Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Jacks and Ella

Here are some pictures from when we were in Irving last week. Jackson spent the day with Ella and her grandma. You can see that the Tods picked up right where they left off!

And I am long overdue for some belly shots. (FYI, I totally hate the word "belly.") These were taken a few weeks ago on my birthday. I have grown quite a bit since then.

See, I really am pregnant! I took this specifically for the blog but was embarrassed by my...proportions. I'm a little more balanced now.

Really random pic, but you can see the bump. This was from the tea room where my LPM sisters took me for my birthday lunch. I was opening my presents, hence the pot of fall mums and the two necklaces I have on.

You can get a more current glimpse if you take a peek at Debra's pics from Monday. Baby Girl is growing! We are 26 weeks tomorrow.


Heather said...

Love how toddler relationships can pick up where they left off. I love seeing my oldest with his buddies when we go back to Atlanta for a visit!

You will LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing him with your daughter. My two just cannot get enough of their sister. Their voices change, their posture change ... it is absolutely adorable!

Ashley said...

Love the prego pics!

Melinda said...

ALL the kids look adorable - even the one in your B---y! :o)

Anonymous said...

I love it! Amanda your a beautiful Pregnant Girl. (as you call yourself right?)

I'm glad you had fun while here in Dallas, aka Irving

Beverly Wooley said...

Glad to see a picture that shows more than pregnant girl's face. 'Manda - you are a beautiful GLOWING pregnant girl! The pictures of Jackson and Ella are adorable! Is that Johnnie beside you and Melissa in the LPM pictures? Guess I didn't realize she was working there. Cool! Love her new blog! Sure seems fitting to see you and Melissa sandwiched between her and your mom. Made me go back and look at childhood pics of you two and her boys in Feathers... You've been blessed with lots of laughter and good memories over the years, haven't you? That's how Jackson will remember his friendship with Ella someday too! Blessings to all.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Pregnancy looks good on make a beautiful pregnant girl! Your sweet baby girl will be here before you know it!

Patty said...

Jackson and Ella are so cute together and you are beautiful!

I loved the Christmas picture. I bet there were plenty of laughs. :)

Ang said...

Wow. I'm getting flashbacks from when you were pregnant with Jackson...Oh to go back in time...I miss you, but I am so excited for what the Lord is doing for you, Curt, and Jackson! Love you!

connorcolesmom said...

Those pics are adorable
Don't you wish we had arranged marriages and you could just know that Ella would marry Jackson - that would be so fun!!
Your baby belly is adorable!
And the girls are just a bloomin aren't they - hehe
Don't worry both times I was prego I was a size E!! Yes and I know this b/c I was professionally measured for a nursing bra - my hubby about fell over from laughing!!
Enjoy being pregnant b/c it goes by so fast and it truly is such a miracle

The Allens said...

You look great!

MITZI said...

Amanda, thanks for the pics of Ella & Jackson. i love the 8th pic down, it looks like Jackson is saying, "Ella, look at my long eyelashes?" too cute.

You look beautiful with your little girl baby bump.

R said...

i have two little girls, and we're expecting #3 in may. (God surprised us with this one!) so far my pregnancy has been exactly the same as the other two--i'm so curious to know if, since you're going to have one of each, both of your pregnancies have been the same or different up to now?

PS--i don't say "belly" either!

Becca said...

The pictures of Jackson and Ella are so sweet. It cracked me up that Jackson had his hand on Ella's leg. What a flirt! Oh, they are so precious! And, you look awesome! I think I skipped that cute "Baby Bump" stage by being pregnant with twins!

petrii said...

The tods are ADORABLE ~~ ADORABLE I TELL YA!!!!! And you look so sweet.

Have a Blessed day,

Michele said...

So glad Jackson and Ella picked up where they left off.

Amanda, you look amazing!! You should definitely do more belly, I mean, prego snap shots (*smile*). You'll be glad you did. When I was really big with my last baby I have pictures of my other kids kissing my tummy (is that a better word?). I cherish those pictures now. So take lots and lots and lots of pictures!!!!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

amanda, you are a gorgeous pregnant woman! and, i don't even want to THINK about what my proportions will be like one day!! mine area already WAY off up top! :) kill me now. :)

Janelle and Ella said...

The two things I like best about these pictures are:
Them in the rocking chair and Ella has her arm around Jackson's arm and his hand is resting on her leg.
The one where Ella is gazing at Jackson.
Cracks me up!! I love that they are still sweet friends.

Missy said...

LOVE the bump
LOVE the cute sweater. :)

Kiki said...

I love the hand placement on her thigh! So sweet.

JayCee said...

Cute pix!

MamaCass said...

Those are the sweetest pictures of Jackson & Ella! You can tell Ella kind of adores Jackson and vice versa. And you look great! Happy 26 weeks!

Allison said...

Wow! You really do get some "upgrades" so to speak when you're prego! :)

Angela Baylis said...

Hey! I loved these pictures of the best friends! These bonds will never change! I wish you had a video so we could hear their adorable little voices! (hint, hint)! :)
I'm glad they had fun!

You are one of those pregnant girls who have that "glow" about you. I am not kidding! So beautiful!
Angie xoxo

Three Fold Cord said...

What a precious friendship. She looks beside herself with happiness!!

You look beautiful-Love that jewel tone shirt!

bethany said...

How sweet Jackson and Ella are!
And, YEAH...I am glad that you put up pics of your cute little self! Baby girl is growing so quickly...she'll be here before you know it!

Erin Ward said...

How sweet that Jackson and Ella are still BFFs.

Debbie said...

They look like an old married couple! So sweet!!!

Lindsee Lou said...

I love how they are all laughs in these pictures! Too precious!

You are such a cute pregnant woman, Amanda! :)

Darlene R. said...

You look so cute! The proportions comments cracked me up though. :)

The pictures of Jackson and Ella are so sweet. You can tell that they are going to be long-time friends!

jennyhope said...

so adorable!!!!

Holly said...

You are so beautiful!!

Praying for that little girl--can't wait to see your sidebar updated with the boy and the girl!!

I always say tummy...I think it's the Pooh-bear in me.

creative gal said...

Love the preg. pictures!!

Tammie Head said...

You ARE cute as ever! I can't wait to see you in your uniform...hehe. You must come over and show me! Maybe we shall be twinkies?! Me and Jen will pick the movie THIS time. LOL!


Fran said...

For the life of me I couldn't figure out which picture of Jackson and Ella I liked better. Are they not the funniest things??
You can tell that they LOVE each other!!

And, for you Miss look fabulous!!! I was happy to see that sweet "belly!" :)

Have a great day!

LeighAnne said...

The pictures of Jacks and Ella are so precious. It is apparent they had a splendid time together! :) Love the tummy shots. Very cute.

ocean mommy said...

OH the shots of the tods in the chair are precious! They look a miniture old married couple!! (Esp. that one shot of Ella giving him "the look")

And you just look beautiful!!

Praying for a healthy baby!

Anonymous said...

it was great to meet you too!
thanks for trying to help me...i still can't believe i got lost?
you and your mom and sister are even more stunning in person!
i can't believe you are 26 weeks already...your tummy seems tiny.
but then again i gained 60 lbs with my pregnancies so i probably don't know what "normal" looks like:)

excited for you to have a girl!
it is way too fun to shop for girl clothes...

AKat said...

aw, amanda, you look great! i am about to have to visit the pea in the pod, i think. (is 16 weeks too early for that?)
btw, i wear the regular gap long and leans and i was SO so happy to hear you say gap makes maternity ones! ... my rubber bands going around the button holes are about to snap ...
jackson is getting so big! wow!

Dionna said...

Oh don't even fret - you look so dang cute! :) Is that one of those new teething necklaces you're wearing? I've seen them - so elegant and yet functional. I wish they'd had them around when I was pregnant!

debra parker said...

I am so glad that you are documenting the 2nd prego belly. Would you believe that I do not have one photo of me pregnant with Colton. Not even one.

Katie said...

Oh my word... my belly was about that big when I was around 16 weeks pregnant... but you look lovely!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Little Momma, your baby bump is soo cute! I love it!:) 26 weeks!!! My, the Lord is Good! Baby Girl aka Little Siesta will be here before you know it!:) Ya'll looked like you were having such a fun time in those pics:)


Momma 2...5 said...

You are so cute preggy. I wish I had looked taht cute! Love the pics!

Ashton said...

I love that picture where Ella is looking intently at Jackson. Isn't that the way it is! It looks like Ella is wanting some important attention and Jackson is just cool. It's in the genes!

Terri_in_Alabama said...

I don't know Amanda... you say that you didn't inherit the sanguine personality... but, it sure looks like Jackson may have!

The pictures are absolutely adorable!

Lora said...

Precious pictures!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

The pictures of Ella and Jackson are so cute! And grown up!

Suzi K said...

You are as tiny as you were at the fiesta:)
Jackson and Ella are too cute for words!! Imagine if they got married when they are grown up!!