Sunday, August 14, 2011

With Jesus at the Helm

Five short months ago we gathered some friends together and shared the vision God had given us for a church plant here in Houston. We watched God raise up a solid group of men and women to build the church with us. We cried a few tears when God called a number of friends to stay where they were. We knew we'd miss them but we are all working toward the same blessed goal in Christ Jesus.

Then we took a deep breath and jumped off the big ship where we had enjoyed many years of growth and fellowship with other believers. We swam out into a little boat where the Savior was waiting for us to climb aboard. For a brief moment we felt all alone with Him. Our hearts bore the grief of leaving a place so familiar and so dear.

Minutes later we were interrupted by splashing all around. The ones God had called to build this new church began climbing in the little boat with us. They were excited to be there. They were filled with faith. They were compelled by the call of God. The Lord was at the helm of our little boat. But make no mistake; He was in the big boat, too.

Our little boat expanded a bit with every family, single person, empty-nester, and grandparent that climbed in. We asked God to bring us every part of the body of Christ and every spiritual gift there is. Over the summer we have seen Him faithfully answer that prayer. He is doing this for the glory of His beloved Son. May His name be magnified in our city.

We have been meeting with our core team every Sunday night. We seek the Lord in prayer, in the Word and in worship. We are readying ourselves to serve the city. There is a lot to be done but God is bringing every piece of the puzzle together.

The doors of Bayou City Fellowship will open four weeks from today on September 11, 2011. It is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. We will worship in the chapel at Houston Christian High School on Beltway 8 and Kempwood at 10 AM. If you are in the Houston area and do not already have a church home, we'd love for you to worship with us.

We are working on our web site right now and as soon as it launches I will let you know. Please pray that we will operate in great faith and that God will use us to bring many people to Christ in the coming months and years. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement during this crazy but wonderful season of our lives.


Anonymous said...

God is with you! As I have to remings myself...don't look at the waves...just HIM. May God keep you.

Tara G. said...

Your testimony of His faithfulness and the obedience of your family and many who have joined you is so encouraging! Praying Houston is never the same!

C:M:W said...

Great Post friend. Love you and so excited to be a small part of this journey with yall for HIM!!!

Amroosie said...

My heart is super tender for your church plant. The same day you launch, our church plant launches new services in a brand new building, after planting 4 yrs. ago. Today I sat in a service that brought every changed life into clear focus, and all my heart could say is, "Thank you, Lord for allowing me to be a part of this!" Our "YES" has been put on the table. He has answered exceedingly more than we imagined. My prayer is, as your "YES" is on the table, He will use BCF to change your community and world in ways you couldn't imagine. I don't usually write such lengthy comments, but I just really wanted to encourage you today. Just know that here, in SC, we are for you!

Ashley said...

I'm so confident that BCF is going to have a huge impact. I love the point you made about God being in both the big boat, and the little boat y'all are in. It takes all of us doing the work, and each should focus on the specific call and leading of the Lord. I can't wait to hear about the impact you will have doing urban ministry! Thanks for sharing the journey.

Mary H. said...

Praying for you in the might name of Jesus!

Marc and Charity said...

So exciting! I've been listening to "God of this City" and I thought of it again as I was reading your post. We have a greater burden for our city recently- may God be lifted high in your city and ours! Blessings!

Unknown said...

manda, My daughter and son-in-law are church planters in Virginia. They have been through the same scenario you are describing..the "Great Adventure". "Saddle up your horses, you've got a trail to blaze." I have seen God work in and through them in a great and mighty way in their church-planting world. God has chosen your family--just be obedient through the lean and the plentiful. He is making His name great in your city through this new work. From a church planters mom to a church planters wife---be encouraged! God has magnificent plans for your family!

Chantel said...

We launch in 5 weeks (eek) in Austin, TX. Prayers are with you. Really. What an incredible journey and as a friend of mine has said "a combination of faith and terror". We can't wait.
These blogs sound oh so familiar. Thanks for writing and for your honesty.
I am in awe of how God has shown His hand on our launch team time and again.

Nicole said...

This is very exciting. Am praying for you all, for God's continued leading.

Amanda said...

What an exciting adventure! I'll be praying for the Lord's blessing and strength!

Allison said...

Yay Jones Family! So excited for you guys.

Dana said...

Praying Amanda!

Kelley said...

I wanted to give you a piece of advice that I was given three years ago when I, too, became part of a church plant. A dear friend who had been part of a plant who previously had met in a school but now is comfortable in a beautiful, huge building told me......"don't lose sight of Him" and all that He is doing in and among you. Church planting is hard. Our 3-year-old church is still a "church in a box" meeting in a school building but in less than one week (this coming Friday night, actually), the drawings of our soon-to-be church building will be revealed to our congregation. We call ourselves "the little church that could" as we were planted as the result of an UGLY split....once we got our feet on the ground from that, our then-Pastor resigned as he confessed to an inappropriate relationship with his secretary. We've seen trials but, more than that, we've seen God....carry us through. I wouldn't trade any of it for the comforts of what used to be. Prayers for your little church that can.

Nicole said...

Praying for a flood of peace over your mind & Curtis' in these next few weeks. Your leap of faith will be blessed & most importantly... The lost will come to know Christ. Can't wait to hear about all the LORD is going to do through BCF!

Missy said...

Awesome Amanda!!! Can't wait to see where the Lord takes you!!

Excited that it is at HCHS - half their office staff worships at our church.

Sarah Vint said...

Hi Amanda! I am actually a follower of your Mom's LPM blog and somehow stumbled upon your blog as well.

I am fortunate to also the wife of a pastor (who is finishing his Master's this year while doing full-time ministry). We sense that the Lord is leading us to plant a church in the future (next few years) and I just wanted to let you know that I am excited to follow your blog as the Lord works in and through you and your family. I am excited to watch someone else do it first, mostly because it scares me. I praise the Lord for you and will be praying for you! Your siesta, Sarah ;)

Kristen said...

so proud of you guys!

Dionna said...

Hard to believe that all started 5 months ago! Wow.

I'm so excited for you and your family, Amanda. I know that wherever God leads - it will be a place He personalizes just for you and your family. With many special and tender moments. What a gift.

lmashe81 said...

I have followed your blog for a while but never commented, but had to when I saw the date of the church ya'll are planting. It is the same date that our church is having a healing and deliverance service. I couldn't help but think it isn't a coincidence. God has it all in his plans. I will be praying for you guys on the adventure that God has ya'll on. Expecting to hear Great things to come!

Unknown said...

This gives me chills as it reminds me of our early church planting days only 3 years ago. We will be praying for you guys as we serve this awesome city just a few miles away from you guys! (LOVE the baptism pictures- we still do ours in the hotel where we gather!)

Jennifer said...

Sooooo stinking excited and especially since this is literally down the street from us. Can not wait until September 11!!!!!

k and c's mom said...

This is so very exciting! Praying for you as as God continues to build His kingdom through your body. Press on.

Fran said...

Oh Amanda...
It is absolutely beautiful to see you, your family, and team work so diligently and serve the Lord with such love and passion. I'm praying alongside so many who are cheering and believing God to do great things in the city of Houston through your new church!

Blessings from TN!

Jeni said...

Amazing! I love that you prayed for God to bring you people with all the different spiritual gifts!

Wifeof1Momof4 said...

Congratulations to you and your church families and those whom God draws to your new church! I pray God will go before you each and every step of the way and God be with you.

Those whom He gives visions, He definitely equips. What a blessing!

happymcfamily said...

This makes my heart smile :-D. I'm so excited about what God is up to. The Lord goes before you. Blessings.

Kim Smith said...

That is my very first glimpse of the HCHS chapel. I just squealed really loud. =)

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to be called to get in the little boat and see where God causes it to sail. Will be praying for you all and looking forward to rejoicing as He brings the harvest. Jill

katiegfromtennessee said...

Amanda, so great!:) Yay, the Lord is in this, and I do pray for you all:) I pray for many to come to salvation through this church!

Meghan said...

Love to hear the updates. I was thinking of you and praying for your church and Brandon Heath's Don't Get Comfortable ran through my head. It's a beautiful place where you are, but not with out it's struggles. Praying God's love to pour out on you, so it may overflow onto the people in need in Houston.

amy (metz) walker said...

How exciting! Love that you are doing what God called you to do, even if it's a bit scary and lonely at first. I know that He will bless that obedience.

Best wishes!

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Sooo exciting! God is so very faithful and what a joy to watch His church come together front row...I find it so neat that you will be opening your doors on our 1 year Anniversary celebration from when our church was planted!

Praying for you and your precious family!

Gina said...

Amanda, girl, we are expectant for you guys! You have our intercession and love as you open the doors... Gina and Cas

Peace2U said...

May God richly bless your new church!

"He leadeth me, He leadeth me, by His own hand He leadeth me. His faithful follower I would be for by His hand He leadeth me."

Anonymous said...

So exciting!

Shelli Littleton said...

This is precious to see. God bless you all so good!!!

Whit said...

I just found your blog and I am really enjoying it! This post is so inspiring, and I thought of the documentary our church made of when it was first launching.

It is online for free for a few more days, and you may have already seen it. If not, I recommend it, it's very inspiring and filled with great advice for church planters.

Praying for your church!

Shellie Paparazzo said...

Oh, wow! It's getting exciting! This is totally awesome, Amanda! I'm so happy for all of you! Cheering you on and praying for you in Idaho! Praise the Lord!