Monday, June 01, 2009

From a Faint Line to a Four-Month-Old

One year ago we found out we were pregnant with sweet Annabeth. On May 31 we were on a little family vacation in San Antonio. I took an early detection test before we left for Sea World that morning. At first the test only showed one line, which indicated it was negative, but a few minutes later a very, very faint second line appeared. So faint, in fact, that Curtis wouldn't believe it. So I celebrated in my own heart that whole day. A new baby was coming.

When we got back to Houston the next day, I bought another test and the line was totally legit. There was no debating it. We were having another baby!

That night, June 1, I began a new blog about the pregnancy. It only has 20 entries, but they are so sweet to me. I kept it private because I wasn't ready to divulge my happy secret to the world yet. I think I only sent the address and password to my mom and Curtis in case anything should happen to me. Annabeth might like to read everything I wrote to her before I even knew her.

Here's an entry I wrote on June 19, 2008.

Dear Baby,
This morning your mommy and daddy got to see you on an ultrasound screen. You are still so tiny - not even half of a centimeter! But you have a working, beating heart. The ultrasound technician said your heart had probably only been beating for two days. I wonder what I was doing when your precious heart began to beat? A sacred moment was happening in there and I didn't even know it! The Lord knows exactly when it began and He even knows exactly how many beats you've had up until this very moment. How many beats will there be until we meet face to face in nine months? We are so excited about your life, darling baby. Now that we know for sure you're in there, we get to start telling our friends and family. They will be so excited. Your big brother Jackson is too young to understand right now, so we will wait to tell him for a few more months. We love you, littlest one!

Today that little bean is almost 4 months old. I can hardly believe it. Even Jackson has commented on how big Annabeth is getting. Oh, fun days are ahead! This morning I had her in the Bumbo seat in the living room. I had to go in the kitchen and make a snack for Jackson, and while I was doing that he entertained her with her cute little fishbowl toy. She was loving it.

My life is so full. As my mom says, "All this and Jesus, too?"


Anonymous said...

My first child was also a very, very, VERY faint second line. And my husband didn't believe, either. I remember digging it out of the garbage because one of my friends demanded to see it. She was convinced as well. We were at a fancy function (nice place to pull out a pregnancy test) and I remember stealing away to a private spot. I sat on that gray leather couch and prayed my heart out that I was really pregnant.

And now he's 13 1/2 :-)

shannon said...

nice to have a neighbor in Houston I am in north Houston near the WillowBrook mall

Marc and Charity said...

That is very sweet Amanda. Time is flying!

Rhonda said...

He is good isn't He! What a blessing to have those private writings. Annabeth will be honored to read them.

Profbaugh said...

This is so sweet Amanda. I'm sitting here pondering just what type of blog post I would have written (had there been blogging) when I was pregnant with my second born, also a daughter 18 years ago. I think it's an amazing thing this blogging world--connecting women heart to heart. What a blessing it's been to watch you blossom as a mom. Thanks for sharing your life, at least a little bit of it with me.

Much love,

Immeasurably More Mama said...

"All this and Jesus, too!" - what a great line! Annabeth is such a sweet addition to your family.

Rachel said...

What sweet blessings! Our son and daughter are 5 and 2 already and my heart just melts when they play and laugh together. (and then it's usually followed shortly after by one of them yelling, hitting or telling on the other) :) But what precious gifts they are! I am overwhelmed that I get "all this and Jesus, too".

Unknown said...

so, so, so, so, SWEET!

Jerry, Lauren, Kaylee, and Isaac! said...

so sweet!! I only have 8 weeks left till I meet my second child little Isaac. We are beyond thrilled and I can not wait to experience life with!! I love reading how having Annabeth has blessed you guys so much and how sweet of a big brother Jackson is. That is my prayer for my daughter. She just asked me if brother was ever going to get here. So sweet! :)

Fran said...

Amanda...the letter was beautiful.
You are blessed with a beautiful family...and Jesus too!!!

Hope y'all have a great day!
So much love,

Anonymous said...

Amazing. What a beautiful post. I just can't believe the miracle of creation sometimes.

Jamie said...

That is such a sweet post! Isn't it amazing what is happening inside of a mommy when she is pregnant and we don't even realize it is happening.

So sweet!

valerie said...

This is a precious post. It made me cry.

I'm memorizing Psalm 139 (all 24 verses) for the Scripture memorization challenge. I saw a sign at "An Affair of the Heart" in Oklahoma City in Feb. that said, "Jesus knows me this I love." I love that.

I love that He saw little Annabeth and loved her way before you all even knew she was there.

I love what your mom says "All this and Jesus too!"


fuzzytop said...

Amanda - Your post to Annabeth is so beautiful... You are a gifted writer and a wonderful Mommy.

Much love,

Nicole said...

I love this! What precious words she will forever cherish. You are a great Mom, Amanda!

Prov 31:8 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

Tara G. said...

It's almost more than one human heart can take, isn't it?!

Beth said...

I could bawl my head off. Could our hearts have stood knowing what a darling little smiling bow-head we had coming?? You know, Sweetheart, it occurs to me that you might want to avoid water parks if you guys want to keep your family this size. Do you remember when you and I went to Moody Gardens 4 years ago because you wanted me to take you to the wave pool on our day off? (And we were there with all the other moms and their preschoolers. It was like I had a five year old with too much growth hormone.) Remember, because that's when I'd gotten my level 3 mystic tan and I looked so good. But, alas, it came off from my light-black neck down because of the chlorine in the pool and I looked like a half-eaten dip-cone from Dairy Queen? Anyway, we didn't know it yet but you were expecting Jackson and just beginning to get the least bit suspicious. And didn't even tell your own mother because you knew how I'd act. And you were right. But I think maybe I knew in my heart that our lives were about to change.

You have no idea the joy you have brought to my life with those two children. It is beyond description. Yes, all this and Jesus, too! I think it was a woman missionary that I read about many years ago who first said that and it rings in my head all the time. He's just too much.

PS. You and CJ want to go out and let me babysit tonight? Call me. You know my digits.

Mary said...

such a sweet memory for her!! and for you...

bethany said...

How sweet...I am so glad that you have such a sweet memory to share with Annabeth as she gets older. God is sovereign and His plans are always right. When your Annabeth was being created in your uncle went to be with the Lord....death and life at the same time. Praise you Lord for your mighty hand!

Missy said...

Such a sweet post. Your babies are so blessed to have you as their mom! They are going to have so much fun growing up together!!

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, this just blessed me to bits this morning!

YOU bless me to bits, friend!

All this and Jesus too, INDEED!! Praise You, Jesus!!

Lauren said...

Awww, too precious!!!! I agree with Jackson, Annabeth is getting so big. Time sure doesn't slow down, does it??? Have a great day, Amanda!!! :)

Suzi K said...

So Sweet. It goes too fast!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

What a sweet letter to Annabeth. One day she will cherish those wonderful words that you wrote to her!

annalee said...

what a wonderful season! and what precious words for her to read one day.

debra parker said...

This makes one girl with new baby hormones bawl like her own baby has just entered the world.

Holly said...

What's a bumbo seat? Hmm. Sounds fun and bouncy!

I love, love, love watching your family grow and flourish, Amanda!

Tara said...

Your Mom is so right- "All this and Jesus too?" We are so blessed! Happy 4 month birthday Annabeth!

Francey said...

I just stumbled across your page - what a sweet blog and a sweet mother! Thanks for the smile and encouragement for this one-day mom (Lord-willing)!

Anonymous said...

sometimes I don't think I can wait for heaven to get here so I can hug you.

Sarah said...

So precious, Amanda. What a treasure for Annabeth to have in years to come.

(I'm doing a 4th of July hairbow giveaway on my site if you want to enter.)

Heather said...

What a sweet sweet letter to your girl. I so wish I would have been blogging back when I was pregnant.
Thanks for sharing that letter!

chesley said...

we had a faint line with our 1st more than one time & the dr. did several blood tests to confirm over several weeks. even though it wasn't the best timing (we'd only been married a month!) it was the best feeling when we finally knew for sure it was real. love this post, thanks for sharing. such sweet, sweet words!

Anonymous said...

Sweet post! Life gets so busy and hectic in good and not-so-good ways but doesn't it all come down to blessings more than we can count (and Jesus too!) ;-)

Lindsey Poulos said...

All this and Jesus too, indeed!

Lauren said...

That is so sweet!

Bobbie said...

'All this and Jesus too'! I love your letter to Annabeth, she'll love it too! It will mean the world to her.

Your Mom's a hoot, but I guess you already know that! Thanks for sharing her too!


Moose Mama said...

Yeah, all this and Jesus too!

I was just thinking the other day, how fun it is to see your little family growing. And I wondered if 15 years down the road, we would be seeing pictures of Jackson in his prom tux. And little Annabeth going to dance classes (cuz we know how she feels about tutu's). Isn't that silly?


Beth said...

I just never tire of reading your blog. You so eloquently write about your children and TO your children and no doubt one day will have a priceless gift to give them.Thank you for being willing to share it. Keep it up, you inspire us!

Beth said...

Thank you for being willing to share your life with us. I never tire of reading your blog. You write about your children and TO your children. One day you will have a priceless gift to give them. Thanks for writing so eloquently. You inspire us.

Missy said...

You got me welly.

Jennifer said...

Amanda your love for Jesus and your family is so beautiful and evident.

I also wanted to encourage you today - You are a wonderful wife and mom, and it is a blessing to be a part of your life through blog world!


Bourg Family said...

Don't you wonder how people can NOT believe in God/Jesus when you see that 1st ultrasound and go through the whole wonderful journey called pregnancy? Most people probably think I'm crazy, but I enjoyed every moment of my pregnancy especially once my precious Hadley started to move around! (well...maybe not the heart burn. That'd just be taking it too far. ;-)

Rachel said...

Hi Amanda! I love your blog!

Can you please be in prayer for my best friend's daughter?

Her name is Abby Grace and she is 3 years old...

please read about the growth on her brain here:

prayers appreciated!!

Kiki said...

So sweet. I love that, All this and Jesus too!

Becky said...

That is precious. I loved it, thanks for sharing.

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Little Momma,

That is a good idea to write down or type down your thoughts for the first couple of weeks of pregancy-and the whole thing, really!:) Since everyone knew that my in vitro was coming, I felt like I should tell everyone the results right away. I know that it's a risk...I'm praying that my Little Bit will make it the full nine months. I found out I am having one instead of two. I have to tell you, I am soo grateful for this pregnancy! The other two are with the Lord. He loves them much:) He loves you much too, and your little ones! YES! All this and Jesus too! Thanks for sharing with us. I was thinking about what all you posted during your pregancy yesterday. The Lord has brought you through a whole bunch! He has made you a Little Momma:)

Blessings to you,


Kelly @ Love Well said...

I can't believe I didn't comment on this post earlier in the week.

Maybe it was because my eyes were full of tears by the time I got to the end.

They grow up so fast. Every moment is precious. This is so very poignant, Amanda. What a gift she is.