Wednesday, January 21, 2009

37 Weeks!

Seventy-eight comments later and I'm feeling much more encouraged about Jackson's nap issues. Thank you for your input. It did me so much good to know that this is a common thing for kids this age. Yesterday he did take a nap! Thank You, Jesus!

I am trying not to have a nervous breakdown that I haven't posted since Monday and it is now Thursday. Things are busy around here! I really have to run and make the most of this MDO day, but I do want to quickly celebrate that today I am 37 weeks! Yeah! I am officially "full term." While I'm sure I'll still be pregnant 3 weeks from now when I reach my due date, it's still fun to think Baby could come at any time.

Tonight I'm going to KSBJ's and Proverbs 31 Ministries' Girls Night Out. I'm so pumped. I hope to post more tomorrow. Adios!

PS - I have a new blog design in the works. I got to peek at it today and it's so fun. Woo hoo!


debra parker said...

I wanted to go tonight but didn't think it would be the smartest move. I do have to wake up at 3:45 in the morning. Which makes me remember that I need to pack.

Have a good time and tell us all about it.

C:M:W said...

Yeah for 37 weeks!!!!! I am counting down the days until I see Sister Jones!!!!

Missy said...

Yeah! Can't wait for baby girl to get here. You've made it! :)

I'm going tonight too. Fun, fun.

Lindsee said...

I'll be there tonight, too! And, Lisa (Preachers Wife) and Missy told me they are going also. Although, I am sure you know that!
Even though I am not a wife/mother I am excited. And supporting my friend who is one that I am going with! Maybe I'll see you there! Have a great MDO (alone!) day!

BethAnne said...

Don't be so sure about being pregnant on your due date.....precious baby #2 comes much faster than precious baby #1. I was 4 days overdue with #1 and #2 was a month early!!!

As far as the nap thing is concerned.....when my oldest was little, I said that I would make him take a nap until he was in school.....When he was three and a half, I found out that it wasnt really realistic, so I decided that each day at nap time, I would take him to his room for "rest" time where he was to play quietly or listen to music.....gave me some quiet time each day and allowed him to 'slow down' for an hour or so.

Tara said...

Congratulations Amanda to making it full term! That is so exciting and such a relief to know that she could come at any time and be fine:) Can't wait for the new blog design!

Traci said...

Hey Amanda- who is doing your new blog design? I'm shopping for a new design too! Would you mind letting me know?

Marla Taviano said...

Oooh--can't wait to see the new design! I'm getting a new blog too!

Thanks so much to everyone who bought copies of Expecting! (and the other books too) Amanda, you're better than any publicist I'd have to pay! Love you, friend!

Congrats on 37 weeks!!

Patty said...

Yea!!!! I am so excited for you. Your little girl could come any day now!!

Have fun tonight. I can't wait to see your new blog look!


Deedra said...

How exciting! Enjoy these last weeks of feeling your sweet baby girl move around in your tummy. It won't be long before you have to share her with the world!

Andreea said...

Yay for Jackson taking a nap!! (Side note: I remember at age 4 or 5 when my mom or grandma made me take a nap, I hated it. Now at age 26,There is nothing that I wouldn't give for a nap opportunity! Hehehe! And congratulations on 37 weeks. Yippie!!! Take care, and have fun tonight!


Three Fold Cord said...

I luv it that a new design is in the works. It mean you are nesting. It hits all areas of our lives and our blogs are definitely important areas. Got to make room for her on there too. So excited for you and your new little girl.

Oh have a great time tonight- just wait a little bit longer for the eggplant parmesan. I ate it too early and it made me sick. Not the effect I wanted.

Susann said...

Awesome! Wish I could be there tonight, but I live in Mississippi. ha! I love Jon & Kate!

Can't wait to see the new blog design!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

How exciting! You are so close to meeting your sweet baby girl!

Angela said...

Hi Amanda! It's Angela, Debra Parkers neighbor. I went to Girls night out this are in for a treat, it was awesome! Have Fun! ;-)

Angela said...

Hi Amanda (I am Debra Parkers neighbor). I went to girls night out at 11:30 today, it was awesome! You will have so much fun!

Congrats on 37 weeks! ;-)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Happy 37 Weeks! Have fun tonight!
I can't wait to see your new blog look. (:

katie said...

Yay! Baby girl can join you at any time...How very exciting!

New blog is exciting too, but not to the same degree!

Fran said...

I can't believe that you are 37 weeks. WOW! Any day...any day!

Heading to ATL tomorrow to hear that Travis do his thing. Picking up some Nashville girls and hitting the road. We'll miss you.


Heather said...

Congrats on making it to 37 weeks...and hope you had a great time tonight.
Hey- I have been looking at gilders and I LOVE yours! Can you e-mail me ( and tell me where you got it...or what the brand is, etc.?
No rush...just if you get a sec.
Thanks, Amanda!

Lauren said...

Awww, congrats! That babe will be here before you know it!!! :)

bethany said...

Cant wait to see your new design!
Oh. and by the way, I found the boots for baby girl!!!! Yeah...they were not discontinued after all!
I will get them in time for her birth probably so will mail them to you at LPM around then....hopefully someone will take them to you if you are unavailable!

Angela said...

Hey Amanda! (It's Angela, Debra's neighbor). I went to the lunch show and I thought it was awesome! Hope you had a great girls night out.

I am so happy you are at 37 weeks!

Angela said...

Sorry about all the posts...I thought it was not working(I did not know they had to be approved). I am new to this blog thing....what a dork I am. Ha!

melanie said...

yay! only 3 weeks left! i am so excited for you! i've been thinking about you and hoping that you are still feeling alright, despite being VVPG (although you still looked tiny last time i saw you!). i can't wait to meet your little princess! and i am so excited for she & laney to get to hang out! love ya!

Anonymous said...

37 weeks...not much longer girl! I pray you're not too uncomfortable! I never made to the 9th month w/any of my 1st was stillborn at 20wks, my 9yo dd was born at 34wks and my (almost) 5yo ds was born at 35wks. But w/my son, I was HUGE and miserable!!! I was in physical therapy due to the pain in my hips and I was just plain uncomfortable. Even w/him being 5wks early, he weighed 6lbs, I'm glad he came early! ;)

I simply can not wait to hear about this little lady! Praying for ya girl!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

You know what's funny? I can't stop thinking about that napping post. I didn't even leave a comment, because God has NOT blessed me with victory in that particular area; naps are a weakness for me. But I couldn't help but think my best advice about naps is to NOT stress about them. It took me many years of frustration to realize that I cannot make my children sleep; I can only set up the conditions that will help them do so. If they choose not to sleep, I need to -- with God's help -- adjust my attitude about my feelings so frustrated that they aren't. Because having a frustrated Mommy isn't good for anyone.

Can't wait to see the new design. Baby Bangs 2.0.

Renee Swope said...

Amanda, it was fun to meet you last night! We're so glad you came to the P31/KSBJ Girl's Night Out. I can't believe you are 37 weeks pregnant. Seriously, you look like you are barely in your second trimester! You are a beautiful and adventurous woman. I was a little concerned that an auditorium filled with immeasurable levels of hormones might send you into labor last night. Glad to hear you made it without going into labor:-).

I pray that these next two or so weeks of nesting and getting ready for your little princess will be sweetly blessed!
