Last night was girls night out to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. We really had a burden to celebrate our Western heritage together. We had free 5th row tickets to see Rascal Flatts, courtesy of some wonderful friends from HFBC. It was even down in the section with free food. I had just headed out in an awful storm to pick up my friends Kay, Christine, and Michelle when I was told that Rascal Flatts (later inadvertently renamed Flascal Ratts) cancelled due to a bout with bronchitis. Apparently someone in our group, whose initials are Christine Mangrum, bragged extensively about our tickets and the Lord needed to humble her a bit. Thanks a lot, Eve!
Kay, Christine, and Michelle

I'll be honest, I was not disappointed in the least because the replacement was Clay Walker. Clay Walker! I would know every song! I had seen him four times before, twice at the rodeo, and he gives a great concert. While I had planned to learn all of Rascal Flatts' songs, I got lazy and just didn't. So I know a few hooks and that's it. One night "Bless the Broken Road" came on the car radio and I sang my little heart out for Curtis. I kept coming in a little early on one part and my hubby told me I needed to WAIT FOR IT and if I didn't learn it good I would be HUMILIATED at the rodeo. Thank God that did not happen!
Back to the rodeo. You better believe we all had our boots on and Kay and I both wore our hats. Mine was a little small. I have a knot in my forehead from the pressure, but I absolutely could not take it off because of the severe case of hat hair I
might have had. Michelle sat next to me and she also has knots in her forehead from every time I bonked her in the head with the brim.
There ended up being three performers. I won't even go in to who the other two were. Needless to say, we were not familiar with them. Maybe you can tell how we felt about them by this picture:

We waited about two hours for Clay Walker to take the stage (11 p.m.) and his set was way too short considering what we had been forced to listen to beforehand. Even if those other two performers are normally good, it was an off night. I heard they got no rehearsal time and if that's true, then bless their hearts. I wish we had known that last night. It turns out Clay Walker has put out several new songs since I last saw him in '99. So no, I didn't know all the songs. And what is the biggest tragedy of all is that he did not sing my favorite love song of all time - This Woman and This Man. Clay, if you're reading this, I do still love you in the Lord Jesus.
Yes, I'd say it was a bit of an off night. Thankfully, my friends are some of the funniest people on earth and we entertained ourselves and annoyed everyone around us for several hours. Christine was in rare form and she had us rolling. We really did have a blast together.
We actually toyed with the idea of seeing Beyonce' at the rodeo instead of Rascal Flatts. But there's something weird about not seeing a country artist there. I think we all regretted our decision in the end. The night was redeemed when the Irreplaceable video came on the jumbotron right before Clay came out. It was hands down my favorite moment.
Other highlights:
-The following sentence was overheard near the AGventure area: "You do meet a lot of people at pig shows."
-Hearing incredibly romantic songs like Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off, Barbie Doll, I Saw Mama 'Fore She Was Mama, and When She's Good She's Good but When She's Bad She's Better. We were privileged to hear some of country music's less delicate offerings last night. I guess that's what you get when you see 3 different male performers. And there was a lot of dancing from the pelvis. Attention all males...only drunk women think that is in any way attractive. That move should have died with Elvis.
-Getting a BBQ chicken sandwich and potato salad from the Goode Company stand. They only serve the chicken sandwich at the rodeo, folks! Get it while you can!

When all else fails, eat popcorn.

We are cracking up because the lady in front of us managed to take this picture at waist level using the timer.
Second attempt

Courtney, would you care to explain this picture on your
(Update -
Here it is!)

This sort of has the feel of a senior picture. I'm posing with my dad's prize buck. You are seeing that right - it is indeed mounted on a stand in the living room. And a candle is growing out of my hat.