm serious!

Anonymous said...

I've never been a blonde, so I cannot really comment with authority on that. But, I cannot help but think you will look a bit like your sister if you go brown. That might be neat! :) I say go for it! It's just hair and you can always go back if you don't like it.

Linda said...

I love your hair and your look right now. You are such a natural beauty.
I know the feeling of change though also. I am a natural brunette who always longed to be a blonde. I have been blonde now for almost a year and I keep seeing these beautiful brown heads of hair every where I go. Now I am thinking of going back to dark.
I do like the idea of brown low lights.
Let us know what you decide.

Lindsee Lou said...

I say do it! :)

(I mean, I'm not biast or anything toward brown hair!!)

It's fun to try something drastic every now and then, I just chopped my hair off. That was huge. But, alas, I LOVE it. So I say go for it!

Anonymous said...

i definitely think you should go for it! i did it last year and when the darkness started to fade (which it will) i think i finally discovered my real hair color. it's so nice not to have to highlight any more. i think you will love it!

Jessica said...

I have done this many times and I think the key to being happy with it is to do it gradually. Talk to your stylist and see about putting in some lowlights while keeping some of the blonde to give you a little "perk" during the winter months. I think you would look great and it is fun to switch it up a bit! Make sure you post pics so we can see it!

Anonymous said...

I did it this year right before Thanksgiving. But it was after H*ll*w**n. And I can tell you I nearly scared myself the first week. I would get up and look in the mirror and gasp. Just a little. I agree to go with a great hairstylist and get a few strands of highlight to accent your face. Just don't do it the week of the wedding. And remember it will grow out and you can change back this summer.

beckyjomama said...

I have done this transition... My best friend was a hairdresser and finally looked at me one day and said - and I quote - PLEASE, let me help!!! I was tramautized, but trusted her. She took it darker but kept the old color in as hilights and then just slowly decreesed the highlights as I got used to it. NOW, I am so brave that I want a different color everytime I get it done!!! Sometimes red, sometimes brown....
Go for it girl - I know that you don't know me, but I am your siesta in Christ and I KNOW of which I speak. God put me through all of that trauma for a reason....
Becky JO

FaceforGrace said...

I might be too late to send this- don't know if you'll get it in time for your appointment or not. But I recently went dark after years of blond. I love it. I did start a bit slowly w/ brown low lites added to my current highlights. It was not as shocking, but still achieved a darker look. The next couple of times I went dark to match my natural color. Now I'm pleased to announce that I've been highlight free for the better part of a year!

Good luck. And I agree with the rest- you can always add back some blond highlights if you feel the need- there will be time before the wedding.

Susan said...

Does covering the gray with brown dye count? lol.

Your hair stylist will be able to tell you which color will go best with your skin tone and eyes. You can always lighten it up next time around if it's too dark.

Good luck and post us a picture!

Anonymous said...

I dye my hair often, but it is mainly to cover the grey that has been taking over since I was nineteen. And I pretty much stick with a dark ash-blonde color, because it's the closest to my natural color that I can find. I'm boring that way. But...change is good sometimes! I think you should go for it (if you havent' already. I forgot to look at the date on your post. LOL)

Emmy said...

You may already be at your hair appt... but for what it is worth... the older I get the darker my roots are... so instead of going totally dark - I still get highlights but she darkens the rest that are not being highlighted to match my natural color (does that make sense?) Can't wait to see what you do! You'll look beautiful whatever you do! Has your sisters hair always been dark?

Emmy : )

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it would look great, but my adventures with my own hair color lead me to advise you to keep it blond! Major color changes are so much maintenance... I am a brunette that went blonde, and then brown again. I'm not messing with it ever again...well, at least until gray sets in, and you bet I will be back in my stylist's chair with aluminum bits all over my head! Good Luck with your decision!!

Sarah, TN

Lori, Landon and Logan said...

I think you would like it. I did it when Landon was 2 because I wanted didn't want to have to mess with highlights because I knew we would have two kids soon! I loved it! I was great! The only downside was that It didn't really stay in that long though. Probably only 3 months. It may have been my stylist or the fact that it was so highlighted before.

Kristin said...

How funny - I just did this on Wednesday! My hair grows very fast and I was tired of roots. Now my hair is a little darker than my natural color, and I'm still getting used to it. But my husband loves it and I think it's a good change. Go for it! And post pics! :)

Anonymous said...

I had a friend go darker, back to her natural color, and it was great. She had her stylist add more low lights each time she went until it was darker. It took a little longer, but it was a great transistion. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I have been a brunette all my life (except for the brief stint in high school) so I have no advice. But I say go for it! Hair was made for playing with! Be prepared to be more sassy! Can't wait to see a picture!


Anonymous said...

Oh go fot it! Hair grows back, grows out, etc....

I think it will be beautiful with your blue green eyes.

Is you hair as dark as Melissa's?

Do post a pic - we are all eager to see :)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I think it's a new year...why not?! Go darker. See what your stylist can show you with brunette/light brown. Then for the summer you can go back to light if you want!

You'd be beautiful either way!

Heather said...

I went back to my natural color not long after #1 was born. We needed the funds in our checking account instead of the stylist acount :) I will say it takes a while to get used to. the first time I looked in the mirror I hated it b/c it didn't look like me. It did but not the me I was used to. I am finally used to it, but would love to have a little color in it just to add some body to it. My hair is so fine! good luck.

Anonymous said...

I've done the blond to brown thing and I like it. Just look at your sister...I think you'd be gorgeous!

Now for the important question...what does Curt think?

connorcolesmom said...

Ok I love to change my hair and have been just about every color out there including orange which was a BIG sun-in mistake hehe :)
I think brown hair with sort of a caramel color would be so pretty. You look like you have pretty blue eyes and the darker hair will make your eyes just pop.
Plus why not if you do not like it you can always put the highlights back in.
I look forward to what you decide.

The Schmidt Family said...

You know I did this after the baby was born...I would highly recommend going with low lights first!

Kimberly said...

I'm in the same boat, only I want to cut all my hair off into that really cute new bob everyone is wearing. I've made two appointments and canceled them both.

Hair is such a big part of who we are, isn't it?

The good news about dying it is that you can always change it back if you don't like it. Like I did two years ago after realizing dark wasn't for me.

Living Beyond said...

Hi Miss Amanada - just did the whole hair dying thing a last week - LOCKED in my bathroom!!! If you have time you can check out my blog I should post a before pic so you can see the difference. I did it myself but maybe you want to go to your hair-dresser!! After reading my post you may just decide to do that!

I thought it was time to get back to my roots!!! Can't wait to see it when you get to it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I read your blog faithfully, and I'm just now catching the whole wedding comment ... did your sister and Colin get engaged over the holidays??

Anonymous said...

I didn't read everones comments and know you already got your hair done but I wanted to tell you that I would never go straight to brown it would be a shock to you!!

Lowlights is the best choice! If you want to go brown do it gradually. It will have a better tone if you do it that way too! Sounds like your hair stylist made the right choice!