I got some really amazing gifts, too. My mom made a large shadow box for me with pictures of my early childhood and one of my dresses inside. She also gave me a huge plastic storage box of all my baby clothes. They were washed and pressed and folded neatly inside. You can imagine that I bawled like a baby and my mom said she did too while she was putting it all together. I had no idea she still had any of it. There was a tiny "Love ya Blue" t-shirt from the Houston Oliers days. There was also a little jersey that mom made for my second birthday that said "Manda" on the back and had a #2 on the front. It's so cute!
Curt and I are taking advantage of having free babysitters while we're here. We went to our old favorite date place - the AMC Willowbrook - and saw Casino Royale. It was not my pick of a movie and we had to sit on the very front row, but we had a good time. And I think it inspired both of us to get in shape...as we pigged out on a huge bag of popcorn. Hey, if you only get to see a movie once every couple months, you gotta live it up, right?
Jackson is practicing waving bye-bye and my mom is trying to teach him animal sounds. If he doesn't learn to say mama before he can bark like a dog I'm not sure I'll handle that well! He is being very picky with his foods right now. He still loves fruit in any form but he is battling me over cereal and veggies. He's really loving table foods. Last night he got to have some chicken fajita meat and he thought that was his best meal ever. He may be a meat and potato person like his parents.
Jackson will be waking up from his nap any minute and then we are taking a little family trip to the Galleria. I need some new black boots. The ones I have (see below) and absolutely love are so ridiculously painful that I am finally cracking. When your church shoes feel like tennis shoes compared to your everyday boots, something is very wrong!