Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Miss Annabeth Ellen Jones
Born to Curtis and Amanda Jones
on Tuesday, February 3, 2009, at 11:38 a.m.
6 pounds, 6 ounces and 18.5 inches long

Little missy shares a birthday with her Pappaw Jones!


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Jamie said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!!!!!!


Zaankali said...

She's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congratuations, Jones! Miss Annabeth is beautiful and I pray that God gave y'all a wonderful day of birth, blessings and baby holding. It looks like everyone is filled with joy. She is loved indeed.

Nicki said...

She's beautiful!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Brittney said...

Congratulations! What a Beautiful new addition to your family :)

Newlywed Next Door said...

Congratulation! She is amazing!

Jackie said...

Oh, she is positively gorgeous! As is her mama. :) A big hug and congratulations to you and your sweet miracle. I'm telling you, it's giving me baby fever, even more than I had before. :)

Tiffany said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! I love her sweet name and cant wait to meet her!

Andrea Frederick said...

Congratulations Amanda...I was expecting a introduction of someone else's baby! Wow...what a surprise. She is sweet. Enjoy!

Susan said...

Congratulations!! I have been checking your blog periodically since I read on LPM that you were in labor. She's gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy happy joy joy!!! I gasped aloud when I saw the blog for today.

Praising God that all is well. I'm so happy for you Amanda!!

P.S. And on my name guessing? I wasn't even in the ball park - lol.

jamie b said...

She is beautiful, and Amanda, you look GREAT! I love the name Annabeth. So sweet and special. How great is our God!!!!

petrii said...

She is so beautiful!!! Congratulations!!

GREAT name!! Been wondering about the name of this little one. You look fabulous my dear!!!!!

Enjoy your new addition to the family.

Blessings to you,

Reflecting the Sparks said...

What a precious jewel. She is just beautiful. I absolutely love her name. It is awesome having a son and a daughter; you get to have an insight into both. Everyone looks great and so refreshed. May God continually bless you and your family.

mariel said...

Annabeth is another beautiful 'Moorefitzjones' gal!!

Kristen said...

Congratulations! I have been praying for y'all all day. She is a little doll...so beautiful. Let me know if you need anything...we are so close! We can't wait to meet Miss Annabeth!

Tara said...

Congratulations to the Jones family on this precious blessing straight from heaven!

And, thank you so much for showing us pictures!!!! She is just beautiful...and you all look so happy! Congratulations!!!!

Debbie said...

Congratulations!!! She's beautiful!

Amy said...

Congrats on your beautiful baby!

Erica said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! And I love her name. Congratulations!!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Congratulations! She is absolutely adorable.

Michelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She's beautiful!

duchess said...

She's beautiful. (Just like the other girls in her family.)

Traci said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is just beautiful!! And her name could not be more darling!! I am so thrilled for your family!!
Much prayer, hugs and love to you all!!

Ashley said...

Congratulations!!! Can't wait to hear all about it! I LOVE her name!

Mary Lindsey said...

Precious Precious Precious!!! So excited and LOVE her name! Congrats Jones family! God is sooo good!

Melinda said...

Annabeth! Just beautiful - the little princess and her whole family!

Blessings on you all,

Mathis Family said...

So glad to click on the blog and see Annabeth's precious little face! Congratulations!

Heather said...

Congrats on your baby girl!! I love the name and she is beautiful!! You look fabulous and can't wait to hear more! Blessings to your family!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the beautiful baby girl. You look great Amanda.

Krista said...

Congratulations! And I'm impressed that she was born this morning and you've already posted about it! ;)
Love those long toes all inked up!

ncmama said...

Congratulations Jones family! Can't wait to hear the story behind her birth.

3girlsmom said...

She is beautiful!!! Welcome to a WHOLE new girly world!


Holly said...

Beautiful! Congratulations! I thought of you this morning during my prayer time (and so I prayed for you and a safe, event-free birth), and little did I know it was THE DAY! Enjoy every second of her! It certainly looks like her Bibby is!

Tonya said...

Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl - with a beautiful name!!

Laurie said...

She is so pretty! Congratulations. You look great!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray!

May she grow to be a girl and later a woman who always believes that what the Lord has said is true.

God bless your sweet family,


Tara said...

So precious!!! Blessings on your sweet litle family!! :)

Vicki said...

She is perfect..so beautiful! I LOVE her name! Congradulations!

lavonda said...

Oh she's beautiful!!
And Amanda, you look aMAZing for having just given birth! I look forward to hearing (well, reading) what I'm sure will be a great labor story. I LOVE labor and delivery (call me crazy, I know). Both times I did it, I would've done it again the next day. Hope you didn't need that jar of juice to throw on the floor :)

What a precious time for all of you. Her name is precious.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:15

much love,

Spicy Magnolia said...

Oh, Amanda, I'm sooo excited for you! She is absolutely precious and I love her name, too! Thanks for sharing the pictures and I can't wait to hear more. Hoping somehow you're able to get some good rest while in the hospital. Many congratulations to you, Curtis, Jackson and the rest of your family!

Missy said...

Praising God for this precious gift! I am beyond excited for you, and girl...you look amazing!

TXSkipper said...

So beautiful! I pray for rest for you all. I love me some February babies - my daughter turns 2 on the 14th. Congratulations - and you look amazing!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

In my rush to congratulation, I forgot to mention that you are definitely having a good hair day. Praise the Lord for babies born at a decent hour rather than the middle of the night. Cause no one looks good then!

Jackie said...

She is so beautiful. Congrats!

Carrie said...

Congratulations! Your new baby is just beautiful! I love her name. So sweet and feminine. Oh and by the way you look a-mazing to have just had a baby.

Heather said...

She is beautiful! You look great! Congrats to you all! I know you must be thrilled. Can't wait to see pics with big brother and hear his reaction. That was so fun for us to watch the little ones meet!

Congrats! Enjoy the time of rest in the hospital :)

Mary said...

Congrats!!!! What a sweet name!

Michelle said...

First let me say, you look great in this picture for just having a baby! She is sweetness! Congratulations!

Amanda May said...

Congratulations...she is very adorable! She looks so wide-awake and alert...wow!! :)

Stephanie said...

I've been waiting on pins and needles for this little girl and for the revelation of her sweet name!! Annabeth is a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl! Congratulations to your sweet family...

Just Call Me Grammy said...

She's a beauty and her name is darling! Congratulations to the whole family!

creative gal said...

Beautiful! Love the name!!

AKat said...

Amanda, Amanda!!! She is a gorgeous baby!!! Love the name!!! YAY!!! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

She's a cutie. Love the name Annabeth!

Lora said...

Annabeth is darlin'! Blessings!

Emmy said...

She is just precious Amanda and Curtis! Beautiful little Lamb of God!

Oh Jackson so fun to be a big brother! (she is going to love his friends.... and vice versa! watch out! : ) )

Think it is fun that her birthday is 2/3

Singing Praises for you all! Emmy : )

Susan B. said...

She is so precious. Congratulations to the WHOLE family. Blessings and prayers of thankfulness!

twinkle said...

I wish I could hold her and I wish I could bring you a cup of tea! You take care and let everyone take care of you as you just hold that precious baby! You both are adorable!

RosyRose said...

congrats!!!!So exciting! Oh those first moments...the new smell, the tiny fingers and toes,the hope for our little ones future!
I am celebrating her life with you tonight:)!!!

Lauren said...

Look at that sweet girl!! I can't believe it! (I also cannot believe--CANNOT--your fabulous postpartum hair.)

Karen said...

Congratulations! I concur with everyone else...she's beautiful!

Now the question is: did your water break in public?

Betsy said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful girl! She couldn't be born into a better family--the heritage of amazing, godly and fun women she will have to inspire her.

I love her name!


Karen said...

Welcome to the world, little one!

Denise said...

Precious!!! I love the name!!! Congratulations

Big Mama said...

I seriously have tears in my eyes. She is just beautiful!


Jen said...

congratulations!!! she is beautiful and i love her name!! :)

Ashli said...

I love her name. You do not at all look like you went through labor- score!

She is so pretty! I am so giving God the glory for all those prayers for a healthy baby and smooth delivery!
Enjoy these precious days. I love the footprints!

Marla Taviano said...

Oh, Amanda! OH, AMANDA!!! She is so beautiful and precious!! Oh, I love her! And what a gorgeous name! I don't know any other Annabeths! It's so perfect! She is so cute!! I can't stop gushing!!!!!

I LOVE HER!!!! Welcome to the world, Miss Annabeth Ellen!!

Sigh. How will I sleep tonight?

ckl616 said...

I just KNEW it! I was feeling all night last night like you were having that precious little one! I checked once again around midnight last night....She is precious and beautiful just like her Momma! I am just crazy happy for you all!!! And her gorgeous little Princess bed and bedding are as beautiful as I have ever seen - perfectly suited for a beautiful Darling Annabeth! Congratulations! Cheryl

Kate said...

Congratulations on a beautiful daughter! Today is my own sweet daughter's 3rd birthday so it is a special day all around!

Elizabeth said...

She's beautiful and the perfect addition to your family. I can't wait to hear what Jackson thinks!

Callie said...

no way!! that was quick girl!! So excited for you guys!! She is perfect!

Jennifer said...

congratulations! she is beautiful and you look great! :)

Tales of a Peanut said...

Annabeth is beautiful! And I love the name! Congratulations!

Kendra White said...

She is beautiful.... what a blessing!!! Look how long her sweet toes are!

Fran said...

Still crying. ;) She is just beautiful Amanda. Honestly...I refreshed the LPM blog at least 327times today! I prayed all day long and I'm just so thrilled that you are both so well.

Blessings Jones and Moore family!

Anonymous said...

Precious... just precious... Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

She is perfect! Just beautiful, and the first picture looks a lot like her big brother. I have been praying for your sweet family all day! Many blessings to your sweet family of four!
p.s. you look awesome!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! She's adorable.

Hannah said...

She is so cute! Congratulations! I love her name! Enjoy every minute of your new baby girl! They are so much fun!


Heather's House said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations to a sweet family....even if I just know you in blogville! haha!

Haley said...

Congratulations!!! She is precious! I can't wait to see pictures of her with Jackson!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

Darling baby girl!!! And I l-o-v-e the name!!! So, so happy!

Adrienne said...

Ohh Annabeth!!! I am so excited for you...sweet blessings and peace to all 4 of you.

Angela Baylis said...

She couldn't be more perfect, Amanda! I LOVE her name, too! I hope you are resting tonight. Doesn't Jackson look big now? I'm so happy for you!
Love to you,
Angie in Michigan

Tara G. said...

So dainty! And what a beautiful name! Congratulations!

P.S. Your hair looks great!

Alana said...

OH my goodness...she is beautiful! Congratulations Amanda!

Murrell Family said...

She is so beautiful and you look gorgeous...like you didn't go through labor today! Congratulations and so excited that Annabeth is here!

Wrinkled Shirts said...

She's here! WOOHOO! Congratulations!!!!!
Paula G. <><

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Rejoicing with you over this BEAUTIFUL baby girl! Annabeth is a lovely name.

Gran Jan said...

She is beautiful! Welcome Miss Annabeth Ellen Jones...

Much love,
Gran Jan (Georgia Jan)

rccalyn said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful! And I love the name Annabeth. Although I must say it's not fair you popped already! You were only 5 days ahead of me I think?! And I am not even close...

Christi said...

Yeah!!! She is precious. I absolutely love her name. Praise the Lord...oh, and you look absolutely fabulous. Definitely a good hair day...and make up day too!

Beth said...

She is beautiful! Congrats to you and your sweet family.

Eliza said...

Oh my goodness! She is beautiful!! YEAH!

Gililland's Island said...

So fun! Congratulations!

Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

I am SQUEALING! She's just gorgeous and so alert!! Congratulations to the entire family!

Jessie said...

she is absolutely gorgeous! love these happy pictures of smiling faces - congrats all around...you make me want to start this amazing journey all over again. nothing warms a heart more than a newborn.

Erin said...

oh my gosh! she's here! i read about the false alarm just yesterday so i was surprised when i read this - so exciting! congratulations - she's beautiful.

kittyhox said...

Love the name! She is lovely!! Congratulations all around!

debra parker said...

Love, Love, Love.

Happy Newborn Days!

Mrs said...

Congratulations Curtis, Amanda, and Jackson! A sweet baby girl to love and adore!

(Can you just SEE her Bibby's face thinking, "PINK TEA PARTY!!!")

Oh, and Amanda? The highlights are WORKIN', girl! You look fantastic!

Andreea said...

Congratulations, Amanda, Curtis and Jackson!! She is soo beautiful. I just want to reach through the screen and hold her. :) I love her name too. It's so darling!


Colored With Memories said...

Congrats! She's amazing! I can't believe her eyes are open in so many pictures...she's obviously brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Amanda, she is just beautiful! And I LURVE the name. Congrats to all of you!

Deedra said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful! I love her name! Amanda, you look incredible!

Congratulations to you all!

Kim ~ Kay Kay said...

Congratulations, What a beautiful little girl!
I also love the name you chose...how blessed is she!
Girls are so much fun!

Amanda, you look great!
From all your posts its seems you were just so ready for this.
Glad everyone is doing well and hope you'll be able to rest some.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty baby! Congrats~

Sharon said...

Congratulations Amanda and Curtis! She is absolutely beautiful!

Much love,
Charlotte, NC

The Schmidt Family said...

Yea!!! She's so beautiful sister! I can't wait to meet her! We're going to have to put your mamma on a budget when it comes to cute girl dresses :o)!!!

ocean mommy said...

She is beautiful! I can't wait for my girls to see her pictures! They prayed all day for you all and little Annabeth...I can't wait to show them who they were praying for. :)

Hugs and blessings,

Mary H. said...

Precious...just precious.
Thank you for sharing.
God bless you all.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

She's beautiful with her pink lips & peaches and cream skin! Congratulations! I held Clara up to the computer to show her pictures of her new friend.

Sara@www.tablegrace.net said...

She is beautiful. And obviously the Lord looked with favor on you and gave you a good hair day, too:)

Barr Family said...

Congratulations!!! I love her name, and she is beautiful!!! She shares a birthday with my Gracie, who turned 4 today. Congratulations!

Heather said...

YEAH!!!! I LOVE the name and she is so adorable! Congrats, Amanda! Can't wait to hear the whole story of her birth!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! Miss Annabeth is beautiful and Amanda you look great! Blessings!

olivia and henry said...

she's so beautiful!!!! so excited for you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! A beautiful baby with a beautiful name. God bless you all.

Lauren said...

Amanda, I love that name!!! She's precious. Congrats to you and family :) :)

We've Got Scents said...

A beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. Blessings to your family today and always,

JenB said...

Congratulations! She's as beautiful as her name! Love it!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl!
your mom was hilarious tonight at bible study talking about her day today:)
she was so cute...i know her heart was with you and the baby:)
but i'm so glad she came to speak tonight!

have fun on this "2 kids" adventure!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Gorgeous name, gorgeous baby girl, gorgeous family!!!! Praying for you and saying special prayers for Mr. Jackson's easy transition to big brotherhood!
God bless the Jones Family!

Donna said...

Congratulations!!! I hope you are all feeling great!!! And I love the name Annabeth!! She is beautiful!

Rachel said...

Hurray hurray! Just lovely! Can't wait to hear/see more. Ya'll get some good rest now!
much love,

Becky said...

She's beautiful! I'm so happy for your family. May she have a blessed life!

Dionna said...

Ohhhh and everyone got to be there!! I am SO happy for you, Amanda. Does Curtis get to keep the foot imprinted medical wear? I hope so! :)
Can't wait to hear how it went....she is utterly precious.

The Anderson Zoo said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Sweet Annabeth is darling. We don't know each other but I found your blog a few months ago and have checked it regularly. I'm so excited for you and your family.

JottinMama said...

What a blessing! She is sooooo precious!

Congrats to you, girl :)

Hugs, Blessings, and Prayers,
Kate :)

Tabaitha said...

Congratulations Amanda, Annabeth is beautiful. I have to add that you look pretty fabulous yourself after just having a baby.

Toknowhim said...

I love her name... You look wonderful Amanda!!! Can't wait to hear more in the future...

Congrats to all!!

Kendra Lee said...

Beautiful! She is perfect - absolutely perfect! Congratulations!

Megan O. said...

Congratulations!! And it looks like you had a great hair-day for the photo. Really it's unfair how great you look after giving birth!

Susan said...

Praise God! I pray Annabeth is both blessed AND a blessing for all she comes in contact with throughout her life :-)

Keri said...

Congratulations!!! She is super cute!

Your mom was hysterical tonight at Bible study talking about that little girl. So glad it is being recorded so you can listen to it - not a dry eye in the house!

Angela said...

She's gorgeous. Her name is beautiful.

Kiki said...

She's so beautiful! Congratulations!

Your hair looks awesome too.

annalee said...

annabeth is absolutely delightful! i love her sweet face and her beautiful mouth. and her name is just too cute. so glad she is safely here!

Megan said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and I love her name!!

The Sotos said...

Congrats Amanda and Curtis! She is beautiful!! Love the name too!!

JayCee said...



Mocha with Linda said...

Oh she's precious.

But of course she's from mighty beautiful genes!!

Kelly said...

I love her! She's perfect! Love her name also!
You look GORGEOUS for just delivering a baby!!!!
I'm so happy for ya'll!!!!! Can't wait for more pictures!

Kari said...

Love the sweet name Amanda! You look superb as always. She is a doll! WOW! Can't wait to hear the details.

Anonymous said...

She is beyond precious... enjoy her and relish your soon to be coming baby bangs...

Sherry said...

Oh, Congratulations! She's so darling!

In the first picture, she looks a little like Jackson -- like Jackson's sister :)

Thanks for sharing!

Kylie said...

She is absolutely beautiful and so is her name. Tiny little princess! Congratulations!

Krystal said...

She is lovely! Jared and I think she looks like Jackson! You are looking absolutly beautiful!

Love you friend!

Beth said...

Congrats. She is just as beautiful as her mama. I pray you will be able to soak all this in and enjoy this precious one. What a sweet family.

Julie Marler (Mammy) said...

Beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl! Bibby was so proud of her at bible study tonight!!!
Blessings to you all! Mammy

Rose said...

Congrats! my 1st born baby girl is now 15, and seeing this pictures took me back! Enjoy her, she's truly beautiful!!!
BTW, you look great!!

Kim said...

She is precious! You look great! Can't wait to see more pics and hear the story!
My sweet mom's birthday is today too!

The Milams said...

What a pleasant surprise! congrats!

FaceforGrace said...

She is just beautiful! Wow, I can't get over how great you look after just giving birth... no fair- I looked like I had been run over by a truck in my post-birth pictures! :)


zum the mum said...

Precious, simply precious! Thank you Lord, for this completely incredible blessing!!! Congratulations.

Haley said...

Praying for your sweet family! What a blessed day!!
She looks perfect!

Rachel www.jackandcoledesigns.com said...

Could there really be a prettier lady who just gave birth?! I don't think so..

She is so beautiful!!

You gotta post some picture of her in her cute little outfits when you get settled!!

Blessings to your darling daughter!

~Jodi~ said...

aww Amanda I was praying for you today! she is just beautiful!! I love her name! Congrats to you and your sweet family!! You look amazing! I pray you can rest and enjoy these sweet moments.
Thank you for sharing

Taylor said...

Amanda, she is just darling. It's just precious how she is looking at everyone in the pictures. Congratultions!

Love, Taylor

Melissa said...

Congratulations, Jones family! What a beautiful name for a beautiful treasure. I just darn near cried when I looked closely at that last picture and saw what was written on the little ankle bracelet: "Girl of Jones, Amanda".

How perfect.

Lindsee Lou said...

I am just tickled pink for y'all, Amanda! Congratulations! What a sweet, precious gift from above! Much love your way!

Lindsee Lou said...

P.S. I can't get over the name Annabeth! It still sounds like an American Doll/Girl name to me. I absolutely love it!

Erin Ward said...

She is so sweet. I love her so much already. And of course, I'm glad to be sharing my middle name with her. :)
Can't wait to see you guys again and kiss that sweet little one!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

love the name!
and you look gorgeous in the pics!

Janelle and Ella said...

I know I already told you this...but she is GORGEOUS!!!! I am crying looking at those beautiful pictures! I can not stand it that I am not there. It breaks my heart that I can not share this time with you. So unlike last time. :-) I love you so much and am so happy for you!!

Timmarie said...

She is absolutely stunning.

And you look fantastic, Amanda!

Marlos ACE said...

How beautiful and precious. You look great, what a happy momma, you must be. Wonderfully blessed by God.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous baby girl! Congratulations to your sweet family.

The Johnsons said...

Congratulations Curtis, Amanda and Jackson! I wish I actually knew you so I could bring you a meal or something to help out. Rest while you're in the hospital! Many prayers of thanksgiving and help for the days ahead! She is more than precious.


Leyla said...

Congratulations Amanda! I have been following your blog for awhile now...and I was so excited to see it today. Annabeth is beautiful! It was just 3 short months ago that our daughter, Audrey was born. Such a blessing! God is good!

Keep in touch, I think we are pretty close to being neighbors.

Leyla Attayi Riebel

Cindy said...

Congratulations Amanda, Curt and Jackson. She is precious!

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

She is just precious! (No Mommy should get to look that cute after giving birth, by the way!) Congrats on that beautiful blessing and prayers for a smooth transition into life as a mother of two!

A Little Water said...

Wow, what a blessing! She is so beautiful! And such a pretty name too. You look great!

Jenna said...

Oh she is just darling, and her name is absolutely perfect! Mama and babe both look beautiful, and I am just tearing up at all the love permeating from the faces of your sweet family! Congrats!!!

Laurie M said...

She's just a gem. Congrats to your new family of four. Many blessings!

Jennifer said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations! Amanda, you look awesome! So glad you could share this day with your wonderful family!

Whittaker Woman said...

Congrats! I am so happy that your family is together! H

Marc and Charity said...

Congratultions y'all!!! Love the name, and she is just precious!

Trying not to be jealous that you went into labor before me!!! :)

Many blessings as you adjust to a family of 4! :)

Ruth said...

Congratulations! Prayers of praise that she is finally here!

Beki said...

She is absolutely beautiful! Love the name too. Congratulations!!!
Amanda, you look radiant!

Janet said...

Sending congratulations from South Africa! Congratulations, and my your family be blessed with joy by your new addition. Stunning name!!

jeanie@mageditor.blogspot.com said...

I love her name! Annabeth...too cute! We have an Annabelle and I've always loved anything Anna.
She's a darling baby. Thanks so much for sharing the pics. She's been most anticipated. I love your Mama so that just means the love flows down to her offspring and so on. It's so very generous of you to share your life like you do and encouraging too. Oh Happy Day!

Sister Lynn said...

She is lovely and beautiful - and her name fits her!

blessings to you and the family
sister Lynn

Deidre said...

She is beautiful!
Love the name.

jami said...

Congratulations! You all look so beautiful!

katiegfromtennessee said...

OHH WOWWW!!!! Little Momma!!! I got back from my Mission trip just in time!!!! I was thinking about you yesterday, wondering if you were very close to having Little Siesta, Miss Annabeth Ellen Jones!!! OH, I am beyond excited for you!! She's here!!!! LOVING IT! OH, I brought her back a gift from Southeast Asia! It will be coming in the mail to you soon. It's a little big for her now, but she can wear it when she is a little older:) Love you Little Momma, and all you all at Living Proof!!!!!:):)

Love in CHRIST,


Amy said...

She's precious Amanda! And you look amazing as well!

AugsburgDaisy said...

So sweet! I love it! You had a fabulous hair day and look nothing like a woman after labor has any right to! :) Congratulations!

Rachel said...

Congratulations! What a blessing!

Leslie Young said...

She's gorgeous! Thank you, JESUS!

Rebecca said...

Praise the Lord! Congrats Amanda. She is so beautiful!

Rebecca in e.tx

The Allens said...

Oh, she came!!! And she's beautiful! I hope the entire experience went well. I can't wait to hear! Congratulations! And thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures.

Kelli said...

Oh Amanda she is BEAUTIFUL! You look just glowing and so proud to be a mama of a baby girl and her big brother!

I love the name. It is so sweet and will be perfect for your little princess!

Mindy said...

Look at her!!! She's perfect! I can't wait to meet her. Eli gives her a big welcome!

Unknown said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations and Praise the Lord for a healthy baby and a healthy momma!

Nicole said...

Hey Amanda, This is Justin and Nicole Arbuckle. We just wanted to say Congratulations! She is beautiful!

PartyofFive said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! LOVE the footprints stamped on her daddy's heart! Girls have a way with their daddies, for sure. Great hair day, as usual!

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