UPDATE: I don't want to leave anyone hanging. Monster Jam was great. Jackson was over the moon happy. And there was no sloshing. Pictures tomorrow.
Yesterday was quite eventful. I had gotten it in my head that I hadn't been feeling the baby move around enough, so I began calling my doctor's office at 7:45, asking to be seen. My doctor had said over and over again to come in for any reason. So I thought I would take him up on it before the weekend came. Apparently their phone system was down and that was causing all of their phone calls to be routed to an answering service. By 3:00 I was ready to just drive to the satellite office closest to me and take my chances. So I did. There was no doctor there, but my regular nurse checked the baby's heartrate with a doppler and said she sounded perfect. Great! Now I could let my mind rest.
Mom offered to take Jackson for the evening so that Curt and I could go out. I was very happy to take her up on that. Jackson had had one of those days that made me feel like a drill sergeant. He was understandably bored since we couldn't go anywhere while I waited for the doctor's phone call that never came. He was getting into everything and not responding to any form of discipline. Date night sounded great.
We dropped him off with some pajamas and headed to a Cajun seafood restaurant called Pappadeaux. Curt isn't a seafood person, but he lets us go there on occasion. The place was packed and the atmosphere was great. I've never been to New Orleans, but I felt like we were there. I had fried shrimp and a baked potato. (Curt is allergic to shrimp. Poor thing.) What I really wanted was some bread pudding for dessert, but mid-way through our meal we had decided that I was in labor and needed to call the doctor. I thought I should probably forgo the bread pudding.
So yeah, labor. We were on our way to the restaurant when we started timing my contractions and they were every five minutes. That lasted over an hour and a half. Mind you, I had basically been sitting on the couch all day. I'd done nothing to provoke this. Curt timed me with his cell phone during our dinner. I wondered if the people at the tables next to us realized we were counting contractions and planning our our next moves. It was actually really fun and exciting, especially since Jackson was already with my mom. Plus, I was having a great hair day and that would be perfect for pictures.
We spoke to the nurse on call as we drove home and she said not to mess around with that, especially with it being my second, and to go to the hospital. We spent the next hour packing like crazy and getting our house ready. To our surprise, we found that at some point in the day Jackson had locked the guest room door (which we don't have a key for). Awesome. What is up with the drama in that room? When my in-laws came they would just have to stay in our room. Again, no clean sheets! Ahhh!
So off we went at about 9 p.m. On the way, Curt kept asking me if I was still feeling the contractions. For the last hour I hadn't paid attention because I'd been running around. I wanted to say yes, but they had started to change. Sad!
We got to the hospital and checked in. We admitted to the nurses that we knew we might be going home. I had to change into a gown and put on a monitor and all that jazz. Our sweet nurse, whom I fell in love with, had to go through the list of 100 questions before she ever checked me. Bless her heart. (But now it's done and next time I won't have to do it.) What I find totally unbelievable is that I did not have one contraction the ENTIRE time I was laying in the bed with the monitor on. Bless my heart too! Scratch that, I actually had one right before we left. And my cervix is apparently made of steel because it has not budged one bit. Awesome. (But I'm very thankful and blessed that it's strong.)
Our nurse was so sweet about it. She said she wished she could keep us and hoped we would get her again when it was really time. I got dressed and we headed to my mom's to get Jackson. Actually, we went to Sonic first so I could get some ice to crunch.
So it was an exciting night of having a great meal with the Hubs and getting to do a dress rehearsal of going to the hospital. I was minorly bummed, but it was actually kind of fun and I feel a lot more peaceful about how this is all gonna go down. It was nice to meet the nurses and see a labor and delivery room. And now we have the Suburban already filled with the things that can stay packed.
I have no idea how I'm going to know it's time. It's really hard. This morning I just told the Lord that I'm entrusting myself to Him. That's all I can do! I hope He'll make it obvious to me. Since I was induced with Jackson, I have no idea when my body would have actually gone into labor on its own or what it would have been like. That's where it's tricky for me.
Tonight we are taking Jackson to Monster Jam. It is going to be the best night of my son's almost-three-year life. I will not elaborate about it at this moment since that will need its own post. I'm just hoping my water doesn't break while we're there. I'm really not a monster truck show kind of girl and I'd just hate to have that be in my princess's birth story forever and ever. The Lord may want to humble me though. I've seen a variation of this saying before, but I might make and wear a sign that says, "If my water breaks at Monster Jam, drag my sloshing self to Neimans."
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thirty-Eight Weeks
Right now Curtis is grilling burgers for us on the back patio, the door is open and letting in the cool air, the sky is cloudless, my big white dog is happy and prancing around the yard, and my boy is scheming about how to get Daddy to let him play in the sandbox when Mommy said not tonight. It's been a fabulous day.
Jackson went to MDO this morning and I went to a nail salon, compliments of my sweet friend Missy. I got my toes painted in watermelon-pink glory and my feet rubbed until I could have almost cried from the relief. My nail technician was also apparently a martial artist, as she spent several minutes pounding my calves with her fists. It didn't hurt, but I had to hold back from laughing out loud at the sight of my VVP self getting pounded like a piece of meat.
After my pedi I went up to the LPM office for my baby lunch with all the girls. I can't tell you how happy my heart was. And not just about the cake. Although the cake was absolutely amazing. It looked like a wooden alphabet block. So stinking cute. I'd show you a picture, but it would reveal her name. Gasp! I know y'all hate me right now with the all the name lockdown nonsense. But it will all be over-slash-just-beginning in two weeks. (I'm 38 weeks today! Yeah!)
For lunch we had takeout from this really great tea room we all love. I had chicken salad on a croissant, pasta salad, fruit salad, and actual lettuce salad. After we chatted about everything under the sun, I got to open a few presents from my co-workers. I got some really fun pajamas from Pajama Gram and some cash to spend on my next trip to Babies R Us or maybe Banana Republic when I get my waist back. I also got a framed picture of the baby's name surrounded by the Bible verses that each of my co-workers had chosen as a prayer over her life. It's absolutely beautiful and so meaningful to me. The first verse says, "And after (insert Baby Girl's name) was born, she walked with God" (adapted from Gen. 5:22). I hate to say it, but I cried! I also do not want to leave out that Susan Kirby prayed over our lunch and over the baby and she specifically asked that Baby Girl would be a peaceful presence in our home. I amened that loudly. And I'm not ashamed.
Now I'll rewind to last night. We went to Wednesday night supper and Bible study at church and had a really great time. They did breakfast for dinner, which was super tasty. I did cheat and have waffles. Oh well. A bunch of our friends came and we enjoyed getting to visit with them. When it comes to relationships, I feel like we are some of the most blessed people on earth. Curtis taught on the six woes that Jesus brought down on the Pharisees in Luke 11. It was basically about self-righteousness and it was extremely convicting.
After we got home, I started freaking out that we weren't ready for this baby to come. I didn't know the exact location of the infant car seat and base. The guest room where my in-laws will stay had all kinds of junk in it, including Jackson's dismantled crib. The sheets on that bed were not clean. There were three baskets of laundry that needed to be folded. I hadn't tested out my new video camera that I got for Christmas and I wasn't sure if my regular camera battery was charged. None of the baby's clothes had been washed. I needed to put her new mattress on the bed and throw out Jackson's old one. My bags aren't packed for the hospital because it's hard when you still need all that junk every day.
I don't know, is that nesting? All of my nesting/obsessing sent my body into contraction mode. (Really, all it took was folding the laundry and picking up our room.) A little before midnight I collapsed in bed and pitifully begged Curt to rub my back. I was having some pretty strong contractions and my body was just hurting. They weren't super painful, but gripping, if you know what I mean. They went around to my back as well as my tummy and even made my legs hurt.
I didn't tell Curtis, but I laid in bed and counted the minutes between contractions until 1:00. They were coming every 10 minutes. At that point I gave Curtis a heads up. For the next two hours they were every 10 to 8 minutes, then between 7 and 4. Baby Girl knew something was going on because she was quite revved up in between each one. I'm supposed to call the doctor when they've been every 5-7 minutes, lasting 1 minute each, for an hour. Right before I hit that hour mark, the contractions started weakening and were just like the normal ones I have all day. I was honestly glad because I labored through the night with Jackson and was really, really out of it the next day from lack of sleep. I hope I get to labor during the day this time. Plus, I had cake to eat today. I mean, come on! Although I figured my co-workers would bring it to the hospital and we'd enjoy it there. Really though, I just had such a long list of things to do.
Mercifully, I fell asleep around three, next to my journal where I'd been recording the minutes in the dark. It's amazing how three hours can fly by when you've spent nine months waiting on a baby.
Jackson went to MDO this morning and I went to a nail salon, compliments of my sweet friend Missy. I got my toes painted in watermelon-pink glory and my feet rubbed until I could have almost cried from the relief. My nail technician was also apparently a martial artist, as she spent several minutes pounding my calves with her fists. It didn't hurt, but I had to hold back from laughing out loud at the sight of my VVP self getting pounded like a piece of meat.
After my pedi I went up to the LPM office for my baby lunch with all the girls. I can't tell you how happy my heart was. And not just about the cake. Although the cake was absolutely amazing. It looked like a wooden alphabet block. So stinking cute. I'd show you a picture, but it would reveal her name. Gasp! I know y'all hate me right now with the all the name lockdown nonsense. But it will all be over-slash-just-beginning in two weeks. (I'm 38 weeks today! Yeah!)
For lunch we had takeout from this really great tea room we all love. I had chicken salad on a croissant, pasta salad, fruit salad, and actual lettuce salad. After we chatted about everything under the sun, I got to open a few presents from my co-workers. I got some really fun pajamas from Pajama Gram and some cash to spend on my next trip to Babies R Us or maybe Banana Republic when I get my waist back. I also got a framed picture of the baby's name surrounded by the Bible verses that each of my co-workers had chosen as a prayer over her life. It's absolutely beautiful and so meaningful to me. The first verse says, "And after (insert Baby Girl's name) was born, she walked with God" (adapted from Gen. 5:22). I hate to say it, but I cried! I also do not want to leave out that Susan Kirby prayed over our lunch and over the baby and she specifically asked that Baby Girl would be a peaceful presence in our home. I amened that loudly. And I'm not ashamed.
Now I'll rewind to last night. We went to Wednesday night supper and Bible study at church and had a really great time. They did breakfast for dinner, which was super tasty. I did cheat and have waffles. Oh well. A bunch of our friends came and we enjoyed getting to visit with them. When it comes to relationships, I feel like we are some of the most blessed people on earth. Curtis taught on the six woes that Jesus brought down on the Pharisees in Luke 11. It was basically about self-righteousness and it was extremely convicting.
After we got home, I started freaking out that we weren't ready for this baby to come. I didn't know the exact location of the infant car seat and base. The guest room where my in-laws will stay had all kinds of junk in it, including Jackson's dismantled crib. The sheets on that bed were not clean. There were three baskets of laundry that needed to be folded. I hadn't tested out my new video camera that I got for Christmas and I wasn't sure if my regular camera battery was charged. None of the baby's clothes had been washed. I needed to put her new mattress on the bed and throw out Jackson's old one. My bags aren't packed for the hospital because it's hard when you still need all that junk every day.
I don't know, is that nesting? All of my nesting/obsessing sent my body into contraction mode. (Really, all it took was folding the laundry and picking up our room.) A little before midnight I collapsed in bed and pitifully begged Curt to rub my back. I was having some pretty strong contractions and my body was just hurting. They weren't super painful, but gripping, if you know what I mean. They went around to my back as well as my tummy and even made my legs hurt.
I didn't tell Curtis, but I laid in bed and counted the minutes between contractions until 1:00. They were coming every 10 minutes. At that point I gave Curtis a heads up. For the next two hours they were every 10 to 8 minutes, then between 7 and 4. Baby Girl knew something was going on because she was quite revved up in between each one. I'm supposed to call the doctor when they've been every 5-7 minutes, lasting 1 minute each, for an hour. Right before I hit that hour mark, the contractions started weakening and were just like the normal ones I have all day. I was honestly glad because I labored through the night with Jackson and was really, really out of it the next day from lack of sleep. I hope I get to labor during the day this time. Plus, I had cake to eat today. I mean, come on! Although I figured my co-workers would bring it to the hospital and we'd enjoy it there. Really though, I just had such a long list of things to do.
Mercifully, I fell asleep around three, next to my journal where I'd been recording the minutes in the dark. It's amazing how three hours can fly by when you've spent nine months waiting on a baby.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
When Self-Denial is a Foreign Feeling
Remember how my OB told me I should enjoy the end of my pregnancy and eat whatever I wanted? Since I hadn't gained too much weight and all? Well, I didn't intend to follow his advice. He wasn't the one who would have to lose the weight. But it got down in my subconscious and I literally have eaten anything I've wanted since then. I started thinking that, assuming this is my last pregnancy, I will basically be watching my weight for the rest of my days on earth. So I've felt the need to live it up. These last weeks of pregnancy drag by and I suppose it has made me less bored to eat any dessert within 50 feet. It's shameful, I tell you! The scale totally ratted on me on Monday. I was horrified. I said to my doc, "You told me to eat whatever I wanted, and look what happened!" He said it was water weight. Only the Lord knows.
Last Thursday and Friday I had those amazing cookies that Melanie brought me. (God bless her for not bringing a full dozen.) Then on Saturday our babysitter brought me a huge piece of orange pineapple cake made by her wonderful mother. I ate half of it that night. Then after church the next day I was trying to take a nap but I kept thinking about the rest of that cake in my fridge. So I got up and ate it. It was wonderful. I still can't believe that I traded my nap for food. Then on Monday I broke into some apple pie that my friend Kristy had made for our Friday night supper that never happened (because Jackson got sick). Kristy had packed some up for VVPG and given it to me at church. Y'all, I have never, ever, ever had anything so good in my life. If Cinnabon started making an apple pie cinnamon roll, this is what it would taste like. I ate that right before my appointment. Awesome. Then I got on the scale and the party was over.
That night at my parents' house I saw a little package of chocolate covered almonds. My first thought was to eat one and then I reconsidered. Let me just tell you that the feeling of self-denial came over me and it was foreign. Oh my gosh, how sad is that? It felt good though. So I've been trying to have some self-control.
Tomorrow my sweet co-workers are having a baby lunch for me. I heard through the grapevine that there will be cake. Cake made at my favorite bakery. I am totally pumped. So today I have to be VVPG in SSDM (serious self-denial mode) so I can partake. No sweets for me!
Also, in case you care, my innie belly button has become an outie. It's not flat, just poking out bizarrely. It did this last time too. I'm sorry if anyone can see it through my shirt, but I'm too pregnant to be bothered.
Oh, and I just got a text from my husband that says, "Wow wow Wubbzy, Wubbzy, Wubbzy, wow wow." No, having kids doesn't change things. I promise!
Last Thursday and Friday I had those amazing cookies that Melanie brought me. (God bless her for not bringing a full dozen.) Then on Saturday our babysitter brought me a huge piece of orange pineapple cake made by her wonderful mother. I ate half of it that night. Then after church the next day I was trying to take a nap but I kept thinking about the rest of that cake in my fridge. So I got up and ate it. It was wonderful. I still can't believe that I traded my nap for food. Then on Monday I broke into some apple pie that my friend Kristy had made for our Friday night supper that never happened (because Jackson got sick). Kristy had packed some up for VVPG and given it to me at church. Y'all, I have never, ever, ever had anything so good in my life. If Cinnabon started making an apple pie cinnamon roll, this is what it would taste like. I ate that right before my appointment. Awesome. Then I got on the scale and the party was over.
That night at my parents' house I saw a little package of chocolate covered almonds. My first thought was to eat one and then I reconsidered. Let me just tell you that the feeling of self-denial came over me and it was foreign. Oh my gosh, how sad is that? It felt good though. So I've been trying to have some self-control.
Tomorrow my sweet co-workers are having a baby lunch for me. I heard through the grapevine that there will be cake. Cake made at my favorite bakery. I am totally pumped. So today I have to be VVPG in SSDM (serious self-denial mode) so I can partake. No sweets for me!
Also, in case you care, my innie belly button has become an outie. It's not flat, just poking out bizarrely. It did this last time too. I'm sorry if anyone can see it through my shirt, but I'm too pregnant to be bothered.
Oh, and I just got a text from my husband that says, "Wow wow Wubbzy, Wubbzy, Wubbzy, wow wow." No, having kids doesn't change things. I promise!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Prayers for a Friend
I have a very precious friend from church who delivered boy and girl twins on Sunday morning at only 28 weeks. I found out a couple of hours ago that their daughter has passed away. My heart is absolutely broken into a million pieces. I cannot even begin to imagine what they are going through right now. Please pray for God to comfort this couple and for their baby boy to live and thrive. Thank you so much.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Fabulous Makeover
How much do I love my new design? As Jackson would say with arms outstretched, BIG MUCH! Thank you so much to Kelly at Fabulous K Creative! I've got a little bit of work to do on it today during naptime. Then I get to see Baby Girl on an ultrasound this afternoon. Yeah! It's a good day!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Girls Night Out
I think this is my last post on the purple blog as I know it. I'm excited but it's a little bittersweet!
Last night was the KSBJ/Proverbs 31 Ministries Girls Night Out. It was such a great night. There were a handful of bloggers there and we all managed to find each other. We had Melanie, Missy, Missy, Linda, Sandy, Lindsee, Claire, and even Lisa, who flew in from out of state! It was really neat to visit with everyone. I find it very enjoyable to be in the company of other bloggers. It's such a weird little hobby that people do not really get unless they do it too. It's fun to talk shop.
There were three speakers for the event - Lysa TerKeurst, Renee Swope, and Kate Gosselin from Jon and Kate + 8. They were all delightful to hear. They each gave testimonies about what happens when a woman says yes to God. Ayiesha Woods performed in between speakers and she was awesome. And adorable. We laughed a ton and cried a little - the perfect girls night out. (Have y'all seen this abbreviated as GNO? I don't really like it. Makes me think of gyno.) Also? Kate was a total hottie last night with her heels and very cool hair.
Today we got to have lunch at the Nordstrom Bistro with the Altics and our friend Ralph from India. Ralph is the man who hosted Jerrell and Curt when they went to India last September. He is an awesome guy. During lunch Jackson was being really calm and still and basically not acting like himself. By the end of the meal, I knew something was up. Sure enough, we got home and I took his temperature - 102. Bless his heart. So he's been laying on the couch with a blanket and watching cartoons. I think he has a sinus infection from the cold he had last week. We'll see when we take him to the doctor in the morning. I'm super bummed because we were supposed to have dinner over at our friends Kristy and Drew's house tonight. When I called her she was already baking an apple pie for us. Big, huge bummer. I'm consoling myself with some Valentine's cookies that Melanie brought me from a bakery in San Antonio. Y'all know I love me a worthy cookie and these are so very, very worthy. Isn't it pathetic when you know where to go for the most excellent baked goods in every major city in Texas?
While we were at the Galleria, I ran into Gap and exchanged a hideously huge sweater that I'd ordered online for one that fits a little better. It was like a stinking dress, which shows you how poorly sized it was since it swallowed me up in my ninth month. I also got some maternity sweat pants that are already making me so happy as I type this. There's room for the belly but they aren't baggy in the bum. Ladies, hubbies don't really like to see us in pants that sag in the back. Just thought I'd let y'all know that in case your man doesn't know how to vocalize his distaste for your sweat pants.
Finally, I feel the need to do a little PSI for anyone living here in the Houston area. After the event last night I was dying for something to drink and some ice to crunch, so I pulled into a Sonic that was close to the church where the event was held. I had the cherry limeade of my life. It was absolutely incredible. It was so good that I forgot to be mad that they didn't actually put a cherry in it. I might even want to reward whoever made it with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact. I am now going to reveal this anointed Sonic's location - Cypresswood and 249. Well done, Cypresswood Sonic! You complete me.
Last night was the KSBJ/Proverbs 31 Ministries Girls Night Out. It was such a great night. There were a handful of bloggers there and we all managed to find each other. We had Melanie, Missy, Missy, Linda, Sandy, Lindsee, Claire, and even Lisa, who flew in from out of state! It was really neat to visit with everyone. I find it very enjoyable to be in the company of other bloggers. It's such a weird little hobby that people do not really get unless they do it too. It's fun to talk shop.
There were three speakers for the event - Lysa TerKeurst, Renee Swope, and Kate Gosselin from Jon and Kate + 8. They were all delightful to hear. They each gave testimonies about what happens when a woman says yes to God. Ayiesha Woods performed in between speakers and she was awesome. And adorable. We laughed a ton and cried a little - the perfect girls night out. (Have y'all seen this abbreviated as GNO? I don't really like it. Makes me think of gyno.) Also? Kate was a total hottie last night with her heels and very cool hair.
Today we got to have lunch at the Nordstrom Bistro with the Altics and our friend Ralph from India. Ralph is the man who hosted Jerrell and Curt when they went to India last September. He is an awesome guy. During lunch Jackson was being really calm and still and basically not acting like himself. By the end of the meal, I knew something was up. Sure enough, we got home and I took his temperature - 102. Bless his heart. So he's been laying on the couch with a blanket and watching cartoons. I think he has a sinus infection from the cold he had last week. We'll see when we take him to the doctor in the morning. I'm super bummed because we were supposed to have dinner over at our friends Kristy and Drew's house tonight. When I called her she was already baking an apple pie for us. Big, huge bummer. I'm consoling myself with some Valentine's cookies that Melanie brought me from a bakery in San Antonio. Y'all know I love me a worthy cookie and these are so very, very worthy. Isn't it pathetic when you know where to go for the most excellent baked goods in every major city in Texas?
While we were at the Galleria, I ran into Gap and exchanged a hideously huge sweater that I'd ordered online for one that fits a little better. It was like a stinking dress, which shows you how poorly sized it was since it swallowed me up in my ninth month. I also got some maternity sweat pants that are already making me so happy as I type this. There's room for the belly but they aren't baggy in the bum. Ladies, hubbies don't really like to see us in pants that sag in the back. Just thought I'd let y'all know that in case your man doesn't know how to vocalize his distaste for your sweat pants.
Finally, I feel the need to do a little PSI for anyone living here in the Houston area. After the event last night I was dying for something to drink and some ice to crunch, so I pulled into a Sonic that was close to the church where the event was held. I had the cherry limeade of my life. It was absolutely incredible. It was so good that I forgot to be mad that they didn't actually put a cherry in it. I might even want to reward whoever made it with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact. I am now going to reveal this anointed Sonic's location - Cypresswood and 249. Well done, Cypresswood Sonic! You complete me.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
37 Weeks!
Seventy-eight comments later and I'm feeling much more encouraged about Jackson's nap issues. Thank you for your input. It did me so much good to know that this is a common thing for kids this age. Yesterday he did take a nap! Thank You, Jesus!
I am trying not to have a nervous breakdown that I haven't posted since Monday and it is now Thursday. Things are busy around here! I really have to run and make the most of this MDO day, but I do want to quickly celebrate that today I am 37 weeks! Yeah! I am officially "full term." While I'm sure I'll still be pregnant 3 weeks from now when I reach my due date, it's still fun to think Baby could come at any time.
Tonight I'm going to KSBJ's and Proverbs 31 Ministries' Girls Night Out. I'm so pumped. I hope to post more tomorrow. Adios!
PS - I have a new blog design in the works. I got to peek at it today and it's so fun. Woo hoo!
I am trying not to have a nervous breakdown that I haven't posted since Monday and it is now Thursday. Things are busy around here! I really have to run and make the most of this MDO day, but I do want to quickly celebrate that today I am 37 weeks! Yeah! I am officially "full term." While I'm sure I'll still be pregnant 3 weeks from now when I reach my due date, it's still fun to think Baby could come at any time.
Tonight I'm going to KSBJ's and Proverbs 31 Ministries' Girls Night Out. I'm so pumped. I hope to post more tomorrow. Adios!
PS - I have a new blog design in the works. I got to peek at it today and it's so fun. Woo hoo!
Monday, January 19, 2009
If you still want to send your letter for Kristi, please do so by tomorrow if you can. Thanks!
Oh, Naptime! Why You Want to Leeeeeeeave Me?
I need to hear from someone whose child was trying desperately to drop his nap right around his third birthday but was able to be persuaded otherwise. My son still really needs his nap. He's waking up at the crack of dawn since we moved him to his big bed and of course now he doesn't want to nap. He is so tired by the afternoon and we all know that doesn't bring out the best in a little kid. We do make him stay in his bed when he doesn't sleep, but y'all know it's just not the same when you can still hear your child talking. Plus, he's not refreshed afterward. Y'all, my child is somewhat like a very wonderful and adorable Tasmanian devil and Mama needs some moments of stillness and quiet. I have tried to bribe him with getting chocolate milk after his nap if he actually sleeps, but that's no longer working. That may be awful but I feel no shame. I know someone has a success story she's dying to share.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
What are you up to right now? I am sitting on the couch eating the last of my butterscotch haystacks from Christmas. I thought they were all gone, but I found some in the fridge. I don't know about you, but I like them cold. I also like to eat chocolate when it's cold. When Melissa and I were kids, we used to buy frozen candy bars at the swimming pool. I would bang mine on something hard and make it break in half. Then I would marvel at the smooth, clearly defined layers of the Milky Way bar. Those were the days - eating candy bars in our bathing suits with no worry and no shame.
Another thing I've been doing tonight is eating lots of crushed ice. I'm craving it so bad. Hopefully I won't have cracked teeth in my first pictures with the baby. I'm not sure where this craving is coming from. I read that it could be an iron deficiency, but maybe it's coming from my deep desire to be in labor and enjoying crushed ice at the hospital. Baylor Grapevine had some good ice and they put it in an enormous cup for you. I hope my hospital here has that. Tomorrow I go for my 36 week appointment. Maybe I'll ask.
For all of you ice crunchers, pickle munchers, ice cream-craving when you're not throwing up your toenails people, there's a new book I want to tell you about. Remember when I wrote about Marla Taviano and her book, Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time? (Go here to read that post.) I enjoyed reading it so much late last spring as we were getting ready to start trying for a new baby. At that time I knew Marla was working on a new book especially for Pregnant Girls. It was just released and it's called Expecting: Praying for Your Child's Development - Body and Soul.

Expecting is one of the neatest book ideas I've ever seen. It's divided into - you guessed it - 40 weeks. Each week has a corresponding Scripture, an inspirational quote, a prayer for Baby's body and soul according to his or her development that week, a description of Baby's development, and a description of what Mom's body is going through. Marla includes some spiritual encouragement for Mom in there too. Each week ends with a question and space to journal the answer. Isn't that the coolest idea ever? I am so bummed that I can't be one of the first people to do this book all the way through! I'm just going to order a few and have them on hand for friends who become pregnant. The cool thing is that Second (Third and Fourth) Time Pregnant Girls will enjoy this just as much as First Time Pregnant Girls because you always want a way to mark the weeks going by. Plus, your prayers for each child are unique.
If you're interested in getting your hands on Expecting, you can order it here on Marla's web site. If you don't already have her other books, be sure and read my old post about those. They are Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time, From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife, and Is That All He Thinks About? The older three are offered in a bundle for $20 (or of course you can get them separately).
As I said in that other post, Marla is a really neat, really fun, really godly lady with a great Big Sister voice. I've enjoyed getting to know her through her blog for the last year or more. I can't remember how long it's been now. She's a fantastic writer and an authentic person who doesn't shy away from sharing her own struggles, which I appreciate very much. Marla, I think you're awesome! Thank you for pouring into those of us who are just a few steps behind you.
Another thing I've been doing tonight is eating lots of crushed ice. I'm craving it so bad. Hopefully I won't have cracked teeth in my first pictures with the baby. I'm not sure where this craving is coming from. I read that it could be an iron deficiency, but maybe it's coming from my deep desire to be in labor and enjoying crushed ice at the hospital. Baylor Grapevine had some good ice and they put it in an enormous cup for you. I hope my hospital here has that. Tomorrow I go for my 36 week appointment. Maybe I'll ask.
For all of you ice crunchers, pickle munchers, ice cream-craving when you're not throwing up your toenails people, there's a new book I want to tell you about. Remember when I wrote about Marla Taviano and her book, Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time? (Go here to read that post.) I enjoyed reading it so much late last spring as we were getting ready to start trying for a new baby. At that time I knew Marla was working on a new book especially for Pregnant Girls. It was just released and it's called Expecting: Praying for Your Child's Development - Body and Soul.

Expecting is one of the neatest book ideas I've ever seen. It's divided into - you guessed it - 40 weeks. Each week has a corresponding Scripture, an inspirational quote, a prayer for Baby's body and soul according to his or her development that week, a description of Baby's development, and a description of what Mom's body is going through. Marla includes some spiritual encouragement for Mom in there too. Each week ends with a question and space to journal the answer. Isn't that the coolest idea ever? I am so bummed that I can't be one of the first people to do this book all the way through! I'm just going to order a few and have them on hand for friends who become pregnant. The cool thing is that Second (Third and Fourth) Time Pregnant Girls will enjoy this just as much as First Time Pregnant Girls because you always want a way to mark the weeks going by. Plus, your prayers for each child are unique.
If you're interested in getting your hands on Expecting, you can order it here on Marla's web site. If you don't already have her other books, be sure and read my old post about those. They are Changing Your World One Diaper at a Time, From Blushing Bride to Wedded Wife, and Is That All He Thinks About? The older three are offered in a bundle for $20 (or of course you can get them separately).
As I said in that other post, Marla is a really neat, really fun, really godly lady with a great Big Sister voice. I've enjoyed getting to know her through her blog for the last year or more. I can't remember how long it's been now. She's a fantastic writer and an authentic person who doesn't shy away from sharing her own struggles, which I appreciate very much. Marla, I think you're awesome! Thank you for pouring into those of us who are just a few steps behind you.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Weekend with Bibby
Go visit Sunni's blog if you want to see something very, very sweet!
My friends seem to all give birth in clusters. This week four of my friends had babies. The same thing happened a couple of times last year, including one crazy day of four!
We have been so busy for the last nine days. Since a week ago Friday, Curtis and I have only been at home together one night. In that span of time, we went out with Missy and Spencer and had a Sequence tournament, I met up with Lori (of Bargain Shopper Lady fame) at the Dessert Gallery, I went to my last bunco before the baby comes, we started LPM Bible study, and Curt started his Wednesday night Bible study at church. This weekend he has been doing a Disciple Now at a church in town and tomorrow morning he will have the honor of preaching at that church's Sunday services. Like I said - busy! Plus, we all have a cold on top of our baby fever.
So if I've been neglecting my poor little blog, it has nothing to do with lack of things to talk about. Rather, I seem to be having a hard time actually sitting still long enough to filter through everything running through my mind. We'll just call that pregnancy-induced ADD.
When I knew we wouldn't be seeing much of Hubs this weekend, I asked Mom to save the date for Jackson and me. If I weren't so far along in the pregnancy, this would have been a great time to visit my North Texas friends. In fact, I would have loved accidentally going into labor up there and having my old doctor deliver me in that super nice hospital. But Mom talked me out of it when she asked what I would do if I went into labor during the four hour drive. Who wants to unexpectedly deliver her baby in Centerville, Texas? Not me if I can help it.
Mom came over after work on Friday and we started our Weekend 'O Fun. She got to see Jackson's new room and the baby's nursery for the first time. She loved both. Then we went to a neighborhood pizzeria for dinner, stopped by the grocery store, and finished off with ice cream cones at Baskin Robbins. Yum. After that we headed to her house to hang out. Mom offered to let Jackson spend the night so I could sleep a little later. I made it to 8:20, which was absolutely wonderful. Then I got ready for the day and headed over to her house. We went down to Rice Village so I could visit that store called A Woman's Work. I was really impressed with it. I bought a new Hooter Hider, a pump, some nursing bras, a new GlamourMom nursing tank top (love those!), and some LilyPadz (which one of y'all recommended to me). So I'm pretty much all set now! Baby Girl needs some curtains in her room and then I think we will be done.
I also ventured into Doodles (a super nice baby boutique) and somehow managed not to get out my wallet. Major self-control, people. After that we had lunch at Amazon Grill. We got s'mores for dessert and everyone must have thought we were insane for having an OPEN FLAME on our table with a two-year-old. Indeed, we ourselves felt we were insane. He handled it well though. Then we took Jackson to our church and let him play in the big indoor playland. He had a great time doing that. We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around at Mom's house. We are back home now and Curtis will join us late tonight, only to leave again at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I think he is taking off Monday, so we will be able to make up for lost time then.
That's all for now. I need to dig my FloNase out of my purse and minister to my stubborn, stopped up sinuses. Didn't I just get over a cold?
My friends seem to all give birth in clusters. This week four of my friends had babies. The same thing happened a couple of times last year, including one crazy day of four!
We have been so busy for the last nine days. Since a week ago Friday, Curtis and I have only been at home together one night. In that span of time, we went out with Missy and Spencer and had a Sequence tournament, I met up with Lori (of Bargain Shopper Lady fame) at the Dessert Gallery, I went to my last bunco before the baby comes, we started LPM Bible study, and Curt started his Wednesday night Bible study at church. This weekend he has been doing a Disciple Now at a church in town and tomorrow morning he will have the honor of preaching at that church's Sunday services. Like I said - busy! Plus, we all have a cold on top of our baby fever.
So if I've been neglecting my poor little blog, it has nothing to do with lack of things to talk about. Rather, I seem to be having a hard time actually sitting still long enough to filter through everything running through my mind. We'll just call that pregnancy-induced ADD.
When I knew we wouldn't be seeing much of Hubs this weekend, I asked Mom to save the date for Jackson and me. If I weren't so far along in the pregnancy, this would have been a great time to visit my North Texas friends. In fact, I would have loved accidentally going into labor up there and having my old doctor deliver me in that super nice hospital. But Mom talked me out of it when she asked what I would do if I went into labor during the four hour drive. Who wants to unexpectedly deliver her baby in Centerville, Texas? Not me if I can help it.
Mom came over after work on Friday and we started our Weekend 'O Fun. She got to see Jackson's new room and the baby's nursery for the first time. She loved both. Then we went to a neighborhood pizzeria for dinner, stopped by the grocery store, and finished off with ice cream cones at Baskin Robbins. Yum. After that we headed to her house to hang out. Mom offered to let Jackson spend the night so I could sleep a little later. I made it to 8:20, which was absolutely wonderful. Then I got ready for the day and headed over to her house. We went down to Rice Village so I could visit that store called A Woman's Work. I was really impressed with it. I bought a new Hooter Hider, a pump, some nursing bras, a new GlamourMom nursing tank top (love those!), and some LilyPadz (which one of y'all recommended to me). So I'm pretty much all set now! Baby Girl needs some curtains in her room and then I think we will be done.
I also ventured into Doodles (a super nice baby boutique) and somehow managed not to get out my wallet. Major self-control, people. After that we had lunch at Amazon Grill. We got s'mores for dessert and everyone must have thought we were insane for having an OPEN FLAME on our table with a two-year-old. Indeed, we ourselves felt we were insane. He handled it well though. Then we took Jackson to our church and let him play in the big indoor playland. He had a great time doing that. We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging around at Mom's house. We are back home now and Curtis will join us late tonight, only to leave again at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I think he is taking off Monday, so we will be able to make up for lost time then.
That's all for now. I need to dig my FloNase out of my purse and minister to my stubborn, stopped up sinuses. Didn't I just get over a cold?
Friday, January 16, 2009
Kelly and Harper Need Prayer
Please go here and pray, pray, pray for Kelly's newborn daughter! I just read on her dad's blog that Harper has pneumonia, which means her lungs are filled with fluid. She is in very critical condition and either has been or will be flown to another hospital in another city. Bless their hearts!
Also, thank you to everyone who has sent letters for Kristi. Y'all are so awesome. I already have about 9 of them and am expecting some more to arrive next week. You are wonderful. Kristi is fighting pneumonia right now too, so please add that to your prayers. Her extended family welcomed a new baby boy to the family - Wyatt Daniel Savage - late last night. Congrats to Daniel and Amy and the whole family!
Also, thank you to everyone who has sent letters for Kristi. Y'all are so awesome. I already have about 9 of them and am expecting some more to arrive next week. You are wonderful. Kristi is fighting pneumonia right now too, so please add that to your prayers. Her extended family welcomed a new baby boy to the family - Wyatt Daniel Savage - late last night. Congrats to Daniel and Amy and the whole family!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Never Look at It
I have one rule during pregnancy: don't look behind you. Meaning, do not look at your behind. It's just not kind to look at your behind. A FTPG (First Time Pregnant Girl) recently lamented of her growing rear in my presence and I gasped deeply and said, "Never look at it."
Last night in bed I was reading about my ninth month of pregnancy in my What to Expect When You're Expecting book. I thought it would be hilarious to make my husband turn away from his Jonathan Edwards biography and read the list of pregnancy symptoms I will experience this month. If I have to go through them, he should at least have to know about them, right? He was horrified. I'm not gonna lie, pregnancy is a beast. A beautiful and necessary beast, but also a fat, grumpy, and uncomfortable one. (Still, I know many people would give their right and left arms to be pregnant right now and I know how blessed I am to have gotten to do this twice.)
So, back to my motto - don't look behind you. You may know that we started our spring semester LPM Bible study last night. As soon as I got to the church, I went into the bride's room where my mom was getting ready. Not only did I want her to know I had arrived, I also knew there would be cheese and crackers in there. I always look forward to this treat when I'm at Bible study. Don't ask me why. Of course, this time I am pregnant so it's to be expected. I quickly realized the error of my ways when I was popping cheese cubes into my mouth and suddenly saw myself in the many, many mirrors of the bride's room. Angles, people. So many different angles. Pregnant women should never, ever enter the bride's room. Leave it for the beautiful princess dressed in white with a tan and toned arms. For real, y'all. It was very painful. I now have mental images of my backside that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.
Now I realize that other people have been seeing me from these angles all along, but bless VPG's heart. When there's currently nothing she can do about her backside, and when it will only get worse before it gets better, isn't it more kind to let her stay ignorant of her true girth? Yes! The answer is yes!
In case you're keeping track, I have now graduated to VVPG status. Yes, that would be Very Very Pregnant Girl. I passed the one month mark of my due date on Monday and tomorrow I will be 36 weeks along. I'm terribly excited. I can count on two hands how many MDO days Jackson has left before baby comes. At that point, he will still go to MDO, but I will no longer have those days to myself. Yesterday I took full advantage of my alone time and went to the mall to exchange some things and use some gift cards.
I also went to Babies R Us and stocked up on things I need for the nursery. I loaded my basket with new burp cloths, tiny hooded towels and wash cloths, miniature white kimono tees, microscopic socks, a few BPA-free bottles, Dreft, some pink baskets for the changing table, a new Diaper Champ (white with pink trim!), a baby book, a keepsake box, some receiving blankets, a new mattress, and a hot pink changing pad cover. I had the most fun ever. Also? I bought newborn diapers. It was so exciting.
All I have left to do now is get some supplies for breastfeeding, but those are last on my list since, incidentally, I already have breasts. Houston has a really neat store for nursing moms in Rice Village that I've been hearing about, so I'm going to pay them a visit soon. I was going to go tomorrow while Jackson was at MDO, but he's sick today and I'm thinking he probably won't get to go. Dern, that's one less day!
I'll leave you with this.
Baby Girl's diaper

Jackson's bedtime diaper

Last night in bed I was reading about my ninth month of pregnancy in my What to Expect When You're Expecting book. I thought it would be hilarious to make my husband turn away from his Jonathan Edwards biography and read the list of pregnancy symptoms I will experience this month. If I have to go through them, he should at least have to know about them, right? He was horrified. I'm not gonna lie, pregnancy is a beast. A beautiful and necessary beast, but also a fat, grumpy, and uncomfortable one. (Still, I know many people would give their right and left arms to be pregnant right now and I know how blessed I am to have gotten to do this twice.)
So, back to my motto - don't look behind you. You may know that we started our spring semester LPM Bible study last night. As soon as I got to the church, I went into the bride's room where my mom was getting ready. Not only did I want her to know I had arrived, I also knew there would be cheese and crackers in there. I always look forward to this treat when I'm at Bible study. Don't ask me why. Of course, this time I am pregnant so it's to be expected. I quickly realized the error of my ways when I was popping cheese cubes into my mouth and suddenly saw myself in the many, many mirrors of the bride's room. Angles, people. So many different angles. Pregnant women should never, ever enter the bride's room. Leave it for the beautiful princess dressed in white with a tan and toned arms. For real, y'all. It was very painful. I now have mental images of my backside that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.
Now I realize that other people have been seeing me from these angles all along, but bless VPG's heart. When there's currently nothing she can do about her backside, and when it will only get worse before it gets better, isn't it more kind to let her stay ignorant of her true girth? Yes! The answer is yes!
In case you're keeping track, I have now graduated to VVPG status. Yes, that would be Very Very Pregnant Girl. I passed the one month mark of my due date on Monday and tomorrow I will be 36 weeks along. I'm terribly excited. I can count on two hands how many MDO days Jackson has left before baby comes. At that point, he will still go to MDO, but I will no longer have those days to myself. Yesterday I took full advantage of my alone time and went to the mall to exchange some things and use some gift cards.
I also went to Babies R Us and stocked up on things I need for the nursery. I loaded my basket with new burp cloths, tiny hooded towels and wash cloths, miniature white kimono tees, microscopic socks, a few BPA-free bottles, Dreft, some pink baskets for the changing table, a new Diaper Champ (white with pink trim!), a baby book, a keepsake box, some receiving blankets, a new mattress, and a hot pink changing pad cover. I had the most fun ever. Also? I bought newborn diapers. It was so exciting.
All I have left to do now is get some supplies for breastfeeding, but those are last on my list since, incidentally, I already have breasts. Houston has a really neat store for nursing moms in Rice Village that I've been hearing about, so I'm going to pay them a visit soon. I was going to go tomorrow while Jackson was at MDO, but he's sick today and I'm thinking he probably won't get to go. Dern, that's one less day!
I'll leave you with this.
Baby Girl's diaper

Jackson's bedtime diaper

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Blessing Book for the Walkers
Liz and I are teaming up to help bring encouragement to a very special family that you may remember me mentioning several months ago. Back in October, I told you about a friend of ours, Kristi Walker, who had just given birth to her third child and was subsequently diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis in the liver, spine and pelvis. Kristi is only 30 years old. You can read my original post about her here.
We want to send Chuck and Kristi Walker a Blessing Book - full of prayers and words of encouragement from all over the country.
Will you take a few minutes today, whether you know this family or not, and write a note to them letting them know you care, you are praying for Kristi's healing, for each of the boys (Cade (4), Mason(2), and Zane(3 mos.)), and her husband Chuck? Chuck is attempting to care for the kids and for her as she has been in and out of the hospital. Pray for strength, energy and peace for him.
Chuck has said time and time again that words of encouragement from friends and family have really helped boost Kristi's morale.
We would love for you to write the letter (or type it) on a standard size sheet of 8x11 paper (plain or decorated). Then mail the letter (unfolded and in a flat envelope if possible) to the following address.
12131 Malcomson Road
Houston, Texas 77070
**Please mail it no later than Friday, January 16th.
Liz will gather all the notes that come in the mail and will bind them in a beautiful binder for Kristi and Chuck to keep and read any time she needs hope and encouragement. We will ship it to them sometime next week.
Here is the rundown of what is going on with Kristi and how to pray:
Chuck and Kristi Walker are the proud parents of 3 young boys, Cade, Mason, and Zane. During Kristi's third trimester of pregnancy with Zane she started experiencing extreme back and hip pain, requiring her to be put on bedrest. On Friday, October 17th, Kristi was admitted for an emergency C-section due to what was believed to be 'Hellp Syndrome'.
Kristi was transported to another hospital following the birth, and after several days of extensive testing, the doctors diagnosed Kristi with Stage IV breast cancer with metastasis in the liver, spine and pelvis.
Chuck and Kristi are believers in the Truth of the Bible and in salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. They believe in the power of prayer and that this is truly the greatest help to them.
Please pray:
- for healing for Kristi – both from the cancer (effectiveness of the chemo) and recovery from delivery procedure
- for recovery from headaches due to the spinal tap
- for strength and comfort for Kristi
- for endurance through chemo treatment procedures / meds – for minimal side effects.
- for wisdom for the doctors
- for energy for both Kristi and Chuck
- for comfort / energy for parents with the kids / baby
- for wisdom in what / how to communicate to the kids more about Mommy's sickness.
- for contentment for the kids
- for healthy / smooth development of baby Zane
- to be able to have joy and time to savor the miracle of Zane, a precious new life from God
- for encouragement for Chuck and not to become overwhelmed
- for faith to know our God is the Great Physician, the Maker and Sustainer of Life
- for grace to find peace in resting in God’s sovereign will
- for finances
-The most current update I have is that the cancer counts in the blood have gone way down, which is a huge praise because it means the cancer cells are reacting to the chemo. At the same time, Kristi is back in the hospital battling an infection and low platelets this week.
Thanks so much for caring and praying for the Walker family!
Chuck and Kristi

Kristi with Cade and Mason

Chuck and the boys with new haircuts to match Mommy's

All three boys at Christmastime
We want to send Chuck and Kristi Walker a Blessing Book - full of prayers and words of encouragement from all over the country.
Will you take a few minutes today, whether you know this family or not, and write a note to them letting them know you care, you are praying for Kristi's healing, for each of the boys (Cade (4), Mason(2), and Zane(3 mos.)), and her husband Chuck? Chuck is attempting to care for the kids and for her as she has been in and out of the hospital. Pray for strength, energy and peace for him.
Chuck has said time and time again that words of encouragement from friends and family have really helped boost Kristi's morale.
We would love for you to write the letter (or type it) on a standard size sheet of 8x11 paper (plain or decorated). Then mail the letter (unfolded and in a flat envelope if possible) to the following address.
12131 Malcomson Road
Houston, Texas 77070
**Please mail it no later than Friday, January 16th.
Liz will gather all the notes that come in the mail and will bind them in a beautiful binder for Kristi and Chuck to keep and read any time she needs hope and encouragement. We will ship it to them sometime next week.
Here is the rundown of what is going on with Kristi and how to pray:
Chuck and Kristi Walker are the proud parents of 3 young boys, Cade, Mason, and Zane. During Kristi's third trimester of pregnancy with Zane she started experiencing extreme back and hip pain, requiring her to be put on bedrest. On Friday, October 17th, Kristi was admitted for an emergency C-section due to what was believed to be 'Hellp Syndrome'.
Kristi was transported to another hospital following the birth, and after several days of extensive testing, the doctors diagnosed Kristi with Stage IV breast cancer with metastasis in the liver, spine and pelvis.
Chuck and Kristi are believers in the Truth of the Bible and in salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. They believe in the power of prayer and that this is truly the greatest help to them.
Please pray:
- for healing for Kristi – both from the cancer (effectiveness of the chemo) and recovery from delivery procedure
- for recovery from headaches due to the spinal tap
- for strength and comfort for Kristi
- for endurance through chemo treatment procedures / meds – for minimal side effects.
- for wisdom for the doctors
- for energy for both Kristi and Chuck
- for comfort / energy for parents with the kids / baby
- for wisdom in what / how to communicate to the kids more about Mommy's sickness.
- for contentment for the kids
- for healthy / smooth development of baby Zane
- to be able to have joy and time to savor the miracle of Zane, a precious new life from God
- for encouragement for Chuck and not to become overwhelmed
- for faith to know our God is the Great Physician, the Maker and Sustainer of Life
- for grace to find peace in resting in God’s sovereign will
- for finances
-The most current update I have is that the cancer counts in the blood have gone way down, which is a huge praise because it means the cancer cells are reacting to the chemo. At the same time, Kristi is back in the hospital battling an infection and low platelets this week.
Thanks so much for caring and praying for the Walker family!
Chuck and Kristi

Kristi with Cade and Mason

Chuck and the boys with new haircuts to match Mommy's

All three boys at Christmastime
Friday, January 09, 2009
It's Here!
This has been a great day. We had an early lunch with my Memaw and Pappaw and, since it's practically a summer day at 78 degrees, we got to sit outside on the patio of our favorite BBQ joint. Then we got home just in time for the big delivery. Jackson really fought me on his nap today and got out of bed several times (dern!), but he did finally go to sleep. So it's been a good one.
Now get to the point, woman!
The crib is here! See why I picked this one? I love it.

Inside view of the crib bedding.

Front view of crib. Apparently I could have done a better job tying the bumper, but I was too excited to be meticulous!

Pink minky dot glider - so soft and cushy! Thank you, Hubs! My back will be so happy.

I'd like to see what the room would look like with the crib in a different location, but VPG wasn't strong enough to move that bad boy on her own.

We are keeping the old crib in case we have a male Whoops! down the road, at which time it would be repainted. We are still lacking Baby's canvas letters (which I did end up getting to order from the same lady who did Jackson's), a big pink teddy bear I bought and had to leave in Missouri, curtains, and some other wall hangings that I have yet to discover. I'd also like to buy some really cute drawer knobs at Anthropologie and put them on the dresser.
Now for some pictures of baby clothes.
My current most treasured earthly possession.

God-willing, this is what our princess will wear home from the hospital. I bought this at Janie and Jack a few months ago. It's actually preemie size, so I'm holding onto this one loosely. It should fit that day unless she's a lot bigger than Jackson. His outfit was WAY too big for him. I learned my lesson.

My Aunt Tina bought us this white linen dress in Spain, where her family was living until the end of the summer. When she gave it to me, we didn't yet know what we were having. It's actually unisex (how European), but Curtis Jones would never have let a son of his wear something like this. Needless to say, I'm glad it worked out! It means a lot to me to have this.

I got this for Baby Girl when I won that shopping spree at Old Navy a few months ago. Love it!

This is a precious little Easter coat. Can you see the bunny ears on the hood and the carrot in the pocket? Is this not the sweetest thing ever? It is unbelievably soft, too. This was sent to me by a very sweet blog reader named Emmy!

I saw this in a boutique my sister-in-law took me to in Springfield. I thought Baby Girl would look real sweet in this in her bed.

This happened while I was making my afternoon tea. I swear it just jumped out of the cabinet. Do not enlarge this unless you want to see some dog hair and a close up of grout that has seen better days. Yesterday the floors got mopped and hours later I spilled/flung melted ice cream all over them. And last night I made lasagna, which means there's probably dried up tomato sauce all over the place. Oh cleanliness, how elusive you are!

If you haven't already, you need to go over and see Sunni's new nursery for Baby Clara. It's so adorable! My friend has great taste!
Now get to the point, woman!
The crib is here! See why I picked this one? I love it.

Inside view of the crib bedding.

Front view of crib. Apparently I could have done a better job tying the bumper, but I was too excited to be meticulous!

Pink minky dot glider - so soft and cushy! Thank you, Hubs! My back will be so happy.

I'd like to see what the room would look like with the crib in a different location, but VPG wasn't strong enough to move that bad boy on her own.

We are keeping the old crib in case we have a male Whoops! down the road, at which time it would be repainted. We are still lacking Baby's canvas letters (which I did end up getting to order from the same lady who did Jackson's), a big pink teddy bear I bought and had to leave in Missouri, curtains, and some other wall hangings that I have yet to discover. I'd also like to buy some really cute drawer knobs at Anthropologie and put them on the dresser.
Now for some pictures of baby clothes.
My current most treasured earthly possession.

God-willing, this is what our princess will wear home from the hospital. I bought this at Janie and Jack a few months ago. It's actually preemie size, so I'm holding onto this one loosely. It should fit that day unless she's a lot bigger than Jackson. His outfit was WAY too big for him. I learned my lesson.

My Aunt Tina bought us this white linen dress in Spain, where her family was living until the end of the summer. When she gave it to me, we didn't yet know what we were having. It's actually unisex (how European), but Curtis Jones would never have let a son of his wear something like this. Needless to say, I'm glad it worked out! It means a lot to me to have this.

I got this for Baby Girl when I won that shopping spree at Old Navy a few months ago. Love it!

This is a precious little Easter coat. Can you see the bunny ears on the hood and the carrot in the pocket? Is this not the sweetest thing ever? It is unbelievably soft, too. This was sent to me by a very sweet blog reader named Emmy!

I saw this in a boutique my sister-in-law took me to in Springfield. I thought Baby Girl would look real sweet in this in her bed.

This happened while I was making my afternoon tea. I swear it just jumped out of the cabinet. Do not enlarge this unless you want to see some dog hair and a close up of grout that has seen better days. Yesterday the floors got mopped and hours later I spilled/flung melted ice cream all over them. And last night I made lasagna, which means there's probably dried up tomato sauce all over the place. Oh cleanliness, how elusive you are!

If you haven't already, you need to go over and see Sunni's new nursery for Baby Clara. It's so adorable! My friend has great taste!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
A Little Girl's Closet
There is a closet in my house - in MY house - filled with tiny pink things. Pink dresses, pink footie pajamas, pink headbands, pink bows, pink socks, pink shoes, and pink hats. Someone pinch me.
I remember going over to Sunni's house three years ago and seeing Ava's closet for the first time. I think maybe I was taking some lunch over there because Sunni was on bedrest for a while before she was due. I got to go in Ava's cute pink and green room and see her closet filled and artfully organized with every cute pink frock imaginable. My heart filled with joy and possibly a tad bit of jealousy simultaneously. Oh, how I would love to have a closet filled with tiny, pink, frilly things! But eventually I trained my mind not to go there. (Do I need to stop right now and talk about how much I love having a boy? And even dressing one? I'm just going to assume y'all know and carry on with this post.)
Over the last few months we've accumulated so many sweet things from friends and family and of course from my own shopping efforts. I've been storing it all in the most random places. Today while Jackson was at MDO I went through the house and collected it all. Then I went to work (the best work ever) filling and artfully organizing Baby Girl's closet. My heart was and is so happy.
Tomorrow her new crib, glider and ottoman are going to be delivered. So tonight Curtis and I had the task of finishing cleaning out the nursery, which has been in a state of chaos since last Saturday afternoon. On that day I just sat in a heap of Jackson's stuff and bawled my eyes out. I pretended to be crying because I was mad at my husband, but in reality I was crying because this was goodbye to Baby and even Toddler Jackson. Now Jackson's crib has been dismantled, and the old (very cheap and falling apart) glider and broken ottoman have been taken out. Drawers have been cleared, picture frames boxed up, boyish wall hangings put away, and old bulletin board pictures removed to make room for new ones. I put the crib bedding in a big cardboard box along with Jackson's big blue teddy bear. The only thing I haven't done yet is vacuum the floor. Vacuuming gets my contractions going like crazy and I thought it best to wait til morning unless I want to be awake all night.
The room is a blank canvas again, as it was last spring when we moved into this house. At the time I thought Jackson would only be in there for a few months. I didn't really get emotionally attached to him being in those four walls. Of course, I have spent nearly three years looking at all of the decorations and things, so those are a different story. I will miss seeing the pillow my friend Bonny made for Jackson, and the stork figurine with the tiny picture frame hanging from its mouth. I'll wish I could fold that same blue satin and chenille blanket from Lisa Weir over the crib rail to hide the bite marks that exposed the bare wood. I've loved that blanket. I'll miss the simple joy I got from seeing the blue and yellow striped bedskirt fan out from under the crib.
What's keeping me from absolutely losing it again is that Jackson's new room is absolutely perfect. I just love snuggling next to him on his twin bed and reading to him. I love going in at night and finding that he's rooted all the way under the covers and his head is nowhere to be seen. It's still weird not to go in the nursery and peek at him before heading off to bed, but in just a month I'll have another baby to check on in there. My nighttime routine will consist of peeking in TWO different rooms. My kids' rooms. Wow.
I remember going over to Sunni's house three years ago and seeing Ava's closet for the first time. I think maybe I was taking some lunch over there because Sunni was on bedrest for a while before she was due. I got to go in Ava's cute pink and green room and see her closet filled and artfully organized with every cute pink frock imaginable. My heart filled with joy and possibly a tad bit of jealousy simultaneously. Oh, how I would love to have a closet filled with tiny, pink, frilly things! But eventually I trained my mind not to go there. (Do I need to stop right now and talk about how much I love having a boy? And even dressing one? I'm just going to assume y'all know and carry on with this post.)
Over the last few months we've accumulated so many sweet things from friends and family and of course from my own shopping efforts. I've been storing it all in the most random places. Today while Jackson was at MDO I went through the house and collected it all. Then I went to work (the best work ever) filling and artfully organizing Baby Girl's closet. My heart was and is so happy.
Tomorrow her new crib, glider and ottoman are going to be delivered. So tonight Curtis and I had the task of finishing cleaning out the nursery, which has been in a state of chaos since last Saturday afternoon. On that day I just sat in a heap of Jackson's stuff and bawled my eyes out. I pretended to be crying because I was mad at my husband, but in reality I was crying because this was goodbye to Baby and even Toddler Jackson. Now Jackson's crib has been dismantled, and the old (very cheap and falling apart) glider and broken ottoman have been taken out. Drawers have been cleared, picture frames boxed up, boyish wall hangings put away, and old bulletin board pictures removed to make room for new ones. I put the crib bedding in a big cardboard box along with Jackson's big blue teddy bear. The only thing I haven't done yet is vacuum the floor. Vacuuming gets my contractions going like crazy and I thought it best to wait til morning unless I want to be awake all night.
The room is a blank canvas again, as it was last spring when we moved into this house. At the time I thought Jackson would only be in there for a few months. I didn't really get emotionally attached to him being in those four walls. Of course, I have spent nearly three years looking at all of the decorations and things, so those are a different story. I will miss seeing the pillow my friend Bonny made for Jackson, and the stork figurine with the tiny picture frame hanging from its mouth. I'll wish I could fold that same blue satin and chenille blanket from Lisa Weir over the crib rail to hide the bite marks that exposed the bare wood. I've loved that blanket. I'll miss the simple joy I got from seeing the blue and yellow striped bedskirt fan out from under the crib.
What's keeping me from absolutely losing it again is that Jackson's new room is absolutely perfect. I just love snuggling next to him on his twin bed and reading to him. I love going in at night and finding that he's rooted all the way under the covers and his head is nowhere to be seen. It's still weird not to go in the nursery and peek at him before heading off to bed, but in just a month I'll have another baby to check on in there. My nighttime routine will consist of peeking in TWO different rooms. My kids' rooms. Wow.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard
Is this a joke?
*Okay, so apparently it is a joke. Sorry, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, especially right now!
*Okay, so apparently it is a joke. Sorry, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, especially right now!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
In Which I Compare Cereal to Fajitas
Confession: I've been avoiding the blog because I've been feeling a little melancholy. Chalk it up to post-holiday letdown or to hormones. I don't know which it is, but it's there. I don't really have anything worthwhile to say at the moment, but here's a rundown of the past couple of days.
Jackson is doing great in his new bedroom. Praise God for that. I finally got some groceries today, despite the rain which tempted me to stay in my house and do nothing. I also joined my co-workers for lunch at Lupe Tortilla for Curt's birthday celebration. We laughed really hard and it was great. Curtis cleaned out the garage last month so that I can park my Jeep in it. Today I pulled in a little too far and bumped into our old fridge. Nice. No harm was done though. Jackson went back to MDO today. Thank You, Jesus. I got to be alone for the first time in two weeks. Our bedroom is a little more organized but the suitcases are still there. The chaos in the nursery hasn't been touched. That's Thursday's project. I got the call that Baby's new crib has finally arrived. No word yet on the pink glider. I had an OB appointment yesterday that went very well. I am seeing a different doctor from here on out because I found out he is the one who will most likely be delivering my little princess anyway. I like him a lot. He told me to eat some more - whatever I wanted - and enjoy the end of my pregnancy. Not gonna do that, but that was really nice of him! People are asking me how I'm feeling. I'm not sure what the right response is. So I say that I feel very, very pregnant. I generally don't say that my pelvic girdle aches, my stomach is in a tight knot half the time, and I feel tired and a little cranky. I save that bit of gold for my gentle blog readers. Thank you for listening.
On a lighter and more random note, a box of Crispix cereal called out to me from the shelves today and I had to take it home with me. I must say that with a teaspoon of sugar, Crispix is quite delightful. I think VPG enjoyed it just as much as her fajitas at Lupe. So either I need my head examined or y'all need to go get you some!
Jackson is doing great in his new bedroom. Praise God for that. I finally got some groceries today, despite the rain which tempted me to stay in my house and do nothing. I also joined my co-workers for lunch at Lupe Tortilla for Curt's birthday celebration. We laughed really hard and it was great. Curtis cleaned out the garage last month so that I can park my Jeep in it. Today I pulled in a little too far and bumped into our old fridge. Nice. No harm was done though. Jackson went back to MDO today. Thank You, Jesus. I got to be alone for the first time in two weeks. Our bedroom is a little more organized but the suitcases are still there. The chaos in the nursery hasn't been touched. That's Thursday's project. I got the call that Baby's new crib has finally arrived. No word yet on the pink glider. I had an OB appointment yesterday that went very well. I am seeing a different doctor from here on out because I found out he is the one who will most likely be delivering my little princess anyway. I like him a lot. He told me to eat some more - whatever I wanted - and enjoy the end of my pregnancy. Not gonna do that, but that was really nice of him! People are asking me how I'm feeling. I'm not sure what the right response is. So I say that I feel very, very pregnant. I generally don't say that my pelvic girdle aches, my stomach is in a tight knot half the time, and I feel tired and a little cranky. I save that bit of gold for my gentle blog readers. Thank you for listening.
On a lighter and more random note, a box of Crispix cereal called out to me from the shelves today and I had to take it home with me. I must say that with a teaspoon of sugar, Crispix is quite delightful. I think VPG enjoyed it just as much as her fajitas at Lupe. So either I need my head examined or y'all need to go get you some!
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Monday = Back to Normal
I'll be sad to kiss the hubby goodbye tomorrow morning when he goes back to work. It's been a long and great break. However, I know a mommy and a little boy who desperately need to get back in their groove. And I know a certain household that desperately needs to be organized.
Every single room in this house was turned upside down this weekend. It seriously looked like we were getting ready to move again. Shudder. First of all, when we got home from Missouri, the dying Christmas tree immediately had me sneezing and feeling like poop. We had to get it out right away. So we spent all Saturday de-Christmasing our house. Also? Jackson's new furniture was scheduled to be delivered that evening. That meant we had to clean out his new room, which has simply been a haven for random things for the last nine months. That got Curtis in the mood to clean out the nursery (read: throw a ton of stuff away or into random boxes that means nothing to a dad but a mom would want to keep) without telling me. I put a stop to that pretty quick once I caught on (not very graciously), but not before the entire floor space was covered in stuff. Ugh! It is all just sitting there. Shall I go on? There are three huge suitcases spilling their guts into our bedroom that need to be unpacked, plus living room furniture that needs to be moved back. And I am so tired. And there are no groceries, except for ingredients to make lasagna and that's not exactly fun to make when you're tired.
I'll stop whining now. Jackson is asleep upstairs in his big boy room for the second night. I'm really pleased with how the room turned out. I'll post some pictures this week when we make a bit more progress. Today we bought some curtains for the room with blackout liners that I hope will make it easy for him to sleep well. What y'all don't know is that he slept in a completely dark room while we were in Missouri and we were waking him up every morning at 8:30 or 9. Unbelievable! And he napped easily every day for two hours minimum. It was like going to Disneyland for me.
Overall, the weekend was a mix of very good and very awful.
*Lunch with my sister, mom, Jackson and Curtis. Jackson was a total handful and Curtis and I, at our wits end with him, were not very good company. I left feeling embarrassed.
*Dinner with the Altics at Brenner's Steakhouse to celebrate Curtis' 28th birthday. I can't tell you how much we enjoyed ourselves. It was such a blessing. Good food and great company. Gift cards and free babysitting that made the night totally painless.
*The day from heck. Total discord in our family and chaos in our house. Boo hiss. Also, Jackson peed on our dining room table. I'll spare you the details.
*Dinner with some of my college girlfriends - Mel, Missy, and Sarah. (Maggie, we missed you!) We spent four hours at the Cheesecake Factory in the Woodlands. Holy cow, we had so much fun. One of the girls, who shall remain nameless, is also expecting and experiencing the B's of Doom. We were able to comfort each other, just as we did back in college when we were so annoyed by the bounty of blessings that the Lord had bestowed on us. Let me just tell y'all that the people sitting around our table got quite an earful during those four hours and will probably need some counseling. On my way home I turned on the 90's radio station and enjoyed some Vanilla Ice. Yes, if you were on I-45 and the Beltway at 11:45 last night you might have seen a Very Pregnant Woman driving a Suburban and singing - rapping rather - a song she liked when she was 11 years old. And you would have been lucky to see such a sight. You know, back in the day you might have seen me rollin' in my 5.0 with my ragtop down so my hair could blow.
*We made some progress on the house, but not enough. I can't believe it still looks like this after all the work we've done! We went to Target and bought some things for Jackson's room with various gift cards we've accumulated.
*Curtis preached at our church's evening service and then we had dinner at my parents' house. Thank you, Mom. We had nothing to eat and we're tired of eating out. The Ascend service was great! It was fun to see people we love but never run into anymore. I regret that I did not plan the day better so Curtis could have some peace and quiet before he had to preach. I had forgotten that skill from our Saturday Service days at First Irving.
No clever or good ending. I'm off to bed. Happy Monday and blessings to all of you going back to work tomorrow. Peace out.
Every single room in this house was turned upside down this weekend. It seriously looked like we were getting ready to move again. Shudder. First of all, when we got home from Missouri, the dying Christmas tree immediately had me sneezing and feeling like poop. We had to get it out right away. So we spent all Saturday de-Christmasing our house. Also? Jackson's new furniture was scheduled to be delivered that evening. That meant we had to clean out his new room, which has simply been a haven for random things for the last nine months. That got Curtis in the mood to clean out the nursery (read: throw a ton of stuff away or into random boxes that means nothing to a dad but a mom would want to keep) without telling me. I put a stop to that pretty quick once I caught on (not very graciously), but not before the entire floor space was covered in stuff. Ugh! It is all just sitting there. Shall I go on? There are three huge suitcases spilling their guts into our bedroom that need to be unpacked, plus living room furniture that needs to be moved back. And I am so tired. And there are no groceries, except for ingredients to make lasagna and that's not exactly fun to make when you're tired.
I'll stop whining now. Jackson is asleep upstairs in his big boy room for the second night. I'm really pleased with how the room turned out. I'll post some pictures this week when we make a bit more progress. Today we bought some curtains for the room with blackout liners that I hope will make it easy for him to sleep well. What y'all don't know is that he slept in a completely dark room while we were in Missouri and we were waking him up every morning at 8:30 or 9. Unbelievable! And he napped easily every day for two hours minimum. It was like going to Disneyland for me.
Overall, the weekend was a mix of very good and very awful.
*Lunch with my sister, mom, Jackson and Curtis. Jackson was a total handful and Curtis and I, at our wits end with him, were not very good company. I left feeling embarrassed.
*Dinner with the Altics at Brenner's Steakhouse to celebrate Curtis' 28th birthday. I can't tell you how much we enjoyed ourselves. It was such a blessing. Good food and great company. Gift cards and free babysitting that made the night totally painless.
*The day from heck. Total discord in our family and chaos in our house. Boo hiss. Also, Jackson peed on our dining room table. I'll spare you the details.
*Dinner with some of my college girlfriends - Mel, Missy, and Sarah. (Maggie, we missed you!) We spent four hours at the Cheesecake Factory in the Woodlands. Holy cow, we had so much fun. One of the girls, who shall remain nameless, is also expecting and experiencing the B's of Doom. We were able to comfort each other, just as we did back in college when we were so annoyed by the bounty of blessings that the Lord had bestowed on us. Let me just tell y'all that the people sitting around our table got quite an earful during those four hours and will probably need some counseling. On my way home I turned on the 90's radio station and enjoyed some Vanilla Ice. Yes, if you were on I-45 and the Beltway at 11:45 last night you might have seen a Very Pregnant Woman driving a Suburban and singing - rapping rather - a song she liked when she was 11 years old. And you would have been lucky to see such a sight. You know, back in the day you might have seen me rollin' in my 5.0 with my ragtop down so my hair could blow.
*We made some progress on the house, but not enough. I can't believe it still looks like this after all the work we've done! We went to Target and bought some things for Jackson's room with various gift cards we've accumulated.
*Curtis preached at our church's evening service and then we had dinner at my parents' house. Thank you, Mom. We had nothing to eat and we're tired of eating out. The Ascend service was great! It was fun to see people we love but never run into anymore. I regret that I did not plan the day better so Curtis could have some peace and quiet before he had to preach. I had forgotten that skill from our Saturday Service days at First Irving.
No clever or good ending. I'm off to bed. Happy Monday and blessings to all of you going back to work tomorrow. Peace out.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Oh my. Where do I even begin after a week of being gone? I'll start off by saying that from now on when you see the letters VPG on this blog, please know that it means Very Pregnant Girl. When I reach the nine month mark in, oh, ten days, I'll add another V to become Very Very Pregnant Girl. So yeah, I'm having a baby this year - a daughter, in fact - and this little event is going to take place next month. It is almost baby time, y'all. I'm at that point where I can't stop thinking about it every other waking minute. I'm also at the point of continually intensifying acid reflux, delightful stomach pains after eating (not even overeating!), very light sleep, super strong braxton hicks contractions that don't feel very good, and a little bum that's flipped upside down and likes to hang out - or poke out - on my right side. That last one's actually kind of amusing.
Christmas for me was like a baby shower, which I suppose is fitting since the holiday is all about a very important baby's birth. Oh, and have I mentioned that Jackson was getting a little confused with all the baby talk? Baby Jesus, Baby Girl Jones, Baby Cael...he's had a little trouble keeping them straight. At one point he told me that Baby Jesus was in my tummy. Poor thing.
I've found it to be a huge blessing, especially the second time around, to be pregnant over Christmas. I was given a new pink Boppy pillow, a stand-on tandem stroller, some SwaddleMe blankets, a girly diaper bag, a new playmat, a new bouncer, some very sweet headbands and bows, painfully adorable socks, a big pink teddy bear, some room decorations, hanger dividers for the closet, and of course some adorable clothes. Superficially, I'll say that my favorite gift moment of Christmas Day was opening the baby's crib bedding, which I didn't think was going to be finished in time. It was a complete surprise. Oh my word, it is so incredibly gorgeous! That night I put it on Jackson's crib just to get the vision and I loved it even more than I thought I would. When her new crib comes I promise I'll share pictures. Curt's mom and dad are graciously going to treat us to a new swing. I've been wanting that Fisher Price rainforest one that goes both ways. Other than that we just need to clean some of Jackson's things off and get a new Diaper Champ. We threw Jackson's out long, long ago.
Being around Baby Cael (our four-week-old nephew) while we were in Missouri was so great. I had almost forgotten how to hold a baby that small! Of course, when I hold my own I won't have this big tummy to contend with. Cael is the sweetest little thing. We hardly heard him cry and he was still so sleepy during the day. It pains me to know how much bigger he'll be when we get to see him again. Curt's sister Lindsay is doing a great job with him, just taking it all in stride. I wish I'd had it that together when Jackson came. She had an errand to run one day and I got to help watch Cael for a bit. Two observations: One, when I put a real diaper on Jackson at night it's a size 7 in Pampers. So those little newborn diapers? Teeny stinking tiny! They're actually not that stinky in comparison. Also, I had forgotten how fast infants go through diapers. It's astounding. I'm very thankful that we're already well into potty training.
We also got to meet another baby in the family for the first time - cousin Andy and Mindy's seven-month-old son, Eli. He was super cute and such a happy boy. Curt's extended family has been extremely blessed this year. I'll have you know that Eli's DAD (who is very much a man's man) sewed his boy a felt Christmas stocking all by himself. What? I know! He's every man?!?! That is very impressive.
I'll have to save the rest about our Missouri trip for another post. We are dropping the boy off at Bibby and Pappaw's house and going out for a nice dinner for Curt's birthday. VPG has to get ready and it's taking a little longer than usual to make this woman look presentable! I told Jackson a few days ago that I needed to put on my makeup so I didn't look so tired and he said, "Too scary, Mommy!"
Christmas for me was like a baby shower, which I suppose is fitting since the holiday is all about a very important baby's birth. Oh, and have I mentioned that Jackson was getting a little confused with all the baby talk? Baby Jesus, Baby Girl Jones, Baby Cael...he's had a little trouble keeping them straight. At one point he told me that Baby Jesus was in my tummy. Poor thing.
I've found it to be a huge blessing, especially the second time around, to be pregnant over Christmas. I was given a new pink Boppy pillow, a stand-on tandem stroller, some SwaddleMe blankets, a girly diaper bag, a new playmat, a new bouncer, some very sweet headbands and bows, painfully adorable socks, a big pink teddy bear, some room decorations, hanger dividers for the closet, and of course some adorable clothes. Superficially, I'll say that my favorite gift moment of Christmas Day was opening the baby's crib bedding, which I didn't think was going to be finished in time. It was a complete surprise. Oh my word, it is so incredibly gorgeous! That night I put it on Jackson's crib just to get the vision and I loved it even more than I thought I would. When her new crib comes I promise I'll share pictures. Curt's mom and dad are graciously going to treat us to a new swing. I've been wanting that Fisher Price rainforest one that goes both ways. Other than that we just need to clean some of Jackson's things off and get a new Diaper Champ. We threw Jackson's out long, long ago.
Being around Baby Cael (our four-week-old nephew) while we were in Missouri was so great. I had almost forgotten how to hold a baby that small! Of course, when I hold my own I won't have this big tummy to contend with. Cael is the sweetest little thing. We hardly heard him cry and he was still so sleepy during the day. It pains me to know how much bigger he'll be when we get to see him again. Curt's sister Lindsay is doing a great job with him, just taking it all in stride. I wish I'd had it that together when Jackson came. She had an errand to run one day and I got to help watch Cael for a bit. Two observations: One, when I put a real diaper on Jackson at night it's a size 7 in Pampers. So those little newborn diapers? Teeny stinking tiny! They're actually not that stinky in comparison. Also, I had forgotten how fast infants go through diapers. It's astounding. I'm very thankful that we're already well into potty training.
We also got to meet another baby in the family for the first time - cousin Andy and Mindy's seven-month-old son, Eli. He was super cute and such a happy boy. Curt's extended family has been extremely blessed this year. I'll have you know that Eli's DAD (who is very much a man's man) sewed his boy a felt Christmas stocking all by himself. What? I know! He's every man?!?! That is very impressive.
I'll have to save the rest about our Missouri trip for another post. We are dropping the boy off at Bibby and Pappaw's house and going out for a nice dinner for Curt's birthday. VPG has to get ready and it's taking a little longer than usual to make this woman look presentable! I told Jackson a few days ago that I needed to put on my makeup so I didn't look so tired and he said, "Too scary, Mommy!"
The Love of My Life
Happy belated birthday to the person I love to dream with, to laugh with, to sit next to in the car, to call several times a day, to make top 10 lists for, to watch The Office with, to share popcorn with, to raise a family with, to analyze this and that with, to make fun of ourselves with, to have inside jokes with, to cook chicken cheddar rice bake for, to trust to lead our family, to pray with, to serve with, to hear preach, to have lunch dates with, and to celebrate anniversaries with. All my eggs are still in your basket. I love you.

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