Wednesday, August 31, 2011
8 Days In
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Will You Run for Her?
I WILL RUN from As Our Own on Vimeo.
People run for lots of reasons. We give you 10.
We’ve chosen 10 girls to be featured at 10 races in 10 cities across the nation. Their stories give reason to our running. You can make a difference for countless girls just like them—simply choose a half marathon, join the As Our Own Racing team, and raise awareness and funds.
Will you run for her?
Houston friends, will you run for Aashi? Aashi was born in the red light district in India. Ninety-five percent of girls born there become enslaved. Girls who don't get out early will likely never get out at all. Her mother found a safe, healthy future for her daughter and allowed her to be rescued out of the district at 15 months old. Aashi is now five years old and lives in the loving care of As Our Own. She is learning to play the guitar, she loves song time at school, and she dreams of being a doctor when she grows up. By setting a goal for yourself to run or run/walk a half-marathon for Aashi, you will help Aashi reach her goals.
Not in Houston? Visit to learn more and join one of our 10 teams.
Select and download a training guide to get started!
I Will Run features races all the way from Oregon to Florida. Click here to join one of the teams!
About As Our Own
God has opened the door in India for As Our Own to rescue girls before they are exploited, giving us the privilege to care for each one as our own—for life. We are building strong communities and training leaders to break cycles of exploitation for future generations.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Kindergarten Superstar

He was nervous and didn't want his picture taken. As we walked inside the school he told me his teeth were chattering. Bless his heart. I love his innocence in that he wasn't embarrassed to tell me.
He looked like he was about to cry when his teacher greeted him. But finding his seat and seeing the room made him more comfortable. Plus, there was a little trinket on his desk from the teacher and that totally put him at ease.

I woke him up and whispered "Good morning, kindergartner!" We snuggled for a few minutes and he was already at Level 10 excitement about the day.
Jackson's signature was required on one of the forms, which I thought was hilarious. He signed it right before he left. So very official!
We walked Jackson to school as a family. It was crazy and fun to see all the other families doing the same thing. Curt and Annabeth waited outside while I walked Jackson into his classroom. The teacher greeted him at his seat, I said, "I love you, buddy. Have fun," and walked out. But of course I stopped and watched him for a few seconds from the corner of the room. He was having a lot of trouble hanging up his backpack on the back of his chair, so I went back and showed him what to do. Then I left!
We went back home and there was a truck in front of our house delivering two new mattresses - one for Annabeth's big girl bed. What a day! You can see in this pic that our hair succumbed to the humidity. Thank God Curtis is taking Jackson to school from now on.

My mom spent the whole day with us and we had a blast together. We went to Memorial City Mall and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. (Their Chinese chicken salad is amazing.) My sister was able to join us and we got to celebrate her first day of class at Rice University. She is starting her doctoral program. We call her Aunt Sassa Smartypants.

Since AB was asleep in the car, we drove through my mom's old stomping grounds in Spring Branch. This is her old house.
We walked to the school to pick up Jackson in the blazing heat of the day. Mom was such a trooper. Jackson walked out the door with a smile on his face and gave me a huge hug. He was thrilled to see Bibby there. He told us he loved everything about kindergarten and his teacher. He said, "Bibby, you should have seen it!" He also told me he loved it more than recess at his preschool, which was a big statement for him. Our favorite thing he said was this: "My teacher asked who wanted to be a kindergarten superstar and I raised my hand!"
You can see that Annabeth is wearing her Cinderella shoes. That's because she really, really wanted to wear her Tinkerbell dress to pick up Jackson and I wouldn't let her. The shoes were a compromise (she rode in the stroller). If we were a month in I would have let her but, have mercy, people, not on the first day.
Second day pic outside.
When I started this blog five and a half years ago, I could not imagine the day I would take Jackson to kindergarten. I can't believe we have come this far. Thanks for taking this journey with us.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Let Me Have It
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Things My Babies Say
Monday, August 15, 2011

This was when Annabeth got a hold of my lipstick for the first time. She's crying because I sort of overreacted when I found her. But she did a pretty decent job!