In case you don't have the pleasure of knowing Jackson as well as you'd like to, here are some things you oughtta know. He has a lot of feelings. And whatever he feels, he feels it passionately. He's very alert. He's really attached to Mom right now. His favorite playdate is with the kid in the mirror. He's outgrowing his bathtub. He's gaining physical strength and coordination. He can move from sitting up to leaning forward, from leaning forward to laying on his tummy, from laying on his tummy to his back. He's starting to get his knees underneath him. He's very quick to grab anything that catches his eye within arms' reach. He can scoot backward on the floor. He's finally playing nice with his toys. He loves veggies and doesn't care a thing about fruit. He's forgotten how to drink from a bottle. His hair is starting to curl a little bit. He made a "da" sound this week. He has many, many nicknames such as bunkin, munchy, lummies, and The Mister. (Can you tell which ones are mom's and which ones are dad's?) Thankfully, he does seem to know that he is "Jackson." A friend suggested we call him Jack-Jack. That's very cute, but it's just way too normal for this freak show family.
My heart is so full of affection for this miniature person who has taken over my life. Perhaps I resisted writing this because I have never been so in love and I don't have good enough words to spell that out in a unique way. Even now I've written 3 different sentences and had to erase them. Simply put, I'm happy and I love Jackson.